
Chapter 17: The Infirmary

Chase's POV:

"Hey Big D! Look who's here!", Leo exclaims. Mr. Davenport whips his head up, and looks quite surprised. "Chase? Bree? What're you both doing here? You didn't bring the entire team here did you? It's way too dangerous for-", Mr. Davenport starts lecturing as he quickly strides over to us. Pushing past former students as he does. "It's just us Mr. Davenport. Kaz, Oliver, and Skylar are still at the apartment.", Bree soothes. Mr. Davenport's tense stance immediately relaxes. "With how quiet things have been, we thought it would be a perfect opportunity for us to stop by and pay everyone a visit.", I explain. He slowly nods his head. "Well next time could you give us a heads up before you stop by? We're actually pretty busy here ourselves.", he informs us as he pulls out his buzzing cell phone. "But then it wouldn't have been a surprise.", Bree points out. Mr. Davenport covers the speaker of his phone with the palm of his hand. "Let's catch up later, I really have to take this call.", he says before scurrying away. I assumed Mr. Davenport would've shared the same excitement as my brothers. I wonder if he's upset with us in regards to the outcome of the attack. His brother, our Uncle/Father, is still recovering from Reese's attack last time I was informed. "Don't mind Big D. He has a meeting with the president and some Senators today, he's been pretty stressed about it.", Leo explains. "He could've just said that in the 1st place.", Bree pouts. I lightly rub her back for a moment. Just long enough for it to mean something, but not long enough for it to seem odd.

Bree's POV:

Our old students head out to continue doing whatever they were doing before we got here, leaving Chase and I alone with our brothers. "So what's new guys? How's living in Centium City?", Leo asks us. "Yeah and what's the food like?!", Adam adds. I'd love to catch up with these 2, I've missed them like crazy, but I know if I get too comfortable I'll really have a hard time spitting out what we came here to say. I know we have to wait for Mr. Davenport, but that doesn't mean we can't talk to Uncle Dougie in the meantime. Chase is about to tell them all about all the cool things in Centium City no doubt, but I jump in front of him. "We can talk about that later, it's not really that different from Mission Creek anyway and that includes the food. We were hoping we could check on Douglas real quick before anything else.", I say. Chase pokes his head out from behind me and silently nods. Leo shoots us a sympathetic look. Guessing he thinks we feel really bad about what happened, which we do, but that's not exactly why we wanna see him. "He's still pretty jacked up, but he can finally see again!", Adam tells us. Leo elbows Adam's side with his bionic arm, making him slightly wince. "Hey! What was that for?", Adam asks while rubbing his side. "For being an idiot.", Leo leans over to whisper through gritted teeth. He does remember that Chase has super hearing right? Also if EVEN I can hear it he's clearly not doing a very good job at whispering. Leo whips around and smiles at us. "He's just being overdramatic, you know Adam.", Leo dismisses. Well at least Leo's trying to be sensitive about what happened.

Chase's POV:

I appreciate Leo trying to spare our, well mostly my, feelings when it comes to Douglas's condition. Considering that we're, mainly me, are the reason he's in such a condition in the first place. "I wasn't being over-whatever you just said, Douglas was just-", Adam starts to defend before Leo moves to elbow his side once again. Adam steps out of the way, and you can tell he's clearly agitated. He grabs Leo and proceeds to sling him over his shoulders. "Hey! Put me down, I'm not a training dummy you can just toss around.", Leo demands as he flails about. It's quite an amusing site actually. It looks like Adam found someone else to toss around, though I don't think he actually 'tosses' Leo around. His normal non-bionic parts couldn't handle that. "You're right about not being a training dummy, they don't scream when I do this.", Adam replies before starting to carry Leo away. "He's in the infirmary!", Leo calls out to us right before they disappear around the corner. It's obvious he was referring to Uncle Douglas and his current location. I glance over at Bree, confirming that she's really for this. "Well what're we waiting for? Let's go to the infirmary.", she says with a smile. I sling my arm around her shoulders as we head in that direction. The walk there is short and filled with silence. I realize walking with my arm across her shoulder could easily be seen as odd behavior from us. No one spared us a second glance. They must assume we've grown closed since being transferred to a new city and team. We did of course grow very close, closer than they could possibly imagine.

Bree's POV:

I'm surprised no one looked at us funny considering that Chase had his arm around me the entire walk. Maybe they chalked it up to us getting along better. I'm definitely not complaining, if anything I wish things could always be like this. Us being us and no one caring, that'd be an ideal world. Chase lets his arm drop as soon as we reach the doorway of the infirmary, my shoulders already feel cold. We immediately spot Douglas on the left side of the room. He's laying on one of the beds while flipping through a magazine. We slowly walk over to him. He thankfully doesn't look like he's in bad shape, I don't think Chase could handle it if Uncle Dougie looked like he was on his deathbed. After all, no matter what he says I can tell deep down he still completely blames himself. "Hey Uncle Dougie.", I quietly greet. His head snaps up and a huge grin breaks out on his face. "Bree, Chase! What're you 2 doing here?", he asks as he moves to get up. Chase holds his hands up. "Oh no that's okay, please don't get up for us. We wouldn't want you to strain yourself.", Chase pleads. "Do I really look that old and helpless to you?", Douglas deadpans before standing up anyway. I suppress a snort. "No of course not, it's just what with the accident-", Chase starts explaining before Douglas cuts him off. Wow I don't think I've ever seen Chase this nervous around Uncle Dougie before, even back when he was our enemy Chase's confidence never wavered. "The mishap was practically ages ago, I've had weeks to recover in a state of the art high tech bionic infirmary. I'm more than capable of doing mundane things.", Uncle Dougie dismisses.

Chase's POV:

How can Douglas be so unfazed about recent events? How could he speak to me as if his decline wasn't my doing? I suppose my facial expression gave me away, because Douglas lets out a sigh before sitting on the edge of his bed. Patting an open spot next to him. I comply and sit, Bree sits on the other side of him. "Would I be correct in assuming that you feel responsible for what happened?", Uncle Douglas questions. 'Feel' implies that it's my opinion, as if it wasn't a fact that I am indeed entirely responsible. "Well considering that Reese would have never attacked you or stolen the list if I hadn't had brought her back to the apartment, yes.", I respond. "Well you're right about that.", Douglas admits. I look away, I knew he was intelligent enough to see that. Bree smacks his arm, shooting him a bad look. "Hey! I wasn't finished yet.", Douglas defends as he rubs his arm. Oh joy, there's more. "Yeah you might've played a hand in causing, that, but so what? It could've happened to any one of us, you've seen how boy crazy Bree is haven't you?", he points out. I lightly laugh at his end remark while Bree looks offended. "Hey, I'm not THAT boy crazy.", she pouts before crossing her arms. Douglas gives her a pointed look before turning his attention back to me. "The point is, it's not something you could've controlled. That mad man would've found a way to weasel one of his kids into the apartment one way or another. Had you known Reese's true intentions, you would've done everything in your power to stop her.", Douglas explains.

Bree's POV:

I can't believe Uncle Dougie called me out for being formerly boy crazy! "I'm the smartest man alive! I should've KNOWN better!", Chase whines. I really hope he can somehow convince Chase to stop beating himself up about this. Uncle Dougie slings an arm around Chase's shoulders. "You're the most responsible young man I've ever met, you've always done what's right. At the time you were doing what you thought was right, while being a guy at the same time. You found a young lady you were interested in, that seemed interested in you too, so you brought her back to the apartment. There's nothing wrong with that. I know the outcome wasn't what any of us expected, but not a single person here blames you for it, well maybe except you. If I sat here and blamed myself for every bad thing I've ever done or caused, whether that be indirectly or directly, I wouldn't have the energy to do much else. All of that's in the past now, there's nothing you can do to change it. The best and smartest thing for you to do, would be to move past this. Put that energy to better use huh?", Douglas rambles. Gotta say, Uncle Dougie isn't too bad at making speeches. He made a few good points, and if anyone was gonna convince Chase that he's not guilty of anything that'd be the guy who was on the receiving end of the damage. Chase slowly nods his head, and I can't tell if he's just processing everything Uncle Dougie said or if he's really not having it. Uncle Dougie lightly claps Chase on the back.

Chase's POV:

"That's my boy! If anything, put all that energy into taking those maniacs down.", Douglas advises me. I suppose hearing that no one, not even Douglas, places any blame on me for what happened should lift this feeling of guilt from my person. Yet I feel just as weighed down as ever. I had vowed that I wouldn't dwell on this, as to not drag myself or anyone else down. I'm clearly not trying hard enough to uphold that vow. "I did, and I created an immobilization gun and serum.", I admit. Douglas immediately perks up at that. "You did? Have you tested it yet?", he beams at me. I should've figured that inventions, leaned towards the weaponized aspect of things would excite him. He is an inventor as well after all. "Yeah, on me.", Bree huffs as she rolls her eyes. We both turn our direction towards Bree. She keeps a playful smile on her lips even though her arms are crossed, I can tell she's not really that bothered by it. "And there haven't been any side effects?", Douglas questions as he grabs Bree's face and starts examining it. "Nothing that we've noticed.", Bree responds as she pulls back. "It's stronger than I originally anticipated.", I admit. That REALLY catches Douglas's attention. He grins widely at me. "What are its effects? Have you brought it with you by any chance?", Douglas practically giggles. I would've brought it with us had I known it would raise his spirits this much. "Immediate immobilization, loss of consciousness, weakened pulse, without the antidote it could potentially be fatal.", I list off.

Bree's POV:

Nice to know that I almost died. Uncle Dougie, wipes some tears from his eyes? "You my son are my greatest accomplishment.", he praises. Chase looks like he's about to cry as well after Uncle Dougie says that. I'm glad Chase is getting recognition, and God knows he needs it now from Douglas more than anyone else. Did he really have to say it like that tho while I'm sitting right here. I clear my throat. They glance over at me, I quirk my brow. Uncle Dougie wraps an arm around me, drawing me closer. "Of course I mean you both are.", he soothes. I sharply nod my head. "Yeah that's more like it.", I reply. Chase smiles at me as Uncle Dougie lightly chuckles. "You get your sass from me you know.", Uncle Dougie comments. What a perfect segway. I glance over at Chase, he nods. Okay, it's time. "Actually Uncle Dougie, that's related to something we wanted to ask you about.", I start. "You mean you had other motives for coming here besides to check on me and my well being?", he dramatically gasps. I giggle at his antics. "Getting straight to the point, are we adopted?", Chase deadpans. The amusement from Uncle Dougie's face vanishes. "Why do you ask?", he questions. Ugh, don't avoid the question. "Because we have the right to know where we came from.", I answer. Uncle Dougie hesitates before letting his arms drop from us. "Please be truthful with us, I think we've maxed out on how many secrets this family can keep from each other.", Chase adds. Ooo, that's a good one.

Chase's POV:

Douglas sighs deeply as he lets his shoulders sag. A pretty good indication that he's not looking forward to the news he's about to deliver. "Under better circumstances I would've gathered the whole family together to talk about this, but I guess we can tell them later. Not even Donny knows this but no, the three of you aren't biologically related to each other. I, may or may not have, stolen the three of you from three separate foster care facilities.", Douglas confesses. We all remain silent for a moment, not knowing what to say yet. This is what we had hoped for, but the thought of the others possibly thinking that this makes us any less of a family would be a hard pill to swallow. "That doesn't have to change anything. You're still our Uncle/Father, Mr. Davenport's still our Father/Uncle, and Adam and Leo our still our brothers.", Bree tells him. I nod my head in agreement. Douglas smiles at us before pulling us into a group hug. We stay like that for a few minutes until he lets us go. "Well, in light of that, there is one small thing we'd like to change.", I hesitantly bring up. I hate that my nerves are starting to get to me now, I can't let my confidence waver. If we don't seem sure of ourselves he'll surely chalk it up to us being confused and sexually frustrated. I move to stand, Bree follows suit. We stand before Douglas, and he looks apprehensive. I reach for Bree's hand, she interlocks her fingers with mine. Douglas quirks his brow. "Bree and I are in love.", I boldly state. Douglas raises his eyebrows. I nervously swallow, and hope it wasn't noticeable.

Bree's POV:

Welp, at least he doesn't look disgusted or pissed. Though we're not related, he confirmed that, so I don't really see how he could be disgusted. Well I mean we were raised as siblings and clearly fell in love as siblings, so I guess I could see how that could be.. I need to stop this train of thought, it isn't helping anything. "It makes sense why you'd ask if you're related now. Are you both really sure about that? Have you really thought about this? Like this isn't just confusion from not being around other people regularly?", Uncle Dougie calmly asks. Wow, did not think he'd be THIS calm about it. Figured he'd jump up and shout and bring that classic Davenport drama to this. "We have, and we're not confused about anything. We tried being interested in other people and ignoring how we feel, but it didn't work.", I confidently say. I'm completely sure of how I feel, and no one can persuade me otherwise. "This connection Bree and I have can't be mistaken for a deep friendship or sibling bond, and of course the physical attraction is there.", Chase tacks on. I try not to blush at the mention of 'physical attraction', but the phrase just takes my mind to certain things. Uncle Dougie holds his hand up and slightly winces. "Okay okay, that's enough of that. I don't even wanna think about anything with the word 'physical' involved when comes to talking about something like this.", Uncle Dougie pleads. Okay fair enough. "We can respect that.", Chase immediately replies. Uncle Dougie nods before slowly standing back up. I try not to look too terrified, but I'm fucking DYING on the inside.

Chase's POV:

I brace myself for the onslaught of emotional outbursts that would, no doubt escape from Douglas at any moment now after the huge bomb of news we dropped. "If you're both serious about this, then as your Uncle/Father, I support you both and your decision.", Douglas says with a slight smile. Bree lets out a relieved laugh as I smile widely. She almost tackles Douglas to the ground as she just about jumps into his arms. He laughs as he hugs her back. He looks over at me and motions for me the join the hug. I gladly comply and laugh along with them. I really can't believe our luck with how supportive everyone's been, and in light of the news of us not being related we could actually legally be together. We wouldn't get in any trouble with the law, people would have no right to harshly judge us since we're not as taboo as I thought we were. We break from our group hug. "So, I guess there's two things that need to be put out in the open in front of the rest of the family later then.", Douglas comments. He's completely right about that. "Oh but Tasha and Naomi aren't here!", Bree exclaims. Oh drats, I forgot about our Mother/Aunt and our little sister. "You think they could swing by on such short notice?", I question. Douglas seems to ponder this for a moment. "Probably yeah, I mean it's not like Tasha does much anyway.", Douglas jokes. Bree looks amused as I let out a snort. "Careful, you almost sounded like Eddy there for a second.", Bree comments. Douglas lets out a light-hearted chuckle. Her amusing observation is quite correct actually, except Eddy would've taken the comment a step further as he always does.

Bree's POV:

"Guess that's what I get for hanging around him so much lately. On a more serious note, if Tasha and the baby can't make it, then we'll all just have to take a trip to Mission Creek.", Uncle Dougie replies. Chase and I haven't been back to our old house since we left of Centium City, and we didn't even get to visit while we were stuck here teaching.. "OH MY GOSH CAN WE GO TO MISSION CREEK? PRETTY PRETTY PRETTY PLEAASEEE?", I plead while slightly jumping. Our greatest memories are all there, even our 'original' lab. Original with air quotes cause the real original one was blown up, but same place in the basement so close enough. "Yeah it'd be great to go back to our roots, and it would be fitting for news like this.", Chase adds while softly smiling. Based on that look I take it he's remembering all the fun times we had there too. Uncle Dougie shrugs his shoulders. "I don't see why not, as long as everyone else is on board with it.", he says. "YES!", I shout as I pump my fist in the air. Chase puts his hand on my shoulder to stop me from bouncing. "Before we celebrate we should wait for them to agree to such a trip. We'd have to convince Mr. Davenport to leave the island completely unsupervised.", Chase points out. Wow, way to kill the mood dude. "Yes but he wouldn't be leaving the island in the hands of a bunch of students, the kids here are just as responsible as we were their age.", I reply. "If not more so.", Douglas quips. I giggle. "I'll have you know I've always been extremely responsible, even from a young age.", Chase defends while crossing his arms.

Chase's POV:

"You were always a buzz kill more than anything.", Bree jests. I roll my eyes as she pries my arms apart. She gives me a quick hug, which I do return. "All right, come on. Let's go round up the boys while we wait for Donny.", Douglas suggests. Probably so he doesn't have to watch us hug anymore. Even if he does support us, this would no doubt be an awkward sight for him to take in. Bree and I pull apart before trailing after Douglas. "We saw them heading towards the training room right before we left to find you.", I inform Douglas. He nods to show he heard me as we enter the main area once again. "They're usually in there rough housing, and when they're not there, they're in the 'teachers'' living area playing video games while eating some sort of take out.", Douglas tells us. "Is there not as much to do since everyone graduated?", Bree asks him. One would assume yes. Nothing too major happens in Mission Creek anymore, and even if there was an elevated situation, there's more than enough graduates here to handle things. "Nope, those two hardly have the chance to go on missions, and when they do they're supervising. Donny wants the new comers to get in as much real world mission experience as possible.", Douglas tells us as we reach the training room. If what he says is the case, then Adam and Leo aren't really needed here. I mean Adam, Bree, Leo, and I didn't have someone leading us around by the hand every time we went on missions. Obviously Mr. Davenport or Leo would tell us what we were looking for and such through an ear piece, but after a while it wasn't needed. I'll bet the next generation of bionic superheroes don't need Adam and Leo as much as Mr. Davenport thinks they do.

Bree's POV:

We walk in to see Adam and Leo seeing who can hit the training dummy the hardest. I can't believe this is all they really do anymore. Back when the students were still students, at least they had teaching and missions. I don't know what Chase and I would do if we had to sit back and watch all these fresh faces take our place. Our brothers deserve better than this. They stop punching the dummy when they see us. "Oh hey guys, I see you found Douglas.", Leo greets as he walks over to us. "Hey Douglas where's your wheelchair?", Adams asks him. I quirk my brow. Since when does Douglas use a wheelchair. "I can't tell if you're trying to call me old, or crippled.", Uncle Dougie replies. I glance over at Chase, and thankfully he doesn't look uncomfortable with Adam's dumb question. "He only had the wheelchair for 1 day, Adam.", Leo says with a 'seriously shut up' kinda look on his face. I have to suppress a giggle. I missed these 2 dummies. Sometimes when Fire and Ice are doing some dumb shit, they remind me of my brothers. It always makes me sad for a hot second before I have to shrug it off. I always told myself it was fine they were on a different mission from us, they had a different purpose for the moment. After a while that sadness went away. Now that I know their purpose is to sit on the sidelines, that sad feeling is starting to come back. "That's WHY I'm asking where it went. Did you lose it? I totally get it if you did, I lose things all the time.", Adam says to Uncle Dougie with a sympathetic look on his face.

Chase's POV:

Bree bursts into a fit of giggles, and I can't help but join her. Oh how I've missed my brothers dearly. It was never a dull moment with them around. Leo face palms while lightly shaking his head. "NO I DIDN'T LOSE IT, I don't need it anymore.", Douglas chirps. I wonder if he's offended by the thought of seeming so frail. I know Mr. Davenport would be, but I don't think Douglas is as conceded. "Then can I have it?", Adam immediately follows up. I let out a snort. Of course that's why he was asking, he wanted it for one of his dangerous stunts I'm assuming. "What do you even need a wheelchair for?", Douglas asks. "Are you really sure you wanna know the answer to that?", Leo fires back. Uncle Douglas takes a moment before shaking his head. "Fine I guess-", Douglas starts before Bree puts a hand on his shoulder. "You can have it after we all have a family meeting.", she butts in. Douglas looks at her approvingly before nodding his head. Must be proud that she's using his wheelchair as a bargaining chip. "Awww mannn, but family meetings are so borrriinngg.", Adam whines. Leo pats him on the back. "That would explain why you're never listening during any of them unless it's really serious.", I comment. "Well I mean yeah, what's the point of listening when I don't have to?", Adam says with a snort. I crack a smile in his direction. "Well THIS family meeting is serious.", Bree tells him. I know this isn't the time to be noticing this, but Bree's attractiveness immediately rises whenever she takes charge of something and dons that serious and firm tone of voice.

Bree's POV:

"We'll be there. When's the meeting?", Leo asks as he slaps a hand over Adam's mouth. We all can't help but laugh together when Leo has the most disgusted look on his face after Adam licks his hand. He jumps back and wipes his hand on back of Adam's shirt. "Tonight, back at Mission Creek.", Chase answers since he's the 1st one to stop laughing. "You're telling me I have to wait THAT LONG to get my new wheelchair?", Adam groans. "I don't think a few hours will kill you.", Leo points out. "And why do we have to go all the way back to Mission Creek to do it?", Adam asks. "Bree and I haven't been back to our old home since we left. We figured it'd be a great chance to see it again, while delivering news that seems to relate to where everything all began.", Chase explains. Leo looks like he understands, while Adam just looks like his brain is trying to catch up. "Okay I didn't get, all of what you said, but going back could be fun. I haven't smashed stuff there in a while.", Adams says. I playfully roll my eyes. "And what's this news you're all talking about?", Leo curiously asks. Oh great, Leo's probably the nosiest person I've ever met. He's not gonna stop bugging us till we tell him. "You'll just have to wait and find out.", I say. Chase looks over at me with this 'you really shouldn't have done that' look. Well it's not like I could just tell him, well I mean I could but that would defeat the purpose of the family meeting. If him and Adam know then they don't really have a reason to go to the meeting anymore, and we're gonna as much moral support as possible. Assuming that we'll have their support..

Chase's POV:

"Oh come on, please?", Leo begs. "Not gonna happen.", I respond before dragging Bree out of the room. Douglas and Leo immediately follow. "At least just a hint?", Leo pleads before giving us his puppy dog eyes. "What happened to 'I don't think a few hours will kill you'?", Bree asks him. "Yeah well I was talking about Adam. Can you at least tell me if it's good or bad news?", Leo continues. "That's depends on how you look at it.", I answer honestly. I see Leo's eyes slightly widen, and I know I shouldn't have said that. "Well now you've gone and done it. Good luck with that.", Douglas dismisses as he heads towards the cafeteria. "PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE TELL ME WHAT IT IS!", Leo whines as he drops to his knees in front of us. "You're really gonna leave us alone with him like this?", Bree calls over to Douglas's retreating form. "Pretty much, yeah!", Douglas calls back right before he disappears. I suppose I can't blame him for not wanting to be involved in such drama until he's forced to tonight. This is our news really, but this long kept secret is his. Well now ours since we know. "Should we tell him?", I ask Bree. "Yes yes YES, you should absolutely tell Leo.", Leo answers for her. "He wasn't asking you.", Bree says while giving him a pointed look. He shrugs his shoulders while saying, "Hey it never hurts to try.". Bree ponders my question for a moment, clearly at war with herself. "It would help if we had 1 more person one our side.", she admits. There's of course plenty of logic behind her statement. Adam can't be trusted he'd just blab to everyone or act really weird around the family, which would immediately tip everyone off that something's up. Leo would be the best choice.

Bree's POV:

"I'd be more than happy to be on your side for whatever you're talking about.", Leo adds. "Think you can keep a few secrets for a few hours?", Chase asks him. He hops up and nods his head. "Yes of course I won't tell a single soul I promise.", Leo excitedly says. Leo loves being in on secrets, pranks, basically anything that someone else doesn't know about. Even though Leo can be just as much of a blabber mouth as Adam, I know we can trust him to keep secrets when they really count. "Okay then, let's go somewhere more private.", I suggest. Chase nods. "Good idea, we wouldn't want anyone to walk by and hear something they shouldn't have.", Leo replies as he starts dragging us into our former living quarters. He plops down on the couch as Chase and I stand in front of him. I take a deep breath before looking over at Chase. "Do you wanna start or should I?", I ask him. "It doesn't matter to me either way, we're starting with the Douglas thing right?", Chase counters. "Douglas thing, what Douglas thing?", Leo asks in the background. We temporarily ignore him while we sorting this out. "I mean that would be the thing to start out with don't you think?", I point out. "Starting in general would be great right about now.", Leo chimes in while he raises his hand. "So do you want to break to him the Douglas thing or the other thing?", Chase asks me. "Well which one do you wanna say?", I ask back. "HOW ABOUT, you both tell me together so I don't have to sit through who's telling Leo what for the next 10 minutes?", Leo suggests. We both look over at him, he has this expectant look on his face. "He does have a point.", Chase agrees. "THANK YOU, now can we please get on with it?!", Leo groans out. Well someone's impatient. Guess it would be better for us to hurry up and get this over with though.

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