
Monsternomicon: The Library of Monsters

An encyclopedia detailing multiple kinds of mythical creatures and the like.

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[Presence]: 44

The oscuras can be defined as one of the kinds of entities that it is known the least due to their very unique physiology. An oscuras is characterized as a being of unknown form, presumably circular with 1 meter of diameter, who is incapable of being detected by vision, smell, touch, and any other sensory ability. The reason for this is that they simply don't exist.

The oscuras are usually unpredictable, with the only clue to their existence being the damage that they cause on their path as they walk or fly (it is unknown if they are even humanoid). When anyone or anything tries to observe it, even accidentally, the oscuras will passively enter a state of complete nonexistence in which it cannot be seen, heard, or detected, and will only return to its presumable physical and existent form when not observed by any entity even if those are in another plane of existence. They cannot be seen through magic or oracles, with even future sight being unable to display them.

This is why there is almost no info on what they look like. However, some witnesses from the past affirm that they could look at their form through reflections of mirrors and glasses alike, but still were incapable of properly understanding, defining, or describing their existent form for whatever reason. In addition, said witnesses went into a state of complete madness afterward with no signs of recovery yet to this day.

The true danger lies especially in its nonexistent state. When turned into a void, they can still seemingly move or travel at the speed of 10 m/s and erase whoever is touched by them. Creatures who may consider themselves immortal or invulnerable do not come back after being swallowed by it. Humans and monsters already tried using every kind of magic to disperse or destroy them away but with no success. It seems that even magic, spirits and the abstract are swallowed and erased all the same.

Even the air around is sucked into it and light seems to not reflect on them (this however does not apply to their existent form). When staying in the proximity of 2 meters away from a nonexistent oscuras, everything around it starts to suffer a strong gravitational pull that sucks them into the void. Those creatures may as well be miniature black holes and aspects of what some call true oblivion.

The oscuras act seemingly at random. Their actions have yet to demonstrate any perceivable purpose, goal, or rationality, with the only pattern detected being the fact that they spontaneously appear mostly at night and in crowded areas.


<<Void Physiology>>: When observed, an oscuras will passively enter a state of nonexistence, becoming an undetectable void that swallows and erases anything it touches. It will return to a presumably physical and existent state when unobserved.

<<Gravitational Field>>: When in its nonexistent state, the oscuras emanate a strong gravitational field on a 2 meter-radius, pulling everything on the surroundings into itself regardless of weight or density.

<<Negation>>: Even immortals and beings who are invulnerable are completely erased by the void, disregarding most kinds of intangible physiologies. Most kinds of magic are simply erased when in contact with itself, overall rendering physical, spiritual, and magical attacks useless.

<<Madness Inducement>>: Those who try to circumvent its nonexistence and perceive its actual form will enter a state of complete and permanent madness.

<<Indescribable Existence>>: Even those who could hypothetically look at their existent form are incapable of understanding or describing it in any way whatsoever.

----Modus Operandi----

The oscuras seems to not have any kind of noticeable intelligence and act mostly at random. They usually appear at night out of nowhere and in crowded places, including other planes of existence, implying that their presence extends beyond the Weave.