
Monarch of Darkness, Arsene

My end was not majestic, my beginning was not beautiful, but I will make damn sure that I rise once more. No more shall I bend a knee, no more shall I hide, no more shall I cower. No more shall the light guild my path, for only Darkness remains. *** Killed by the universe's greatest killer, Truck-Kun. My existence was twisted as I gazed up at King-Yama, staring down at me with revulsion, "You sick bastard, you ate people." He bellowed, glaring at me with disgust. Snorting, I gathered my courage raising my head high and proud, my voice carrying a hint of pride, "So what, have you ever tried it...Let me ask you, have you ever had sex." A bewildered expression hung on his rugged appearance as he absentmindedly nodded. A slight smirk crossed my face as I declared, "then have you ate ass," "WHAT!!!" He balled in panic, shivering like a guilty man on trial. "HAHA, you call me disgusting, but it appears you were sucking ass, now that is truly disgusting. I don't judge, but if you ask me, I will stick to cannibalism." "THAT NOT A FAIR COMPARISON, YOU LITTLE SHIT," *** I don't own the cover.

Lord_Damocles · Fantasie
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1318 Chs

Character Chart





































Arsene Snow - Shadowfell

-Qi/Body Cultivation (Fused)

-World King


-Immune Completely- Darkness, Fire, and Soul Attacks

-Minor Resistance - All

-Battle prowess

-Peak Demi-God


-Fire, Earth, Wind, Blood/Water, Illusions, lightning, light, and darkness.

-Mortal Dao

-To abstract to put into words, but it's a mixture of the Seven Sins, Dao of Kings, Dao of War, Devil Hearts, and Darkness. Allows Arsene to gain power from those he governs. He can also peer into the hearts of anyone and much more. All Mortal Daos are broken in some way; it all depends on how one uses it.


-Demon, Devil, High Elf (Fused)

-Over Two Hundred other Bloodlines (Exact Number has not been stated yet.)





Flames of Hellfire

Elemental Manipulation

Demonic Contracts

-Darkness - Tier Seven

-Fire/Lightning - Tier Five

-Everything else Tier four

Formations - Sixth Tier

Arcane Circles - Sixth Tier

Arcane Series - Various Techniques created by Arsene by fusing various concepts of Dao's together.

Shadow Heart - Ability to peer into the past of someone's heart, allowing the user to see and experience what they feel to a certain degree.

Shadow Step - A darkness Arte that enables the user to move in a ten-meter radius instantly. It is not considered teleportation or any form of Spriral Manipulation.

Noctem of Destruction- Given to Arsene by Baphomet, this technique burns its user's life force and Qi of heaven and earth, turning into something unknown. It appears like a cloak of darkness coiling like serpents upon the skin.

Blood Reign - Fuses the Dao of Spears, Rain, Blood, and Darkness, creating a domain of rainfall.

Crimson Winds - An Arte that multiplies 'any' type of force used. At its weakest, it's a factor of 10, while at its peak a 100x.

War of Kings - A powerful passive arte that absorbs the negative emotions of the battlefield; the longer one battle, the stronger one becomes without limit. However, it corrupts the user's spirits; Crimson Winds is used to combat the deterioration of the mind.

Ritual of Damnation- A book given to Arsene by Baphomet. It explains how he battles as a soul bender while also containing various rituals of damnations.






There are more skills and powers, but this should be enough. For now, at least.






Lilith Snow - Abyssal

-Qi Cultivation

- World God

-Body Cultivation

- Gate of Life

-Battle prowess

- High Demi-God


- All

-Mortal Dao

- Wisdom


- Abyssal


- Soulbender

Powers/Artes - N/A for many things

-Elemental Manipulation

- Space and Time -Tier Eight

- Everything else - Tier Four

Alchemist- Tier One - Cannot remember anything

- Formations - 7th

- Arcane Circles - 7th

Abyssal Force - ???