
Monarch's Rebirth

“Where am I…?” Sung Hei, an above-average university student, is awoken in a world that is unbeknownst to him. He was reincarnated in the body of Artorius Dorman, the trash king of the Faunus kingdom. Artorius is a young king who inherited the crown after his father’s death. He was seen as a prodigy and a favourite in the kingdom at a young age. But, after his father’s death, he grieved deeply and fell into an endless abyss of despair where he turned to alcohol instead of his royal duties. Sung Hei realises the situation and does what he does best, taking advantage of an absurd situation for his benefit. With the status of king and a body of a prodigy, paired with the knowledge of a genius engineer, Sung Hei makes the medieval ages go through an industrial revolution The novel follows Sung Hei, now Artorius Dorman, on an adventurous journey to explore his newly found world and change it for his benefit, achieving his dream of living a lazy and relaxed life.

DivineDoku · Fantasie
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110 Chs

Chapter 54


I looked around my surroundings as I stepped out of the carriage, taking in the natural air and forested environment.

The sounds of countless birds chirping came from all directions. Though it would soon become annoying if it didn't stop.

I turned around to help Kathlyn step down from the carriage. She slept through most of the ride while I read through the multiple books that I brought.

"Oh, easy," I said as I held onto her hand while she stepped down. "Careful now."

Her dress proved to be a nuisance as it was quite long at the bottom. Getting on and off from carriages was a huge hassle.

"T-thank you," She replied. "I'm not used to such long dresses."

I turned to my right to see Felix and Vincent coming down from the carriage with a bottle of wine. My throat felt parched and the bottle of wine looked desirable.

"Perhaps you can go inside, I see a few servants approaching," I told Kathlyn as I turned to her. "I think Alexander has arrived as well. You might run into him."

"Sure!" She replied happily. "But can I talk to you later? Something's on my mind and I feel like you should know."

It made me feel nervous about what she would say. She seemed fine up until now. Did I make a mistake?

"Sure, we can talk after lunch," I told her before shifting my head towards Felix and Vincent.

Before that, I looked at the servants that came walking out of the estate and they were coming closer. They could guide Kathlyn around the estate in the meantime so I started to walk away.

Kathlyn seemed like she wanted to say something else but she kept quiet. Amelia walked alongside me as we made our way to Felix's carriage.

I waved my hand to greet the two. They both turned to me and a smile broke out from both of them.

"Hand me the bottle if you have anything left inside it," I told Felix.

He shakes the bottle and the alcohol inside makes splashing noises. I grab it out of his hands and chug down whatever was left inside the bottle.

"Seems like someone was thirsty," Felix said as I finished his bottle of wine.

"You left me with nothing but books and my sword," I told him, handing him the empty bottle. "All I could do was read books."

Felix laughs softly and shakes his head. "It's better to leave an alcoholic like you with nothing," He mocked. "Anyways, it's been a while since we came to this estate. I doubt you remember the layout."


"I'll show you around really quickly. Follow me," He said before handing the bottle to Vincent and walking past me.

Amelia jumped onto my left shoulder and sat firmly while I walked behind Felix. Felix seemed a bit tipsy from the wine but he was mature enough to know his limits.

"Vincent, look over the carriages' parking. We briefed you on the layout of the estate," Felix tells him in a hoarse voice, without facing him either.

I was quite tired from travelling, though all I did was sit and read books. All I wanted to do was lay in my room and rest.

But the other part of me wanted to explore this estate. It seemed like the perfect place to live. An estate in the dead centre of a forest, providing safety. The front was well maintained and was vast, perfect for playing in.

As we grew closer to the entrance I remembered that Alexander already made it. I felt like finding him and talking to him about the party, but it will be difficult if I don't know where he is.

"Where's Alexander," I asked. "I want to talk to him."

"He's inside his room, I think," Felix answered. "I don't know where else he would be."

We walked through the massive entrance door and entered the estate. I looked around the foyer and saw the beautiful architecture of the place and was baffled beyond words.

Though it was similar to the palace, it was much smaller and the colour scheme was different. It was more of an estate that barons or counts would live in. Alexander must feel at home.

Felix walked up the stairs that were made right in front of the door. It curved around to the left and right.

"Let me show you to your room," Felix said as he turned to me.

I followed behind with joy and excitement. I was curious about the master bedroom as I saw the balcony from outside. It was a massive balcony on the third floor that overlooked the entire front of the estate.

Lights of the same design illuminated the long and well-sized hallways throughout the estate. I had learnt that the lights that use mana work are called mana lights. They seemed quite useful as they don't use any other natural resources.

As we walked down the hallways I saw a man in the distance who was walking towards us. His skin was extremely pale and his ears were pointed. That familiar chocolate brown hair was much messier than I remember.

"Artorius!" Alexander exclaimed. "You're finally here!"

His expression went from stoic to a euphoric smile. He rushed towards me and embraced me in a warm hug.

"It's been a while, Alexander," I told him while holding onto him.

Amelia on the other hand quickly jumped down from my shoulder and stood beside me. Alexander noticed her and knelt to pet her.

"Ah, Amelia!" He exclaimed as he petted her head which was barely the size of his hand.

Felix saw our reunion and just smiled while crossing his arms. "Quite the friendship you two have grown," He said with a smirk.

"How is the estate?" I asked Alexander.

Alexander stood up and continued to walk alongside me and Felix to my room. "It's really beautiful and well-designed! It's not as big as your palace but it's significantly bigger than our estate."

"Don't compare yourself with me!" I laughed out loud.

"How can I not! We are both young nobles," He said with a forced smile.

"There's a difference between a count and a king," I explained to him. "One looks over a kingdom and the other looks over small parts of the kingdom."

"But both are important," He rebutted.

"True, not denying that."

It didn't take long for us to make it to the other flight of stairs. Felix eerily stayed quiet while Alexander and I talked about our projects. He gave more analysis on the train and also talked about how hard he's trying to fix the infrastructure.

"Here's your room," Felix finally spoke out as he stopped in front of a door.

He opened the door and revealed the master bedroom, my room.

"Oh wow!" Alexander exclaimed. "This room is stunning!"

I slowly walked inside the room and looked around. It was spacious and had everything. A bed, a small table with fresh fruits, a closet that took up most of the wall and most importantly, the balcony.

"A bed…" I murmured.

Amelia and I had the same idea, jump into our soft bed and roll around it. As soon as we saw the bed we both bolted past Felix and leapt into the bed.

"Ah~ Finally!" I barked out. "A bed!"

"Lunch is being prepared as we speak," Felix notified. "Be down in ten minutes."

I was too busy rubbing my face against the pillows to answer Felix. Alexander was laughing seeing me so happy about the bed.

In my joy of seeing a bed, I forgot to take off my shoes. I quickly sat down at the edge of the bed, hunched over and tired.

"Seems like you are tired," Alexander said after composing himself.

"I am," I replied. "Anyways, if you see a well-dressed lady walking around, just expect it to be Kathlyn."

"Oh~ right," He said awkwardly. "I forgot Lady Kathlyn was also coming."

"Yes now shoo," I told him as I stood upright. "I need to relax."

"As you say, my lord," Alexander said sarcastically, also bowing and moving away in the same sarcasm.

I closed the door after he left and rushed to the bathroom. It had a similar-sized bath and quite the amenities already with it.

"Bath?" Amelia asked in telepathy

"No, just washing my face," I replied the same way.

I turned on the tap and water flowed out. I quickly cup some water into my hand and splashed the cool water on my face.

Amelia jumped onto the basin and ran her head through the water, yelping in a high-pitched tone.

"Cold!" She exclaimed. "Really cold and refreshing!"


The hallways of the castle are decorated beautifully. All of it was made in a day and finished by the time the sun started to set.

"Hey, Zenith!" One of the guards called out. "His majesty called you to his office."

I nodded my head and walked away from the guard that stopped me. "Thank you for notifying me."

Why would he want to speak to me? Is something wrong?

My muscles were aching as I tried to walk to the office. I overdid my training and now I need to recover.

I was already on the same floor as the office and it only took a few minutes before I made it to the door. I take a deep breath to relax before knocking on the door.

"Come in, Zenith," An old, deep voice rang through the door.

Did he know?

I opened the door and entered the room. "You called me, your majesty?" I said as I bow down.

"Yes, I did. Come inside and close the door. I need to have a word with you." He said with a serious expression.

"What may it be?" I asked him as I closed the door. "Is something wrong?"

"Nothing is wrong, I just need to talk to you."

I swallowed the big lump that formed in my throat. There was an easily palpable tension. It felt like death embraced this room.

"Remember when you were twelve and you just passed your training? What did you swear to do that day?"

It took me on a nostalgia trip, a traumatic nostalgia trip. The day when I passed training to become a royal guard.

"I swore to protect his majesty at all costs. Even if it meant giving my life," I replied to him.

He sighs and nods. "His majesty, remember that,"

"What would you have me do then?" I asked him, curiously driven by the meaning of this conversation.

"From tomorrow onwards, serve whoever beats you in battle," He said as he stood up from his chair.

"I-in battle?" I stuttered.

"Whoever is stronger than you, be it a peasant or another emperor. You will serve him and him only."

"But what about my oath to the royal family?"

"Forget it. I've given you everything," He said in a melancholic tone. 'It's time for you to pick your path. I'll help you by telling you this."

"How is this picking my path if I serve another?"

"It's just something you should consider," He said with a smile this time. "If you cannot pick any path, you can always serve the person who has more power."

"I don't get it. You're speaking in a very cryptic language, my lord."

"Am I now?" He raised an eyebrow. "Let me speak to you in simple terms then."

He began walking closer to me. His hands were behind his back and it made me skeptical. With every step he took, my heart beat faster. All I could do was stand my ground and compose myself.

"Retire from your duties," He said slowly and softly. "It's time for you to leave the violence behind and find some peace."

Sweat formed on my forehead from the tension. The only person who can make me quiver and get down on my knees is him, his majesty. An old and wise emperor who has lived his life serving the people.

"B-but what do you want me to do?" I asked him, stuttering my words. "I don't know anything other than violence."

"Violence won't get you far. The world is in a state of peace right now and no one wants violence."

His advice went completely against my ideals. Ever since I was young all I knew was violence.

I furrowed my eyebrows in irritation. "What do you want me to do then? Give up my duties as a royal soldier and find a new job in a world I do not understand?"

He shook his head, disappointed and slightly frustrated. He looked me dead in the eyes this time and spoke no words.

"Your answers will come tomorrow. Leave if you have no questions."

"I do have a question," I said, taking a deep breath to build up my confidence.

"Speak," He says.

"What was the purpose of this talk?"

"It's to retire you. Your duties as a royal guard will end tomorrow."



The yard in the back was simple compared to the palace. Just a simple gazebo in the middle of the yard with some shading and seating. It's peaceful and simple, just like how I want it!

I walked down the stairs that led down to the yard. There was an elevated walkway around the estate as the estate was quite elevated.

Trees that were well maintained were placed at a symmetrical distance from each other. Most of them were around the pathways that were near the walkway.

"There she is," Amelia says as she spots Kathlyn.

"Where?" I looked around, trying to spot her as well.

She was sitting in the open gazebo, wearing a dark blue that had quite a lot of contrast. Though the setting made her look really lonely and I began feeling bad for dragging her into this mess.

Amelia wasted no time running towards Kathlyn as she sat quietly at the gazebo. She noticed Amelia bolting towards her and me walking behind her.

I take my hand out of my pocket and wave at her with a friendly smile. She smiles and waves at me before picking up Amelia as she bolts it across the pathway.

"Found you," I said as I grew closer to them. "You wanted to talk?"

Kathlyn places Amelia on her lap and nods her head. "Mhm, this seems like the best place to do that."

"So, what is it?" I asked her, curious and nervous about her question.

"It's just that… I don't know how to feel about this whole thing," She said while pushing her hair behind her ear. "I don't fit in, do I?"

I took a deep breath and nodded. "I can see that. You aren't used to the luxuries that I've dragged you into," I replied. "I'm sorry you feel like this. It must be lonely, right?"

"It's not about loneliness, I've always been this lonely so it's nothing new."

That's deep.

"I don't think I'll fit in at the party. I don't know the nobles, I don't know anything."

She seemed frustrated with herself, but I couldn't tell precisely.

I leaned forward and tangled my fingers together while placing my arms on the table. "Listen, it's okay," I replied. "It's been a while so you don't know this lifestyle anymore."

"I never knew this lifestyle to begin with!" She exclaimed. "We were just a minor nobility, not royalty!"

Her sudden shift in tone frightened me. "Calm down!" I told her in a gentle way. "I get that you're frustrated, but for what?"

"I'm just really nervous about tomorrow. I've never been to such a formal event. What if I embarrass you? I don't know all the etiquettes."

I shake my head, denying her reasons to worry. "Name one thing you might accidentally do to embarrass me."

"Not having a high-status family name," She said, looking at me with distress and fear.

I chuckled at her answer and shook my head. "No one knows each other at the party. Only the royalty and emperors know each other," I replied.

It seemed my answer lifted some of her worries, but not all of them. She laid back on her chair and took a deep breath. "But that still doesn't mean my actions won't embarrass you."

"What's the worst action you could do? If you accidentally spill a drink or make a mess, no one will judge you. You're my guest and no one will question a king's guest."

"W-what do you mean?" She stuttered.

"My status is enough to let you bypass a lot of the etiquettes. It doesn't matter if you eat like a barbarian. The kings from the Polaris empire eat like actual animals," I tried explaining to her with a gentle smile.

She wasn't satisfied with it either. She kept overthinking this and was still worried. "But still-"

"Mmm, nope," I interrupted her by holding my index up. "There is nothing to worry about," I told her straightforwardly.

She was quite persistent in trying to make me believe she isn't qualified to enter the party. Yet if my supposed father can marry a commoner and the kingdom can be fine with it, I can bring an ex-noble to the party and get away with it.

"Take a deep breath," I told her. "Calm down and think properly for a moment."

She listened to my instructions and took a deep breath, pumping her chest up and exhaling all the air in her lungs.

As her eyes opened she let out a sweet smile and looked at me. "Thank you for calming me down."

How did I manage to?

"Glad that I could help!" I replied triumphantly. "Well, seen as you're the only one available, let's keep conversing."

Her smile never left her face but only grew in size. "I'll be honoured too!" She exclaimed happily.

I could see that her fears and worries were lifted and she seemed more free. Though I'm not an expert at knowing what others feel, it was human nature to know that she was feeling much better now.