
Monarch's Ascension: Rise to Power with the Sovereign System

In "Monarch's Ascension: Rise to Power with the Sovereign System", the main character finds themselves mysteriously transported into the body of an 14 year old after dying. In this new world they are tasked with building and ruling a kingdom. The problem: the Kingdom in Question is just One Island that is currently being ransacked by Pirates. Fortunately, he is being granted a powerful tool to aid them in him in this quest: the Sovereign System. This unique system provides the MC with a wide array of abilities and resources to help him grow their kingdom. English isn't my first language so I don't have a plethora of vocabularies in my head. The grammar will possibly be very bad. So please cut me some slack. Hope you will like the story.

Leo_Black_3690 · Fantasie
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4 Chs

Embracing Responsibility

As I explored the orphanage, my eyes fell upon two familiar faces—Markus and Annabelle. They were the eldest children besides me, with Markus being the same age as me at 14 and Annabelle being the oldest at 16. Over time, we formed a bond and a sense of camaraderie within the walls of this sanctuary.

As I observed Markus and Annabelle engaging with the younger children, a realization dawned on me. In this new body, I held a responsibility not just for myself but for the well-being and protection of all the children in this orphanage. Their innocent smiles and eager eyes sparked a fire within me, reminding me of the importance of my role as an older sibling figure.

The weight of this responsibility settled upon my shoulders, but it also stirred a sense of determination within me. I vowed to be their shield, their guide, and their pillar of support. Together with Markus, Annabelle, and the other older children, we formed a united front, ensuring the safety and happiness of the younger ones who relied on us.

In this newfound role, I understood that I had the power to make a difference in their lives. Whether it was comforting them during times of distress, teaching them valuable lessons, or simply being a friend they could rely on, I would strive to be the best guardian I could be.

As the eldest among them, I embraced the responsibility entrusted to me, for these children were not just my companions but my family. With each passing day, I would dedicate myself to nurturing their dreams, protecting their innocence, and guiding them towards a brighter future.

Together, we would navigate the challenges of life, supporting one another as we journeyed through the uncertainties of this world. And with the strength of our bond and the love that bound us, I believed we could overcome any obstacle that came our way.

The orphanage had become more than just a place of refuge. It had become a sanctuary where hope bloomed, where dreams took flight, and where we, the children of different paths, found solace and unity.

In this realm of care and compassion, I discovered that the greatest joy came not from pursuing my own destiny alone but from witnessing the smiles and laughter of those around me. With Markus, Annabelle, and the other children by my side, I embarked on a new chapter, ready to face the challenges that lay ahead and create a haven of love and protection for all who sought shelter within these walls.

As I continued my exploration, I noticed a communal area where children gathered to study, read, and engage in various activities. The shelves were lined with books, inviting me to immerse myself in knowledge and expand my horizons.

Satisfied with my initial exploration, I returned to my room, contemplating the events that had led me to this point. The Sovereign System, with its intriguing abilities, held the promise of a grand destiny. But for now, I was content to navigate the present, embracing the support and camaraderie of my newfound family at the orphanage.

With the day stretching before me, I resolved to seize each opportunity to learn, grow, and forge my path in this enchanting world. The journey had just begun, and I was ready to uncover the mysteries, shape my own destiny, and leave a lasting mark upon the tapestry of my life.

As I delved into my past memories, fragments of information began to surface, revealing where I resided. I discovered that I lived on a large island called Pata, which is currently under the rule of the Kingdom of Keton. My home was located near the city of Mejos, situated in the north-western part of the island.

The orphanage, where I found solace and companionship, was nestled outside the city, atop a hill surrounded by a dense forest. It was a hidden gem, known only to the citizens of Mejos. The secluded location provided a sense of tranquility, shielded from the bustling city life below.

At the same time, it was a perfect vantage point, as just a few hundred meters behind our orphanage there was an open space from which one could see the ocean. Though it was a beautiful place, Sister Emily had banned us from going there because it was a cliff that went straight down for about 100 to 200 meters.

Realizing the geographical context, I understood that Pata Island was approximately 600 kilometers away from the mainland of the Chipton Continent. It was a considerable distance, and I contemplated the implications it held for my future ambitions.

If ever I desired to establish my own country, I realized that Pata Island would be a viable option. Its lush landscapes, coupled with the protection offered by the surrounding ocean, presented an ideal setting for building a kingdom. Alternatively, I considered the possibility of exploring smaller islands scattered across the vast ocean.

The thought of forging my own path and creating a nation from scratch ignited a sense of excitement within me. I envisioned a land where fairness, justice, and prosperity would reign. A place where all individuals, regardless of their background, could thrive and find belonging.

As I gazed out into the horizon, contemplating the vastness of the ocean that separated Pata Island from the mainland, a newfound determination welled up inside me. I knew that the journey to realizing my dreams would be filled with challenges, but the prospect of creating a better future for myself and those around me fueled my resolve.

Shortly after, I saw Markus and Annabelle signaling for me to come to them.

I sat down with Markus and Annabelle, two of the eldest children in the orphanage, to discuss the important task of weekly shopping for our growing family, as Sister Emily had to stay in the orphanage this week because two of the younger children were sick.

Annabelle, the 16-year-old girl, exuded an aura of maturity and responsibility. Her long, flowing chestnut hair gracefully draped down her back, framing her fair and gentle face. I couldn't help but notice her hazel eyes, brimming with determination and kindness, reflecting the depths of her compassionate nature. She possessed a slender frame, yet her every movement exuded poise and confidence, a testament to her role as one of the eldest children in the orphanage.

As for Markus, the 14-year-old boy, his appearance embodied a vibrant and mischievous spirit. His sandy blond hair seemed to have a mind of its own, playfully tousled in all directions. His hazel eyes sparkled with mischief and laughter, always ready to seize the moment. Markus possessed a slightly lanky build, which he compensated for with his energetic gestures and animated expressions. His infectious smile illuminated the room, and he constantly kept us entertained with his jokes and pranks.

Though Annabelle radiated seriousness and Markus exuded a light-hearted demeanor, their contrasting personalities created a harmonious balance within our group. Together, they contributed to the tight-knit family we have formed in the orphanage. Their unique qualities, when combined, fostered a sense of unity and camaraderie among all the children here.

"Alright, guys," I began, my voice firm but friendly. "We need to decide who will go to the city for our weekly shopping. It's an important responsibility, and we need to make sure everything is done correctly."

Annabelle nodded, her eyes focused and determined. "I believe it should be someone who can handle the task seriously and efficiently. We can't afford any mistakes or oversights."

Markus grinned mischievously, his eyes sparkling with amusement. "Well, Tee, you know how serious and efficient I am. I'll get everything done in record time!"

I chuckled, knowing Markus well enough to understand his playful nature. "While I appreciate your enthusiasm, Markus, I think Annabelle may have a point. This task requires utmost attention, and we don't want to miss anything."

Annabelle sighed, her expression displaying a mix of concern and exasperation. "Exactly. That's why I think I should go with Tee. We can ensure that everything is done properly, without any unnecessary distractions or mistakes."

Markus pouted, feigning disappointment. "Oh, come on! You don't trust me, Annabelle? I promise I won't cause any trouble!"

Annabelle shot him a stern look. "It's not about trust, Markus. It's about being responsible and making sure we fulfill our duties to the best of our abilities."

I interjected, wanting to maintain harmony between the two. "Alright, alright. Let's not argue. Annabelle, I think it's a good idea that you accompany me. We'll handle the shopping together and make sure everything is taken care of. Plus, it'll be a chance for us to spend some time together."

Annabelle nodded, a faint smile crossing her face. "Thank you, Tee. I appreciate your understanding. We'll make sure the orphanage is well-stocked and nothing is overlooked."

With the decision made, we finalized our plans and prepared for our trip to the city the following day. I felt a sense of responsibility weighing on my shoulders, knowing that I had to ensure the well-being of all the children in the orphanage. It was a duty I gladly embraced, and with Annabelle by my side, I was confident that we would handle the task with care and diligence.

This is my first time writing a story and English isn't my first language.

So I hope you still liked it!

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