
Modification Illusion

Two kids. One Apollo, the other, Sarah. Both living in a dystopian future full of people with “modifications”. Everyone has them, well, most everyone has them. Then there’s people like Apollo, Sarah, and Zeke. Until Zeke decided randomly to join almost everyone else. Their world is constantly changing with new surprises around every corner. With their society on the brink of destruction, Sarah and Apollo have to face this new reality, with many twists

Ellie_Wyoming · sci-fi
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35 Chs

Chapter 7: What is Going On with the "Friend"?

At Apollo's House:

"Alright, we should get off of the school's property." Apollo said, his voice deep with worry for Sarah. "I guess you're right", Isi replied. "Well, where should we go? We should stay together in case Sarah needs help right?" Blake said, sounding desperate. Apollo answered, "no. She didn't seem like she wanted help. We should just leave her alone." Apollo said, sounding distracted from the topic at hand. "Fine then, we'll be heading home." Blake added. What's his problem? He's normally a lot more sympathetic. Blake thought. The group disbanded and headed in their separate directions. Apollo thought of heading home, but, then he realized that he had more important stops to make. Apollo started heading towards Zeke's house. Time to butt into my friends personal life, this'll be fun. Apollo thought sarcastically. As he neared Zeke's house, he started thinking. What if I just did something wrong. He's the only one I trust and I thought he trusted me too. But, it's not like he knows everything about me. He….He doesn't know as much as he should for how long we've been friends. Apollo thought, slowly triggering a depressed state. Apollo walked up the driveway in front of Zeke's house. He balled his fist and lifted it to the door. Just before he knocked, he heard yelling, and decided to wait. He lowered his hand and debated whether he should come back later or not. I shouldn't leave. I came here to talk about what's been happening, and that's what I'm going to do. Apollo thought. He once again raised his balled fist up to the door and got ready to knock as the window opened. "Apollo?" Said a voice that he didn't quite recognize. He looked up to see a woman. She looked familiar, but he couldn't place where he had seen herself before. "You're Apollo right? Zeke's friend?" The woman asked. "Umm… Yes, I'm Apollo, who are you?" He asked, still confused on where he had seen her before. "I'-." He remembered before she could finish her answer. "OH! You're Zeke's stepmother, Jillian. Uriel's Wife." Apollo said with pride, proud that he could remember someone he hadn't seen in so long. "Oh, I'm not sure I'm his wife anymore." She said with a chuckle. "That's debatable." She chuckled once again. "Here, sit." She said while gesturing to the lawn unfolded lawn chairs on the porch. "Ummm…. Alright. Is Ze-." Jillian interrupted him. "He's here, he's doing his chores though. Did you know….. I got a new modification! Do you like it?" She asked enthusiastically. "I-I don't see it." Apollo stuttered. "Well, I guess it makes sense that you don't immediately know what it is. It has been a while since you've seen me. I got a nose job!!" Jillian said with glee. "Do you like it? It's so much better, right?" She asked, making Apollo feel forced to answer positively. "Uhhhmmmm, yeah!" He said, forcing a joyful voice. She is making me really uncomfortable. I guess I'll just wait for Zeke. What else can I really do? Apollo thought. Right on queue, Zeke opened the front door. "Apollo what are you doing here, and why are you talking to her?" Apollo could sense the anger forming in his voice. "Did I not tell you to text me when you were coming over? Do you not remember me specifically telling you not to talk to her ever? What's wrong with you? Do you not value my feelings at all?" Zeke asked, tears forming in the corners of his eyes. "Aww honey, don't cry. Your father is here, you're not alone." Jillian insensitively said. She tried to close the door on him. "NO, MOVE!" Zeke yelled. He grabbed Apollo's arm and started pulling. "Come on man, you're the only one I have left." Apollo let Zeke pull him, with no idea on where they were going. When Zeke finally let go of his arm, they had arrived at a kid's playground. "Sorry I went off man, I just…..You know how I get around her." Zeke apologized. "It's okay." Apollo replied. "What's the deal with that anyways? She hasn't showed up in almost 2 years and out of the blue she wants to be all over you." "I know, I know, I just feel bad. She's the only real mother figure that I've had. It was hard for me to go off on her like that too." Zeke said. "You didn't exactly go off, just got aggravated." Apollo said. "I still feel bad. I have something to talk about, other than this I mean." Zeke said, sounding anxious. "Alright, tell me about it." "Okay, so…..Don't get mad Apollo. But, I'm getting a modification!" Zeke announced. "Why? Just why? That goes against almost everything we've bonded over in this friendship!" Apollo exclaimed. "Let me explain, Jillian offered to pay for it and I figured why not? Right, like, the government can't really control us. So I should get to look cool! I actually got one already! I was just too nervous to tell you before the surgery." Zeke said, trying to read Apollo's expression. "What do you mean surgery, you said if you ever were to get a modification, it would be small. Like a tattoo. Not something that gives them power over you, over your brain Zeke!" Apollo yelled, filled with anger and betrayal. "Are they controlling you now? They are, aren't they?" Apollo said with the suspicion rising in his voice. "No, friend. What do you mean? They don't control anyone! They just help us. Like Jillian and my Dad. They help Apollo. Don't you understand?" Zeke said, sounding awfully robot-like. Zeke then reached for Apollo's arm. "I'm getting out of here!" Apollo announced loudly, as he ran in the opposite direction. Everything feels upside down, I should text Sarah. He thought.

Apollo: Hey, Sarah. I really need your help.

Sarah: Okay, what's up Apollo?

Apollo: Remember when you brought up working for the government? Please elaborate. I need help, the world feels upside down right now.

Sarah: I'm not talking about that over the phone. Maybe not even in person. I'll talk to you later, I'll call after practice, friend.

Apollo: Why are you calling me friend too? And what practice? Aren't you at your Uncle's estate?

NO NEW RESPONSES-Apollo's friend read

Apollo knew what he had to do now. I have to go and at least try to negotiate with Lachesis. The world feels like it's falling apart. He was repeating himself now. Come on Apollo, you at least have to try, he thought.