
Modification Illusion

Two kids. One Apollo, the other, Sarah. Both living in a dystopian future full of people with “modifications”. Everyone has them, well, most everyone has them. Then there’s people like Apollo, Sarah, and Zeke. Until Zeke decided randomly to join almost everyone else. Their world is constantly changing with new surprises around every corner. With their society on the brink of destruction, Sarah and Apollo have to face this new reality, with many twists

Ellie_Wyoming · sci-fi
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35 Chs

Chapter 26: Can We Have a Sleepover?

Chapter 26: Can we have a sleepover?

It was late, and everyone was in their own separate bedrooms. Sarah was in the furthest room from everyone else, and honestly…...it started out as a break. Sarah felt that it was a much needed break. She could be on her own, like how she used to be. She could stop with tiring social interaction but... she felt conflicted, she wanted to try to pry open Apollo's shell and really connect with him. He seemed so disconnected, she could tell that his old habits were starting to set back in. He had kind of explained it, back when they were walking and needed something to talk about. He really didn't want to be here, but he came to help Sarah. She felt so hopeless, but she should help too, right? But at the same time….what was the point? Sarah couldn't even help herself, how could she try to help anyone else? Her "break" was slowly turning into agitation. Sarah was starting to remember just how difficult it really was to be completely alone with her own thoughts. Suddenly she felt a jolt of panic rush up into her chest. What if I can't stop them? What if they come back for me? What if...The inner voice of anxiety continued to ask her. So many more thoughts rushed through her head, she couldn't handle it anymore, so she left. She hurried to the room she had previously watched Apollo retreat to. She opened the door to see him sitting on the foot off the bed with his face buried into his knees. The door creaked, and he looked up. "Sarah?" He asked in an exhausted voice. "Hey....can we have a sleepover?" She asked, her voice sounding childlike. "Sure, why not? What's going on? Your heart is beating really fast Sarah." He said worriedly. "I'm-I'm just having a hard time blocking out my own thoughts. Still don't know how I feel about you feeling my heartbeat." She replied, crossing her arms and leaning on the doorframe. "Why don't you come sit down? Let's try to get to sleep before we wake up everyone else." Apollo suggested. "Okay." She laid down on the old bed, as far away from the door as possible. "Hey Apollo?" She asked. "What's up Sarah?" He asked, sounding irritable. "What do you think is going to happen to us? Like, with the government? Do you think they'll kill us? Take me again?" She asked, trying not to let her eyes start watering. "I don't know how many times I can tell you, but I have no idea. Just…..know that I'm going to stay by your side until you're safe and we can try to get rid of this attachment. Okay?" He asked. "Okay." She replied. Sarah had an even harder time falling asleep after that. Did Apollo just want to get rid of her? Help her while it's useful and as soon as he can get out he will? Those thoughts haunted Sarah all night. Just a few days ago she had thought that they would just always be together. It had happened so fast, but it felt like forever. Now, she wasn't so sure. Maybe Apollo wasn't who she first assumed he was. Maybe she was just a naive kid. She reminded herself that she didn't have the energy to worry, and forced herself to sleep.

Apollo's POV:

Apollo woke up to Sarah's whimper. She seemed to be fast asleep, but the tears rushing down her face told a different story. He gently shook her and she stopped crying. Her eyes opened, she looked terrified. Great, another thing for me to deal with now. He thought angrily, wondering when Sarah became such a burden. He got out of bed, and quickly threw on a sweatshirt. He looked back at Sarah, her eyes following him to the door. He decided to let her do her thing, and walked out of the room. Apollo saw Isi sitting on the couch. His first thought was, okay, if she was going to try to kill someone she would have done it already. Might as well call her an ally at this point. He walked over and sat across from her. "Someone's changed. You seemed to hate me yesterday." Isi remarked. "Yeah, if you had alternative motives I would know what they were already." Apollo responded. He noticed her hand in her pocket, she was clutching something. At first he thought it had to have been a weapon, but he ruled that out. She interrupted his investigation, "you and your girlfriend get in a fight?" She asked sarcastically. "I-she's still sleeping." He said. Apollo started to feel a headache coming on, and he was starting to get tired of this conversation. He rose up from the small couch and she grabbed his wrist. "Wait, I need to talk to you about something. About Zeke." Isi said worriedly. "If we must." He remarked. "You know about his disorder, right?" She asked. "Yes, of course I know." Apollo answered. "But how much?" "I know more than you, he's had it since he was a kid, there are two and I know them both. I can tell when they switch." Apollo said. "Two what? Are you sure we're talking about the same thing? I am talking about the disorder we've associated with someone being brainwashed by them." Isi clarified. "Nothing, I thought you were remarking on something else. What about it?" Apollo asked, mad at himself for bringing up Zeke's split personalities without true reason. "We have to get him, and get it out of him. Nowadays they just use chips in the ear, if we can get that off of him he'll be fine. On the plus side, we'll have another ally." Isi finished. "Since when do you know so much?" He asked snarkily, and walked to the kitchen. "I have my own connections. When did you become such a jerk?" She asked. Such a nuisance. He thought. They heard a small crash in one of the bedrooms and immediately went to go see what was happening. Isi shoved open the door and Apollo stuck his head in. He saw Sarah and Blake. There was glass on the floor, and a figurine head at Apollo's feet. Sarah jumped up and yelled. "You are such a jerk! Why would you bring that?" Apollo didn't know what to say, so he kept his mouth shut and Isi began for him. "What did he bring?" Isi asked curiously. "That stupid figurine! I've seen that before! Where did you get it? Why would you bring it with us?" Sarah asked, almost screaming at this point. "Because we cOuLd HaVe SoLd It SaRaH!" He said mockingly. Sarah came over to him, and stomped on the figure's head. She reached down and grabbed it, pulling the remainder into two pieces. She ripped out a small square and grabbed Apollo's hand. She pulled his fist open, and planted the small square on his palm. "Do you know what that is?" Sarah asked angrily. "No, what is it?" He asked sarcastically. "It's a chip Apollo. You brought a tracker here with us. Great job." Right as her remark came out of her mouth, Sarah fell to the ground.