
MMORPG : Return of the Void Emperor

In outer region of sector R,there is a 17-year-old boy screams in joy with tears in his eyes said"hahaha....it worked the watch of Chronos worked". After he controlled his emotion he said, "I have travel back in time before the release of NEXUS, I have time of 3 years before the codex happens". NEXUS is a MMORPG game that is popular in future where a more than quarter of the world population plays the game, it is a place where dreams come true where a poor person can become rich in one night. But what many people don't know is that after 5th year anniversary of NEXUS is when the energy called mana enter into the world and the apocalypse begun. "I know future events that others have no idea about that gives me the lead, but my path will not be easy. This time i protect my loved ones and stand at the pinnacle of power "he said.Dev doesn't know that this is the beginning of his story. ********************************************************************************************************* Hey guys this is the author of the MMORPG:Return of the Void, this is my first novel and English is not my first language but if there is any error you can comment on and i try to improve the mistakes i make.

Shadowss · Spiele
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12 Chs


In the outside of the nevil village a small house is situated on the hill near to the forest.

Beasts of various species running away from the house as the clash of sword made them feared for their life. Infront of the house an old looking man and a young man fighting against each other.

As they are naturally dev and instructor vord who test dev for the legacy quest. 

Their clash of their swords made the beast feels threatened by their power. Dev who is covered in sweat and bruise slash at the right shoulder of instructor vord who blocked his attack with ease as he still doesn't have a wound on his body.

'Shit have I made a mistake by accepting this quest. I have not made a single attack on this monster in front me in 5 minutes but I have already started to feel fatigue.' dev thought to himself as he begins to regret the choice by accepting this quest.

5min before.

Dev accepted the quest even though he knows there is a high chance for him to lose. But still, he didn't want to have a regret for losing a chance like this in the future.

Dev held the frost sword as he took the stance by holding the sword in front of him by two hands. Instructor vord smiled and unsheathe the sword on his hips as also took a stance.

The time starts to slow down as both of them look into their eyes of one another.

' I have to finish this quickly I am not sure about his tier, but I am sure it is higher than tier 2. I have no chance by wasting his stamina since he has more stamina than mine it will be useless.' dev thought.

Dev escaped his cloud of thoughts as he uses mana to enhance and coating. Since he has a high proficient in mana it is easier for him to control his mana output by bringing more power with less mana.

Dev body and the sword he held filled with light blue color as he sprints towards vord and swing in horizontal aiming at the abdomen. But his strike is failed to hit vord as he also used his sword to block the attack.

Without giving any chance for dev vord used his sword and slash at the shoulder of the dev. 

Dev shoulder is wounded and blood started to flow as he steps back few feet away from vord.

'Fuck how can I forget the man in front of me is a proficient swordsman how can a normal swordplay effective against him. I need a different approach' dev thought to himself.

  Mana begins to surround dev as he aims his hand and muttered DARKBOLT. After dev said that dark elemental mana begins to form on his hand and takes the shape of a ball colored in only black. A ball which is made up of darkness as it devours even light around it.

Dev release the DARKBOLT at vord as it travelled quickly at him. But unfortunately for dev vord used mana and coats the sword to block the attack.

He didn't get discouraged and keep shooting DARKBOLT at vord as he either used his sword or dodge the attack.

Dev used the dark element on his sword as the light blue color emitted by it is changed to dark blue in color. He used the DARK SLASH at the vord as he only used coating on the sword to block the barrage of attacks from dev.

As they have clashed against each other dev starts to feel that he is being pushed back.

He takes three knives from his inventory and begins to coat them in mana as he used the spell called TELEKENESIS.

The knives have starts to float from dev's hand and begins to attack vord at a frightening speed. Vord slash at the knives as they are all controlled by dev.

Dev didn't give vord a chance to attack and used DARKBLOT on vord as he is trying to stop the attacks.

Dev used the chance and went to the backside of him as he sprints towards the back of him and used dark slash on his neck.

When the sword is near to the neck of vord a black and red aura formed on vord as it stopped him from attacking further as the sword touched it he pushed back few meters away.

Dev lays at the land as his body starts to ache he pushed his body to get up but the sight in front of him made his lose his strength in legs.

In front of him vord who is surrounded by a black and red color is smiling sinisterly at him.

Dev can feel the mana and the killing intent of vord as he is terrified at the sight in front of him. 

Vord coated his sword with black and red color mana as he dashes at dev.

Dev feels the attack coming at his dangerous and starts to use the space around him to solidify the space and formed a barrier.

The space in front of dev have begun to take form in an invincible barrier as it covers the 90 degrees of dev's front.

Vord slashed at the barrier as it passed through like a paper and launched on dev as he sidesteps the attack. The sword landed on the land as the force behind it made dev to thrown away. The place that is attacked by the sword is destroyed.

Dev thrown away few meters away slowly gets up and used TELEKENESIS to bring the sword to him after it fell from his hand at the impact of the attack.

Dev holds the sword and saw that vord face turned towards to him as he formulates a plan.

Dev opens his inventory and drink the mana regeneration potion to fill his mana reserve for the crazy idea he plans to work.

He used TELEKENESIS to control the knives he previously used to fight it is in a bad condition, but it works for the stunt he is going to pull.

As he saw vord dashes towards him. He used TELEKENESIS on the knives as he holds them and begins to coat in mana.

When he saw vord is in the range of 10 meters he throws the knives at him. 

Vord thinks that dev is using the same attack he used previously, he readied his sword as one of the knives comes at his face, he slashed his sword filled in red and black in color at the knives as it destroyed immediately.

Another one flew towards his chest as he horizontally slashes at the knives to meet the same end as previous one.

Vord couldn't see the third knives as he used his perfect sensory to feel the location of the knives. But the direction of the attack shocked him as it coming to the back of head.

Vord can't believe the attack coming from his back as the knives should have passed him to get back. But he didn't see the knives getting past at him.

Dev didn't give vord a chance to react and dash at him.

Vord after seeing dev is getting closer have begun to understand the plan made by dev.

Dev have used space manipulation to feel the space around him and used the limitations of the vision of vord. He teleported the knives at the back of vord when the pieces of knives he destroyed have obstruct from seeing little things as it where he uses TELEPORTATION at the knives.

He made vord fall into a dilemma by attacking front and back.

Dev knows that vord can defend only one place and made him fell into his plan. He can't move sideways since it will be too late for him as the attack will reach him.

Vord turned backwards and slash at the knives as a sword touch his back side of neck.

Dev used his all his stamina and mana to execute the plan, so he begins to feel the exhaustion hit him and render him unconsciousness.

Before he fell into slumber he hears a voice says," Don't worry and sleep".

As dev hears the voice he let go of his sword and lay at the land as he enters a deep sleep.