
MLP Applejack x Fluttershy: Aimed at the heart

Applejack and fluttershy both have an attraction for each other. They soon confess and start a relationship. But danger lurks everywhere. When Fluttershy is in danger, can Applejack save her before it is too late? And who is behind everything?

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Chapter 3

After Applejack walked Fluttershy to her home, she met with Apple bloom. Where have you been? asked Apple bloom, curiously. You know better than to snoop around your older sister´s life, said Applejack. You love somebody don´t you, asked Apple bloom. No why? asked Applejack. Then how do you explain your weird behavior this morning, asked Apple bloom. Err...Well.. Apple jack began. Mhm? asked Apple bloom. Fine! I do love somebody! exclaimed Applejack. And who is it, asked Apple bloom. I am in a relationship with Fluttershy okay?! yelled Applejack. So THAT´s why you were smiling and all that stuff, said Apple bloom. I will tell Big Mcintosh, that everything´s fine. DON´T YOU.. Applejack began. BIG MCINTOSH!! called Applebloom. Yes? asked Big Mcintosh. Applejack´s in love! said Apple bloom. Wow really? asked Big Mcintosh. Good luck with it, he said. Thanks, said Applejack, groaning. No problem, said Big Mcintosh. By the way, who is your soulmate? Well, I am in a relationship with Fluttershy, said Applejack. That´s great! I wish you the best of luck! Thanks again, said Applejack. Now can I go in barn? asked Applejack. I have to get some sleep. Sure go ahead, said Big Mcintosh. And you too, go to your bed, he said, turning to Apple bloom. Everyone went to sleep.

Applejack was taking a walk in the orchard. She sat down in front of the large field. Hey Applejack! called Fluttershy. My Fluttershy! exclaimed Applejack, happily. They both ran to each other and hugged. They both sat down in front of the large field, and put their hands together. Hey Fluttershy, said Applejack. Yes? asked Fluttershy. I was thinking, maybe, we..well.. we could...have a date? asked Applejack. That would be wonderful! said Fluttershy. But, where should we go? asked Fluttershy. Anywhere you want my love, said Applejack. Well, then, could we take a walk through the forest? supposed Fluttershy. I like the sound of that, said Appleshy. What time? asked Fluttershy. How about you meet me at 6:00 PM, said Applejack. Sure, said Fluttershy. Then it is all settled, said Applejack. I can´t wait! said Fluttershy, hugging Applejack. Me neither my love, said Applejack. She then hugged Fluttershy, and kissed her on the lips. Fluttershy returned the kiss. Afterwards, they both let go. See ya´ tomorrow sugar cube, said Applejack. See you, said Fluttershy. They both returned to their homes.

The following day, Applejack got dressed with fine country clothes. She wanted to impress Fluttershy. Why are you dressed so elegantly? asked Apple bloom. I am having a date with Fluttershy, said Applejack. Oh ok, said Apple bloom. Anyways, gotta go now! said Applejack, as she ran towards the door.

Applejack picked up Fluttershy. You ready? asked Applejack. You bet, said Fluttershy. As soon as she stepped out of the house, Applejack´s Jaw dropped. F-Fluttershy?? she said. Do you like it? said Fluttershy timidly. Oh my gosh, you look so stunning and gorgeous! exclaimed Applejack. Thanks, said Fluttershy, blushing. You look so hot, sexy, and strong too, flirted Fluttershy. Heh, thanks, said Applejack, blushing a bit. Mind if I do? asked Applejack. Go ahead, said Fluttershy. Applejack then, placed her hoof on Fluttershy´s, as they walked towards the forest.