
In the Dark Forest

A small village lies inside the Black forest where  few family lives in peace and harmony.

  Farming, and livestock are the primary source of income the villagers are getting. In terms of security the village has a low percentage of surviving from attacks outside the forest, only the men are their source of protection, a hoe and rakes are not enough to fight back from vicious monsters roaming around the forest, specially the werewolves.

"Grandad! Do werevolves really eat people?" Ruby ask innocently to her Grandad.

"They do, so we keep ourselves safe, not to barge into them" grandad replied.

"Why can't we offer them some chicken meat and beef or even cabbages to eat, so that they won't eat us" another innocent thought from Ruby.

"Come here my dear" grandad wishes.

The innocent girl approach. Little Ruby sat on her grandad's lap. " My dear, sad to say but that doesn't go that way, monsters are made to become monsters and its the constant thing for them. But bare this in mind my precious red hood girl, as long as I am breathing I will protect you, your dad, mom and your grandma from werewolves, i promise" the old man replied in low tune.

Sorrow can still be found anywhere, unexpectedly the wolf pack lead by wolf fang attacked the remote village where Ruby's family lived. Wolf Fang together with his kind devoured every single men in the village but before so wolf fang finished their meal a hero sprang and began killing wolf fang's kind. Roger a hone marksman weilding a gun fired wolves unto their last breath. Wolf Fang's gang was forced to retreat but upon roger and wolf fang's fight a scratch was left into Roger's chest leaving a big scar. For a couple of days the Black forest was field with sorrow. Ruby and her grandparents where the ones who left from the 40% percent remainings of the Village. Upon the request of the people Roger stayed at the Village to train the men and Ruby to fight back against the vicious werewolves. Ruby learned many things from Roger. All the villagers are now well skilled to fight back soon after they learned to fight Roger disappeared with no trace. The Littke Ruby prayed that one day they would cross path again and fight with each others hand.


1 years had past the 14 year old slowly turned into a maiden... While walking Ruby overheard two man from their village that an attack from werewolves devoured the nearby village. Ruby got struck from what she knew.

" Not even the children from the village had survived from the attack" one man said.

"Oh poor land, when will be time that Roger would comeback, just like the Goddess who protected the moon temple, forcing the orcs to retreat. I wish we had Roger for the packs." the other man reply.

"come on lets inform everyone so that we can prepare, god help us" the man says before their voice completely disappear.

"An attack, when? I have to tell it to grandad, will he be back? Where are you sir Roger" Ruby rushes to their home and immediately told grandad.

Days had pass and the fear the packs brought had reach the Villagers where Ruby lives. Two men and a Lamb was found lifeless and brutally scrached believed to be the makings of the wolves. Fear and tremble covered the Black Forest.

"Grandad, we need to get out of here!" Ruby insisted.

"Its too late to be out now, who knows if the werewolves are now watching us, theres no way to escape we never no when will he be back" grandad replied.

"What now? I am scared." Ruby trembles and began to mimic a cry.

"Worry no my dear, promise I will protect our Family. I already told you this 4 years ago right? This time I will keep muly promise and besides Roger really took a hard time teaching you to fight. Stop crying my precious red hooded lady. We'll be fine. There are a lot of men in our Village and we even upgraded some weapons. Promise not to be the first one to be devoured my dear" the old man still cracked a joke.

"Stop it grandad, its not funny, promise me not to die!" Ruby replied.

"I promise my dear, promise" the old man gave an assurance.

The night is so peacefull when from a far howls of hundreds of wolves covered the forest. In a fast phase of time the wolves started feasting off the people. They where caught off guard. Wolf Fang returned with a vengeance. The little girl Ruby kneeling in her bed praying for the mighty Roger to comeback hiding from the small cabin she's in. With her is the disproportionately Big scythe she honed. The attack has gone too far as she was caught off guard by the wolves, her Grandparents protected her but it wasn't enough, as she watched in her eye how brutally the wolves killed and eaten his grandparents. She hid behind the corpse of her grandparents with a fear in his eyes,but before so she was eaten by the wolves and to give justice for her grandparents death she Quickly get of her feet, a change in her immediately illuminated in her body, grabbed the scythe ang killed almost all of the Wolves. Even Wolf Fang was killed. Pale Tusk was the only survivor from the packs and was forced to retreat before so Ruby had lost her consciousness. After that Ruby trained harder to looking forward that someday she and the mighty warrior Roger would cross path someday. From this day forward Ruby kept hunting Wolves and Despise them With her Scythe leaving lifeless Wolves. Angre covers her whenever she encounteres the kind that killed her loved ones. Now she started a Mission in the land of Dawn hoping to find the man who weild her.