
Chapter 1255 to Chapter 1262

Chapter 1255: Undefined Enmity

The Ninesuns Sky Sect had sought reconciliation due to the shallowness of its grudge. Meanwhile, Eternal Celestial Capital was the entire reason behind Myriad Domain's fall and current ruined state. It was the culprit behind the demise of Regal Pill Palace.

Aside from the small group that Jiang Chen managed to rescue, most had perished. There were also many still lost and missing. The palace head and Ling Bi'er were very good examples. Though Jiang Chen had stayed only a short while at the palace, he'd still formed emotional ties to his peers and former home.

In all honesty, if the Regal Pill Palace hadn't gone against majority opinion in allying themselves with the Precious Tree Sect, Jiang Chen's path of martial dao would have been much rougher. Being brought to the palace was a crucial part of his experiences.

The days that he'd spent there convinced him of the palace's unique spirit. In spite of its rather average fourth rank status, it managed to thrive in surprising ways. He had a nostalgic affection for the sect and almost everything that had been associated with it.

So naturally he wouldn't spare any pleasantries for the main cause of its destruction. The Eternal Celestial Capital's head had also recently participated in Shura's rebellion, a fact that Jiang Chen was unlikely to forget any time soon. Their history of enmity meant that Eternal Celestial Capital was his most-hated first rank sect.

The saint holy king was here to test the waters of Jiang Chen's attitude. Remote as the possibility might seem, he wanted to confirm that reconciliation was indeed impossible. Jiang Chen's rebuke had popped the bubbles of the sect's improbably desire.

Still, he had every right to be angry. "I can understand youthful recklessness," he shot back coolly, "but you're wrong to think that the Eternal Celestial Capital will fear you!"

Surprisingly, the young lord wasn't angered at all by the retort. A faint smile hung on his face. "When you know the meaning of fear, it'll already be too late."

The young lord swept his sleeves dismissively. "Now get out!"

The saint holy king was incensed, but he wasn't quite bold enough to test his luck on Sacred Peafowl Mountain land. Suppressing his fury, he walked back outside.

"Have Emperors Peerless and Coiling Dragon drive out Eternal Celestial Capital's entourage from the capital. Don't let them cause trouble." Jiang Chen could dispense with civility entirely; his identity wouldn't be hidden much longer. Since he was doing so, he couldn't afford to keep anyone from the enemy sect around. They were sure to incite misbehavior and cause general chaos otherwise.

The Dragon and Tiger Meet was very important. He wouldn't allow anything to go amiss. The first step of his overarching plan hinged on the Meet's success.

Reproaching the saint holy king had no effect whatsoever on Jiang Chen's mental state. He was going to turn on them sooner or later. To Veluriyam Capital's young lord, Eternal Celestial Capital was no longer an insurmountable peak.

Sure, it was unrealistic to destroy the sect at present. His grudge with Eternal Celestial Capital was rooted in his former status as a member of Regal Pill Palace. He didn't want to use Veluriyam's clout as a club against his opponent, regardless of what Emperor Peafowl had said. In any case, the present was a troubled time.

His thoughts were interrupted by a surge of energy underfoot. The Goldbiter Rat King popped out from beneath.

"Young lord, there's a situation."

After many years of breeding and Jiang Chen's painstaking care, the Goldbiter Rats had dramatically grown in both size and number. The beasts were now a powerful underground task force. As the primary beneficiary, the Goldbiter Rat King was unquestionably loyal to his young master.

This time, the rats were responsible for running a subterranean patrol all around Veluriyam Capital's surrounding lands. Tens of millions acted as Jiang Chen's eyes and ears, monitoring every cultivator that came into the city.

The influx of cultivators into Veluriyam Capital was quite sizable, but the sheer abundance of the rats dwarfed the cultivators' number. Therefore, Jiang Chen actually had a very good grasp of the seemingly chaotic circumstances in the city.

"Ole Gold, you've worked hard the past few days," Jiang Chen praised generously. "Have you discovered anything new?"

"I've personally been patrolling Sacred Peafowl Mountain's premises these last two days. Several energy signatures are hovering nearby. They're definitely malicious."

"Oh?" Jiang Chen raised an eyebrow. "What else?"

"If my senses are correct, they're great emperor realm cultivators for sure. However, they seem to be suppressing their cultivation for some reason."

The Peafowl Guard protected Sacred Peafowl Mountain around the clock. Anyone who dared to plot against the faction despite the security were enemies without a doubt. They couldn't exactly be here for tea!

"Roughly how many are there in total?" Jiang Chen asked.

"Three to five." The Rat King gave his judgment.

Jiang Chen's brow became even more furrowed. Three to five great emperors lying in ambush near Sacred Peafowl Mountain indicated a clear and singular purpose. They were here for the life of its young lord.

"Keep an eye on them, Ole Gold. If there's any substantial change, come and tell me. Make sure you remember to keep your own safety a priority."

The Rat King smirked. "Don't worry, young lord. Even a great emperor wouldn't be able to do much to me underground. Plus, there's the Nine Sparks Petalstorm Formation protecting the entire mountain. I can flee to within its line of defense in seconds."

Having said this, the beast dove into the ground once more, disappearing with a burst of wind. It had broken through to emperor realm as well; its cultivation was growing at an even faster pace than Jiang Chen's. Still, the Rat King couldn't shake free the timidity that was natural for one of its kind.

Jiang Chen wasn't at all worried about his furry friend. Goldbiter Rats were too overcautious for that.

"Three to five great emperors…" The young man fell into contemplation. He was unafraid of a direct assault even from that many when within Sacred Peafowl Mountain.

The Nine Sparks Petalstorm Formation had a defensive prowess that even a couple of great emperors couldn't easily break. But they clearly didn't intend on mounting a frontal assault. They were hiding in the shadows in order to waylay him.

It was much easier to dodge a spear from the front than arrows from the shadows. He had no desire to see them maintaining their wraith-like hovering. Being constantly scoped out for an attack wasn't enjoyable at all. A sudden burst of anger emboldened him. Can I kill them all?

The thought flickered across his mind in a frenzied flash. He had the tools on hand to do so, but an uproar would occur if he were to use them. After all, he was living in the middle of Veluriyam Capital. It was a densely populated place. If he were to bring forth the residence of the ancient empyrean expert, Guo Ran, and use the restriction inside, it would be beyond sensational.

"Can I lead them away from the city into the wilderness? It'll be a better place to take care of trouble," Jiang Chen mused. But the Dragon and Tiger Meet was about to begin. A departure now would be odd and eyebrow-raising. It would attract his ambushers' suspicions.

Unfortunately, nothing better came to mind.

As he mulled things over, the two emperors he'd delegated made their return to the young lord residence. Emperor Peerless blinked at the sight of the pensive youth. "Is there anything wrong, young lord?"

Jiang Chen waved a hand, signaling for both of them to be seated.

"Old Brother Mo, how many of the wandering cultivator world's six titans have arrived? Can you contact them?"

"Other than a brief rendezvous with Emperor Wellspring, I haven't met any of the others. I know that Emperors Reliance and Inferno are here already, and there's no news yet from Everviolet and Sabledeep. Perhaps the latter two are here as well, but haven't yet made themselves known."

Jiang Chen nodded. "Emperor Coiling Dragon, how many sect-affiliated great emperors have arrived so far?"

"Each of the first rank sects has sent a few experts. Moral support, if nothing else."

The youth looked thoughtful upon hearing that.

"Why do you ask, young lord?" Emperor Coiling Dragon inquired.

The young lord answered with a question of his own. "If I recall correctly, Old Brother Mo, aren't there twenty to thirty great emperors in attendance here in Veluriyam Capital besides the six giants?"

"Yes, just about."

"How many of them do you know? How many do you trust? How many are unrelated to Pillfire City?"

"How many do I know? Most of them, at least as passing acquaintances. I don't particularly trust any though, no. Wandering cultivators rarely have much to do with the sects and factions. Despite Pillfire City's prominence, it's not well-regarded in the wandering cultivator world. The only reason they go there in droves is because it has what they need, not because it attracts them on an emotional level. Desires and actions can't be correlated."

"Hmm. Well, I have something that I must trouble Old Brother Mo with."

"What is it, young lord?"

"I'd like you to gather up the great emperor wandering cultivators so that I can make a deal with them," smiled the young man.

"A deal?" Emperor Peerless looked perplexed.

"Yes, a deal. Do you think they'll come?" Jiang Chen's smile widened.

"They will attend the banquet without a second thought, young lord. Your stature and fame guarantees it. A deal, on the other hand… that will depend on what you offer. The wandering cultivator world has its own rules. They won't be moved without sufficient profit." Mo Wushuang was very forthright.

"Naturally. I just need them to be gathered up."

"Where to? The young lord residence?"

"The young lord residence is fine," Jiang Chen nodded. "You can inform them that I'm interested in listening to their opinion on the proceedings. I'd like to know what they want from the Dragon and Tiger Meet."

Chapter 1256: Gathering of the Titans

Since it was a great meeting of wandering cultivators, it made sense that the titans' opinions were sought. Even the sect heavyweights wouldn't find this to be a reason for jealousy. They were just here for the show, the wandering cultivators were the true stars. Thus, when they heard that the young lord residence of Sacred Peafowl Mountain was hosting a banquet for the wandering cultivator titans, the sect representatives were slightly envious but didn't raise a fuss.

They were more worried about the young lord recruiting all of this wandering great emperors to his banner. Veluriyam Capital would truly be able to dominate the Upper Eight Regions then.

But after some careful thought, they all realized that this was impossible. Subduing all of the wandering cultivators in the world had been the longstanding ambitions and goals of many sect experts, but no one had ever realized it.

When the wandering great emperors heard that young lord Zhen wanted to throw a banquet in their honor, they decided not to put on airs and attend, even though some were suspicious or outright wary.

Jiang Chen had always sought efficiency on everything he did. The banquet was ready that evening. Twenty-three wandering great emperors arrived, including Emperors Wellspring, Inferno, and Reliance. Of them, Emperor Wellspring was without a doubt the strongest and highest placed of them all.

These great emperors had seen much of the world in their many years of wandering. They could sense the strong presence of the Ninesparks Petalstorm Formation as soon as they set foot into Sacred Peafowl Mountain.

The mountain had strong foundations alright! Just a singular formation was enough to awe them. Even the most unbridled amongst them had to admit that this formation wasn't anything that they could break through.

After being taken down a peg by the formation, the sense of belittlement in their hearts reined in somewhat. They understood that Sacred Peafowl Mountain's reputation of first in the capital was well deserved.

"Haha, the arrival of so many great emperor seniors brings glory to Sacred Peafowl Mountain. On behalf of the mountain, I'd like to thank you all for coming." Jiang Chen wasn't shy at all and walked up with a booming laugh.

His appearance instantly drew everyone's gaze. Their thoughts were all the same at the moment. Does this famous newcomer really have three heads and six arms?

Jiang Chen's expression didn't flicker at all, despite the convergence of 23 pairs of intent eyes on him. He smiled genteelly. "Everyone, this way please. Old Brother Mo, these are all titans of the great wandering world and some of them are your old friends as well. You'll have to make sure for me that they're treated well."

"Crouching tigers and hidden dragons abound in the wandering cultivator world." Mo Wushuang grinned. "I only know the general majority of the fellow daoists here today. However, to meet once is to become friends the second time around. Everyone, this way please."

Emperor Wellspring chuckled. "Ole younger brother Mo, I must congratulate you first that your wife's injuries have finally been healed and your heart sickness dispelled. Let's go! We need to drink to this!"

Emperors Wellspring and Peerless had a good relationship. They'd sparred against each other before and exchanged moves, so they were rather admiring of each other. Although Emperor Wellspring had been a hair stronger than the other back in the day, he still felt that Emperor Peerless was a friend worth making.

"Old brother Hui, thank you for your thoughts."

Emperor Wellspring was named Jingzhong Hui. Most of the wandering cultivators called him Senior Hui or Senior Jingzhong. Even Emperor Peerless, the same generation as the great emperor, called him old brother Hui.

Since all of his guests were great emperors, everything had to be of a certain exquisite level. Jiang Chen invited them to take their seats after a carefully thought out routine.

"Everyone, I've invited you here today to speak your minds and see what kind of suggestions you might have for the Dragon and Tiger Meet."

Emperor Inferno was in a robe festooned with blazes and projected a very strong personality, like a personified ball of flame.

"Young lord Zhen, this gathering is being held by your Capital. I thought you'd already set the agenda. Why are you asking us instead?" This great emperor was a straight shooter and his words equally so.

"As one of the six titans in the wandering cultivator world, I have long been acquainted with your name." Jiang Chen smiled. "You indeed live up to your serious reputation. We do have an agenda for the meet, but since this is being held for everyone, we want you all to be satisfied and feel that this trip was worth it. Only then will this gathering be hailed a success!

"In order for it to be a success, we need to know what's on everyone's mind and what you'd like. Only then will this gathering have not been held in vain."

Emperor Peerless smiled off to the side. "Old brother Hui, why don't you start?"

Emperor Wellspring chuckled again. "I came partially for you, and partially for young lord Zhen's reputation. And also… well… I'd like to know if the rumors about the Pinecrane Pill are true."

The most compelling rumors couldn't be believed unless verified by one's eyes and ears. This summed up the thoughts of mostly everyone present.

"Please, take a look." Jiang Chen had anticipated this and decided to respond with action. When he next opened his hand, there was a pill resting on it. It was the Pillcrane Pill.

The translucent jade pill seemed to have just simply popped into being, formed by nature, giving one an infinitely strong visual impact. A high rank, unique pearl had its own allure. This was even more apparent with something like the Pinecrane Pill. It instantly attracted everyone's attention, making pulses quicken.

Emperor Peerless smiled. "I can swear on my internal demons that the Pinecrane Pill does exist. My dao partner received a new lease on life because of it."

The truth couldn't be refuted. No matter how wild the rumors were, nothing was as real as the pill in front of them.

Even Emperor Wellspring looked at the pill for a long moment, a light dancing in his eyes, before sighing softly. "A greater talent always appears in the world. I bow to you, young lord."

"Young lord Zhen, can this pill be mass produced?" Emperor Reliance suddenly asked tenderly.

Jiang Chen shook his head. "It wouldn't be a sky ranked pill if it could be mass produced. Its ingredients are very difficult to gather and the refining process is quite arduous as well. Even the strongest pill king won't be able to refine this pill. Only pill emperors can give it a try, but their chances of success aren't too high either.

And that was the truth. Jiang Chen could refine the pill not because he was already at a pill emperor level, but because his foundations from his previous life were too strong. Although the Pinecrane Pill was a highly sophisticated pill, it was still just a mundane creation when placed in front of Jiang Chen. It could just barely reach the level of the empyrean planes.

But for the pill masters of Divine Abyss Continent, the difficulty of this pill was akin to scaling the skies. It came down to the differences in foundation in the end.

Emperor Reliance seemed like an ordinary person, but her every word and smile was filled with friendliness. Her voice was so soft that it melted the heart.

"Young lord Zhen, how much will this Pinecrane Pill go for?"

It was the question on everyone's minds. Although the were all great emperors, that didn't mean they were immortal. Their lifespans were still limited at the end of the day. Since the ancient times, there had been precious few great emperors who'd lived past ten thousand years. Even empyrean cultivators didn't live forever. Therefore, no one could withstand the temptation posed by the Pillcrane Pill. Who would ever feel that their lives were too long?

Being able to live another eight hundred to a thousand years was an utmost temptation for these cultivators. It was likely the great attraction apart from breaking through to empyrean realm. They all started fixedly at Jiang Chen, ardently wishing to know a concrete answer.

"Everyone, I've actually never calculated the value of this pill in terms of spirit stones. I'm truly stumped by this question." Jiang Chen laughed.

This pill was too precious, after all. He didn't feel that its worth could be measured in spirit stones at all. If the Pinecrane Pill could be purchased, then he felt that all cultivators in the world would bankrupt themselves to buy a single pill.

"Young lord Zhen, did you invite us here today to sound out how much the pill can be sold for? To test what's the anticipated market reaction to the pill?" One of the wandering great cultivators suddenly asked coldly.

Emperor Peerless' expression instantly sank when he heard this. "Friend, such speculation is uncharitable and rather narrow-minded."

Young lord Zhen however, smiled. "I would indeed like to see how everyone will react to the pill. As for seeing how much it can be sold for… that's not necessarily the case."

Emperor Wellspring asked, "Young lord Zhen, how many of these pills do you have?"

This was the critical question, and Jiang Chen met it head-on. "Very few of them, and not enough for everyone here. I'm only offering one for the auction this time, and maybe one or two more for a transaction."

"Oh? A transaction? For what?" This piqued Emperor Wellspring's interest.

"Something that everyone can offer." Jiang Chen smiled.

This made the great emperors blink blankly. Some faces immediately darkened and they looked towards Emperor Peerless.

"Heh, well isn't that nice, young lord Zhen? Do you think that a mere Pinecrane Pill will be enough to make us swear fealty to you like Emperor Peerless?" An unkind tone shot out from one of them.

Chapter 1257: Luring Fish to the Bait

It was definitely tougher to converse with wandering cultivators, in no small part due to their sensitivity. An offhand comment had been perceived as outright solicitation for their allegiance. These great emperors were like hedgehogs, spikes instantly popping up in resistance.

Jiang Chen couldn't help but laugh at the reaction. "Do you live inside my head? How do you know I want you to join Sacred Peafowl Mountain?"

"Isn't that the case?" The man's voice was cold.

"Of course not. You may think me stupid, but I can't possibly be ignorant enough to invite all of you together rather than talking to you individually if I wanted to recruit you." The young man grinned. "That would work a lot better, wouldn't it? Plus, there's more than two dozen great emperors here. Even if Veluriyam Capital had the ambition, we're not prepared to deal with accepting so many into our fold. We must act according to our abilities. I'm not that foolish, I assure you."

His speech assuaged the hostile attitudes somewhat. Young lord Zhen was right. If he wanted to persuade the wandering cultivators to join, a more private and personalized approach would have been much more effective. What need was there to make a semi-public announcement?

When something like that was put into the open, a single voice of opposition would evoke a chorus of defiance. It was completely counterproductive. Had they misunderstood the young man after all? Did he have something else in mind?

The great emperor in question couldn't back down verbally though, regardless of what he now thought. "What bargaining chip are you talking about then?"

What was something that everyone could offer? They were all great emperors, but there was disparity in both strength and wealth. The only other thing that came to mind was spirit stones. Was it truly possible to buy the Pinecrane Pill with spirit stones alone?

Jiang Chen cast a sidelong glance at the defiant emperor, but refrained from replying. Instead, he turned a thoughtful gaze upon Emperor Wellspring. "Senior Hui, my Pinecrane Pill needs neither spirit stones nor complicated strings. The only thing I would like is a single instance of your help."

"Helping just once?" Emperor Wellspring's eyes were impenetrable. "How?"

"Simple. I would like your help in an hour of need," explained the young lord.

"Who's your opponent?" The emperor's heart thumped with anticipation.

"That's not important right now. Would you agree to something like that?" Jiang Chen beamed.

"Are you planning to declare war on Pillfire City, young lord Zhen?" Emperor Wellspring pondered. "If so, it's hard for us to agree to that. The wandering cultivator world has never participated in inter-faction conflict, and we have no intention of disturbing that balance. If I may put it more plainly, Veluriyam won't win in the end even if we vanquish Pillfire together. Doing so is painting a target on your back."

The emperor wasn't exaggerating in the slightest. Spurring wandering cultivators onto participating in the destruction of a faction was one of the greatest taboos in the cultivation world. It would unquestionably cause backlash from all factions, possibly even panic. The other factions would gather together in a coalition for self-preservation, the tip of their spear firmly pointed toward Veluriyam.

Jiang Chen wasn't about to engage in such an ill-advised scheme.

"Do you think I lack a brain, Senior Hui?" The young lord chuckled. "If I'm declaring war on Pillfire City, then I'll do it with honesty and frankness. I won't do so by the hand of wandering cultivators. There's no glory and every shame in using an underhanded tactic like that."

"Then what do you propose?" Emperor Wellspring couldn't understand it.

"The help I want isn't to attack some faction. In fact, I'll only need your help within Veluriyam's own territory."

Within Veluriyam's own territory?

The proposition instantly sounded a lot more attractive. That geographic limitation made many things much easier. Even if they had to fight denizens from Pillfire, it mattered very little in the grand scheme of things.

Assisting in an attack on Pillfire City was one thing, but defending Veluriyam Capital was quite another. The former was invasion, and the latter was justified self-defence. The nature of the two were night and day.

"Is it really that easy?" The emperor looked back at the youth in disbelief.

In response, Jiang Chen tossed the Pinecrane Pill in his hand at Emperor Wellspring. The emperor felt his mind go blank, but instinctively caught the pill.

"What do you mean by this, young lord Zhen?" The emperor was stupefied by the gesture.

"Old Brother Mo has mentioned you many times to me, Senior Hui. He says that you're one of the rare peers that he admires. His admiration alone is worth that pill. I think it should be rightfully yours. Consider it my respect to you. We can talk about a deal later on, yes?"

The senior emperor was a little embarrassed by the courtesy. Many in the wandering cultivator world were like this. If he was displeased by something or someone, then nothing would convince him to change his mind. But if he was showered with kindness, favors, and praise, he would find it much harder to refuse a future invitation.

Emperor Wellspring was that kind of person. He found the Pinecrane Pill in his hand to be strangely hot.

"Don't worry, Senior Hui. If you at any point think my demand too much, you're free to back out whenever you like. I won't say a word about you returning the pill." Jiang Chen made a ready declaration.

There was no more reason for any hesitation. The emperor nodded. "Alright. I've heard a lot of praise about you, young lord Zhen. There are some that sing them every day. Today, I've witnessed at least part of the reason why."

Still smiling, Jiang Chen glanced towards the others. "I'll be upfront about this, everyone. I don't have nearly enough Pinecrane Pills to satisfy all of you. However, if you agree to the deal, I'll get one to each and all of you sooner or later. Of course, that requires your willingness to deal with and trust me. Senior Hui has received payment ahead of time, but you might need to provide your services first before you get paid. Moreover, I'm be sure when you'll get your pill."

He kept his voice even and composed.

The great emperors were largely hesitant. Some envied Emperor Wellspring's special treatment.

However, Emperor Wellspring was in the top tier of the six giants. Even Emperors Peerless and Inferno were slightly inferior. It was understandable that he would receive preferential conduct.

"It's fine if you pay us later, young lord Zhen, but how can we trust you? If you can't even give us a date, what guarantee do we have?"

"You have nothing to lose and everything to gain," Jiang Chen shrugged. "Why not take a bet? The only reason I cannot give you a date is because of uncertainty about when I'll get the materials again. Refinement itself isn't exactly difficult for me."

"If I may ask, young lord Zhen, what does the Pinecrane Pill require in materials? Perhaps we can supply you with them?"

"Yes, please do let us know. We've traveled all over the world, and we're no strangers to treasures. If we can't bring you the materials, I don't expect anyone can, aside from maybe the richest of sects."

Eagerness flared in the cultivators' eyes. Their yearning for the Pinecrane Pill lured them unwittingly into Jiang Chen's trap.

The Pinecrane Pill's main materials were Invisible Chameleon Cloudpine acorns and Goldencrown Cloudcrane hearts. Jiang Chen had the former, but the latter was moderately rare.

"I'd like to hear your individual decisions, first," Jiang Chen smiled faintly.

Mo Wushuang stayed silent. He couldn't guess at Jiang Chen's purpose, but he knew there had to be a reason behind the young man's actions.

"Ah, fine. If it's just once within Veluriyam Capital's territory, without directly attacking another faction… what harm is there? At worst, I'll have helped for free. No skin off my back. Even a chance at the Pinecrane Pill is something I can't ignore."

A burly great emperor was the first to pipe up, a mane of black hair trailing behind him.

The man's name was Ye Jianlei. He was a powerful and tenacious expert among the wandering cultivators, said to be very close in strength to Emperor Peerless himself.

"Excellent. You are a candid man, Senior Ye." Jiang Chen clapped cheerfully, turning his smiling eyes upon the others. He had no intent of rushing them into the decision. Something like this required personal willingness.

"Sacred Peafowl Mountain has honored its word for thousands of years. Your personal fame is far-reaching as well, young lord Zhen. I think it's worth the risk. Count me in."

"Me as well."

"Don't forget me!"

"Me too."

After the first steps forward, more tend to follow. Seven or eight great emperors made their willingness known.

Emperor Reliance suddenly broke into a bewitching smile. "I shall participate as well, young lord Zhen. As a woman though, we tend to seek the feeling of security… do you mind giving me priority on the Pinecrane Pills?"

The others had no room to criticize the sole woman among the wandering cultivator six titans.

Seeing this, Emperor Inferno sighed softly. "Young lord Zhen, I prefer making myself clear ahead of time. The two of us are not making a bet, but rather a transaction. If I act on your behalf, then I must receive a Pinecrane Pill sooner or later. If I find out you're trying to freeload off us… Veluriyam Capital will have an enemy for life!"

"I appreciate your candor," Jiang Chen smoothed back his smile somewhat. "If you want to say something, put it in the open. But since we're on that topic, I'd like to note something as well. If you agree to help me, then you must remember this: I won't accept a half-hearted effort. If you do not give this your all, I have the right to renege."

"It's hard to distinguish, no?" someone interjected.

"I'll make it easy. Anyone who wants to participate can swear an oath on their inner demons. Any assistance on their part has to be wholehearted and without reservation." Jiang Chen took the initiative.

He was absolutely certain of the attraction the Pinecrane Pill held. No mortal cultivator could ignore it before they broke through to empyrean realm. Experts on the doorstep to doing so were the sole exception. Anyone else would surely relish the extra chunk of time the pill offered.

Chapter 1258: Shifting Allegiances on the Frontlines?

Ten out of twenty three great emperors ended up agreeing to the deal. The rest remained skeptical and decided not to participate. Emperor Wellspring, a top expert, was amongst the ten, as was Emperor Inferno and Emperor Reliance, whose strength matched Emperor Peerless. This lineup was more than adequate.

"Young lord Zhen, since we've already finalized the deal, when do you want us to take action?" Emperor Inferno asked impatiently.

"Now." Jiang Chen flashed a faint, but sincere smile.

"Now?" Emperor Inferno frowned. "Against who? Surely you're not going to have us kill each other?"

"Of course not." Jiang Chen laughed. "There are a few pesky little pests wandering around Sacred Peafowl Mountain, wanting to cause harm. They're causing me a headache and I won't take this lying down. Since all of you have graced my capital, I wish to borrow your muscles to get rid of the unscrupulous scum."

The young lord paused for a moment before he continued. "As I've mentioned before, feel free to renege on your promise if you find this request inappropriate. I won't fault you."

The great emperors exchanged glances without saying a word. They were mulling over the pros and cons. It felt like they'd walked into young lord Zhen's trap, but they quickly came to terms with the fact that it wasn't inappropriate at all.

A Pinecrane Pill in exchange for a minor task? Clearly the deal of a century! Moreover, if they reneged on their promise, who knew for sure that the young lord wouldn't blacklist them?

They weren't afraid of being blacklisted by Veluriyam Capital. However, the Pinecrane Pill was something that they truly yearned for. They'd never be given an opportunity like this again if they were blacklisted. They didn't want that to happen. Even though they felt used by the young lord, they harbored no anger towards him, nor did they intend to renege upon their promise.

Emperor Wellspring chuckled. "Young lord Zhen, do you know their backgrounds and cultivation levels?"

"To be honest, I'm not sure. They could be old acquaintances of ours, hidden enemies plotting against us, or forces from an enemy faction. Their identity really doesn't matter. What matters is the fact that they're trespassing and we have the right to defend our territory. This isn't against the rules of jianghu. No?"

Jiang Chen had actually guessed that it was Emperor Shura and a few other men from Pillfire City. He couldn't verify his theory right now, but that was likely the case.

Emperor Springwell laughed. "Everyone, since we've already agreed on a deal, it's better that we do this sooner rather than later. Since we're doing this on Sacred Peafowl Mountain territory, our actions are perfectly justifiable. What do you think?"

Emperor Inferno nodded. "It's settled then."

Emperor Reliance smiled. "I agree."

"Young lord Zhen, do we really have enough men to handle them?" one of the great emperors suddenly asked.

Jiang Chen smiled. "If we include Old Brother Mo, our lineup is so powerful that we could flatten any faction in the Upper Eight Regions. Surely our numbers aren't a cause for concern?"

"That may be the case if you only want to defeat the enemy. If they're hellbent on escaping though, there's no guarantee that we'll be able to stop them. What happens to our deal then?"

That was everyone's biggest concern.

Jiang Chen smiled. "As long as everyone gives it their best effort, I won't blame you if a fish or two manages to slip past. However, I do hope that you'll be able to get all of them in one go."

Emperor Springwell nodded. "Everyone put your best foot forward. Don't be complacent."

"Don't worry, I'll definitely honor my end of deal. My capital stands to gain nothing by offending so many reputable seniors of the wandering world. Moreover, I'll also come up with a plan. As long as you follow it, we will absolutely net them all in one fell swoop." Jiang Chen spoke with complete and utter confidence.

The wandering cultivators were taken aback. The young lord was very young, but definitely no a pushover. He was fearless and unflinching in front of so many great emperors. He would most certainly go on to become one of the greatest leaders of the human domain one day!

The wandering cultivators had quickly realized that the young lord wasn't to be trifled with. Making enemies with this young genius would be a grave mistake. It was better to offend a wealthy old man than a poor, flourishing youth.

The great emperors who'd opted not to partake in the deal were filled with regret when they heard how simple the condition was. Why hadn't they agreed?? It was such a simple request!

Unfortunately, the deal was already struck and there was no possibility of a renegotiation. They were beside themselves with frustration that they'd thrown such a great opportunity away.

Somewhere in a hidden corner around Sacred Peafowl Mountain, Emperors Shura and Vastsea had disguised themselves as wandering cultivators and were lying in wait.

"This brat is more slippery than a frog! It's been days! Why hasn't he shown up yet!" Emperor had set up an ambush in the vicinity, but to no avail. Jiang Chen simply hadn't showed up.

Emperor Vastsea didn't have much faith in the plan. "Brother Shura, must we take the risk? That brat must have at least a few great emperors accompanying him now. Although we have five great emperors, who's to say that we can kill him in one strike? Even if we do succeed, can we really escape Veluriyam Capital in one piece?"

Emperor Vastsea's faith had wavered greatly in recent days. Regret was constantly looming in the back of his mind.

Emperor Shura answered coldly. "Vastsea, this is our only chance to turn the situation around! After killing that brat, the capital will surely fall into chaos! Why should we leave? We can saunter back in! Don't forget, we have roots in the capital too!"

"But… the other great emperors might gang up on us immediately after we appear!"

Emperor Shura snorted coldly. "Impossible! Petalpluck and Mountaincrush are both spineless fence-sitters! Emperor Skysplitter's foundation hasn't solidified yet, so he's another one. Void, Coiling Dragon, and Peerless might put up some resistance, but we're five! This is basic math! Five against three, it's obvious which side will win! After that brat is dead, do you really think that Petalpluck and Mountaincrush will continue to side with the three like some loyal hound? Don't they know how to assess the situation and act accordingly?"

Emperor Vastsea sighed. "But what if we slip up? We'll be trapped and surrounded by all sides then. Everyone will be after us like we're a rat crossing the street!"

"We mustn't make any mistakes then." Murderous intent exploded from Emperor Shura. "How can there be accidents when we've planned this so meticulously? We're in the shadow while he's in the light. We have the element of surprise. Without any formations to protect him, how can an initial emperor realm cultivator possibly withstand my ultimate attack?"

Emperor Vastsea sighed and said nothing else. He agreed that Emperor Shura's plan was almost flawless, but for some reason, he had a feeling it wouldn't work. After so many frustrating defeats, he'd begun to feel that young lord Zhen's fortune was simply insurmountable. Even though the plan seemed flawless now, things could still go awry when it was put it into action.

After all, Emperor Shura's previous plans had also seemed just as flawless at the beginning, but young lord Zhen was always the one with the last laugh.

Would this time be an exception?

Emperor Vastsea didn't think so. He'd always been Emperor Shura's firmest believer. But the seedling of doubt had grown too big to be ignored this time. It felt like he was walking on a path of no return with Emperor Shura. They'd be goners with one misstep.

No… don't! Emperor Vastsea's inner voice constantly droned on the back of his head.

"Vastsea, keep a lookout from this position while I check on the others. Remain vigilant. We can't afford any slip-ups!" Emperor Shura never would've imagined that his most loyal ally was faltering.

"Mm. Go." Emperor Vastsea nodded and pretended that nothing was out of the ordinary. He was consumed by a state of panic after Emperor Shura left. Moments later, he grit his teeth with an idea. He retrieved a message glyph, imbued some of his consciousness into it, and sent it soaring.

The glyph arrived at the young lord manor in a blink of an eye. It fell into the possession of the Geng brothers who were patrolling the gate. They immediately took it to Jiang Chen, who smirked mischievously when opening the unexpected message.

Emperor Vastsea? Jiang Chen was slightly taken aback. Isn't he Emperor Shura's diehard follower? Is he planning to turn his sword against his friend?

Jiang Chen had always looked down on Emperor Vastsea. To him, Vastsea was merely Emperor Shura's obedient hound. If someone like him was switching sides, it could only mean that Emperor Shura was in a terrible situation and that there wasn't much of a future by being on his side.

Jiang Chen pondered every other possibility. Could this be a scheme from Emperor Shura and Vastsea? He concluded soon after that there was little reason for them to hatch such a plot in Sacred Peafowl Mountain territory. Perhaps Emperor Vastsea was really betraying Emperor Shura?

Should I or should I not accept his offer? Jiang Chen didn't think very highly of Emperor Vastsea's offer.

Chapter 1259: Jiang Chens Attitude

After some consideration, Jiang Chen decided not to completely cut off Emperor Vastsea. The betrayal of Emperor Shura's closest confidant was very useful. Firstly it would intimidate Shura's remaining supporters. The message would be very clear: there was no hope for the disgraced emperor to succeed. Even his most loyal lieutenant was abandoning him!

Secondly, Emperor Shura definitely had something to do with Emperor Peafowl's disappearance. Given Emperor Vastsea's intimacy with Shura, he was sure to know a few details. And, it was a safe guess that Emperor Vastsea had not been a direct participant. He'd remained within Veluriyam Capital's walls when Emperor Peafowl was absent, unlike Emperor Shura. Moreover, he only had the courage to defect to Jiang Chen's side because of his relative innocence regarding Emperor Peafowl's disappearance. If that wasn't the case, he wouldn't dare surrender.

Thirdly, it wasn't easy to completely exterminate their marks without internal assistance. After all, both sides had a good number of great emperors. With Emperor Vastsea's assistance at a crucial moment, things would go a lot more smoothly.

Finally, Jiang Chen's acceptance of Emperor Vastsea's surrender showed the entire capital his generosity. That he was willing to forgive someone's wrongs would surely draw the people's hearts closer to him.

Most importantly, the great emperors close to him currently–Emperors Coiling Dragon, Void, Peerless–were all generally righteous people. That meant he lacked a subordinate who would obey his every command and do certain dirty jobs unsuitable for the others.

It was better to recycle Emperor Vastsea and put him to much better use as a gatekeeping dog. He would fill a slightly unsavory, but nevertheless much-needed role. Such things had to be done eventually. Jiang Chen couldn't exactly assign them to Emperors Coiling Dragon, Void, or Peerless. In his own way, Emperor Vastsea was the best man for this particular kind of job.

Jiang Chen was willing to give Emperor Vastsea a chance. Of course, he had to prepare for the possibility that the surrender was only a pretense as well.

"Please excuse me for a moment, everyone," Jiang Chen departed the hall with a cupped fist salute. Moving to a more secluded corner, he summoned the Goldbiter rat king.

"Ole Gold, Emperor Vastsea has issued me a message glyph containing his surrender. Please reach out to him and see if he's really interested. If so, come back immediately. I'll have a new plan then," the young man commanded.

The rat king chuckled. "Alright! Emperor Shura's a bastard alright. He's walking right into his own demise this time."

Vastsea's location wasn't far. The rat king reached his position in only a few moments. Being the cautious beast he was, he probed upward only after sensing that the emperor was by himself.

Emperor Vastsea's great emperor-level senses immediately alerted him to the rat king's presence upon the spirit creature's approach. Sensing latent hostility from the emperor, the rat king decided to just burrow out and reveal himself.

"Are you Emperor Vastsea?" After breaking through to emperor realm, the rat king had the ability to take on human form. Naturally, he had also learned human language.

The large golden rat surprised Emperor Vastsea. "Who… are you?"

"After hearing your intentions to defect, my young lord sent me to scope things out. He says that he's willing to give you a chance if you're sincere."

"Oh?" Emperor Vastsea hadn't had high hopes for his message.

"My young lord has only one question for you. Did you participate in Emperor Peafowl's disappearance?" The rat king pressed sternly.

"Not at all. I knew about it, but I definitely didn't participate in it!" The emperor's denial was lightning-fast.

"Are you able to swear to that?" The rat king was always exceedingly prudent.

"I swear on my inner demons that I did not. I was at Veluriyam Capital for the entire thing, so it would've been impossible anyway." Emperor Vastsea frantically defended himself. He knew that this was the only chance he had at redemption. He was done for if he couldn't firmly grasp it. In any case, young lord Zhen already seemed to know that they were hidden nearby.

The rat king smirked. "I commend you for your wise decision, Emperor Vastsea. You would've met an untimely death otherwise."

"Hmm?" Emperor Vastsea started.

"You people think you're so clever. I'm sure you have no idea that the young lord knows your every move." The rat king took a sledgehammer to the emperor's psychological defenses. "Need I say more?"

"What?" The emperor blanched at the revelation.

"So, how do you convince the young lord of your trustworthiness? You can inform me of how many great emperors you brought, as a start." The rat king felt very good indeed. He was pleased to throw his weight around before a human great emperor. His typically timid heart was tremendously satisfied.

Emperor Vastsea felt his own anxiety pushing at him. "Aside from me and Shura, three other great emperors under Emperor Pillzenith's orders are present. They're about as strong as I am. Please inform young lord Zhen that I'm willing to vouch an honest defection with my inner demons. If I lying, then let my inner demons consume me and let my descendants be enslaved in perpetuity."

The rat king grinned at the vicious affirmation. "Good, good. Discretion is the better part of valor! You were quite an idiot before, but it looks like you're not entirely hopeless after all. My young lord is charitable enough to offer you a lifeline. Wait here a moment."

Saying this, the beast disappeared into thin air.

Emperor Vastsea's back was slick with sweat. His recent distress and exhaustion was unprecedented; he hadn't experienced such emotions since the day he'd first become a great emperor in Veluriyam Capital. A junior's attitude was influencing his state of mind! Why was he happy to receive the forgiveness of someone so much younger than him?

Ah, Vastsea, you're really moving down in the world now. Never mind that. I was the foolish one all along for following the wrong person. If young lord Zhen is willing to give me a chance, then he must have a use for me. I'll bear however much shame and derision I need in order to survive.

Emperor Vastsea was a smart man. He was resolute in his decision to abandon his former ally, and acutely knew the derision that would come from the Emperors Void and Coiling Dragon. Emperor Void would probably be fine, but Emperor Coiling Dragon was famous for his acerbic tongue. Emperor Vastsea was prepared to receive verbal abuse from him.

The Goldbiter Rat King returned with news of Emperor Vastsea. After verifying that the message was true, Jiang Chen had his own idea on how to approach the subject.

He gave the rat king further instructions. "Ole Gold, go back and tell Emperor Vastsea that I'm willing to accept his defection. However, he must provide more substantial proof of his sincerity. When the time is right, he needs to attack Emperor Shura from behind. He doesn't need to land a lethal blow. Just a wound is sufficient. There will be others to finish the job!"

With information on Emperor Shura's men and an agent on the inside working for him, Jiang Chen firmly believed that the coming battle would be flawless.

The Goldbiter Rat went back to Emperor Vastsea with the young lord's missive.

After hearing the entire plan from the rat king, Emperor Vastsea pondered a few moments before nodding. "He's not suspicious of me right now. An attack from the back is fine. What I am worried about though, is the possibility of his escape even after receiving a serious wound."

"That's not something you should worry about. The young lord has his ways of dealing with him. You only need to do your part to be considered genuine."

"Alright. Please tell young lord Zhen that I will carry his word out to the letter." Emperor Vastsea was unwavering.

The rat king departed once more. Emperor Vastsea took back to the shadows, experiencing a fleeting moment of apologetic regret. He shook off the sentiment very quickly.

Don't blame me, Shura. If you'd stayed at Pillfire City, I would never have abandoned you regardless of embarrassment. But you just had to toss yourself forward into mortal peril. Dragging me along without my permission too… this is all your fault.

Emperor Vastsea managed to convince himself of the value and necessity of his actions. His reason was decent enough. Personally, Emperor Vastsea hadn't wanted to return to Veluriyam Capital at all. He had developed a natural fear of young lord Zhen and no longer wanted to be enemies with him.

But Emperor Shura had forcibly shoved him along upon this path. Emperor Vastsea desperately wanted a way out from the disaster he was in.

Emperor Shura returned after fifteen minutes.

"Any leads, fellow daoist?" Emperor Vastsea asked impassively.

The anxiety and irritation was plain on the emperor's visage. He was fueled by a desire for revenge. The light of hatred brimmed in his eyes.

"That kid is just too devious. I'll wager he's not showing himself until the Dragon and Tiger Meet begins. He's just invited a group of wandering great emperors to a banquet," Emperor Shura spat out through grit teeth. "That animal is inviting a brood of vipers into his own home! Does he want to destroy Veluriyam Capital by inviting so many wandering cultivators in?"

Emperor Vastsea was utterly disgusted by his companion's faux-virtuous tone. Before, he would've concurred. But he could see plainly now that Emperor Shura was simply jealous.

Shura was jealous of the young lord's ability and fame despite his youth. The young lord had been able to invite the unruly great emperor experts from the wandering cultivator community at such a young age. Even Emperor Vastsea himself had to admit that the young lord was rather competent. "Fellow daoist, does he perhaps want to hire these experts as his bodyguards?" He managed to squeeze out.

"Hard to say. If that's the case, we'd have a hard time getting in there." Emperor Shura sounded deeply reluctant. "However, wandering cultivator experts are generally selfish. What's so special about that brat? I don't believe that he'd be able to convince them. Not one bit!" He was loath to give up on mowing down his obstacle.

Emperor Vastsea nodded. "I think he's just trying to get on their good side. Maybe get their opinions about the Dragon and Tiger Meet. I feel the same way as you do. Can he really get them to put their lives on the line the first time he meets them? Even Emperor Peafowl didn't have the reputation to pull that off."

Emperor Vastsea hadn't wanted to come with Emperor Shura back in Pillfire. Now, he was worried about Emperor Shura abandoning the operation. If that happened, wasn't his own plan of defection done?

Chapter 1260: General Betrayal

Emperor Vastsea's worry was extraneous. Emperor Shura's hate-filled eyes signaled a fundamental unwillingness to give up attacking. The fires of vengeance burned ever brighter. He had zero intentions of abandoning the plan.

"Vastsea, this is when we make it or break it! Either we kill that brat and take back Veluriyam Capital, or we're cut off from it forever!" Emperor Shura didn't quite declare the absolute alternative of 'death' outright. He was still retaining some consideration for Emperor Vastsea's feelings.

"We'll have the chance for sure, fellow daoist," said Vastsea.

Suddenly, Emperor Shura's consciousness detected something. A look of deranged glee appeared on his face. "Good! What a stroke of fortune, Vastsea! That brat is finally showing himself. He's escorting the wandering great emperors out right now and they're on their way down Sacred Peafowl Mountain. He only has Mo Wushuang beside him. Void and Coiling Dragon are absent!"

Emperor Vastsea's heart trembled. His eyes radiated glee. "Truly?"

The emperor was a very good actor. Behind his cheerful expression was detached indifference. What a fool. He's at the brink of a precipice, but doesn't know he's being intentionally baited in. How could I have been so blind to follow such a brainless and incompetent man for so many years?

"Come, Vastsea. Let's go to them. The others have locked on to the kid. We're in charge of cutting off his escape. We simply need to prevent him from returning to his residence. He won't get away even if he sprouts wings!" Emperor Shura gnashed his teeth.

"Yes, let's go!" concurred Emperor Vastsea.

Emperor Shura didn't detect anything out of the ordinary with his compatriot. His excitement had gone to his head. In his mind, victory was already assured.

The two emperors hid themselves near Sacred Peafowl Mountain's entrance, along the return path.

Emperor Shura gazed intently into the distance. "He's just sent off the wandering cultivators," he muttered. "The brat will be back very shortly. The hour of reckoning will soon be upon us. You'll be in charge of stalling Mo Wushuang. I'll lead the attack, and the other three will back me up. Use our domains to block the kid's escape!"

"Alright. Congratulations, fellow daoist. Surely nothing will go wrong this time," nodded Emperor Vastsea.

"Heh heh heh," Emperor Shura cackled ominously. He focused his eyes upon the road further down, not blinking even for a second. He would spring into action the second any hint of Jiang Chen appeared in the periphery.

Time passed moment by moment. It didn't take long for two hazy figures to appear in the distance. Another second was enough for Emperor Shura to differentiate their identities. "It's him! It's the brat!" The desperate emperor felt a surge of happiness. "He thinks he's so good, Vastsea. He thinks he's right outside his home. He only brought one person with him! It is fate that decrees his death!"

Emperor Vastsea echoed hollow laughter. "If the heavens wants someone to die, they will first drive him to madness."

Emperor Shura completely missed the undertones to those words. His only reaction was a vicious nod. He awaited Jiang Chen to reach his domain's zone of control before he would launch his attack.

Jiang Chen was very cheerful with a spring in his step. He was laughing and chatting with Mo Wushuang, not having the slightest inclination of sensing any impending danger.

Emperor Shura was pleased by the sight. The kid was so full of himself that he'd tossed all caution to the wind. Excellent news for what he was about to do. The more relaxed the kid was, the better of a chance he had on the offense. An alert target would only hamper his plan.

So very close!

Rubbing his fingers together, the emperor conjured a powerful talisman into his hand. Upon activation, it turned into an expanse of yellow radiance, rippling outward in a series of circular waves.

Thunder rumbled through the air. It was a very potent sealing talisman.

These talismans were designed to counter escape talismans. It locked down the general area so that would-be escapees couldn't slip through dimensional cracks. Emperor Shura had done so in order to block off every passage of escape. He wanted to trap Jiang Chen and torture him at leisure.

This talisman in particular was especially strong, and was one of Emperor Shura's most valuable possessions. He was willing to spend a pretty penny on the excursion.

Space in a ten-mile radius was thus closed off.

"Hahaha!" The talisman's success made Emperor Shura cackle in triumph. Now that the surrounding space was sealed off, neither Jiang Chen nor Mo Wushuang could flee.

There was no more reason for him to hide. He had three allies nearby that would arrive at any moment. Five great emperors against one, plus a mere emperor realm genius, was beyond superb odds! How could the emperor not feel vindicated?

Emperor Vastsea followed his companion's materialization from thin air, standing close by the other emperor.

Mo Wushuang's expression froze at the spatial enclosure. "Young lord," he called out to Jiang Chen, "this is a powerful sealing talisman. We can only exit on foot."

Jiang Chen nodded, but his expression was quite composed. He locked coolly onto Emperor Shura. The great emperor was halfway up the mountain, blocking the way.

Emperor Shura particularly despised the young man's intractable pride. The brat's death was nigh, but he was still putting on a noble, detached air. The emperor was particularly incensed by this kind of reaction.

"Brat Zhen, heaven has delivered justice this day by giving you to me! I'd like to hear any last words you might have, hahahaha…" The desperate emperor was exultant for a change. He even had the energy to utter a mocking comment.

Young lord Zhen was a mouse caught in a trap. No matter which way he looked at it, the young man should be descending into severe panic any moment now. Emperor Shura was quite unhappy that it hadn't happened yet.

"Shura, eh? Your actions are only bringing yourself to ruin. Homeless dogs should lick their wounds from the shadows, not run to their demise. You would've been fine if you hadn't come running to your destruction."

Emperor Shura barked a laugh out of extreme anger. "Do you really have time left to waste on idle bickering? In a way, I'm impressed. Do you think you have any chance left of turning the tables today?"

"What, you think you've won already?" Jiang Chen looked at his opponent through a half-smile.

"Hmph, enough talk. The airspace for miles around has been sealed off by my talisman. You won't be able to escape. Do you think that Mo Wushuang alone can guard you? Don't try to bluster. I've done my research already and know that the other emperors aren't at Sacred Peafowl Mountain!"

Emperor Shura spoke like a petty, argumentative brat. He seemed to be scared of losing a verbal debate to Jiang Chen and constantly emphasized his advantage. He wanted to overwhelm the youth on an emotional level.

However, his tirade seemed to have had the opposite effect. Rather than wiping away the smile on the young man's face, it seemed to have introduced a hint of ridicule instead. There was a very small bit of sympathy as well; the charitable kind that one might throw to a fool. For the second time that day, the youth's reaction deeply hurt the emperor.

"Vastsea, back me up. I'm going to take that kid's head right off. Let's see if he can keep running his mouth then," Emperor Shura instructed.

Emperor Vastsea maintained a blank expression. "Alright."

Shura cast his gaze into the distance. "Good. The three others are coming up now. A flanking maneuver will hasten that brat's death."

"As you wish," replied Vastsea woodenly.

With a bark of hideous laughter, Emperor Shura began to brew up the momentum needed to strike a lethal blow.

Suddenly, a flash of uneasy precognition flickered through his consciousness. He wanted to investigate exactly what was wrong, but a tremendous force was already rushing at him from the rear.

He responded with lightning speed, but the sheer abruptness of the attack allowed it to sneak in anyway. A nasty punch hit him in the small of his back. The punch dealt a heavy, hammering blow, almost sending his heart flying through the front of his chest.


Emperor Shura felt a warm sensation in his oral cavity. He spat out a mouthful of blood.

Pfft! Still, the desperate emperor was no slouch at combat. He reflexively scythed backward with his demonic saber in a fluid motion. If the assailant behind him delayed half a moment, he would've been cut cleanly in half.

Unfortunately, the attack landed on empty air. The assailant was already gone like a light breeze. A terrifying thought drifted into Emperor Shura's mind. Though he didn't turn his head, he could still who had attacked him from behind.

There was only one possible culprit: Emperor Vastsea!

My once loyal underling has betrayed me! Shura turned his head in indignation, but Emperor Vastsea had already drifted a few hundred meters out. The once follower ignored the murderous wrath of his former master.

"Vastsea, you… you dare betray me!?" Emperor Shura's rage couldn't be contained. He had never thought he would be backstabbed by the man he had trusted the most, and at the eleventh hour!

Emperor Vastsea was expressionless. "I am not the one that has betrayed you, Shura. You're trying to drag me into the abyss with you. I don't want to die, so I have to do something."

"Bullshit!" The desperate emperor let out a savage roar. "I'm on the verge of killing this kid. Are you blind? Don't you see we're on the cusp of winning?"

Emperor Vastsea shook his head. "No, I don't. I see you a witless clown dancing around. Shura, I followed you before because I thought you could inherit the throne. You proved me wrong through your ineptitude, and drove the point home in the face of adversity. You aren't worth my loyalty any longer."

Emperor Shura trembled like a leaf. Emperor Vastsea's attack had wounded him physically, but the man's words were crueler than his fist. He was on the verge of suffocation.

Chapter 1261: Besieged on All Sides

"Vastsea! You'll regret this!" A terrifying ray of blinding light burst out of Emperor Shura's eyes. Fiery red beams abruptly floated over his body, turning him into a ball of flames shooting up into the sky. He'd summoned the Shura flames by igniting his bloodline!

The move wasn't new to Jiang Chen. Emperor Shura had used it once during the final round of the Vassal Meeting.

"I'll kill all of you! Die!" Emperor Shura's battle intent grew more and more bloodthirsty as his bloodline powers burned.

Jiang Chen smiled blandly. "Hmph! Futile struggles by a trapped beast!"

He brought out an ancient talisman as he spoke. It was the Skyclearer Talisman that he'd taken from Imperial Prince Zhao during the fight with Demon Emperor Bloodmalva. It was an incredible talisman from the ancient ages. Even the demon emperor's demonic miasma had been no match for its powers, let alone a mere sealing glyph. Sadly, modern talisman masters were no longer capable of creating talismans of this level.

Jiang Chen activated the talisman without hesitation.

The Skyclearer Talisman materialized as an ancient celestial god and instantly shattered the sealing glyph with an overwhelmingly formidable aura.

Jiang Chen was completely dumbfounded after witnessing this might.

Ah… I've put such a fine talisman to ridiculously petty use. He was filled with regret when he saw how powerful it was. He never would've imagined that it would be so useful. Fortunately, this talisman can be used thrice. I've wasted it once, so I'll have to use it sparingly in the future.

Jiang Chen stowed the talisman back safely and activated the Ancient Crimson Formation Disk. A formation designed for trapping enemies instantly connected with the Nine Sparks Petalstorm Formation. The mountain was completely wrapped in formations.

"Everyone, it's time for you to display your skill!"

The three great emperor assassins that Emperor Pillzenith were rushing up the mountain to encircle Jiang Chen, but they found themselves trapped in a formation instead. When they looked up the mountain again, their target had drifted away.

Whoosh whoosh whoosh whoosh! Figures kept surging out from all directions around the mountain.

"Kill them!" Jiang Chen shouted.

Emperor Wellspring took the lead. The precious sword in his hand slashed forward a dazzling arc of radiance that roiled towards Emperor Shura.

Mo Wushuang didn't hold back either as he deployed his arts and thundered towards Emperor Shura.

In terms of cultivation, Emperor Wellspring was possibly superior to Shura, and Peerless' was on par with Shura. Throwing in Vastsea into the mix made for a three against one situation. Shura burning his bloodline powers didn't help it one iota. He'd been gravely injured by Vastsea's blow, so his battle strength was a far cry from his usual peak form.

Emperor Wellspring was teaming up with Peerless on the mountain while the other nine wandering great emperors split into three groups, surrounding the three assassins and attacking furiously.

Given how the premises were enclosed by a formation that Jiang Chen was constantly monitoring and powering with the Earth Bodhisattva Orb, the would-be attackers were fish in a barrel. Their only function was to be beaten up. There was no escape to be had.

Although they had many trump cards to help them flee, they didn't have a chance to use them at all. Everyone was facing off with three opponents. There wasn't much a cultivation gap between fellow great emperors, so being disadvantaged in numbers meant that victory was impossible.

Besides, given the formation surrounding them, they'd have to leave the current area first before they could use any escape glyphs. As wondrous as their glyphs might be, they were useless when trapped in the formation.

Increasing surprise assaulted Shura as he battled on. He'd recognized the sword in Wellspring's hand. "Emperor Wellspring, I have no feud or conflict with you. Why do you force me so threateningly?"

Peerless however, shouted. "Shura, you upset the natural order of things and even the heavens despise you! What more do you have to say for yourself?"

"Pah! Mo Wushuang, I'd thought you were a man, but to think you're willing to be Sacred Peafowl Mountain's loyal dog! Is this all that a wandering heavyweight is good for?" Shura may be receiving a beating, but his mouth was working overtime.

Emperor Wellspring responded blandly. "Shura, I wouldn't make a move against you if we were outside Sacred Peafowl Mountain. The young lord has paid us to protect him on these grounds, so I'm afraid my actions will give offense. Just like young lord Zhen said, you wouldn't be faced with death if you didn't go looking for it."

Shura roared angrily as he'd been hit repeatedly as they conversed.

"Vastsea, you traitorous scum who sells out his own master! When have I ever mistreated you?? How dare you betray your master for personal gain? Do you think you can wash yourself clean if you throw yourself to this brat's mercy? Do you want me to reveal all the ugly things you've done?" Shura now turned his attention to Vastsea.

Emperor Vastsea's possessed an incredibly thick face and he retorted coldly. "Shura, there's no point in trying to drive a wedge between people now. I won't regret any decision I've made. This way is still better than yours to hell! I tried to convince you not to come back to Veluriyam Capital, that you shouldn't take the risk. But you decided to strike out on your own anyways and dragged me down without my consent. Did you ever ask if I wanted any of this?"

"Pfft, look at you finding excuses for being afraid of death!" Emperor Shura was incensed beyond believe.

"That's right, I'm afraid of death. It's been a long and arduous journey to reaching great emperor. Why should I accompany you when I know that only death awaits me?" Emperor Vastsea didn't deny things at all.

"Shameless, shameless!" Shura bellowed, apoplectic. "I'm going to kill you, traitor, if that's the last thing I do!"

A ghastly scream sounded in the distance. One of Emperor Pillzenith's great emperors was just a hair weaker than the rest. He'd suffered a critical blow in his fight, which meant that the fight was soon to be decided. Scrapes and surface injuries wouldn't determine the winds of battle, but fatal wounds could.

Repeated moves blasted into that great emperor as he shrieked and howled in agony. His body was tossed up like a sandbag and light from a sword flashed by behind him. It graced his neck, shooting a large head up into the sky. Blood spurted out in arrows, marking the fall of a great emperor.

None of the wandering great emperors were foolishly kind people. Since they'd decided to take action, they wouldn't just stop at first blood.

After offing one opponent, nine of them circled the remaining two. The two fought with the desperation of a caged beast, but their mindsets had become fragile with the demise of their companion. They put their backs to each other and barely managed to defend their stance, but their situation was perilous.

Emperor Inferno charged ahead, sending a dominating dragon of fire churning towards the two. Emperor Reliance wasn't to be outdone and notched an arrow onto her bow, Lifereaper. She too was ready to take their lives at any second.

"Daoist Inferno and Reliance, please hold!" The two broke down and begged for mercy when they saw that the two great emperors had readied their killing moves. The would-be assassins were in a disguise, so it was impossible to tell who they were from appearances.

Emperor Inferno blinked when he heard the cry and sniffed coldly. "How do the two of you know this great emperor?"

Lifereaper remained taut.

"Fellow daoists, we're all wandering cultivators here, why seek our deaths?" The two ripped off their disguises to reveal their true faces.

"It's you two?" Emperor Inferno started. He and Reliance actually did know the two.

"The Jiao brothers of Mt. Huai?" Emperor Reliance was startled as well.

"It's us, it's us." The two begged piteously as they knew they were dead without a doubt if the fight continued. "Daoist Inferno and Reliance, we have the same roots, why torment each other like this? Why do wandering cultivators have to make life difficult for other wandering cultivators?"

Emperor Inferno hesitated. He was a straightforward man, but not someone who enjoyed killing for the sake of killing. If the two hadn't revealed themselves or had they been sect experts, he would've given the kill order without another thought. But the two were actually wandering cultivator experts and they all knew each other.

Even though the Jiao brothers weren't as famed as he, they still ranked at the top. In the world of wandering cultivators, the top experts rarely tried to kill each other.

This was a slightly dicey situation now. Emperor Inferno's eyes flitted over to his counterpart, wondering what thoughts she had.

Emperor Reliance giggled. "Don't look at me. Ole Brother Hui's over there dealing with Shura. You're in charge here. We'll kill them if you say so and refrain if you say no."

The other great emperors with them didn't say anything, but the answer was clear in their eyes. They would listen to Emperor Inferno. He smiled wryly. "This is nuts. Jiao Yun, Jiao Feng, are you two mad? Why are you involved in Veluriyam Capital's internal conflict?"

The Jiao brothers complained ruefully. "Daoist Inferno, we're equally resigned. We're not interested in this conflict at all! But we owe some people some favors and they wanted us to come here to attack young lord Zhen. There's nothing we can do about it either."

"This complicates things. We have a business transaction with the young lord. If we let you go, we'll be violating the principles of the transaction." Emperor Inferno mused. "It's up to the young lord whether you live or die."

Sweat beaded the Jiao brothers' forehead. They were tremendously shocked that so many wandering cultivator heavyweights were willing to listen to the young lord's orders. What was going on here?

Chapter 1262: Jiang Chens Marvelous Move

In the wandering cultivator world, the Jiao brothers of Mt. Huai had a certain degree of prestige. They weren't as famous as the six titans, but they still wouldn't have come at Emperor Pillzenith's beck and call if he didn't have dirt on them. Moreover, the emperor had told them that the task wouldn't be difficult. They just had to listen to Emperor Shura's orders and kill Veluriyam Capital's young lord.

As long as they could pull that off, the debt they owed to Emperor Pillzenith would be cancelled out. That was why the Jiao brothers had agreed to help Pillfire City in the first place. The only reason, honestly.

They'd analyzed the situation before coming to Veluriyam, arriving at the conclusion that the job actually wasn't hard. After all, the young lord was only an emperor realm genius. So what if he had an expert like Mo Wushuang by his side? Could the five of them not deal with one measly young lord?

Therefore, the Jiao brothers hadn't expected anything life-threatening on the trip. Even if they couldn't kill young lord Zhen, they should've had no problem making a tactical retreat. They hadn't expected such a drastic change in the situation.

They couldn't even control their own lives anymore! This was truly an astonishing turn for the worse. From what Emperor Inferno was saying, if young lord Zhen didn't forgive them, it was a very real possibility that their peers would cut them down where they stood. After all, they were peers in name only. Each man fended for himself.

"Daoist Inferno, you'll be the laughingstock of the wandering cultivator world if you kill us here. We are fellow wanderers. How can we squabble among ourselves? Wouldn't such a thing be ridiculed by everyone?" The elder brother, Jiao Yun, protested loudly.

"That's right. We've admitted defeat already. Daoist Inferno, Daoist Reliance, are you really going to stamp us out?" The younger brother, Jiao Feng, sounded just as resentful as his brother.

Jiang Chen had been observing the proceedings all this time, and snickered when he heard what the Jiao brothers were trying to pull. "The Jiao brothers of Mt. Huai, hmm? Your reputation precedes you. Are you a pair of death-fearing cowards?"

The brothers knew the speaker was young lord Zhen. Though they were inwardly furious, they didn't dare to lash out. Their lives were in the young man's grasp, after all.

Veluriyam Capital's young lord didn't wait for a response before continuing. "You call yourselves fellow wanderers. Are you saying that your opinion of the two emperors here has decreased after you've seen them help me?

"Why don't you think about what you were doing by coming here in the first place? Who sent you? Do you think it's more honorable to attack Veluriyam Capital at his orders? What, is Emperor Inferno and the others not allowed to make a deal to assist my defense?"

Jiang Chen taunted the brothers with cold scorn. He could see that the Jiao brothers were trying to use the wandering cultivator community's loyalty and justice as a tool. The brothers wanted to use something for the common good selfishly to save their own lives. However, they'd forgotten that Emperor Inferno and company were here to assist him with self-defense. There was no shame in that whatsoever anywhere.

Countless experts in the wandering cultivator world were hired for precisely such a task. This was a perfectly ordinary occurrence by any stretch of the imagination. But the Jiao brothers had been hired to mount an open assault on another faction. That was something entirely different. One was premeditated murder, the other was justified self-defense.

When judged, the former were naturally the unreasonable party. Therefore, Jiang Chen was obliged to jump out with criticism when he heard what the Jiao brothers were attempting to do.

Emperor Inferno nodded at Jiang Chen's words. "Jiao Yun, Jiao Feng. You are wandering cultivator experts, and yet you attacked Veluriyam Capital on behalf of another. What right do you have to tell us what's right and wrong?"

The Jiao brothers sweated in embarrassment. They had no ground to stand on when a more serious, logical approach was taken. Why would one bother to reason with dogs who had aggressively bitten them?

The brothers were both quite distressed. Jiao Yun was the first one to express contrition. "Never mind, then. I suppose there are worse ends than dying at the hands of one's fellow wandering cultivators. Do your worst."

Emperor Inferno gazed thoughtfully at Jiang Chen. "Young lord Zhen, the Jiao brothers of Mt. Huai aren't usually bastardly scum. We fight for separate masters in this battle, but I must ask for mercy on their behalf."

The other great emperor participants were displeased by Emperor Inferno's intervention.

"Daoist Inferno, you couldn't possibly be pleading for their lives? If you do, then how will we get our Pinecrane Pills?"

"Isn't that right? Now's not the time for unnecessary compassion, Daoist Inferno."

"Daoist Inferno, I thought you were a decisive man. Are you going to give up now for such a trivial reason?" Even Emperor Reliance's eyes glittered. She was considering the merit of her peer's suggestion rather than accepting it outright.

The wandering cultivators present were all acting for the sake of their own Pinecrane Pill. They didn't bear much actual loyalty to young lord Zhen. Not killing the brothers of Mt. Huai was insufficient fulfillment of their promises. If they didn't use their full strength, then young lord Zhen had the right to renege. If he did, then today would've been a big waste of time.

That went against the reason they had agreed to come in the first place. Even a man as influential as Emperor Inferno couldn't make the decision in their stead. Unless… young lord Zhen also agreed to show the brothers mercy.

The Jiao brothers finally understood what was going on. The other great emperors' murderous gazes made their scalps sting. The others in attendance alone were enough to overwhelm them.

"Young lord Zhen…" Emperor Inferno wanted to keep trying.

"I know what you want to say, Emperor Inferno," Jiang Chen smiled faintly. "They were only working for someone else, so there's no point shooting the messenger. But if I don't, will my Pinecrane Pill really be worth the effort you've expended so far? A deal can't be unequal."

The young lord's words made a lot of sense. There was no room for Emperor Inferno to criticize him. Even the emperor himself thought that it was unreasonable to expect Jiang Chen to pay for only what they'd done so far. No man could accept releasing a bunch of ruffians who had come to his doorstep. Emperor Inferno had no right to force Jiang Chen to do that.

"Ah, let's wait until Old Brother Hui finishes his fight and have him arbitrate." He deferred to await further input.

Jiang Chen presented a slight smile in the meantime. "The Jiao brothers, correct? I'd like to know what Emperor Pillzenith was able to give you to get two wandering cultivator seniors to fight for him willingly? Why did you risk your lives in coming here for?"

The youth was quite curious about this. If Emperor Pillzenith had extensive control over the wandering cultivator world, then he was a terrifying opponent indeed.

Jiao Yun sighed with exasperation. "There's no point relating the entire story. It would only bring us further shame. What can we do? We owe him a favor. Kill us if you wish, young lord Zhen. We are in your hands."

Though the Jiao brothers showed occasional trickery, they had a few shreds of dignity. They would never kneel and beg for their lives. However, what Jiang Chen had just heard was material proof that Emperor Pillzenith was involved.

Jiang Chen nodded slightly, his tone serious. "Jiao brothers, Emperor Pillzenith hired you for this job. Similarly, I hired Emperor Inferno and the others for one job only. If I don't kill you, I'll be at a loss. Therefore, I have a suggestion that nets us both a gain in the end. Whether you accept it is entirely up to you. Just like my deal with the other wandering cultivators, I don't wish to compel you either way."

The lifeline that the young lord had thrown astonished the brothers. Their heads perked up, their minds piqued.

Emperor Inferno blinked, glancing at Jiang Chen with bewilderment. Emperor Reliance, on the other hand, carried a sweet smile on her visage. Judging from her ponderous expression, she seemed to have guessed what was going to happen next.

"It's very simple. Veluriyam Capital has a lot of things that need to be done, and quickly. If you are willing to join Sacred Peafowl Mountain, you'll not only live today, but also become esteemed guest elders of our faction."

Jiang Chen said this very matter-of-factly, but the content shocked every wandering cultivator present. Young lord Zhen was recruiting the Jiao brothers for Veluriyam Capital?

A strange scene, indeed. The other wandering great emperors were a bit dumbfounded. How had it come to this point so suddenly and unexpectedly? Hadn't they been fighting just moments earlier?

They were wandering cultivator experts helping Veluriyam Capital to rope in a few of their fellows. No matter how one looked at it, that kind of situation was exceedingly odd. But further consideration revealed that it made a lot more sense than one would expect.

Since the Jiao brothers' lives were in young lord Zhen's hands, wasn't it very appropriate that he would ask them to join up instead of killing them? The young man himself said that they desperately needed talent.

The proposition came as a surprise to the Jiao brothers as well.

"At the end of the day, it's your choice," Jiang Chen said coolly. "I never force anyone to do anything. The fruits of such labor are rarely sweet."

The brothers exchanged several meaningful looks, clearly communicating with each other. They'd been caught in a deathtrap. Either they died here and now or they joined up. There was no third choice.

Death ended all things.

Joining up would elevate them to becoming esteemed guest elders of Sacred Peafowl Mountain. There was nothing intrinsically wrong with that. Perhaps it was a bit embarrassing from a self dignity point of view since wandering cultivator experts generally prided themselves on their aloofness. They never fawned over authority, nor did they bow to the prominent.

They were sure to receive disdain from the wandering cultivator world if they suddenly attached themselves to Sacred Peafowl Mountain. Even a giant like Mo Wushuang who'd done so to repay a kindness had endured a similar, albeit reduced, reaction.

Their reputation wasn't as strong as Mo Wushuang's, so there was no reason to expect any better. But what was a reputational hit compared to death itself?

Moreover, there was nothing to lose and everything to gain by joining Sacred Peafowl Mountain. Young lord Zhen's current ability and magnanimity showed that he was quite possibly capable of greater heights than Emperor Peafowl. It wasn't a bad choice when one thought about it.

If they had to enslave themselves to Sacred Peafowl Mountain, they would've never accepted that condition. But if they could exist on the same level as Mo Wushuang, that in itself was somewhat reputable. By this point, the Jiao brothers had made their choice.