

Chapter 119: Freedom Beyond Death

Mira couldn't believe how thing's had come to this, she had known that her dear nephew would be attending the academy this year, hell as his aunt, she even had pulled a few strings to help him get into the academy easier

The position of the Dean of the Babylon Academy is extremely important, as the academy where the geniuses from the world gathered, it has to assured that the top brasses of the school should be neutral, hence the position of Dean was shifted every 30 years, the last Dean had only retired the last year, giving the set to Mira, who at the current time was not affiliated to any powers

"Mira shouldn't we do something?"

Grace had a worried expression on her face as she looked at Austin, Mira only shook her head after hearing Grace's question, as the head of the school, she knew the truth about the locked world but who would have thought that the one to open the world would be her nephew

'That boy always invites trouble….'

Mira could not believe how easily Austin gets into trouble, she really wanted to drag him out of that world and give him a peace of her mind but still as she looked at the handsome silver haired man that stood at the cliff, fearlessly facing an army, she couldn't help but agree that her nephew had grown up good

"Calm down Grace, look at him, even though he's facing such a situation he's completely calm, which means that he has a plan at this point we can only put our trust in him"

Though still not pacified Grace could only nod her head as she looked back at the screen, meanwhile back at the screen, Austin held his breath as his body adjusted to the pressure released by the army in front of him

"Sigh…me and my luck"

Right now complaining was no use, if I want to get out of here alive I must focus on the current situation, I focused on my power and soon a beautiful blue and purple harp materialized in front of me, the strings of the harp was purple contrasting with the blue

Ever since I entered this world, the harp kept humming inside me, seemingly desiring to be played and just as I brought it out, a huge wave of voices hit me, painful words seemed to fill my mind




Each of the voices was filled with pain, hearing it for some reason my heart clenched as a tear fell from my eyes, just as the voices were getting overwhelming they disappeared what was left was a beautiful harp floating in font of me

"I see….you want to help them huh….."

I didn't get an answer but the harp did hum, I smiled as I wiped the tear from my eyes, I got the harp as I walked towards the end of the cliff, I stood tall as I looked at the thousands of soldiers in front of me who at a time had fought fearlessly to protect their world, yet now they stand in front of me as nothing more than chained animals

Hero's that should have being buried with honor had being chained like animals without proper rest, the soldiered in the front barked as they snarled in my direction, dense corrupted mana surrounded me, yet a sweet calm blue aura came from the harp protecting me, I looked at the king that sat on the throne as I spoke

"I do not know your pain but I can help diminish the pain you all are going through right now"

Just as I finished speaking hundreds of those at the front started running towards me, there was no strategy or honor just pure barbaric ness left, I held my harp tight as I took a deep breath, it's true that one cannot be saved after being corrupted but that only applies to those who wield normal weapons, what I hold had once turned this world upside down

No words were needed to be said as my hands trailed the beautiful purple string, a mesmerizing sound was heard, it rippled in the seas as it travelled forward, light aura clouded with blue and purple spread from my place hitting the ones that was running towards me

As soon as the sound reached them the ones that were running towards me stopped, for once an unce of clarity appeared, but soon the corrupt mana tried to regain it's front but how could I let that happen?

I didn't stop as my hands speedily traveled through the harp without rest, sending out tunes that shook once soul, I closed my eyes as I focused on my performance, even thought it was short I had felt the pain and despair within the once that stood in front of me, I opened my mouth as I sang a poem

"May I never forget the men and women

who gallantly defend our freedom and our way of life.

Their valiant service and sacrifice

shines with unmatched brilliance.

I pray for their safe return,

that they may enjoy the life for which they fight."

"Thank you; even though we have not met.

You give the ultimate sacrifice for our country.

You leave your families behind and you protect everyone.

May your families be shielded in you absence.

May you also be shielded; thank you."

"Having no family, no home

adopted by those who share no blood, no cause.

I walk the streets where no connection exists,

but familiarity ensures comfort to lay my head…"

(A/N: The poem does not belong to me!)

My voice wasn't exactly loud but thanks to the passive and active abilities of the harp that I was using, my voice was soul shaking, I didn't even stop for a moment playing the harp and it's results showed, the ones that was attacking me completely stopped

Not only them everybody watching it even the rest of the soldiers to the one watching things outside stopped, no sound was heard, everybody seemed to be pulled into the song, unknowingly some imaged started to appear in their mind

Everybody saw a scene of a man leading the army, everybody saw the scene of soldier's protecting their home, their life, their family by their scarifies, even some weak willed students started crying in the stadium

Chapter 120: Freedom Beyond Death(2)

The soldiers at the front stopped as the corrupted mana around them started fluctuating, it seemed that the corrupted mana within them was fighting against the aura that was released from my harp, they snarled and roared but soon they calmed down

My hands kept moving through the harp without any stop, non stop music kept being played, the soldiers at the front that had come to attack me stopped, the dark mana surrounding them soon swayed, a scream was heard and soon the corrupted mana inhibiting them disappeared

Golden lights started to surround the one's who had their corrupted mana lifted from them, their true features which was hidden was revealed, there was a hint of confusion on their face before a smile broke out to the ones who were cured

"I-I-I a-am freee…."

"Wh-What ha-happened…"

The ones who were free teared up, men who had fearlessly battled without any fear to their life were currently crying with heartfelt happiness, they looked at me with a smile while tears kept falling down their face

"Thank you and please…..please help the rest…"

Nothing else were needed to be said as they broke into golden particles, my hands even at that time didn't stop playing, instead I put more power and mana into it sending waves of my aura towards the rest the soldiers that stood behind without making a move

The power of the tunes that I send out became stronger, all the ones that was standing in the military formation, too felt the effects as they were showing sings of confusion, yet it was not enough, the corruption overwhelmed them as they roared in anger

Blood flew out of my mouth due to the backlash but I still didn't stop moving my hands, cuts started appearing on my hands as blood dyed the strings I played, the corrupts had enough as they screamed in anger, an intense amount of mana and warrior auras hit me

Forcing me back, all of the ones on stand by stated gathering mana as they ran towards me, the sea shook, as the warriors of the sea made their move, yet between all this a single word was spoken


The voice was calm and authoritative, just a simple word and the one's that was running towards me stopped…..no they were forced to stop from the pressure given out by the man who sat on the throne

I raised my head to look clearly at the beautiful man who sat on the throne, the corrupted mana still surrounds him, yet a hint of clarity which was missing had resurfaced but the sings of struggle on his face indicated that it was a time delicate effort

Yet even in such a situation there was deep pride and authority to him, even the mindless corrupted stopped , their unconscious mind caused them to stop, due to the deep respect and admiration they once had for this man, Xavier lifted his head as he looked at the boy that was giving him a chance at salvation, a chance to let his warriors to rest in peace


Xavier only spoke one word, yet it contained all his emotion, I didn't say anything, my hands held my harp tighter as I took a deep breath, a man who stood at the top of this world was begging, this just showed the desperation he held and who am I to deny it?

The entirety of the mana within my body shook, I was putting it all in, my hands that was stinging with pain and blood ran through the strings of the harp with determination, due to the suppression of Xavier the soldier were unable to fight back

"I will not die an unlived life.

I will not live in fear

of falling or catching fire.

I choose to inhabit my days,

to allow my living to open me,

to make me less afraid,

more accessible,

to loosen my heart

until it becomes a wing,

a torch, a promise.

I choose to risk my significance;

to live so that which came to me as seed

goes to the next as blossom

and that which came to me as blossom,

goes on as fruit."

"No matter what is going on

Never give up

Develop the heart

Too much energy in your country

Is spent developing the mind

Instead of the heart

Be compassionate

Not just to your friends

But to everyone

Be compassionate

Work for peace

In your heart and in the world

Work for peace

And I say again

Never give up

No matter what is going on around you

Never give up"

"This moment can be

A New Dawn,

A New Day….

Forgive, Forget,

and move on

Ask your self;

Do I wish to keep repeating the pattern?

Perhaps it's time for something NEW"

This time my voice was not forceful nor moving, it was calm and serene, the song I sang flew deep into the hearts of those who listened, this time I had put in the entirety of my mana and my heart, for a moment the blurry figure of my past family came, which was soon replaced with my new one

Nothing in life is eternal, we all will have new people in life, while the old might fade away but it does not mean that they are gone, it just means that we have grown, the only thing we can do is not to forget them, this time my voice was filled with emotions

All those who heard it felt their heart flutter, images of their parents their loved ones and the ones they have missed or lost filled their heart, the world became silent, only my tune and the poem that I played filled the world

Grace's eyes teared up, she could feel a sense of lose in his voice, not only her, Nora and Elda and Mira Austin family clearly felt it, tears fell down their eyes for a moment, the soldiers who heard it stopped moving completely

The corrupted mana tried to fight, it tried to bring it's corruption back but this time it failed, no matter how powerful corruption is…it cannot fight against true love and feelings, no matter how dark things get there would a single thing in one's heart that causes them to fight, the single desire that causes them to move forward

Every soldiers started tearing up, the dark corrupted mana could only leave helplessly, all of them opened their eyes, deep gratitude filled them as they looked at the boy standing on the hill, a beautiful sight was created as the soldiers broke into golden particles

The sky seemed to shine as the particles floated in the sky, the reflection of the light was felt in the sea, both the land and the sea shone in golden light, mesmerizing the ones that saw it, this was a sight that all those who saw would never forget in their life

It was a day that all the ones of the sea in the future would one day call it…..The Rest Of The Golden Sea

Chapter 121: Freedom Beyond Death(3)

I looked at the scene of the golden particles mesmerized for a moment, blood had filled my attire, while blood feel from my hands, in a single look I was a mess, yet I had to stand still, there was still an enemy that I had yet to face, while the rest had left a single man sat on an blue throne

Even with my music and power, curing this man is close to impossible, the reason was simple, it was due to the difference in our strength, even for those soldier's the reason I was even able to help them was because Xavier held them back, I took a deep breath as I suppressed the stinging pain in my body

As I did I waited, I waited for the man who now sat on the throne with closed eyes to speak, the man had the royal families trade mark ocean blue hair and eyes, yet it was disfigured due to the corrupted mana, a few seconds passed before he opened his eyes

"Thank you, young man"

HIs voice was still deep and powerful but the fluctuations in his voice proved that he was barely holding on, I shook my head as I spoke back to him

"I don't need your thanks, I had did what had to be done"

"Yes, you'r right but still I want to give you my thanks"

Xavier smiled as he looked at the silver haired boy in front of him, soon memories passed through his mind Turing his smile bitter, he closed his eyes as he spoke

"I am a failure of a king, no matter how high I had reached, in the end I had failed to protect my people….."

Xavier's voice was filled with bitter sadness and reluctant, I looked at this man for a moment before I spoke, while nodding

"Yes, you did fail, you had failed to protect the warriors that choose to be with you, in that sense you have failed"

Xavier's eyes opened in surprise, while the words he said was true, he had thought that the boy would would correct him and say that he was not a failure, yet hearing the boys words Xavier didn't get angry, just as he was about to speak the boy did

"But you have not failed as king nor a hero, as a king you lead your armies to protect your home, as a king you have protected your faith, as a king you had warriors that willingly sacrificed their life for you, as a a hero you have sacrificed your life for the future"

"So yes, you may have failed in some placed but due to that sacrifice you gave out a brighter future to the world, I admire your sacrifice and your ideals but I do not agree with them ,I would never sacrifice myself or my family for anything, I respect you as a hero and a king and at the same time I condemn you for your failure"

"Your a man that many aspire to be and you are a king who have itches his name into history, you have won and yet lost at the same time"

There was silence as I finished speaking, Xavier's eyes opened wide before, he Burt out laughing, all the grace and dignity no more, he just kept laughing for a few seconds before he spoke again while wiping away the tears from his laughter

"Ha…haahaa…boy you really are something, I didn't think that there was someone that could respect and disrespect me at the same time but still….."

Xavier raised his head as he looked deeply into my eyes,

"Thank you, thank you for telling that I failed"

A deep sense of relief filled Xavier, as he looked at the sky with a peacful smile, he had failed yet at the same time he had won, Xavier's eyes turned serious as he looked back at me

"Boy what's your name?"

"Austin, Austin Lionheart"

"Austin?, good I will remember this name, since you have helped m-ughhhh"

It was when Xavier was speaking that he clutched his head, the corrupted mana that I had cleared had stated to act up, soon all the corrupted mana that was in the surroundings soon gathered into Xavier's body, the golding sky disappeared as darkness descended

Due to the harp I was safe, yet the corrupted mana didn't stop, it kept converging on to Xavier's body, he clutched his head as he screamed, he raised his head with the final clarity he had as he looked at me


And that was all before the final clarity in his eyes disappeared, the pervious smile disappeared from his face as a crazed one took that place

"Oh…..would you look at that, a child capable of removing corrupted mana, since you came here why don't you stay here forever…."

As soon as the corrupted Xavier finished speaking the atmosphere started to shake, the water below me started swirling, as the sky thundered, an immense pressure seemed to fill the atmosphere, the sea shook to the will of it's king

'Sigh…..looks like I really have to use it'

Facing this situation I didn't despair as I smiled

"System, activate power pairing, target Eleanor"


Request heard, activating power pairring

Target: Eleanor

Power: Imperial Rank 3


Soon tha mana in my body started swirling as my power broke through from origin level 8 to the Imperial rank 3, this was one of the skills from my bloodline, as long as the woman's love level is 100% and I have slept with her, I will be able to use my lovers power level

Though there are some restriction like, the time I will Be able to use this skill depends on the difference in power level between me and my lover, there's also the fact that I will only be able to use this skill once a week too but leaving those aside, to me this skill is amazing

[Time Limit: 5 minutes]

'5 minutes?, that's plenty….'

I willed my mind, as I soon took out a special arrow, that was sealed, I removed the seal, as an exquisite black arrow came to view, the arrow was completely black with golden lines over it, at the tip of the arrow there was a dragons head

As soon as the arrow was released as huge dragon might was released from the arrow, the immense pressure from before disappeared, as a dragons roar was head


This time Celestinia shook in surprise

Chapter 122: Freedom Beyond Death(4)

During all this time, Celestinia had kept quite, even when she saw Austin clearing the corrupts, she only raised an eyebrow in intrigue, she had to say that with what she had seen till now, she had a great satisfaction in Austin but even then her surprises were pretty mild from what she saw

But the moment she saw that black arrow come to life, her expression completely changed as shock took over it, in a rare moment of surprise her demeanor changed as she shouted out


Her voice was loud, earning the surprises of those at the room, up and till now they haven't seen such a reaction from her, Scarlet was the most surprised as she had never seen such a look on her big sisters face, she spoke out to Celestinia

"Big sister are you okay?"

It was only when Celestinia had heard Scarlet's voice she did she break out of her trance, a deep look appeared on her face as she looked at the scene

"Big sister, do you know what that arrow is?"

Scarlet spoke with a questioned look, even she could feel suppression from that roar, it was the first she felt like this from an object, what kind of power does it have to suppress her power?, it's then she heard a sigh from Celestinia,

"That's a dragon god's blessed item"

"The Dragon Gods?…."

Scarlet had deep shock on her face, not only her the rest in the room to felt shocked, the Dragon God, he's among the 5 divine beasts of the world, he rose up to power during the war thousands of years ago, any item related to him would make the world go mad with frenzy, there was a pause for a moment before Celestinia spoke again

"It's a secret among us dragons but during the Dragons Gods younger days, he was a bit extreme, due to his interest in the other species, he ended up creating a challenge, after he created it, he spread it in hidden location around the world"

"Wait?, if there was such a thing why haven't we heard of it?"

Nell was the one who spoke, her feline eyes widened along with her question, Celestinia went quite for a moment before she spoke again

"It's simple, those who had ever found it never passed and they never lived after it, normally it was no problem to create such a thing but the gift the Dragon God prepared in return for passing the test was a single blessing on a weapon"

"In simpler terms, the item that was blessed would be able to release one strike at the full power of the Dragon God…"




Everyone in the room again widened their eyes from surprise and fear, well how couldn't they!, an item that could display a single attack at the power of the Dragon God is a national level threat item!, even if it was created at the Dragon God young age, it's power could not be questioned

"But it's nothing to have worried about, after the other dragons knew about it, they moved to remove these tests due to it's potential danger but even then no body had passed the tests, in all honesty the test was impossible to be passed by anyone, that was what we had thought…..until know that is.."

Celestinia became quite as she focused on the beautiful black arrow in Austin's hand, it was then Nora spoke with a scared look

"But!, no matter what Austin shouldn't be unable to weild that power, correct?"

Nora's voice was loud, bringing back the attention of the rest, it's then they realized a crucial fact they missed, having a powerful weapon doesn't mean you can use it, you must also have the corresponding strength to weild it too, otherwise the weapon might end up consuming you

"That's right, the blessing in other ways is a curse, if you don't have the power equal to of a dragon, the moment you use this weapon, well that will be your last moment and from what I must think, he must not even be an Imperial right, if then he might be able to survive…..maybe"

After Celestinia finished speaking, the room fell into an unnatural silence, the room was tense but contrary to what they thought Nora didn't lash out, she took a deep breath, as she looked back at the screen, not only her the rest too

Why?, the reason was simple not only had Nora but the rest to have noticed, that whatever Austin had done till now he had a plan, plus looking at Austin's face anybody could see it, he has no desire to die

Meanwhile back into the world

'Damn, fuck this shit!'

My body was shaking from the sheer weight and might of the arrow at my hand, the Dragon God's blessed item, it was something I had earned after a hellish, near death trail, I had asked for a blessed arrow, I was planning on using this only when I had slept with the Dragon Empress

'Why are things so hard?…..'

I could only smile as I looked at the beautiful man that now stood on a huge tsunami, it's sheer size was triple the cliff, in front of it I looked just like an ant, the water swirled as an image of a monster started to appear on it, I kept my smile as I commanded my harp

Soon it started shaking as it started to expand, the purple strings moved as they joined as one, while the edges of the harp expanded, within seconds a beautiful blue bow with purple string appeared


I didn't wait as I commanded the bow, the bow started shaking as it started to expand, in a breaths time it grew as tall as me, with a thud the end of the bow fell to the ground shaking the cliff, the bow was embedded into the cliff

I walked upto the bow as I held the arrow in my hand, even now it was wrecking my body, nearing the huge bow, I held the bow with my left hand as I pulled the bow along with the arrow with my right

Cracking sound was heard as my body started to break fresh blood spewed from my arms as my body started cracking, yet I could only grit my teeth as I pulled the string to full lenght and when I did a huge dragon roar shook the world

An image of a black dragon appeared on my back, it's sized rivaled the tsunami in front of me, it stood tall and proud as it floated behind me, while on the outside the scene was silent, many of the girls there had stars on their face seeing the scene in front of them

They could see a huge tsunami trying to swallow the silver haired boy in front to it, yet a dragon stood behind him, seemingly protecting him, the boy had a haughty smile on his handsome face as he faced the tsunami with a single arrow, how could this not cause ripples in the heart of these young girls?

While things where good outside on the inside Austin was breaking down, his body kept breaking down due to the power of the bow, cracks and blood filled his body, just when he thought it was over golden particles stated to surround him

'This is!'

I could only watch with surprise as thousands of golden particles surrounded me, they swirled around me before entering my body, soon power started to fill my body as it started to heal

'Please…..save our king…'

Due to the power from thousands of different soldiers my body just for a moment held powers beyond it's limit, pleading words filled my ears, I felt as if nothing could stop me at the moment, a blue aura filled the black arrow as I let the string go


I had only heard the wind rustle as I was blasted back from the recoil, my hands broke, as the arrow traveled to it's enemy, the imaginary dragon too roared as it moved forward with the arrow


The corrupted Xavier roared from the top as he put everything into his attack, the water shook as the tsunami moved forward, the water and the arrow met and then…..well there was no then as the arrow blasted apart the water and it's power, as it moved for forward unhindered

With a thud the arrow hit Xavier, it's power tried to break his body but at that time a blue aura travelled from the arrow to his body completely removing the corrupted mana, clarity and relief filled Xavier's eyes

It was just for a second but he saw the peaceful sea and his past, a smile filled his face as peacefulness took over it


That was the last words he spoke before the arrow drilled into his body and exploded, a huge wave shook the sealed world…

Chapter 123: A confrontation(?)

A huge shockwave shook the world, creating waves as the waters splashed, as for me, I was barely hanging on to the edge of the cliff with my one hand, while my right hand dangled on my side broken, it took a few seconds for the world to stop shaking

'Damn, that was intense'

After the shock wave was over, I pulled myself up as I sat on the cliff, I took deep breath, trying to catch my breath, it's at that time a small blue water like wave flew and entered my body

[You have earned the seas kings gratitude]

At the same time several other messages started to flash before my eyes but I put them to the side, right now I was in no shape to check those but my trouble seems to have no end, as the world soon started cracking and shaking, it seemed that the world was breaking down

I stood up on the cliff, it's at the same time that a spatial wave took over me and the next thing I know I am in the middle of a stadium surrounded by several students who were looking at me in surprise, I raised my head as I saw the scene of the water world being destroyed in the screen floated above

'It's finally over…'

It was only now that I was able to get a sense of relief, all the adrenaline in my body started receding as pain filled my body, especially my hands, it's at that time I heard a familiar name call me


Turning to look I could see Clara running towards me, it was not only me who had decided to join but also Clara too, with her abilities and my status it was easy to get an entry, of course when you have a doting aunt as a Dean, nothing is impossible, I gave a weak smile to the running Clara as I spoke

"Don't worry, I am not that hurt"

Clara didn't reply as she ran up to me anxiously, as soon as she reached me she started using her darkness healing on me, the pain in my body receded as a calm feeling came over, soon my body started healing at an incredible pace

"Oh….look at this, how can you be this risky!..really…"

As she was healing she kept mumbling and speaking to me in a concerned tone, I could only chuckle at her behaviour, during the weeks our relationship had gotten much closer, after all if it was before she would never speak to me like this

"Don't worry it's nothing much, I am sure that you could heal me quick"

Hearing my words Clara smiled before she focused back at the job of healing me, at the same time I heard a annoyed yet concerned voice

"Humph, look at you, you are not completely healed, yet you already started flirting?"

Turning to the voice I could see Nora walking up to me, there was happiness, concern and a hint of bitterness and unwillingness in her eyes but she quickly hid it when I looked at her, I smiled seeing my sister in a long while I could see that she had grown in to a beauty

"Oh?, is somebody jealous?"

Hearing my words a bit of panic came to her before she snorted as she spoke

"Jealous, why should I be, it's just good that you are in one piece"

I could not help buy smile seeing this, this big sister of might seem cold but deep down she's very caring, I really wanted to walk up to to her and hug her but looking at my current state it might no be a good idea, I looked deeply into Nora's eyes as I spoke

"It's good to see you again big sis, I really missed you"

Hearing my voice happiness flooded her face before she spoke back in a somewhat abashed voice

"Yeah I-I missed you too"

It was quite cute seeing her try hard to act like she doesn't care

"Hehehe..it seems that you guys are having fun, meeting after long time"

The voice was powerful and authoritive, I could see Olivia walking up to me with several others at her tow, most of then where capture targets that I would have to deal with, seeing all of them at one go I was dazed for a moment before I got my bearing back, 8 extraordinarily powerful and beautiful women's were walking up to me

"Indeed I am having fun but now it would be better since cousin is here"

My words caused Olivia to scrunch up but she soon smiled as she walked up to me

"Indeed it's being some time since we saw each other, why don't we move to my private healing room and talk there?"

There was a smile on Olivia's face as she said it but hearing her words the rest of the girls who came with her frowned, seeing this I smirked inwardly

'She's trying to pull me in before the others'

I could see that each of them had plans to take me into the ring bearer group, meanwhile I looked each of the 8 girls that appeared, I could see Marlene and Catherine looking at me intensely, as if they wanted to gobble me up, meanwhile the others were looking me up like I was some sort of rare animal

"Cousin, I am sorry to say this but I am not joining any of your groups"

Hearing my words Olivia and the others flinched, a frown came up on Olivia's face

"What do you mean?"

Olivia's voice had turned cold, while I wasn't obliged to join her, it doesn't mean that I can openly reject her too, but the way I said can be interperted in may different ways, I gave her a smile as I said to her

"Don't worry cousin I am not over stepping my authority here, it's just that I just wish to be a player rather than a chess peice"

"Huh, you really have some arrogance"

As soon I had finished speaking Ella scoffed as she looked at me like an idiot

"Become a player?, do you really thingh you have the manpower and abilities or even the chance for it?"

I tilted my head looking at Ella, my face looked like it was deep in thought, soon I spoke as if I found out

"Ah!, aren't you that girl from back then that lost to me?"

Hearing my words, Ella gritted her teeth in anger

Chapter 124: The Beginning

Ella's gritted her teeth's in anger, after hearing my remarks, the small good impression she had of him now had gone up in smoke but she didn't let her anger cloud her, with a haughty look she spoke

"I wonder how you are going to be a 'player' when you even don't have the chance to earn a ring"

In the academia unless you have the ring, you can't forcefully create a group, the ring doesn't only make you a candidate, it also gives you power within the academy, it represent that you are the elite among the elite's, it's at this time that 2 girls walked up to me from the stadium


Both of them shouted my name out loud, turning my head I could see, two fox tribe girls walking towards me, both Rika and Mika had grown up well, Rika had her white hair tied in a pony tail, her hight was average while her face was beautiful, her moderate assets was covered by her dress, while her white tail swung sideways due to excitement

Meanwhile Mika was the same hight as Rika with an identical beautiful face, unlike Mika her hair was in a bob cut, giving her a cool look, her black tail too was swinging side ways due to the excitement of meeting me, seeing them walking up to me I smiled

"Hey!, Mika, Rika long time no see, did you miss me"

"Yes!, my lord I missed you!"

"I missed you to my lord~~"

Mika spoke with a stoic yet happy voice, while Rika spoke with a teasing voice, Rika's white pupils and Mika's black pupils looked me up and down with happiness, seeing their lord and their love interest after a long time they couldn't help but look at me more, hearing their words, I shook my head, the previous shy Rika is no more, plus I could tell that they had gotten stronger

'Looks like they grew up well'

"C'mon both of you this is school, you can call me by my name you know"

Hearing my bitter voice both of the girls looked at each other before they responded with a bit more power

"Yes Austin"

"Sure Austin~~"

"You girls….."

I shook my head again as I laughed, after greeting me they looked towards, Clara as they greeted her and started talking to her, by now my arms were mostly healed, while my pain subsided

"So?, your confidence is due to them?, I admit that these 2 are formidable and are ranked highly within the combat table but those two are not enough for your arrogance"

Ella spoke while hiding her mild surprise, after all these 2 girls are quite popular within the school, leaving aside their looks, their strength is nothing to scoff at, alone the two girls are good but together fighting these girls are a huge headache

It is a well known fact that fighting both of these girls is just like fighting a group both of their coordinations are impeccable, Mika was a close combatant while Rika being a long range water mageone not only that, they both have shared plate, something that very rarely happens

It means that both of them have the same plate, in other words if one of them gets stronger so does the other!, it's two people as one, they had especially got more attention when they had entered within the top 10 of the battle board of their age, while getting within the top 300 in the whole school

The Babylon Academy has a ranking board for each stuff, there is a ranking board for the one with the most combat powers, even that is divided into different ones, there is a board based on the year and also one based on the whole school, one can climb higher by challenging the one at the top

Not only for combat there is a ranking for academic, for military leadership, for the best witch and many more, of course the ones in the ranking also gets benefits too, but it was rare for anybody in the 5th year to get within the top 300, even some representatives from the wolf tribe had asked Mika and Rika to join them

But they thoroughly refused them, saying they already have someone they want to serve

'I had thought that they were doing this out of gratitude but things look different now…..'

Ella's mind quickly started turning, seeing the look of admiration and happiness from the girls, Ella could understand that things was different, meanwhile Ella was thinking I didn't even look at her causing Ella to fume on the inside, I looked through the surroundings

"They are late"


Not only Ella the rest of the girls watching too got confused but soon their answer was heard, within seconds lost of different students started arriving at the stadium and each one of them was famous


A bulky and tall boy was running toward me, he had brown hair and green eyes, even though he was a student he looked like a huge truck with bulging muscles and a huge frame, his face was quite good, Jacob Miller ranked within the top 10 of his year, while being ranked within the top 100 of the whole school

Nicknamed 'The Towering Shield', he had gotten into the school by using the commoners scholarship, after that he rose to fame due to his strong power and character, once the prince of the Rosalyn kingdom fought with him in pure strength and fell, Jacob was even asked if he wanted to be the princes brother, after wards there were several others that wanted to recruit him….yet he accepted none of them


Another boy running to me screamed, it was a demon, he had black hair and red eyes along with reddish skin, with a horn in his forehead, he was a bit handsome with a cold look on his face…..Amon Azldse, a demon that shook the academy with his performance

He too had joined the academy using the commoner's quota, when he had first arrived many had looked down on him due to not having one wings, Amon belonged to the demon group of Zenderians who are proved of their wings, not every demon has them

To a Zenderian there is nothing more humiliating than losing one of their wings, most would kill themselves, basically a one winged Zenderain is a cripple but Amon proved the complete Academy wrong

Several demons challenged him but he fought and won with his single wings, Amon had developed a unorthodox fighting style with his wings, causing all those who challenged him to fail, Amon Azldse ranked within the top 10 of his year while being ranked in the top 100 of the whole , a phenomenal achievement when he's just 19 years old

There were hundreds that wanted to sponsor him but he didn't respond he had always said 'I already have somebody that I wish to serve', now more students kept coming to the stadium

Chapter 125: The Rise Of The King


After Amon two other beautiful girls called my name running up to me, one was a rabbit beast girl with cartoonish pink hair and eyes, her dress tried desperately to hold in her huge breasts that seemed to bounce as she ran towards me, she had a beautiful face matching with her hair

Rina Mareeil or more popularly known as the berserker rabbit, Rina had single handedly crushed the thought that rabbit beasts are weak, techenacilly they still are, within the beast tribes, the rabbit kin's are the non combatant type, they like peace and basically deal with farming

They didn't have any talent for magic or combat but Rina had entered the Babylon Academy through the commoners recommendation, in battle she's a beast that fights without holding back at all, her specialty being speed and craziness, Rina Mareeil ranked within the top 50 of her batch and ranked within the top 100 in combat, at the same time she has ranking in the academic table being ranked 50 in her batch and ranked rank 300 in the whole Academy

The girl running next to her was Sana, a cat girl with black hair and eyes, she was leaned more towards the petite side with barely any breasts, she was more on to the cute side, with sparkling black eyes, and a sense of danger from her

She too entered through the scholarship, with her entry she shook the Academy with her amazing combat sense and her derived bloodline ability shadow control, the assassin instructor of the Academy had quoted that she would one day become a fearsome assassin, ranked within the top 10 of her year and she's ranked within the top 200 of the Academy, the cat tribe and several others tribe had desperately tried to rope in her and Rina but to no vail

"Yo boss"

Alex Ravancio, nick named the 'Devil Planner', ranked number 1 in the academic and military leadership board for both his year and the Academy, he's also ranked within the top 400s in terms of combat, just as he arrived he had shaken the Academy by challenging the number one's of both the board not only that he won!

Alex had disappeared from his baron house when he was 13, leaving behind a letter, later he reappears in the school with a mysterious sponsor at the age of 16, shaking the Academy with his intellect


Another girl ran up to me with a smile on her face, she had blonde hair and blue eyes, along with a cute face, her body too was on the petite side, Emma Girol, a girl with great talent in taming and summoning magic, ranked within the top 20 of her age and rank 200 of the whole school battle board, she's also ranked within the top in the academic board too

I smiled at them running towards me as I spoke out loud

"Long time no see…"

"Boss, how have you being?"

"Lord are you okay?"

"Wow Austin you have grown more handsome!"

"My hero how are you?"

As soon as I had finished talking the others soon bombarded me with lots of question, making me dizzy for a moment, I waved my hands for them to stop before I looked at Ella, I cleared my ears with one hand before I spoke to her again

"Um….you were saying something?"

There might not have being the sound of a slap but I could see Ella's face reddening up, Ella was indeed full of shame but more than that disbelief, not only her all those watching were full of disbelief, each and every student around Austin is famous around the Academy

Each of them were wanted by many different powers, each of them had refused others saying they already belong to a group, who would have believed that they all worked under me?, I smiled seeing the look of disbelief on everyone's face, the audience sitting on the stadium to the teacher in the VIP room, all of them were stunned but this was only the beginning

"Where's Mark?"

Hearing my words Emma smiled as she spoke to me

"He's already here"

Hearing that I looked towards were Emma pointed, seeing that I saw a handsome young man with blonde hair and blue eyes walking towards me, his face had a cold look, while a great sword hung to his back, Mark Girol, seeing this man, the stadium became silent

Mark Girol, ranked number 8 on the combat board of the whole Academy, his strength is undeniable, his talent, bloodline and powers are terrifying. a man that was even offered tutorship from a sword saint, he and both his sister had disappeared from the Girol family only to end up coming to the Babylon academy as a rising star, he's the last holder of the 11th ring

Mark didn't respond to the gasps or stares others, his cold face didn't have any fluctuations as he walked towards me, a sense of pressure filled the surroundings as he walked up to me, standing in front of me he did something that shook the stadium, He kneeled in front of me as he spoke

"Welcome back my lord"

Silence….absolute silence filled the stadium as they all looked at one of the strongest student kneeling to another student, in this world nobody should kneel to another just due to power, even when one meets a king, one only has to bow to show respect

Kneeling to another with your own desire means, only one thing…..total subservience, it means that you have given you life and loyalty to the one in front of you, in the case of Mark, since he was a knight, it meant that he had chosen to be my sword, in another words he would put my life above his,

But that was just the beginning, soon the rest started kneeling to me in a circle, this time the hearts of those who saw it shook, be it the teachers, students or those who were watching in secret, all of them felt a chill up their body

I didn't say anything as I stretched out my hand, no words were spoken as Mark put a ring onto my hand

The ring was purple in color with a purple flower in the middle of the ring, I held the ring as I put it in to one of my fingers, soon the Academy at a whole started shaking as 11 huge pillars shoot to the sky, soon different names started appearing on each pillar, at that time I heard a voice


"Austin, Austin Lionheart"

Soon on the purple pillar my name appeared, today the whole of Babylon academy shook to the core….. a new candidate for king had appeared!

Chapter 126: For The Future

'Sigh….that was intense..'

Currently I was in a check up room, laying on a bed, after my so called showing off, I was soon whiskered away to be checked up by doctors and healers, I gotta say, after the adrenaline, excitement and tension washes away, all that remains was a wave of exhaustion and a bit of embarrassment

"Looks like things go a bit out of hand…"

I couldn't help but feel that, things went a bit unexpected, in truth I had doubts on how I should move forward in school, should I go through the hidden boss route or should I be openly powerful and special?

There was a lot to thing about but it's then I thought, what do I want?, ever since I came to this world, it was a non stop planning for the future, it was non stop tension in my body, I always kept doing things so that I could survive, it's also then that I thought what about the future?

Sure I could seduce each of these women's through, lies, deceit and manipulation but what about the future?, would a relationship built on all this survive?, do I just want to take them now and throw them away in the future?

No, the answer came easily to me, if you had asked if I love someone, yes, I really do love Eleanor and my family but a relationship built on lies is always a short lived one, one that is a ticking bomb that would one day explode, I really did have a mental breakdown during my travels, it was only due to Vena that I could move forward

Vena Dragoneer, the current dragon Empress, during my travels, she accompanied me for 2 years, during that time we got really close, I also fell in love with her too, but she had to leave after the 2 years, because it was getting to suspicious, that's also when I learned that the feelings from my bloodline is not a one way bridge, it also affects me, plus it seems that the feelings they held for me will only increase in due time

I mean it doesn't make me fall in love with them, it just makes me fell closer to them, it also lets me fell their emotions and their desires, during these weeks I also got close to Lora, I don't, love her yet but I did take a small liking to her

That's important to, I can't just think about making those girls fall in love with me I should also love them, that's why I cam up with a plan, during my time I would make them all in love with me but I would not act like I love them

In simpler terms, I would do things to make them fall in love with me but I would just act like a close friend, someone unable to accept or understand their feelings, I will most likely act like those dense protagonist, I will just stand at the side and watch the girls fight for me

That too is another issue, each of the girls I target are not normal, polygamy is allowed in this world but it depends on the status of those women's and their willingness to share, well that is not probable for the women's I am going after

Plus why should they share me, if they can't get me they could find another man, it's not like I am the only living boy in this world?, if they couldn't get me they could always find another man

That's where the love meter come's into play, from what I had understood, if a persons love goes above 70, it means they like me but ones it reaches 100%, that's when they are unable to leave me, 70%-90%, mean that they would fight for my love but if I don't choose them then they could just find another, I mean there are other handsome and powerful men's out there, why stick only to me?

That's where the difficulty comes in, the difference between 99% and 100% is the same as 1% and 100%, reaching 100%, would be extremely hard, the reason I was successful at the beginning was because all the girls I went after where kids, they had grown mentally, hence it was easy to get into their hearts

But now I will be dealing with the real tough ones, it's going to be, the only good thing is that once it reaches 100% it won't go down, well it won't go down, unless I do something that goes against them completely, like killing someone they care about or something like that, as for above 100%, well that's not something I could do anything about

"Looks like there's a lot to do…."

I could not help but shake my head with a smile thinking about it all, nomally it should be hard but the travel I went through had really helped, in a way I hadn't still adapted to this world but now?, it's not a problem, I will survive and I will surely take all those girls for my self

I am no hypocrite, I well damn know that I want to take all those girls for myself too, I am a scumbag but hey so what?, I would do whatever it takes and I will make sure to be happy about it in the future too, unknowingly a smile with fighting spirit came up on my face

"Looks like you are felling better"

"Ah!, yes doctor I am better now"

I smilingly replied to the black haired doctor, who was doing my body check up

"Its seems that you caused quite the ruckus, the whole Academy is taking about you, you really thrashed this years Seth hunt"

"Yeah, things got out of hand after some time"

After that it was quite as the doctor did my check up, a few seconds later her spoke

"Everything looks good, you can leave now, it seems that Dean wants to talk to you, so head to her room after this"

I could only smile wrily hearing this, looks like I will be hearing a earful soon

"Sure thanks doc"

Chapter 127: An Aunt's Care

I soon dressed up and headed to the Dean's office or to be precise my aunt's office, I am pretty sure that I would be getting an earful soon, bracing myself I reached her office, I knocked as I asked for permission to enter


Hearing Mira's lovely voice, I opened the door as I entered, soon a figure of a stunningly beautiful woman Entered my mind, she looked no different than the last time I met her, a successful and powerful beauty, on of the most courted woman if this era, just her beauty was enough to make men desire her

Seeing her sitting on a desk looking through a papers with at most seriousness without her veil, I fell into a daze for a moment before I shook my head as I walked towards her with a happy smile

"Aunt!, it's good to see you again!"

Seeing me enter, she smiled, but the next moment it disappeared as I felt a strong pull on my ears, making me flinch

"Ow..ow..ow..oww, stop it aunt!, it hurts!"

I cried out in a pitiful voice but it seemed to have no effect on this woman

"Good!, it should hurt, just what were you thinking messing around in the Seth hunt?, not only did you cause a mess but you also caught the attention of the entire world!"

Mira was feeling a headache thinking about the thing her nephew did, I smiled hearing her words, even though she was admonishing me, I could still feel that she was genuinely worried about me

"C'mon aunt, you can't blame me for it, how was I going to know that such things were going to happen?, plus so what, won't I have my dear and beautiful aunt to protect me?"

Hearing my words Mira snorted, as she looked at me, she let go of my ears, as she rubbed her head

"Sigh….what am I going to do with you"

I could only pitifully catch my reddened ears, as I spoke to Mira with a mischievous smile

"Ahh, my luck to think I would get to spent time with the famous Mira Lionheart, to think I would be close to such a beautiful, smart and stunning woman, ahh how lucky I am"

As I spoke my expression was of at most reverence and my acting earned me a chop at my head


"humph, look at you, all grown up and now you think you can talk like that to your aunt?, just where did you learn to talk like that?"

But even though Mira spoke like that a amused smile came to her face seeing her nephew's antics, I clutched my head but soon my expression became serous as I looked directly into Mira's eyes

"Um?, but I only spoke the truth, I think you are a beautiful, powerful and an amazing woman, I could only be jealous of the guy who could be with you"

Hearing my earnest and serious words Mira was stunned for a moment before she smiled, she rubbed my head with a doting expression as she spoke

"Look at you, being so good with your words, I am sure that you must have used this mouth to tease a lot of girls"

"Nope!, only for my beautiful aunt"

"Sure, whatever you say"

'Sigh…she still see's me as a child'

Looking at Mira's reaction to my words, I could see that she doesn't think of me anything more than a boy, these things really need to change, it might be difficult but with due time I can change it

Soon I was seated on a sofa with aunt Mira next to me, she had a serious expression as she spoke

"I do not know your reasons for causing such a huge scene but I am sure you have your reasons"

Even though she tried to hide it there was still a hint of pride and happiness after seeing my achievements, even now Mira couldn't get rid of the scene she saw, it was still deeply itched into her heart, I smiled hearing her words

"Indeed aunt, I have my reason don't worry I will tell about it to you soon"

"I know, I am guessing that Grace must have spoken to you about the issues within the Empire, so be careful of who you trust, there has being heavy tension within the world right now, I don't no why but I fell it's the calm before the storm"

I nodded my head to her words we kept talking about some main issues for some time, when I said to hr about my view I got from the Emperor her expression turned cold, she spoke with a high pitched voice to me

"Austin, remember that our family doesn't run from things, I might not be able to deal with the political issues of the Empire due to my status but that doesn't mean that anybody can touch our family, so don't worry, do what you want I will always have your back"

I could not help but feel a bog touched hearing Mira's words, I just smiled to aunt Mira's words, soon our serious discussion was over

"Aunt?, are you free right now?"


"Well I just wanted to talk to you about my adventure, plus it's being a long time since we spend some tome together"

Hearing my words Mira, hesitated a bit but looking at my pleading expression she finally gave in, but then I felt a 'headache', as I clutched my head in 'pain', seeing my reaction aunt Mira came closer to me as she looked at me worriedly

"What's it Austin?, is anything wrong?"

"No it's nothing. I am just having a headache, the doctor spoke that I just have to lie down but since I wanted to meet Aunt I hurried over"

Hearing my words Mira felt conflicted, she looked at my pained face, seeing it she thought of something but I was much older now but thinking that she was the cause of the pain her hesitation vanished, Slowly she caught my head as she brought it to her lap


I looked 'confused', seeing it she smiled as she tenderly placed my head on her thighs with my head up, the sweet scent of her body entered my nose, as she stroked my head

"Don't worry, you can lay on my lap to take rest, I used to do this to you when you were young you know"

I didn't say anything else as I focused my body on this soft pillow, with a smile I started talking to her about my adventure, of course I left out some parts, soon the office was filled with Mira's laughter's, angry replies and many other emotions

Soon like this time went by as I laid on lap of this beautiful woman who truly cared and loved for me

Chapter 128: Slow Progress(?)

A hour passed as I lay in Mira's lap, recounting my travels, hearing my story, sometimes she would laugh, the other times she would be angry or sad, overall we spend an hour happily chatting

It wasn't only me, I had even asked to talk about the things that had happened to her while I was away, Mira didn't object as she spoke about her life the past few years, now a hour later I was still laying on her lap while she tenderly stroked my head

Looking up I could see her beautiful shining silver eyes looking down at me, I too smiled as I looked at her stunningly beautiful face

"Looks like you are better now aunt"


Hearing my words Mira was surprised as she looked at me

"What do you mean?"

"C'mon aunt others can't see it but I could tell that you were stressed, after all it's only when you are with family that you would relax"

Hearing my words Mira's heart warmed, she had being constantly dealing with many things and secretly she had many tiring things to handle which had recently caused her a lot of stress, it had even effected her power growth stunning it for now

But she had completely hidden it, not letting anybody find out her weakness, she didn't think that her nephew would find it, more over she really did get refreshed after spending some time with me

"Haaa…you really know me well don't you"

"Of course I do, after all you were my first love and my biggest crush"

Silence, there was defining silence in the room after I had spoken, Mira's eyes widened to the limit from hearing my words, a tense atmosphere filled the wrong, Mira couldn't believe what she had heard

"Hehehe…don't worry aunt I already gave up, it was a crush I had on you when I was young"

My eyes had a gentle look in them I was focused it on to Mira's silver ones, panic filled Mira's body for a moment after seeing me look at her like this

"Don't worry aunt, I already said that I had sealed my feelings, you know that after fathers death you were there for me the whole time, you had being there supporting me in everything, It's funny but I had thought that I would one day grow up and marry you"

"But then I had to learn that I can't marry you, I had lost even before I could try, so I threw those feelings away, I had thought of them as my childish feelings that would pass away, more than anything being here sitting next to you makes me happy"

"Don't worry aunt, to the current me you are just family"

Even though I said it like that there was a hidden 'bitterness' to my voice, hearing it Mira was stunned, she didn't know what to do, even though I said that I have no feelings for her, she could still feel the intense emotions I had for her, for a moment she really didn't know what to do

"Austin I-"


Even before Mira could speak I placed a finger on her lips, stopping her from saying anything, with a gentle smile I spoke

"Don't say anything aunt Mira, you don't have to feel awkward or anything, my feelings are my own, it's none of your fault, I already said you I am moving forward and the worst thing for me is seeing you hurt, so just be yourself"

Mira blinked her eyes, she looked into my eyes that was swirling with deep emotions for her, she could feel her nephew's heart wrenching pain, for some reason she could feel my intense love and feelings flowing into her body, for a moment her heart shook, she couldn't understand how she was feeling my emotions so deeply

'Good, looks like it is working'

Seeing the deeply shaken woman in front of me, I continued to supply my feelings and emotions to her, that's right currently I am supplying my feelings or to be excat the feeling the previous Austin held deeply in his heart and it's thanks to a spell


Spell: The Beating Hearts

Description: There was once a great romantic called Alferdo who deeply desired a way to transfer his feelings to another since he couldn't speak or give out any sweet words to his lovers, hence a deep and powerful spell was born!

Uses: Helps you to transfer deep feelings to another, the spell attaches to the soul deeply supplying the feelings you desired to them

Remark: Let the Games Begin!



Yup a powerful spell but it too had it's limitations, first of all the person I use it on must have absolute trust and love for me and second of all for the spell to work without anyone finding out the said person should be in a deeply disturbed state, plus I have to spend an hour with the target without any movement or huge disturbances

Actually what I did was a gamble, unlike my mother I can't gift Mira an object with the sleep spell because unlike my mother Mira is an extremely powerful mage, her sensitivity to mana is no joke

Is she ends up finding the spell I casted on the object I gave her, well then I would be fucked up bad, even now when I implemented my plan, I was scared shit about her finding about the spell but than god it went unhinged, right now the spell is itched deeply into her, so whenever I am close to her I could supply deep feelings of emotions to her messing up her mental state, plus this spell also has some other interesting affects too

'Now lets see how you will look at me like a child!'

"Aunt are you okay?"

Hearing my concerned voice Mira quickly broke out of her trance state, she took a deep breath trying to reign in her emotions but no matter what she does, she could still 'feel' my love for her

"Ye-Yeah, I-I am fi-umm"

Suddenly as she was speaking Mira felt a small part of her body heat up from my touch, just as I had caught her hand in help, a deep sense of pleasure filled Mira's mind

'What's happening to me?'

Mira's mental barriers were falling fast

Chapter 129: A Small Leap

Mira's defences were quickly crumbling but before things got overwhelming I stopped, my current priority was to just change her view of me, as for the rest I have time, after all I wanted her to fall in love with me and it takes time

As soon as the overwhelming sensations started to disappear Mira took a deep breath and closed her eyes, as soon as she had opened them back they were calm, as expected of a successful woman she was quickly able to riel in her emotions

As she opened her eyes she was met with her nephews caring and concerned eyes, even though small she could even now fell my emotions filling her body, seeing that I was becoming more worried she spoke up

"I am fine, it was nothing major"

"Oh, I am glad, I thought that something had happened"

Even though I spoke happily, I was 'nervous' as my voice was a bity shaky, Mira could feel 'nervousness' from me. she could feel that I was scared of what her reaction would be, Mira raised her hands as she caught mine, just as she did a small pleasant sensation filled her body, it was much lesser than before but it was still there

"Austin I am happy that you had felt that way but you should know things would never work between us, I love you as a nephew, nothing more"

Those words were hurtful but Mira had to do it, she had to make sure that her nephew would completely give away such unhealthy feelings , as soon as she had finished speaking my body 'shook', I smiled 'weakly' as I spoke

"I know aunt, as I said I have already locked those feelings away, it's just that after seeing you they just seemed to get stronger but don't worry I know about my felling and I will surely get rid of them completely"

Even though I spoke with a smile, a deep sense of pain filled Mira's body, she would literally feel her nephew's heart breaking, her heart clenched feeling it but she had to stay her stand, it was for the best, she let go of her nephew's hand and tried to control her raging feelings

"Good, it's better that you find someone else, I am sure that you would be able to find an amazing woman for yourself"

"Sure, I will….."

There was an awkward silence between us as we had finished speaking, Mira had no idea what she should do now, after all now that she had heard about my feelings she really couldn't just see me as a child, I was the one to break the silence

"It seems that it's late, I will be heading out now"


Just as I was heading out, I acted like I remembered something and took out a small white marble, I held it in my hand as I presented it to Mira

"Hear you go aunt, this is a gift that I had prepared for you"

Hearing the words gift and feeling my exited emotions she looked at the small marble at my hand, seeing it her eyes shook in surprise


"I just happened to find it"

Hearing my lackluster reply Mira was stunned because the thing in my hands is not something you could just happened to find, coming out of her surprise she heavily shook her head, denying my gift

"No Austin this is too precious, you could use it for yourself when you reached the peak"

I Shook my head as I aggressively placed the marble on her hands, the thing I gave her was called a law stone, it's use was simple it helps you to learn a world's law, as simple as it functions seems, the law stone is something every origin level 10 desires

They would be willing to sell all their family fortune for it but getting it is not easy at all, law stones are something that is formed from this world naturally, it's extremely rare to get one

Holding the marble in her hands Mira looked at me, I smiled to her as I spoke

"Take it aunt, aren't we family, plus it would take me a long time to reach the peak so it's better you use it"

"No, Austin don't you know it's value?, you found it and you should use it for yourself"


My voice became deep, suddenly Mira could feel my anger filling her body

"This is a gift that I want you to have, you not accepting it means that you don't think of me as family and don't even think of just holding on to it, if you think of me as family use it, please"

Hearing my pleading words and feeling my genuine emotion's of desire for her to use it, Mira became conflicted, on one hand she's happy at receiving such love and care but on the other hand she feels guilty that she's using my feelings for her profit, I 'sighed' as I put one of my hands on her face, causing Mira's body to tremble with happiness, I pulled her face to look into mine directly

"Aunt, trust me, I want you to use it, I might be saying this out of my own selfishness but I want you to be happy and this is my desire for you to have it so please use it"

Mira hesitated for some time before she sighed and accepted the gift, I smiled cheekily as I spoke to her

"If aunt is that reluctant you can pay me for that gift"

"Pay you?"


Even though suspicious she asked

"What do you need?"

I smiled smugly as I pointed to my cheeks

"I would be happy as long as you give me a kiss"

"Sigh….what am I going to do with you, you are willing to give away a law rune for a kiss"

"But to me your kiss is worth more than the world"

Hearing my serious reply and feeling my emotions, for the first time Mira blushed, she could feel her heart beating faster for a moment but she took a deep breath to control it, she hesitated on my reply, she had kissed my cheeks when I was young but now for some reason when she was asked to kiss it a strange sensation filled her body

Looking at my eager face she thought over it for a bit

'It's just a kiss'

Thinking that there was no harm in it she slowly stood up and she kissed my cheeks in a a hurry but I could still feel the sensation on my cheeks

"So soft…"

Hearing my unconscious reply, Mira heartbeat started to beat up again, I didn't say anything else as I happily smiled and left the room, as soon as I did Mira fell on to the couch with a dazed expression, she couldn't believe what had happened till now

"Sigh…what's happening to me"

Mira could only complain as she looked at the ceiling, not knowing that this was just the beginning

Chapter 130: Planning

"Oh…that was close"

As soon as I had left Mira's room I held to a wall as I let out a sigh of relief, while all might have seemed okay, one small mishap and everything would have gone down the drain, my heart was literally beating out of my chest

The placing of the spell itself was an extremely huge gamble, if Mira had even felt a small bit of the spell, it would have being over, I held the place the Mira had kissed as I smiled, seeing my blushing expression of my aunt I had almost lost control

Mira had always kept on a dignified appearance, so seeing her act like a girl was a refreshing experience but sadly it might be hard to replicate it, the only reason that everything went smooth was because Mira's mind was in shock, due to my sudden confession and the feelings I gave her, her mind was completely disrupted

But the second time she would be more ready and it would be more harder to open her heart to me but I have time, I already have a plan for this beautiful aunt of mine, relaxing myself I headed out of the room, as much as I like to goof around, there is so many things for the current me to do

I walked out of the hall as the corridor's of the school came to my view, currently I was walking along the 5th years educational area, the whole of Babylon Academy is as huge as a city, the school already has teleportation circles set in for students and others travel

Even though I was walking through the classroom, there was not a single student at sight, the Academy had given out a week of leave due to the issues I had created, plus they also has to deal with the coming festive

After all this was the first time that all the rings have being gathered, plus the competition for the title of King Of Babylon cannot be conducted in a small scale, I am sure that the news of what I had did had already spread across the whole world, the up coming competition's would surely cause the focus entire world on the Academy

'It's going to be a fun school year'

I shook away my thoughts as I walked towards a teleportation circle set up, there were some students and others waiting in line, while some were arriving through it, seeing me arrive several of them gasped, they looked at me with admiration as they started to talk among themselves

As I walked closer all of them moved aside allowing for me to reach the front, a special service of holding the ring, reaching the front I was met with the mage dealing with the teleportations, giving him a nod I said him my desired locations

Normally travels like this required Academy points but just the ring on my hand is enough for them to give me those special services for free, I stepped into the circle as my vision went white, as the light faded I was met with the new sight, indifferent I gave a nod to the mage, as I walked out among the others gasps and talks

Walking through the huge place I reached a huge mansion, walking to the gates it opened on it's on as I walked inside, reaching inside the mansion, I walked to a big hall, entering the hall I was met with the sight of my comrades

Jacob, Emma, Mark, Amon, Rina, Sana, Alex, Zora, Rika, Mika and Clara, all of them were sitting in a long table within the hall, seeing me arrive they all stood up, there was a happy and relieved smile on Clara's face, I gave them a smile, telling that I was okay

Without much talk I headed to the head of the table and sat down, seeing me sit down the rest did the same, there was silence for a bit before I spoke

"Now can you please tell me whose plan it was for all of you to be this dramatic and kneel in front of me, when all the others were watching?"

Hearing my words tinged with annoyance, they all turned towards Mark, who was now smiling slyly

"Sigh…..of course it had to be you"

I could not help but rub my head with a tired expression, while it was my plan to partake for the hunt for the ring, I didn't plan it to be this showy, I guess it was my fault for taking in these mad guys

"C'mon leader, I don't thing it was that bad, I mean you should have seen the look on others face when we all kneeled to you, puff it was so funny"

"What am I gonna do with you"

I could only brush this off as I looked at Zora, she had changed from the last time, she had now grown into a beauty with a confident look, her red hair was left free, while her witch hat covered the top of her head, while her black eyes gleamed with confidence

Her moderate body was hidden by her black dress, all in all she was quite good looking but the problem now was that she was staring at me in daze, it was like I became the only thing in the world in her eyes

'Looks like that things effect is showing'

I could only cough and call out her name, as the rest of the others too had soon caught on to her weird behavior, it's only after I called out to her did she break out of trace but even still then she looked at me intensely

"Oh, I am sorry, I wasn't able to meet you earlier, I had being caught up in research"

"Sure it's no problem, after all I heard that you had being accepted by a sage witch, congrats I knew that you could so it"

"Th-Thanks, it was only due to you I was able to reach this position"

A small blush came to her face before it disappeared, she smiled as she thanked me again