"Rimuru change back to your slime form!"
On a warm bright night with the full moon high in the sky, we can see a blond man walking down the street. His blond hair is long enough to reach his shoulders and he has looks that can be considered handsome by most, with light green eyes and a faint blush on his cheeks.
To his left attached to his arm is a girl with long red hair that reaches her lower back tied in a ponytail. She had green eyes along with a face that could be considered beautiful by most people, and there was a faint blush on her cheeks.
"You know david I have been meaning to ask." says the woman.
David the man looks at her and asks "what have you been meaning to ask?".
"When are you going to tell your wife about me?" The woman replies.
The man then froze in his tracks making the woman look at him with a confused look on her face.
"Oh her yeahhh... I forgot I had a wife for a second." David replied, and then started walking again.
The woman looked at him in shock for a second before laughing out loud "hahaha~ is she that nonexistant in your house" the woman asks.
David replied back with "Now she is, with all the stress I've been put through now I kinda forgot about her". The woman can be seen with a frown on her face now.
"Hey david, I have been meaning to ask what's been putting you through so much stress lately?" The woman asks.
David looked at her with a frown on his face aswell and says "Well to be honest, me and the other high nobels have been getting together and having meeting about a new nation." Says david. "All these meeting have been really stressful with how big the popularity of the nation has been growing." He then adds.
The red haired girl has a confused and slightly shocked look on her face, then she says "New nation?" With the confused look.
David replies with "yeah a new nation and I heard from the other nobels that it is being ruled by a monster, specifically a slime."
The girl looks even more confused now and asks "A slime you mean the weakest monster around?"
"Yeah" David says, then he adds "but it is a unique variant of slime, a intelligent slime and it has been recognized by dwargon."
The girl looked even more shocked now and says "An intelligent slime is already shocking but, it has also been recognized by dwargon?!" The woman half-shouts.
"Yeah, it was shocking to me aswell, but that's not even the worst part" he adds. Then continues with "This said slime apparently has also defeated the rumored Orc lord that popped up recently."
The woman has a pale look on her face now and stops talking but David reassures her by saying "don't worry Teresa me and the other nobels have this covered"
The woman named Teresa just nodded and kept walking.
After walking for a bit david stops seeing his mansion a little more than a mile away. He turns to Teresa and stops in his tracks.
Teresa looks at him and flashes a knowing smile, then cast a expectant look on her face.
David looks at her then smiles saying "looks like this is where we part ways." Then kisses Teresa.
After awhile of kissing david pulls back and looks Teresa in the eyes. Teress then says with a slightly annoyed look "you better tell your wife soon about me".
David replies with "I will try but I dont know how she will react." Then Teresa says "Who cares how she will react, your a high Nobel you need more than one spouse."
David then cast a down look and says "yeah I know but I promised her that I'd have only one wife in the contract." Then he feels two soft hands on his cheeks that pull his face up.
When he looks up he sees Teresa with an unreadable expression on her face but there is still a small smile there. She then says "if she doesn't allow it then you will divorce her right" her smile gets a little bigger as she says "after all you yourself said you had forgotten her for awhile".
David then looks at her and smiles hearing her words and agrees with her by nodding his head. David then says "yeah, after all I like you better than her".
After he said this he turned to leave but a voice stopped him in a disbelieving tone.
"David?" The voice said. David knowing who exactly this voice belonged to, because he was just talking about her a minute ago, stopped in his tracks with sweat pouring down his face.
David then looks back stiffly like a robot and sees the face that called him. Its was exactly who he thought it was.
(A little while earlier)
A woman with long white hair and bright blue eyes can be seen walking along the sidewalk with a bag in her hands. This is David's wife Mitsuki.
Mitsuki, who snuck out the mansion to go dress shopping, was heading back to put on her new dress and show it to her husband.
Mitsuki, while one her way home daw a couple walking the same direction as her.
Mitsuki saw the man stop and when he turned around, giving her a clear view of his face, her eyes widened in shock. It was her husband, standing there with another girl, and kissing her.
The girl then starts talking to David say stuff like "when are you going to tell you wife about me" and "After all you yourself said you forgot about her" but she didn't hear most of it because of the kiss the pair had earlier.
Mitsuki who is standing there with a blank look finally comes back to her senses after she see him starting to leave.