

"Kya… Min-Cheol."

"Again. Why?"

"Touch it over here. Doesn't it feel a lot harder than before?"

"Why are doing this. Ew! Won't you go away? Shoo! Shoo!"

"Ha…. You're something else. Hyung's mood is something else right now. Wow… My eyes have opened to a new world."

If people only heard what was happening, they would definitely misunderstand this conversation.

The trade business ended earlier than expected.

There was still 9 hours left before the dinner with mother.

Recently, she has become friendly with the residents of the safe house and for the first time ever, decided to go watch a musical.

Mother was finally hanging out with people her age, and was enjoying life to the fullest now.

"It's been a week since we went on a date together. I'm so sorry. But let's have a nice dinner at least."

That's what she told me as she put on makeup.


If you think about it, it's not a big deal.

Looking so excited like a young lady, I couldn't help but think that it was cute.

With this situation in mind, the two solo 1 Awakened ended up at the level 18 dungeon after finishing the business exchange.

Without anywhere to go, where else would we end up at.

And now, with two level ups, Jong Ho was really hyped.

It was because he experienced hunting on another level unlike anything he did, speed hunting.

Putting 10 points into strength, he showed off his biceps and told me to touch them.

Looking at the childlike happiness Jong Ho had, my heart felt as ease thinking that I had paid off even a little bit of the debt I owed to him.

Before entering, he was rejecting the offer.

Honestly, he was probably half afraid and half sorry for me.

It was only a month ago when I was beating down the succubi, and now going to a level 18 dungeon.

Just the two of us to boot.

I think it took at least 20 minutes to convince him.

'Sigh. And too nice as well?'

His type was the type that refuses to cause trouble for others, so he kept making excuses.

At one point, Jong Ho declined it like this.

Guess trying the clear the dungeon sounded very dangerous.

To rea.s.sure him, I said that I will clear the dungeon in 20 minutes by myself and pulled out my identification license.

It was to show that I could clear the level 18 dungeon, so I can calm him down.

I was about to have the identification license scanned.


"Hey. Min-Cheol, don't do it! It's too much! Too much!"

"Why are you doing this! I clear this dungeon like I live here."

"No way! No way! Are you struggling with something? Let's talk this out with hyung. You have to think about your mother at home!"


'You sweet potato like person….." 2

It was like eating three cold sweet potatoes in a row without any kimchi. 3

Jong Ho saw that I was trying to go in and was stopping me with everything he had.

There were no words for what was happening, and I felt that Jong Ho cared for me a lot more than I thought of Jong Ho.

Considering his pleading, I put away my Awakened license.

And then grabbed his hands.

"Yes. Min-Cheol. Good decision. Let's go talk by the bench over there."


No matter how much he clings onto me, physically I was a lot stronger than him.

Holding onto his hand, I threw him far.

Even if he was thrown, Jong Ho was an Awakened. He shouldn't be hurt.

As he flew, he cried my name with a tearful face.

Even now, if I think of him crying out, I could only snicker.

"Min. Cheol!"

"Yes. Yes. Min-Cheol isn't dead."

Noon, in the midst of hunting with Jong Ho…

A line of luxurious black sedans were driving in.

Jong Ho, who was looking at his status window with glee looked towards it.

"Some young master is going around it seems."

"Young master?"

A girl left the car.

She seemed to my age.

Two men stood by, one each to her sides.

Her armor and a staff in hand did not seem that luxurious.

It probably wasn't made by a blacksmith.

Those two weren't the only bodyguards.

Around the dungeon, many people with black suits were stationed.

All were highly alert, maintaining their distance.

Looking at this absurd situation, Jong Ho spoke.

"I heard Ilseong CEO's granddaughter had Awakened. Looks like that's her?"

"Are you talking about that huge company Ilseong? TV. Air conditioner?"

"Yeah. Korea's third biggest company. That's right."

"But why would the granddaughter be sent to the dungeon then?"

"Min-Cheol. Do you see the Awakened around her? And the others around her."

"Yes. I see. There are a lot."

"I don't know about the person on the right, but the one on the left. The person who has half his face covered with a mask is 'Yoon Jong-sun'. A ranker who's one of the top magicians in Korea."

"Oho. He looks like your average neighbor… but he's famous."

"When the explosion took place in the central plant center, he's one of the ones who prevented the damage from extending further."

"Then why is someone so important next to a kid like her? Do they know each other?"

"That kid just wants to go around sightseeing the different levels of the dungeons. Otherwise why would they come here? Yoon Jong-sun is probably being supported by the company, as no matter how much money you have, you can't always get Awakened essences and rare items. 'You lend the company power, and in return be rewarded with tremendous rewards' is what I'm saying."

"I see. Still, the granddaughter of that CEO is just a little kid."

"Kid? It looks like there only is a year or two differences? Why are you cosplaying as an elder!"

"I'm jealous. No need to worry about money, and born into a family where your grandpa is a CEO. And Awakened on top of that? I'm here struggling because buying a weapon seems wasteful… After the dungeon tour is over, maybe I should ask to be carried to a level 26 dungeon."

"Don't even look at them, just think of them as people who were on another level since birth. What can you do. Ah! And don't forget. I'm someone who was happy about buying an armor that costed me 4 billion!"

Laughing at each other's poor jokes, we continued the battle of the poor Awakened.

Well, we're not really poor since we're Awakened.

The conversation continued for a while, but we watched them the entire time.

Until they entered the dungeon and disappeared from our sights.

Comparing myself to those who were geared, I looked pathetic.

Unlike others, I had infinite mana.

With this ability, I was able to grow at rate 10's of times faster.

But what if I was able to get items on top of this ability? Wouldn't something amazing occur?

I couldn't help but be greedy.

One of the reasons why I thought this way was due to the 'Louver's Bracelet'.

I needed equipment that wouldn't just raise stats, but ones that give special abilities.

That's why I was planning to obtain the Louver set from the level 18 dungeon.

With the original goal of an M/A rank weapon as well.

I heard the abilities of Louver's ring and necklace from Jong Ho on the way back.

The ring synergized incredibly well with the bracelet.

When attacked by magic, it could absorb the magic energy.

Naturally, that absorbed power would go straight to the bracelet.

It had quite the synergizing effect.

The necklace on the other hand, it a completely different effect.

It had chance for any skill casted to ignore the target's defense and magic resist.

If that's the case, a magician could hunt where magic attacks do not work.

How convenient it would be. I wouldn't even have to expend any effort in getting a strength based weapon.

But due to the fact that the percentage for it occurring was so low, it was gear that wasn't used that often.

What I was looking for was the set effect from wearing all three.

The 'Louver's Protection'.

When wearing all the named items, a set effect occurs.

From the level 18 dungeon I could clear and onwards, named monsters start to appear from time to time.

Out of the set effects, Louver's Protection was a decent one.

If you stand in the aura that spread from the wearer's feet, you could absorb monster souls like the reaper Louver did.

Unlike Louver who turned the absorbed soul's abilities as his own, it became a shield that covered the weaknesses of those affected.

Everyone in a party, including myself, could receive this effect, but that factor did not concern me.

If I could obtain this set, I would not have to cast shields in dungeons that I can clear swiftly.

It was a set effect only for hunting.

What item is better than letting me hunt safely and quickly?

Making Jong Ho wait at the entrance, I pulled all the mobs recklessly.

After moving past his field of vision, I slaughtered them all.

Showing Jong Ho my abilities made me a little uneasy, but the real reason was this.

The two main skills I used were the Gravity Laser and Fire Shock.

Both skills could not select targets.

Even if you wait at the entrance, the experience you get is the same.

There was no need to stay close.

It would only increase the risks.

Especially since both skills were Awakened, if it hit Jong Ho who was in his early level 60's, it would result in a fatal injury.

After killing the last mob Louver, I headed towards the center of the dungeon.

Since 20 min has pa.s.sed, Jong Ho should me coming to the center as well.

I saw Jong Ho far away in the dark dungeon.


But something was off.

If I met Jong Ho, that means this is the center of the dungeon, but an exit hadn't appeared.

"What. Why is there no exist? Did I miss one? That shouldn't be."

"Aren't you done killing Louver?"

"Yeah. I finished and headed this way."

"Killing the boss and Louver who appeared last, why isn't the exit appearing?"

"Hm, that's odd. I'll go look around once more."

"Wait. Maybe….."

"Hm? What is it? Do you have an idea?"

Instead of answering, he turned back towards the way he came from, and started to swing wildly with his sword.

Current schedule: Twice a week.

Current Queue: 11 Chapters

Without girfriends. Pretty much calling him a potato head. Don't try this at home kids.36. Exp Continues to Rise (3)

Jong Ho continued to swing his knife at thin air.

'Did he lose his mind because the exit won't appear?' was what I thought.

"Hyung, what are you doing? Why are you continuing to swing at thing air….."

"Min-Cheol. Where did you hunt at?"

"Monsters? I hunted at the end of the dungeon."

"Yeah? Then turn around and go back towards where you caught them. And cast AoE whenever you have the AoE."

"Huh. Are you okay hyung? Tell me the reasoning."

Looking at his face, I asked.

But why? He was smiling brightly.

'Wow… Feels like I have to find a mental hospital.'

"Why are you so excited?"


"Hm? Mimic? Hyung, how many fingers am I holding up?"

I stopped Jong Ho's wild slashing and held up two fingers.

It looks like I'm joking around, but I was being serious.

Jong Ho laughed half-heartedly, but the happiness in his smile did not fade.

���Two. Who do you think I am!"

"No. Think about it hyung. All the monsters are taken out, but the exit doesn't open. But the person who came in with is laughing like a madman while swinging his knife. What do you think? It's scary so let's hear the reason why."

"Ah. I didn't tell you? I guess I forgot because I was excited."

"Did your return to your senses?"

"Hey! There is a monster left in the dungeon!"

"What are you saying. I beat the hidden boss and the final boss, Louver."

"Have you heard of a mimic?"

"You kept saying 'mimic mimic', but what are you talking about?"

"Treasure. Idiot. One Piece!"

"Ha… do I need to hit you?"

"Sorry. It's a treasure chest. You can't tell what's in it until you take it down."

"Where is it? Don't tell me you are 'stabbing wildly since the monster is invisible' or something like that."

He smiled and nodded his head.


"Quickly, turn around and look for it. It shows its face when you hit it once. The person who finds it first should bring it back."

"Are you telling the truth?"

"Did I ever lie to you?"


The mimic monster was a funny one.

Gravity Laser, which hits all enemies within its range, could not target it.

It was in perfect stealth.

I was retracing my steps, casting Lightning Spray.

From the center to the end of the dungeon, my curiosity was slowly turning into rage.

To confirm a wider range, I casted Fire Shock every time it came off cooldown.

It was at that moment.

Jong Ho said the 'mimic' is a monster shaped like a box.

And this sound surely came from a box made of wood.

My vision that was only on the ground that I treaded changed as I looked around me, and I could see it 'hop hop'-ing away from me.

"Found you. Come here!"

It was just as Jong Ho said.

It was a chest that looked straight out of pirate movie, holding a ton of treasures.

Instead of giving it a nice greeting, I casted Lightning Spray.

It stuck out its tongue from within and started to madly dash away.

At this rate, I'd be further away from Jong Ho.

I started to spam cast Frozen Orb at it.

I was planning to freeze it solid and bring it back.

But it was a F ranking skill, and it was a monster from a level 18 dungeon.

Despite hitting it countless of times, it only moved faster.

"d.a.m.n it. Glacial Field, I'll learn it for sure!"

Constantly casting Teleport every 3 seconds the cooldown came up, and ran at it as fast as possible.

Noise filled the silent dungeon, like the steps of two race horses.

It didn't take long for me to overtake it.

I wanted to spam skills at it, but decided to hold off.

It would be good to hunt it together with Jong Ho.

Now it was running the other way around.

I was able to make out the faint outline of Jong Ho swinging his knife in the air.


Hearing me yell, Jong Ho stopped slashing and turned around.

I don't think anyone could be mad at his bright smile.

The fashion terrorist's new nickname became the ��smiling angel'.

"Hurry up! Hurry!"

"On my way. Coming."

Caught between Jong Ho and I, the mimic couldn't do anything but rattle in place.

"Hyung, should I beat it down with skills?"

"No no. You have to beat it to death."

"Are you stressed out?"

"That's not it. It has to be hit a certain amount of times, either skills or sword swinging, to have it open."

"Ah. Is that so?"

"Punching is its pa.s.sword."

I wasn't very pleased with that news.

Pulling up my sleeves, I began to punch it.

"Run! Running the other way?"

The more times I punched, the wider it opened its mouth.

Soon, the chest opened, and it stopped to moving.

However, there was nothing inside.

It was then.

It made a puking noise as it died.


"Wow… does it usually give out this much?"

"No clue. This is the first time I've seen it. It's amazing for sure."

"Agreed. Let's take and go. Hyung."

Since there wasn't much time left before the dungeon ended, we quickly grabbed everything and ran out.

Since we worried that we'd get robbed, we quickly headed to Jong Ho 's car.

Jong Ho said it was his first time finding a mimic too.

We had enough loot to fill half of a military double bag.

"Hyung. We'll count the B ranking blood stone later. Let's look at the items first?"

"Yeah, let's do that."

Glancing over, 6 items dropped.

With one hand I pulled out the loot, while the other hand used the smart phone to pull the encyclopedia app.

The first match I got was the shoes.

Jong Ho couldn't help but exclaim.

"Wow! 't.i.tan Boots'! I wasn't sure before since it was dark and we were rushing, but it's the real deal!"

"Is it good?"

Jong Ho 's word made me hurry.

I quickly searched up t.i.tan Boots.

At the same time, 'human Awakened Encyclopedia' Jong Ho continued to explain.

"Lucky. Min-Cheol! Even if you hunt for a long time, it will be really difficult to get boots better than this."

"It's that good?"

"Yeah! You saw Yoon Jong-sun before we entered, right? The boots he was wearing was this one. Immune to status effects, the t.i.tan Boots! The people who own these boots is 10? No! Less than 5. You can throw away everything else with just this…!"

The phone returned the results.

-t.i.tan Boots-

Immune to all status effects.

Increased movement speed.

It was an ability beyond words.

Immune to all forms of status effects.

Magician's ice magic.

Shaman, a.s.sa.s.sins, and necromancer's poison.

Warrior and priest's slows.

All of them would become useless against me.

I had obtained something amazing.

"Hyung. What do I do?"

"What do you do! You take off your clothes and run around the track field a hundred times while holding onto the boots, celebrating!"

"Let's look at the other stuff too. I'm still trying to process."


Out of the loot, there were three skill books.

"Should we check the skill books first?"

"Devil Avatar. Il-sum 1. Piercing Sword. Those are the drops."

"Oh. Since it dropped on random, I was worried it would drop stuff below D rank. Thank goodness."

"Hyung, did you not learn Il-sum and Piercing Sword?"

"No. Not yet. If you sell it at the store, you should be able to get 2 billion at least?"

"Hm? Hyung, you said you didn't learn it yet."

"Yeah I didn't learn it yet. But you learned Piercing Sword already."

"Why are you doing this? Do we not know each other?"

"Yeah. We are strangers."

"I do agree. But still take these two, hyung. Learn them right away."

"Min-Cheol. If it wasn't for you, would hyung be able to go in the dungeon? I'm already feeling guilty for the level ups. Please don't do this."

"Okay. Then I'll just give it to a stray dog pa.s.sing by….."

"Stop! From the mimic onward, are you going to keep joking around?"

"Heh, I knew it. Hurry up and learn it. I'll be taking Devil Avatar."

-Devil Avatar-

Usable Cla.s.s: Summoner (Other cla.s.ses have 10 times the mana cost)

Mana Cost: 2000 (Per skill leveled, mana cost increases by 10%)

Skill Information: Summons Devil Avatar

As the skill level rises, the summoned damage increases.

It only attacks those the summoner deems as enemies.

Cooldown: 60 minutes.

Duration: Until the summoned dies.

Skill Rank: A

Additional Explanation: Summoned will be at random from one of the three. Fire user, frost user, and lightning user. (Per 100 skill level, summoned number will increase by 1.)

Skill Book Estimated Price: ????

"Do you know anything about Devil Avatar?"

"Summoner cla.s.ses are rare, so I don't know that well, but I heard that if they grow well, they display the power of two Awakened. That's why you can't ignore a summoner. Wow! The skill is A ranked."

"That's true, but the mana cost is 2,000? 'Is this made with the intent to be used?' is the thought I get."

"Of course, if you're not a summoner you can't use it. Where would you get the 10 times inflated cost of 20,000 mana? That would mean you'd have to put in 4000 stat points in mana, but that would mean that you're level 800. Impossible."

That's right. You get 5 stat points per level.

To get 20,000 mana, you'd need to put points into mana only until you're level 800.

That's why there was zero percent chance that anyone but a summoner would use this skill.

"So it's really strong?"

"Yeah, from what I know. Since I can't see an estimated price, looks like it's a rare skill book. Should I look for information regarding it?"

"No. I'll keep it. I got a hobby for collecting skill books."

"Wow… Are you that well off?"

"Should I start raising an extinct cheetah as a pet?"

"Pfft. Let's go check the rest of the loot."

Going to the rear seats of the car, we flipped the bag and spilled everything out.

It was because all the equipments were about the same size as the blood stones, so it was hard to find things.

It was then that I saw something that I could not help but be happy to see.

"Hyung. Do you have any skills that are level 100?"

"Single Strike", something that you see samurais do in movies