
Chapter One

Third persons pov

Note: this story is a figment of my imagination,I am very much aware that pixies and vampires and other creatures don't have gods or goddesses but this is how I want my story to go, thank you.

She stood at the centre of the big castle,that was what it was often called by everyone, a big castle in the sky where the creators lived, gods and goddesses only entered whenever there was a meeting.

A meeting like the one going on now.

She remained bowing, waiting for the creators to acknowledge her presence.

They spoke amongst themselves,not wanting to pay her any mind,yet, and so she stood there, her head bowed and her eyes closed, her patience waning.

And finally,she was acknowledged.

"You have come today for something important I presume" a soft feminine voice spoke. It was Mitera, the mother of it all.

She raised her head, meeting blue eyes so much like hers.

"Yes I have Mother" She replied.

Mitera wasn't her mother in the literal sense of the word.

She made her,with the heart of a wolf and the spirit of a human and the spells of the grand witch, she spoke the words "Awaken" and she did.

"Get on with it then" A gruff voice, so unlike Miteras voice said.

She shifted her gaze to the man who sat beside Mitera.

Many called him father,she could not bring herself to call him that.

"My people are not living the lives I have dreamt for them,they do not follow the rules I have set nor do they worship as hard as they used to"

Her voice is shaky as she speaks,this is her first time being the centre of a meeting.

The other gods whisper around her, daring not to be too loud else Mitera shall strike them.

"And what do you intend to do?" Mitera asks.

The whispers stop.

"I don't want to punish them,I just want them to right their wrongs, I want them to understand the reason I have these rules in place"

Mitera tilts her head and smiles, looking as angelic as she always does.

"Do you want to send then a war? Or a plague?" Mitera asks.

She thinks before she answers, to refuse something Mitera has offered is dumb,but to receive is even dumber.

Miteras offers were like double edged swords.

"I just wish to show them, I do not mean to harm any of them"

Mitera turns, facing a dark haired man, who seemed lost in thoughts.

"Dracula" she calls. He sits up. "When was the last war against the werewolves?'

"Three centuries ago" he replies, his voice betraying no emotion.

Mitera turns back to the lady at the centre.

"War will be set on your people, if they cannot learn this way then I am sorry"  She makes eye contact. "This is my final decision, you can discuss amongst yourselves"

Mitera stands up, Father beside her, and they head inside, prepared to sleep for another century,when they may be needed again.

As soon as Mitera leaves Dracula hisses at the lady in the middle.

"What have you done?" He snarls.

She stands tall, she's not afraid of a blood sucker.

"I believe you understand that war wasn't my intent, I came to ask for other means" her voice is calm.

"My people do not need wars, they're growing,they're uniting and they're ruling, and now look at what you've done!" Dracula moves towards her with a fierce speed,his legs not touching the ground.

She refused to move, even when he's in front of her.

"We all know Luna did not intend this war,I don't understand why you're so vexed at her" Meera,the goddess of the fairies spoke, flapping her huge wings.

Dracula snarls at her.

"Now that you've started this,prepare to receive the bloodiest,most vile war your people have ever seen,prepare for ancient blood magic and prepare for blood warriors" and with this Dracula disappears into thin air.

The goddess of the moon is worried,

The vampires have been around for more than her children,and with the disunity they face it would be impossible to win this war.

Dracula didn't like her,nor did his people like hers,this could be an opportunity to wipe them all out.

She couldn't let that happen.

She had to do something, anything.

She checked within herself if she had enough power to create a warrior,she didn't .

Her people didn't worship her as often anymore.

She was weak.

She had the strength to do one thing and one thing only,even if it did mean risking her existence.

She turned to Meera and smiled and walked out of the big castle.

She went to her home on the moon.

She counted 10 big and active packs around the 5 countries of the  world,such a small number, it hurt her.

115 sub packs under the 10 packs.

57 unacknowledged packs.

90 rogue packs.

She wrote down 7 names.

Names of 7 alphas, in charge of 7 of the big packs, 7 strong alphas who hated each other.

Alpha Kane of blackwood pack.

Alpha Jared of Silver arrow pack.

Alpha Mateo of Green valley pack.

Alpha Conner of The hills Pack.

Alpha Scott of yellow stone pack.

Alpha Tom of White lane pack.

Alpha Terra of Black mountain pack.

To win the impending war she had to unite them all.

And to unite them all she had to become one of them.

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