
OPM 3# Thats my quest!?!

"Leave me alone."

"Eh. no."

My head throbs, my body is shaking with absolute rage.

I have asked this bald fucker to leave 20 times, plus he has broken half of my controllers and even smashed my atardii'.

"oi this game is too hard King, put in a new one!"

"Saitma-san that's cookie clicker you just click."

I cant believe how stupid this guy is, no wonder he got dropped so low in the rankings, he has the IQ of a clam.

Hmph, I have the strength level of a random tank top grunt so I couldnt Saitama out if I tried my hardest and 'surpassed my limits'.

I really need to get sometype of superpower though. I feel naked just walking around without all my other skills.

"Hey Saitama, how did you get so strong anyways?"

I approach the baldo from behind, making sure he cant just ignore me.

"Well. do 100 situps 100 push-"

"I have been doing that workout for a long time, it seems we are similar in how we became powerful."

Saitama jeers his head towards me and scowls at my head full of luscious locks.


He replies snidely, wanting to get back to his cookie clicker.

I turn away and sit down away from my TV and pullout a laptop from a drawer.

I browse the internet in hopes that Saitama will get bored and leave eventually.



Oh shit, is there a canon monster outside?

I I aproach my taped up window and pull up the glass, I look around and in the distance I see a gigantic brown creature walking, it has some weird skull cap thing, if im familiar enough with the series I believe this is the mad scientists brother giant scenario.

"Hey Saitama if you smack that giant around I will put in a good word at the hero association."

Saitama stands up and turns to me.

"Eh, what would that be good for?"

"Money, you will get lots of money."

Dollar signs seem to appear in Saitamas vision, a ginger smile widens on his face.

He leaps through my window screaming

"Free money here I come!"


Is he gone finally?

"King, why didnt you take care of it?"

Oh sheet. I forgor about Genos.

I face him as he is about to walk out of the door.

"Smallfry like that are a waste of my time, I could be playing World of Skirmishcraft instead."

Genos nods with a wise sagely expression, copying some words into his notebook. He then promptly leaves.


Eh, my savior has come?!?!

[Quest being generated!]


[Unique quest loaded]


As King gain sometype of superhuman or extraordinary ability, be it transfomation, esper, or lightning from your phalanges. Anything goes. (Note, transferred skills do not count)

Reward: [Rare passive skill] ]

[Redemption part 2 (Optional) :

As King, use your newfound abilities to become as strong as a B-rank, save 10 humans and defeat a powerful monster.

Reward: [Enhancer and/or transformation type ability] ]


I literally said one thing about wanting a superpower. Damn.

I dont even know where to begin, monster cells are a no no. My martial arts cant be considered. What am I supposed to do? Most people in this world are just born with a power and thats that.

Think damnit think.

I cant see any other way than becoming a monster but that would make me an enemy of society. Hmm.


Most humans that are poweful in this world broke the limiter for strength or speed through training, Saitama broke his with willpower and hope wich made him smash all limiters and become a god, but I already have one limiter broken so breaking another is nigh impossible, I could become a cyborg but then the public would not take kindly to the strongest 'human' becoming part robot.

I dont know if I will he able to complete this rigged quest, I might be stuck in this world forever.


[Not able to comply with quest?]

Ah, are you going to help me out here, give me a new quest maybe.


[Good luck!]


Are you kidding me why did I get the most useless system in the entire multiverse?


Man, im so screwed.

I should have just chosen an easy character.

I guess all I can do is keep training and battling monsters until I find something.

<Sometime later>

I have spent almost a year in this world and have yet to get a lead on any ways to superpower myself, my karate has improved drastically but thats about it.

I can channel small amounts of Qi into my hand, replicating Bangs martial arts, but unlike him I can only attack using that method once or twice before my whole upper body becomes full of pain because I cannot handle the shock of my own attack.

I do my normal 1 hour patrols everyday, and then go home and play videogames for 11 hours.

A fine ratio to be honest.

Im currently on my 5th playthrough of Hayday 2: Farm heist.

Its essentially payday from earth but with redneck and sheep instead of thugs and bank vaults.

I finish my match, easily taking Lenny Barnes cattle and selling them to the milk cartel in Cuba.

Afterwards I decide to go out and patrol for a bit, hoping to only run into weak monsters like usual.

I walk for quite awhile and only pass random citizens buying groceries as usual. Last week the brother of the lobster guy showed up and destroyed my favorite diner, as you probably guessed I buried him with my own 2 hands for killing the beatiful waitresses of the establishment, their maid outfits always reminded me of how I was a hopeless romantic, which drove me to become stronger.



Fucking bugs







Why wont this mosquito die?

Godamnit, im not even strong enough to kill a pest.

Wait a minute.


Oh no

Oh no no no

She should be dead, Genos and Saitama murked her.

I need to run, and run fast.

I quicken my pace into a swift jog.

"Hey sir, cheap and tasty Takoyaki inside!"


I turn to face the pretty female voice calling out to me.

Good smells enter my nose as I face the shop.

Holy lord jesus christendom.

Its Mosquito Girl.

A woman with a tight latex suit stands with a maid costume on, she holds a sign.

Where her mosquito sac was is now a bandage.

She has some cybernetic legs and of course the trademark black stripes.

[Image here]

"Erm, sorry if the bugs bother you, they always hang around me."

Wait a minute, wasnt her becoming an ad girl a meme drawing by the artists for OPM, or is it canon in this world. In any case If I stare to long my little brother will get excited.

"Just from the smell I think im going to buy some."

"Good choice mister!"

She nods happily as I enter, continuing to wave the sign around.

I take my disguise off and order some food.

I get the basic cabbage and tempura takoyaki.

As I munch I begin thinking. Mosquito Girl was a mutant not a true monster, wich is result of her volunteering for research at the house of evolution which will be destroyed by Saitama in a week or so. I also recall the gorilla becoming a normal and recognized mutant aswell so it probably wasn't hard for a beaty like Mosquito girl to get a job. Maybe if I can dig some info out of her or get closer to her I can somehow become a lesser version of a mutant with minimal change that will still count as a superpower and fulfill the quest.

"Oi Mr. Chef whats that girls name outside?"

The chef turns to me and his expression seems to be one of repeated aggravation.

"Her name is Mushi, I found her on the street half dead one day and I figured if a mutant like Zombie-man is an S rank hero then she could be a damn waitress."

I slide back in my stool apologetically, when the light hits my face the Chefs expression instantly turns. He immediately gets on his knees and puts his head to the ground.

"I am so sorry Mr. King I couldn't see you through the ribbons, please forgive me!"

"Stand up chef, I was just wondering if she was an up and coming hero or something."

The chef wipes a tear from his eye and bows, a sign of thanks for my mercy.

"Ah, she has had some memory loss. I was the first to find her so she thinks im her father, I've always wanted a daughter in my old age so it worked out I suppose, to answer your question she knows she's a mutant but cant remember how or why she became as such."

I bow my head and dish out a heavy tip to the cook.

"Oi papa whats all this noise in -"


"Wait Mushi calm down!"

Mosquito girls, or should I say Mushis, father tries to stop the charging mutant but is too slow.


*incoherent fangirling*

Well it will be easy to extract information I suppose.

"Ahem, I will sign autograph your sale sign how about that?"

I ask the girl politely, knowing she could most likely snap and kill me.

She retrieves her sign and I adeptly sign it.

"Listen Mushi, im on an investigation about a certain organization and I was wondering if you could answer some questions for me?"

Mushi calms down and breathes in and out heavily for a few minutes before we head to a stall and I begin asking her some more questions.

"Do you remember how you became a mutant?"

"Erm, something to do with blood, thats all i remember."

She replies hesitantly, jogging her broken mind for answers.

"Do you remember where you became a mutant?"

"umu, uhhhh. No."

She holds her fingers to her lips as she thinks, I cant help but feel a little frustrated at her losing lots of memory, but shes not a death machine now atleast.

"Thanks for your cooperation, I dont want to stress you out but I have one more request."

"Anything for you King san!"

"I need some of your bloo-"

Before I even complete my sentence she slices her wrist open and begins filling a red solo cup.

"umm. Ok"

"Say King, who are you tryin" to catch anyway?"

I make my face look as serious as possible when I reply to her.

"There is a goliath mutant names Carnage who was accidentally leaked to the hero association, he was surely created in a lab but we dont know how or where."

She seems uninterested as I speak.

I retrieve the blood and walk sideways out of the building so Mushi doesnt see my Jr standing at attention.

This blood might be the key to becoming a mutant, when I get home I will order a microscope and begin some research.

I think I might have just bagged a waifu for King, even though mosquito girl is hot I personally believe in Fubuki supremacy. But it would be a good payback to King for hijacking his body for a bit.

After all this I think its time I finally get a mutant power up.


[A/N Below]

Was the Mosquito girl unexpected? Probably not but I thought it was a funny twist.

I think King plus Maid Mosquito would be a funny matc aswell.

This was a longer chapter because of dialogue but I hoped you still enjoyed it.

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