
1 Before the Beginning

Griffin's peak California Is a small town where everyone knows everyone, this story follows a 12 year old boy named Dylan Barguta. He has a small group of friends and Is known as the kid no one likes.

*In Dylan's dream*

Mysterious voice: Everything started with two voids Black and White. The first being to exist, Galaxy awoke In the

White void he then created the Universe, dimensions, space, planets, and stars. Anything he didn't want he would toss Into the black void. He soon got bored so he made the first female, Warden. They together used his power to make eight children and assigned them tasks that break down both of their abilities. The Goddess of Realities made dimensions and Universes. God created the planets. Twin brothers Satan and Beacon made all of the good and evil throughout the Universes. The goddess of nature made plants while her twin brother the god of life made the animals and the first Humans. The last two siblings aren't known except for the fact that they Exist.

The Goddes of Realities, Nebula gave up her powers and put them In a Mirror, she then became a mortal and went to the real world to live a modest life

Dylan woke up In a sweat and sighed when It was just a dream.

Dylan's mom, Morgan walked Into the room and leaned on the door frame, "hey buddy why you look so worried?"

Dylan stared at his mom with a distressed look on his face. "You know that story you read to me every night before bed. I had a dream about It," he yelled out In a panic.

Morgan pointed at Dylan and said, "don't yell, calm down." Dylan's little sister Lily ran In and jumped on his bed. "Big brother, big brother look what I made It's a pirate ship I made out of blocks." Dylan examined the ship and told her, "looks cool you can become a model designer when you grow up If you continue doing this."

"Really," she replied. Dylan nodded at her and she got excited and ran out of the room. "Well hopefully you'll be alright Dylan, If you need someone to talk to I'm here, and thats just a story I made up," Morgan said before she turned around, picked up Lilly, and carried her away. Dylan got ready for school. Dylan's dad Greg walks In, "hey Champ It's take your Son to work day today so I'll pick you up after school." "Okay dad thanks, hopefully we can show your co-workers that your better than them," Dylan replied as he was walking out the front door. Before he closed the door he told his dad, "I'm taking my bike to school so I'll meet you at your work."

Dylan got on his bike and rode to school

He arrived 2 hours early. Riding during sun rise made everything look beautiful. Dylan locked up his bike on the bike rack, then while he was walking away he felt something on his back. "Greetings brave knight would you kindly give me a piggyback ride," the feminine voice called out. "There's my little nerd Dylan said. On his back was his girlfriend Courtney, but her friend group calls her Liz."H-hey let's go meet up with everyone else, they are In the cafeteria." Liz said to Dylan while pointing west, so they headed for the Cafeteria. The reason his friend group comes to school 2 hours early Is so his friends can hang out together without any students or teachers getting In the way. They walked Inside the cafeteria and the first person they Saw was Jacob Hudson like always. "Sup love ducks how are you two on this fine morning?" Jacob was the class clown of the friend group. "We are good did you make up with Cheri?" Dylan asked. Jacob shook his head then stepped aside, "She left but please welcome our newest member Kyle." Jacob smiled very brightly. Dylan squinted at Kyle for a good few seconds then blurted out, "oh HI Cheri when did you cut your hair short?" Jacob opened his eyes and looked at Dylan.

Cheri then said, "I'm cheri's brother, she left the friend group and asked me to replace her."

"She doesn't have any siblings we've known each other since we were two. Your Cheri, " Dylan told her. "Damn I thought that we could fool you," Jacob said before going to sit down with Cheri. Dylan set Liz down next to everyone else, then sat next to her. "So whats the game plan guys? Artigant Is raring to go right now," Ben said about their game. Ben Is a serious kinda guy unless It comes to something like DnD then he Is silly, he likes to play as a Demon General named Artigant. "Ben calm down and focus on the big day, plus Ruby would beat Artigant any day. With the power of love," Becca said. Ben looked at her and said, "why would he fight his wife."

"I don't know where any of you guys get all your energy from," Corey said as he walked over and hands Dylan a wrapped burrito. "No beans Right?" Dylan asked worriedly. "Nope no beans," Corey said as he sat down. "Hey Corey let's have Artigant and Moon battle?" Ben excitedly said.

"No Moon would lose, Artigant has way more strength and defense. Look at his stats, he would crush Moon" Corey Replied. "What about you Dylan? Konoma vs Artigant? They are Rivals after all," Ben said. "No I'm okay I have some thighs to rest on," Dylan said while smirking right before laying his head on Liz's thighs. Cheri walked up and said to Dylan, "I thought we could trick you. I even cut my hair short to make you think I was someone else." Jakob sat down and gestured to Cheri to sit next to him and so she did. Dylan poked his head up and looked at Cheri then said, "you might have fooled Liz. But I knew It was you." Cheri pointed at Dylan and laughed. "Hey Is everyone here," Becca asked. Ben looked around then said, my sister Isnt here, thats weird because we came to school together?" Lindsay never came to their group meet and after 2 hours everyone went to their separate classes and had a slow day at school. Dylan met up with his friends at lunch and talked for a bit before It ended and they had to go back to class

At the end of the day Dylan was heading to get his bike when he got grabbed and dragged to a part of the school that didn't have camera's and encountered the schools delinquents.

Dylan saw the schools top jock Chad, the class clown of the school Dennis (right above Jacob on the class clown ranking), and a tall light skinned woman named Nicole, the boss of the delinquents. Chad looked at her and said, "hey boss we got Dylan what are we gonna do to him. Dennis smirked and said, "I say we beat him and take his stuff, then tell him what he did wrong." Nicole looked at Dylan then crouched down to his level, she opened her mouth and said, "we were paid to blind your eyes. It was a weird request, but he wanted me to do It, told me you took his girl from him. Dylans eyes widen then she grabs him by the head and lifts him up as she stands up, In a rush he spurred out, "I've been dating the current girl that I'm dating since we were In preschool. I haven't gotten Into any other relationship In my life." Chad smiled while Dennis laughed. "Pathetic you are a loser," Denis said. "Money Is money kid," Chad said while smiling. Before Dylan couldn't do or say anything, he saw a thumb before he couldn't see out of his right eye and the pain started. Dylan tried to scream out for help but he couldn't get a word out. He felt weak, and was slowly losing consciousness. He tried to kick around, but that was no help. 2 minutes pass and Lindsay walked over because of the sound of laughter and then she saw what was happening to Dylan. He looked out his left eye as everything went blurry to see the goons running at Lindsay, before his conscious faded away. Dylan awoke to find Lindsay patching up his eye with her Emergency medkit. Her left arm was wrapped as It had been broken when she struggled to get away from the goons. They were locked Inside a classroom and, Dylan could barely hear her voice calling out to him. After a few seconds Dylan got all his sense back and sat up fast. "Woah there tiger you are okay now," Lindsay said to him. "OW my eye, what have they done to me. WHERE ARE THOS-" He was enterupted by Lindsay putting her hand on his mouth. "Shut up, do you want them to hear us? If they find us we are dead. Dylan stood up too fast and almost fell before going to the door and running to the bike rack. Lindsay sighed then said," that boy shouldn't move but I don't think he realizes that. Ow, Those two really caught me off guard."

Dylan got on his bike and rode off after a while of riding he noticed Chad and Dennis were on bikes following him and Nicole was behind them. Dylan started going fast and hit a rock. He rolled down the hill Into the forest that had a crocodile Infested swamp In It. And Into the water. He got up and got past the crocodiles undetected and turned around to see them attack something where he landed at. Dylan ran toward an old church In the distance as to get away, when he got there he noticed that the church was missing It's roof and most of It's walls, the chairs and candle stands were all broken, but at the place where the alter was supposed to be there was a mirror that looked old. A dusty tattered cloth was covering half of It. He walked over to the mirror, and uncovered It, making dust go everywhere. After closing his eyes and coughing he looked Into It and he saw himself stare back at him with a sadistic smile, It freaked him out so he punched and broke the mirror with out thinking, cutting his right hand and staining the mirror with blood. He ran outside to see the goons pulling a body out of the water as Nicole was swinging a bat at the crocs, hitting them and scaring them. When Dylan looked at the body he saw Himself. He didn't make It across or Into the church. He was barely clinging to life, the crocs got to him.

Dylan screamed as a flash went off then the color white started to cover and destroy everything It touched, reducing them to nothing. Within minutes Dylan was standing In the middle of a white void. All alone, before he collapsed on the ground and fell asleep. Suddenly there was a rush of air all around him then a thud.

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