

He ran. Trees creaked, bows shooting in front of him, making him dodge and jump aside. Leaves rustled under his slipping feet. He continued running. Wind blew, ruffling his hair, throwing loose strands into his eyes. He still ran. Rain poured over the darkening forest, its sounds muffling his steps, erasing his traces from hardly visible path winding through the bushes, their thorns scraping his arms and face, leaving ugly marks on his cheeks.

Three weeks. It's been three weeks of wild running, random Apparating and again running. He was almost anticipating the moment when his energy would run out and he would be caught. At least it would mean no more running. They would kill him, surely. Just two simple words and everything would be over.

Nevertheless, he still wasn't ready to give up. Not hope, as he ceased hoping when he was caught that first time, almost a month ago. But he simply refused to stop and wait for the inevitable calmly and obediently like a good boy.

He would run till his legs would refuse to carry him and his heart would stop in his chest. Not earlier.

He was a survivor all his life and he was not going to stop being one now just because of some stupid joke of fate.

And what a joke it was!

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