
Millie and the Machine

seoyeonghee · Fantasie
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7 Chs


On the first recorded day, man seemingly sprouted from below the silt and soot of the earth. This event is now referred to as the "Guiltless Sin". His sudden presence rejected the previous state of the macrocosm; which had been a world shrouded in shimmering deep fog, with a deathly cold.

With the presence of humanity, other inhabitants of the vast gloomy grey, whom had been there for far longer than imaginable, emerged from the nothingness. Near omnipotent in ability, their existence threatened the emergence of the lesser. The "divine" entities were fewer in number, however, being spread out and far between.

With these conditions and events, unknown periods of time passed, so did the progress of humanity.

The fog slowly regressed, leaving man unbound in its travel of the plane it resided on.

In conquest, humanity fractured and divided amongst themselves, exploring the esoteric world beyond them, in magic and strange powers found through incantations.

To this effect, humanity had found, in their academic pursuits, the existence of a god, one almighty… was discovered, after many attempts at uncovering it.

Yet much remains unknown about it, like how we proved its total existence… what it wants, or aims towards, still remains to be seen.

By this moment in time, we only know of its confirmed presence.

Humanity not only has to fear the old ones, but a supremely reigning deity that twists fate to its own accord.