
First Task

----- Milki POV -----

Today is my actual first day on the job and now that all the owners are gone it's time to leave.... Let's see if I remember how to use this teleporter thing...




Finally! OK.... now to find my desk, fortunately it's close to the entrance, or at least where I usually teleport.

After I login to my computer, a message appears on the screen:

Dear Milki P,

For your first task you will have to go to the other universe and find the golden indangerd frog in the "Blue forest" and bring it back to here.

We picked a fairly easy task because it's your first time.

Your team-mate will be Tika S ( desk 4C )

Good luck! Start before 9:30

-Captain Coco H

Sounds easy enough, I just gotta find Tika.

I look around the rooms until I find desk 4C, There is a dog (female) in the color beige with darker ears playing with a dog toy. She seems to not notice me yet.


Tika:"Oh! Hello! You must be Milki, I was waiting for you! I'm Tika"!

Me:"Yea.... Shall we start the task"?

Tika:"Oh.... OK..."

Me:"Do you want to make the portal"?



We enter the portal into the Blue Forest which is surprisingly blue.

Me:"Well let's s-"-



Tika:"You look so cute as a human"!!!

Me:"What? Oh... Thanks"?

Tika:"How do I look? I don't know how I look..."

Me:"Well your..... "big", I'm pretty sure that the colors stay and you can feel and see your hairstyle but I think your skirt is awfully short". The "universe" gave her a really short black skirt and a beige sweater that was tight on her body.

Me:"How are you supposed to fight in those clothes"?

Tika:" What are you looking at, perv"?

Me:"(=_=) Let's just start looking for that gold frog or whatever".

I try to take a step forward but instantly fall.

Tika:" Ha ha ha! You fe-"-


She fell as well.

Me:"I guess we should learn how to walk first"....

Tika:"What if we just walk on four? No, wait, this is uncomfortable".

It takes us a couple minutes to get used to walking and running. At least they gave us the whole day to do this.

Me:"OK, You'll go right and I'll go to the left".

Tika:" Which way is right, again"?

I raise my hand towards the right because I still don't know how to use my fingers.


She runs towards the right and crushes into a tree. While searching for the Golden Frog I try to focus on the ground and not to fall, there were some small creatures biting my legs but it didn't hurt because I was wearing long tights unlike Tika who got a very short skirt.

While I tried not to walk into a tree I hear a voice from the distance:



I run towards Tika and find a huge black blob of a monster attacking her.

Tika:"Milki! I found the frog but there is a mon-"--

She barely dodges the monsters attack and the golden frog hopped quickly out of there and heads towards me.

Me:"Oh god! I have to catch it but how? HOW DO YOU USE YOUR HANDS"???!!!

Somehow the frog lands on the top of my head.

..... huh..

Tika:"Some help"??!

Me:"I don't know how to punch"!

Tika:"Kick it or something"!

I try to kick the monster but just fall on it.


I get up and wave my hands on it in disgust and somehow send it flying in the air.


Me:"OK your skirt is like totally torn up".

Tika:"..... Perv. Do you have the frog"?

Me:"Yeah, I have it r- Oh god"!

Tika:" Ha Ha! Just kidding, I have it, now let's get outta here".