
Military Rarities

Yun Che, a big shot in the doomsday, who even the militaries drooled upon, finally died in the hands of his beloved and family. After reincarnation, he wanted to live for his own! Xing Feng, a rooting third military generation, didn’t lay his heart in the army at all. So when he turned to 20, he chose to leave the army and went into business. When the doomsday came, he accidentally met Yun Chen and started a new chapter of his life, meanwhile, his moral bottom line kept hitting a new low… NOT MY STORY PLEASE SUPPORT THE REAL AUTHOR

Lucia_Daniels · LGBT+
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475 Chs

Devil’s Den? Human Cruelty

The group of gangsters with punk hairstyle, who rode heavy motorcycles yelling all the way, led them into a village with heavy walls erected on all sides. Seeing them coming back, the men and women who were dressed just like them at the gate cheered enthusiastically, jumping up and down. The heavy iron gate was opened from the inside, and Yun Che, Fei Ye and the other survivors were driven in. The yard inside it was quite spacious, with houses on both sides of the path. The people there were all dressed like "smart", some with guns in their hands, some fiddling with sharp daggers, and some even having sex just beside the path, and some women even waving at them in the middle of the sex, without realizing that their behavior was disgusting. But this was definitely not the most disgusting part.

It came into Yun Che's eye clearly that under the eave of each house, human arms or thighs were hanging, some air-dried, some still bloody. Yun Che would never be so naive to think that those were simply decorations, and his heart sank because of this. These people actually ate human flesh, and hung up the unfinished parts like bacon? Perhaps there were people still more disgusting here, weren't there?

"Tsk tsk…vulgar, ugly, disgusting, no taste at all."

Coming to that, this fella who had been Yun Che's driver was also a master among perverts. Yun Che could tell from his calm complaint that he didn't feel the same way as Yun Che did at all; he simply disliked it because he thought they shouldn't hang up and dry human thighs and arms as bacon, which ruined their original beauty.

"Are you sure you are not of the same genre? Why do I think you are just as perverted as they are?"

Glancing at him lazily, Yun Che took the initiative to respond to his words, which was very rare, while keeping his eyes on the outside. They were still going, and the captured survivors around them were sobbing their breath away; Yun Che could clearly see that their bodies were shaking like a leaf, the fear in their eyes not disguised at all. But what they didn't know was that it was precisely their fear that made those people so excited.

"Seriously? Compare me to them? Honey, you thought too little of me. How can they be compared with me? I'm a master of art, and they are nothing but slaughters of the lowest level."

"Oh, you brought back new prey this time. Pretty bold, I see. Not bad."

Maybe Fei Ye did it on purpose, but he did not lower his voice, which came clearly into the ears of those around them. A young man on the side whistled loudly, and leered at them maliciously. Everyone else yelled, not taking Fei Ye's words seriously at all.

"Human skin…"

Yun Che was not interested in studying why Fei Ye was yelling deliberately for everyone to hear, because his sight was already attracted by the flags planted in the huge open space in front of him. The flags that were fluttering in the wind were actually made of human skin. Just like the common carp windsocks in Japan, the human skin was peeled off and dried by a special method before being hung up, and when the wind blew, it took the shape of the human body.

"Don't be afraid, I won't let you become one of those. You make a better doll on my bed than that."

Fei Ye knew that he was not being afraid, but he deliberately freed up a hand to hold Yun Che's and said that to him affectionately. Yun Che gave him a dirty look and said, "Forget about the doll. Now, no one except you can detoxify your poison, I suppose? Is there any other way?"

He didn't want to really become a human skin kite or a piece of bacon under one of those the eaves. For the present, they could only be saved if the poison on his body was gone. Even if they couldn't use superfunctions, at least they could use the true qi and hide into his Space temporarily.

"The effect of the poison will last about one month. After that, as long as you are still alive, you will automatically recover without me detoxifying you personally. But your shifted face can only last for two days."

Fei Ye turned to look at him, and didn't try to conceal the truth. Yun Che admired this about him, that he would tell you everything he knew truthfully as long as you asked, although every time you would have a strong urge to beat him up after he finished speaking.

"So, you are telling me that we must get out of here in two days?"

'Detoxify me then, you son of a bitch. Then I can get out of here in minutes.'

Yun Che thought in speechlessness. If it hadn't been for him, how could he have ended up like this?

"You better do, otherwise with your beautiful face, do you think they will care if you are a male or a female?"

This had also been the reason why he had helped him to change his face. At first, he had simply felt that there had been something wrong with these people, but he hadn't expected that there would be something even more shocking.


Following his gaze, Yun Che glanced at the men and women who were mating like beasts everywhere, and he suddenly felt a twitch in his stomach, and an urge to vomit kept coming to his throat.


It did not seem to be his psychological effect; he really wanted to vomit. Yun Che covered his mouth and fought back the urge to vomit in misery. Fei Ye immediately leaned over to him at the sight of this. "What is it?"

Just then they had arrived at their destination, so the stop of the car did not seem obtrusive. However, there seemed to be more cries, mixed with the roars of zombies.

"Ha, ha… Already sick? The fun is still to come."

Outside the car window, a young gangster who saw Yun Che covering his mouth couldn't help laughing so wildly because he thought that he was scared. Fei Ye handed Yun Che a bottle of water, then turned with his arm around Yun Che's shoulders and smiled, "Hey man, my sweetheart is not feeling well, can you arrange us a room?"

"Sure, why not? See, that is your room."

He pointed to the front of them. Fei Ye and Yun Che turned to look at the direction he pointed at the same time, to see rows of houses with no doors or windows, walled on three sides with solid stones, and barred on the other. To put it simple, they were just like cells, some with people locked inside, who were all unkempt, pale as death, and sitting on the ground motionless, their eyes empty and staring outside hopelessly.

There are also some other cells, in which roaring zombies were locked for sure. They should be level-2 zombies. Those gangsters could control level-3 and even level-4 zombies, yet they did not suppress those level-2 zombies, apparently taking their roars as music, just like another pervert Yun Che knew.


Suddenly, a woman who appeared to be in her 30s or 40s rushed towards the zombies, her aim being a naked zombie bloody between her legs. She could be vaguely made out as a young girl.



"Quiet, you old woman."

But she was kicked to the ground by a young man when she had just run a few steps. The woman curled up on the ground in pain until she was dragged by a leg into one of the cells like a dead swine, still murmuring about Ling in her mouth. Anyone not so stupid could tell that the girl named Ling who had become a zombie was probably her daughter. Only a mother could be so desperate for her daughter.

After this small commotion, Yun Che had guessed that the zombies in the cells had probably been deliberately turned into zombies, and before they had become zombies, they might have experienced inhuman torture. In the doomsday, zombies were really not the most horrible things; the most horrible should be these brutal human beings who indulged themselves so limitlessly.

Soon, Fei Ye and Yun Che were also driven out of the car. Men and women gangsters pushed them towards the cells, and all their belongings were taken away, including Yun Che's mobile phone, before they entered one of the cell.

"Why are you so half-dead? Can we have fun happily? Just throw him over to the zombies."

After taking all their stuff, one of the young gangsters sized up Yun Che with disgust, and the other seemed to agree with him, and Fei Ye clasped Yun Che even more at this and said, "Don't make fun of my sweetheart, you guys. He was not in a good health and is easily to be sacred."

"Oh, gays."

"I love this kind of romantic love story."

The two gangsters abruptly changed their expressions, their eyes flashing with excitement. Although they had no idea what they were excited about, Fei Ye and Yun Che knew for sure that it was nothing good.

"Man, in a world like this, you're still traveling with your seriously ill gay lover. You know what? I really admire you. Look into my eyes, do you see the tears? Ha ha…"

The gangster laughed wildly with a hand on Fei Ye's shoulder, and an idiot could tell that he had no good intentions at all, let alone Yun Che. It was probably the first time Fei Ye was treated like this, and Yun Che clearly felt that his grip on his hand tightened slightly.

"What are you doing there? Hurry up and put them in. Lord Devil will be hosting the once-a-month bonfire party in person tonight. We're gonna set up the venue quickly."

"Yeah, got it."

A prompting came from a distance, and only then did the two gangsters let Fei Ye and Yun Che go and push them into the cell. Before they left, they gave them a malicious look, which made Yun Che feeling sick again.

"Lord Devil?"

Yun Che remembered this appellation, and he was shocked by it in the meantime. They seemed to really mean to carry this "smart" style to the end, didn't they?

"Ha, ha…they are demons, demons…"

As if catching Yun Che's murmur, the man who was driven into the cell earlier than them was crying and laughing frantically. Fei Ye helped Yun Che turn around, and they saw there were still seven or eight more people in the cell, all of whom were the survivors they had met earlier. Their tears had drained, but their hearts were bleeding; the fear in their eyes had almost turned into something substantial, and their bodies couldn't stop trembling. Their faces now looked horrible.

"Where is this place? Who are they?"

Pushing Fei Ye away, who had been holding him, Yun Che closed his eyes and took a few deep breaths, trying to suppress the surge in his stomach. He walked to the man who had been crying and laughing. He looked at him and thought that a grown man like him shouldn't be so weak. What kind of blow had he experienced that had driven him so crazy?

"Devil's den, this is the devil's den, ha, ha…They are all demons, demons who eat human flesh and drink human blood…ha, ha…"

The man looked up at him with his glassy eyes, and suddenly began to yell madly. No one noticed that there was pain the man's eyes for an instant, which was quickly replaced by madness, no one expect Yun Che and Fei Ye. They both caught the pain in his eyes and vaguely realized that it must be the people outside who had done something terrible to him.

Yun Che's gaze swept toward other people, who were all shrouded in fear, and not likely to be able to answer his question. At a time like this, Yun Che couldn't help but miss Xing even more, for his hypnotic superfunction would just come in handy now. But he seemed to have forgotten that it would have been useless even if Xing had been here, because superfunctions could not be used here at all.