
Locker boy!!!

As I entered hell (school),all memories rushed past me. You know what...this school sucks. Believe me, I'm not saying this because I am against learning or something but if you were on my place you would say the same thing. The teachers over here need a little reason to yell at students. If you missing any kind of highschool drama,well,be my guest.

You must have been thinking that if I hate this school so much then what the heck I am doing here. Well let me clear this I really tried to convince Arec to change school but he is stick to his weird theory that being in the same school as Chase would give me protection... I mean...come on I can defend myself.

I spot my best friend Ava Castle as I walk in the corridor. She was taking out her books for the first class.

"Ava...my darling,my honey. How much have I missed you!!!" I say in a grumpy and mimicking voice using my hands.

When we were small my mom used to tell us these stupid romantic stories on our sleepovers telling us that our prince will come and bla..bla....and bla. You know how stupid it is. We hated them but never told her. We didn't wanted her to feel bad so...anyway.

From there on whenever we meet we irritate each other by saying all these lovey-dovey things to each other.

She looks at me and smirks.

"Not as much as I missed you!Darling,do you have any idea how it feels to stay away from the sun and moon of my life" she says in a Shakespeare manner.

"I can never win from you. Can I?"

I hugged her tightly. She was always good in this.

She had light brown skin tone,Gray eyes and golden-brown curly hair. She has got dimples that look too cute on her.

"Hey bitches!! So whose life are you planning to ruin,huh?!" A red haired beauty interrupts.

"Hey Candy!! You are calling us bitch?seriously? Have you ever looked at you?" I smirk.

We laugh and hugged each other.

So Candy is a really beautiful girl. She had natural waist length red hair and had green eyes which suits her. She also dated Chase for a while but it didn't end well.

"And if you ask me I am really interested in ruining Ms.Fitzgerald's life. That lady gave me a lot of F's last year." I said making an angry face.

"Oh!! So you want that witch to haunt you in your sleep with her long nails that are always painted gray." Ava smirks.

"Ugh!! This creepy lady is never going to leave me" I groaned.

We all laughed.

So,Ms.Fitzgerald is a lady who believes that she can see people from the back of her head too and had some amount of curled threads that are sticking up in her head which she calls hair. If you don't believe in aliens,come here,darling,I would be most grateful to show you our school's..not just school's but world's most dangerous alien. This lady,just needs a little disturbance,a disturbance like a dust particle moving,that would make this lady crazy. When she's mad she will make you do the chemistry numericals which you haven't even heard about. She just needs a little reason to yell. Actually, she's just mad that she can't get married,tell me seriously,who would like to marry her? There are many theories that why she always remains mad. Even senior teachers are afraid to get into an argument with her. She has been named "frog",nobody knows the reason why,but mostly students say its due to her face. So this name is being passed from generation to generation (grade to grade). Well,Ms."Frog" and I have deep hatred for each other. Don't ask me why. I just can't stand her so I just expressed my opinion,nothing wrong,huh. We never get along.

"So,how were your holidays?" Candy asked.

"Nothing interesting! As always I had a fight with Chase and her bimbo girlfriend. She's a slut. Arec saved me from her and Chase ...and you know I have no where to go" I said with a sad face.

"And you obviously don't wanna know about me. It was the same." Ava said with a sad smile.

We didn't question her further as we all know about her family disputes. She had meanest elder sister who is out every night and comes back drunk and wasted. Her sister,Emily,is very mean to her. Ava and Emily are totally opposite of each other,one side Ava is the sweetest girl (once you get to know her otherwise she is a badass in school) and Emily is a total slut. Not even Ava's mother is good. Her mother is same personality as Emily. She also goes late for party but Mr.Castle still hadn't divorced with her. Actually,her mom and maternal grandparents had a lot of money and connections. For the money and respect in society,his father hadn't divorced and fame is important for his business. But her father is really sweet and caring. He is the only one that cares and loves Ava the most.

"How were your holidays,Candy?" Me and Ava asked at the same time.

We all were always excited about her holidays. She always have something adventurous in her holidays. She has a notorious brother who is absolutely adorable.

"I went to Paris. To meet my grandmother. I really enjoyed being there. I also went to....."

She kept on talking but I was feeling slightly different about the environment of the school today. It's little deserted in corridors today....

"Hey Zara!!Are you here?" Ava waved her hand in front of me pulling me out of my thoughts.

"Sorry, I just zoned out. Don't you think its little different today?"

"I know you didn't heard my story of Paris but doesn't matter I will tell you later on." Candy said.

I laughed.

"I really missed you,darlings. We hadn't spent a night together. Who will sleep with me today?" I said seductively and winked at both of them. This gained us some awkward stairs and we burst out laughing. Let me clear to you people 'We are straight'. After laughing for like 5 minutes (which also gained us stares) I felt someone was missing from our group.

"Where is Olivia Styles?" I asked.

"So you hadn't forgotten her,thank god you hadn't unless she would have ripped your head apart and made a juice out of it." Candy said.

"And she would've blamed murder on you Candy...you know,she could've easily get out of this..." I said.

We laughed.

"So where is she?" I asked.

"Actually she had a family problem and couldn't make up to the school."

"That rich girl of ours and family problem,they don't match."

"I asked her but she told me she will tell us later on."

"So,she's not going to attend school? That's sad."

"No! She's coming at mid-time, we will meet her at Cafeteria."

"Yeah that girl can't live without her babies." I said seductively which once again gained us a few stares and we laughed again.

So,Olivia Styles belonged to a rich family. She is kind of boyfriend fishing kind of girl but she is really sweet. She had black shoulder-length hair and brown eyes. She looks damn cute but don't go on her looks.

I wonder what made her not to come to school. I mean she never missed school.

"By the way girls,I got your timetables for you. Now say thank you!!" Candy said in a mommy tone.

"Thaaaaank youuuuu,Mommyyy!!" We both say together.

"Hey Ava! We both got literature first."

We both high-five each other.


As the bell rings we said goodbye to Candy and started walking towards our classes. As me and Ava were walking toward class I sensed something wrong.

There's something extraordinary here that I can't see...

I should know....

As we were passing through the hallways I found students gathered at one place and some standing in corridor whispering something. I could only catch few words like- Rich,new boy,bad boy,mysterious,hot,....

From the words I heard I guess there is a new boy in our school on whom all the bitches are ready to jump. We didn't go to that gathered place to act like bitches who are ready to throw themselves. After all I have my badass reputation and that student should meet me by himself. I saw our school's football team heading towards crowd. Whole team having similar scowls on their face and Chase as a captain walking in front of them. Not wanting to see the drama,Me and Ava hurried off to our classes.

This guy made a mistake coming to this school.


Me and Ava selected second last seat to sit. Believe me you don't want to sit in front seat.

Ms.Periwinkle will kill you with her questions. Yeah you heard right her name is Periwinkle. Do you know how hard it is not to ask her 'Is she really a twin of Tinkerbell?'

As our teacher starts speaking we start taking notes but it was really hard not to notice whisperings around us. If you ask me no one seems to be interested in the class.

At last I asked the two girls in front of me who have been giggling from the starting of the class like idiots. They must know about the change because they are known as gossip queens.

"Hey!Girls!!" I called them in a low voice.

"Ya?!" They say in unison. Well they were little confused that I am talking to them.

"What's the big news? The whole school is busy in gossiping. Why's that?" I asked them in a confused tone.

They look at each other and starts giggling again.

"Don't you now? It's the new guy." The girl with fake extension said whose name was Charlotte I guess in a more giggly manner.

Uh....not again..!!

I had to stop the urge to pull out his fake extensions out of her hair.

What the hell is wrong with these people!!Don't they have anything else to do!!

"What's so special about this guy anyway?" Ava asks voicing my thoughts.

"Wait till you see him!" Second girl said whose name is I think Daisy.

Ohhkay....now this is getting a little annoying. No! Not a little,a lot annoying.


So this day went quite normal and well except the gossips of new boy and the new boy.

I had 1st and 4th class with Ava and 2nd and 3rd period with Candy. But in all classes I heard only one thing that is new boy. I am frustrated that everyone knows except me. Who the hell that person is that everyone is crazy about!

As we three entered the cafeteria. Again there was a large crowd gathered on 'The Jerks' table. All the bimbos of our school were present there probably looking for a jerk to have in their bed. I managed to see Chase and some other football players. Most of the students were watching that table with curiosity.

So,I think that new boy's meeting with the football team in hallway went well which means he is a jerk and gonna rule on bimbos.

We took our usual table. I let out a frustrated groan. I am just tired of all these gossips.

"Where is Olivia?" I asked.

"She messaged me telling that she's going to meet us at ice cream parlor at 6 p.m and she'd got someone for us to meet." Candy said.

"It must be her new boyfriend." Ava said.

All we heard in cafeteria was new boy and new boy. I don't even know his name,this is making me mad. The bell rang and we all headed towards our lockers and then to classes.




After having 3 periods of hell,thank god my friends were there with me. Now I was prepared to enter into the lion's cave all alone.....yeah right....its Ms.Fitzgerald's period 'CHEMISTRY'. You know what,chemistry used to be my favorite and then this lady came into the life of me and chemistry and snatched it away from me. She spoiled my love story with chemistry. I also don't have my friends in this period.

Ava and Candy had free lecture this time so they headed towards library. I am so jealous of them.

I reached my locker and pulled it open which made a loud noise along there was an angry groan.

Oops!!! That means my locker just slammed into someone....

What do you think about the characters yet???

I hope you like this chapter..... criticism is totally appreciated!!!!

Have good day!!

Love ya!!

black_diamondscreators' thoughts