
MHA: The Light

The Light has made into My Hero Academia, what are the effects that this unnatural power in this universe will have? I don't own Destiny 2 or My Hero Academia, they respectfully belong to Bungie and Kohei Horikoshi.

LilKitty · Anime und Comics
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20 Chs

Chapter 7

The center part of Musutafu was as lively as ever in the day, with people walking around, some heroes here and there, and cars driving all around.

It was good to see people living so peacefully.

"So what are we going to do now? You have shown me the places that I need to know."

Sundance was next to me floating.

"I usually go and do some capturing criminals, the only fun thing I can do right now."

I stared at the green-haired boy going to a store and soon coming out with a bag.

"You've taken interest in young boys?"

I quickly glared at Sundance.

"Just so you know, that boy has a strong mentality but isn't bright, he is interesting because he wants to become a quirkless hero but is not making any efforts to make that dream true."

Sundance then looked at the boy and sighed.

"I was just joking, alright."

I just nodded my head, acknowledging her apology.

"I guess I shall give him a push towards becoming a hero."

I jumped down to an alleyway and went towards the place where the boy was going.

(Somewhat 5 minutes later)

The kid was going under a bridge, a usual route towards his home.

I was about to appear close to him but some kind of liquid came out of a manhole.

Again, I was going to appear to beat up this thing but a giant hulking of a man burst out of the manhole.

"Do no worry! FOR I AM HERE!"

The giant man, All Might, came out of the manhole and looked at the kid in front of him, being consumed by the sludge.

"Detroit Smash!"

All might jumped toward the sludge and punched the air, creating a shockwave that blew the thing apart.

The kid started coughing, trying to clear the airways from the sludge that was invading his....throat.

'Why did I think it like that?'

I didn't pay attention to All Might and the kid talking.

But soon I noticed that All Might was going to jump and the kid panicking and grabbed All Might's pants.

I quickly went and merged with the shadows on their bodies.

As soon as we went flying All Might look back at the kid and asked: "What are you doing!?"

"I have a question All Might!"

The kid screamed an answer.

Quickly landing on a roof the boy fell with a few tears in his eyes.

"Ask away, young man."

All Might seemed to be in a hurry.

"Can I become a hero without a quirk?"

The kid seemed to be on the verge of tears,

I quickly went to another shadow nearby while they were distracted.

"It is a risky job, but if you are prepared to take the risks, then you can become a quirkless hero."

But just as All Might said that a cloud of smoke appeared over him.

Appearing out of the smoke was a skinny version of All Might.

The kid had a dumbfounded face but quickly collected himself he asked All Might: "What happened to you?"

"*sigh*, I knew this was going to happen someday, I will explain this to you shortly."

All now Small Might sat down and pulled up his shirt, showing a nasty injury.

"A few years ago I got this injury from a dangerous villain, the doctors said that It can't be healed, they had to remove half of my digestive system."

Small Might seemed sad about getting this injury, probably because he wants to save as many people as possible.

"I can now only work for 3 hours a day, which means that so many people won't be saved by me."

Small Might stood up, transformed into his All Might form, and right after he *poofs* back into Small Might.

"My time for today is up."

He sat back down cross-legged.

"But I have chosen a successor for my quirk, while he isn't physically strong yet, he is strong-minded and a fast thinker. In short, you, young man."

He stood up, walked to the kid, and put his hand on the boy's shoulder.

"What's your name, young man?"

"I-It's Izuku Midoriya, All Might."

'Strong-minded my ass, he stuttered because he was asked his name. Who is strong-minded by just stuttering like that?"

I was annoyed at the weak-minded head of this Izuku kid.

*knock knock*

I knocked on the door that was on this roof,

the both of them looked at the door quickly, but they saw me standing there lazily.

"So, I followed this kid to give some training advice but it turned into a huge secret reveal."

Small Might turned into his All Might form on reflex, but *poof*ed back to Small Might and coughed out blood.

"Damn it, my secret."

Izuku shivered when he recognized me, but Small Might was focusing on taking deep breaths so he had no chance to look at me.

"Alright, gonna give you some useful advice kid. Go to a gym and do a regular training regime, take one day off between training to let your body rest, in those days you can do smaller training like jogging for a few hundred meters or doing some simple push-ups, sit-ups, and crunches."

I then sat on the railing and looked at Izuku who was now mumbling something that I didn't pay attention to.

"Why do I need to train my body?"

Izuku looked at me confused, at which I just facepalmed.

"Seriously, how dumb can you be? *Sigh*, the quirk which Might Man has, looks like a strength quirk, from which I can deduce that your body needs to be strong if you want to 'inherit' it, whatever it means."

Small Might look at me because of my comment about what 'inheriting' means.

"Inheriting means that the successor gets the DNA of my quirk holder."

He stood up and held himself up with the railing.

I raised my metal eyebrow at his explanation.

"So you are either going to make the kid drink a drop of your blood, eat a piece of skin or hair or something that I won't say."

Small Might went a bit pale after hearing the last part.

"He won't have to eat 'that'."

"Oh well, good luck with your training and eat protein-rich food."

I stood up on the railing and jumped off the building still facing them.

"See ya both some time."