
MHA: Jaeger

Desiring powers gone wrong, a man died before he could use it. Though a higher power thought his unfortunate circumstance entertaining. With the omnipotent Murphy making things harder. His wish becomes fulfilled, but it wasn't exactly what he wanted.

B00BIES_for_life · Anime und Comics
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37 Chs

Chapter 7: Dates

Alex was having a problem. He could already envision a wall in his strength. And he can only supplement it with his system.

"I need to have a girlfriend... And I totally forgot about it." He grumbled. Because the system gave him some freebies for feats.

Realistically, Wayne, Bruce would get fucked over by any villain that has powers and wants him dead.

There is only so much you can do with peak-human physical attributes and skills. Even with a brilliant mind.

"Okay, love for dummies. I guess that's me, an idiot. Step one, make friends with girls." Alex nodded and he checked that out.

"Step two, ask them out. Wait, it's that easy?" Alex walked up to Rumi. After all, she's the only adult who is his friend.

"Rumi, want to hang out later?" Alex asked her and she was actually surprised.

"No one's ever asked me out before... And even if they did, they'd have to beat me first. You've got balls Alex, but you're not there yet." She ruffled his hair and she laughed.

"Okay... That didn't work..." So he did what his system asked and hunted.

"Hi, Mitsuki. You have time? Want to go shopping with me?" He read that women love it.

"Huh? Shopping? Well, I do need things from the supermarket." Mitsuki tried to remember the things she needed.

"Come on, let's go. It'll be fun." Alex thought she would enjoy it for sure.

"Ahhh, Katsuki never goes with me. I think it would." Mitsuki smiled.

"Dieee! You fucking germs!" Katsuki was in the bathroom and he could hear her scream as she brushed her teeth.

"Katsuki! Shut up while you brush your teeth! I'm going out with Alex!" Mitsuki shouted as she prepared to go.

"WHAT!? Why are you going with that lanky basta- ohh." Katsuki saw Alex and he was now shredded.

His training with Rumi and the others paid off. And he bought all the best ingredients and supplements money could buy.

"Hmm, I've been working out." Alex smirked at her as he did a double bicep.

"Oh my, look at you." Mitsuki pinched his arm and she giggled.

"You bastard! Stop trying to seduce my mom!" Katsuki glared at him.

"Make me." Alex didn't deny and Katsuki wanted to strangle him.

"Come on, stop overreacting Katsuki. I'm an old woman now." Mitsuki rolled her eyes.

"What? Aren't you like in your early 30's? I thought Inko was just stressed due to work." Alex raised a brow.

"Hoh? You sure do know how to make a woman feel happy. I'm already 39 you know?" Mitsuki chuckled.

"Bastard! Stop making passes at my mom!" Katsuki gritted her teeth.

"I'm not, I'm just making logical conclusions here. Mitsuki can actually pass as your sister." Alex shrugged.

"Oh, stop it you. Come on, let's go and leave this fuming pomeranian over here." Mitsuki grabbed his arm and Katsuki almost exploded.

"So, why'd you ask me to go out with you? Not Inko?" Mitsuki asked him curiously.

"Inko's working on herself, she even uses my gym regularly. She's quite busy." Alex tapped on his chin.

"Then do I look like I don't do anything?" Mitsuki tried to mess with him.

"Oh... Sorry, are you busy too? It must be hard to maintain a house while being a single mother." Alex apologized sincerely.

"I was just playing, don't be too serious. Well, it is harder without someone to help you. But I got child support and alimony." Mitsuki shrugged.

"Well with Katsuki, you'll need it. I imagine she'd blow stuff up?" Alex laughed and Mitsuki scoffed.

"Damned brat, she does. Doesn't help that her temper matches her quirk." Mitsuki sighed.

"I don't think I'll even have grandbabies to spoil, she's not a tomboy anymore. She's like a walking bomb." Mitsuki rolled her eyes.

"True, I do hope she gets better with her temper though. We will most likely meet in UA." He shrugged.

"Ahh, that. Thanks for not making her get blacklisted again. Really, thank you." Mitsuki said sincerely.

"Well, she's young. But she does have a nasty temper. I would've went with it if Inko and Izumi wanted to. So you can thank them, not me." Alex explained.

Mitsuki cringed at that. "Yeah... Damn you Katsuki, you don't treat friends like that, hah." Mitsuki massaged her temple.

"Ohh, let me help you with that." Alex suddenly formed a green sac on his hand.

"Uhh, what do I do with that?" Mitsuki raised a brow.

"You drink it, or spread it all over you. It's a part of my quirk, it's called vitalily nectar." Alex bought a cheap monster with amazing traits.

The vigorwasp, the meagre affection points he got from Mina and Izumi having a crush on him let him buy it. And it was a damned steal.

"Okay?" Mitsuki popped it with her mouth and sipped on it like a nice drink. But then she suddenly went wide eyed as she drank it like a parched man.

She even started licking his palm, making him freeze.

"What the hell is that? I feel amazing! And it's got a nice, sweet flavor too!" Mitsuki couldn't feel the aches on her body.

"It can heal people, restore their stamina too. Though it is a bit draining on me. But don't worry, I work out." Alex snorted.

"That's cool..." Mitsuki even forgot that she licked it clean. And he didn't mind, it was actually really tasty.

*You have been licked by a MILF, you have received a voucher for low-class monsters. What a lucky bastard.*

'Sweet, it's already bearing fruit.' Alex smiled as he thought of picking another monster later.

"So... Can you give some to me?" Mitsuki fidgeted around a bit, she wanted some of it for later.

She might look young due to her quirk, glycerin. But she isn't getting any younger.

"Actually, vitalily nectar goes bad super quickly. So you need to drink it or smother it on yourself quickly." Alex sighed.

He already thought of bottling it up as a potion, but the world isn't that convenient.

"Ohh, that's too bad." Mitsuki actually got sad at that.

"If you want, I can stop by if you need some? Your house is just a block away." Alex offered.

"Really? Wait, that's too much. I can't inconvenience you like that." Mitsuki refrained, but she was using up all her willpower to do so.

"Don't worry, it won't be fair. I'm planning on giving Inko some everytime she goes to my house too." Alex chuckled.

"Ohh, if she's getting some. Then I would like to as well, lucky girl that one." Mitsuki got jealous.

She thought he would be even richer if he could sell that stuff. It even had a nice name, vitalily. It sounded catchy.

They then shopped without much fanfare, though Mitsuki did get closer with him.

*+300 affection with Mitsuki Bakugou. Relationship status turned into nice neighbor.*

__Alex's house__

He returned back home and he saw that Inko was working out. Gone was her once flabby body due to stress eating and she is now fit.

Though he wasn't sure how Inko gained height after losing some weight.

"Hey, Inko. How are you doing?" Alex greeted her and she smiled.

"Hey, Alex. I'm good, thank you for asking." Inko was all smiles now, her wrinkles in the middle of her eyebrows disappeared too.

"I've actually given Mitsuki this first, but you want to have a little boost?" He spawned a green sac again and she looked at it curiously.

"You gave this to Mitsuki? What do I even do with it?" Inko poked it curiously.

"You drink it, it's a health potion." Alex explained and she laughed.

"You and your jokes." Inko chuckled and she saw that he was dead serious.

"Really?" Inko asked again and he nodded. "Yeah, it's really nice." Alex was still frustrated that he can't bottle it up.

"Okay? So... How do I? Do I just poke a hole in it and drink it?" Inko wasn't quite sure.

"Yeah, just pop it with your mouth like a plastic balloon and drink it." He thought of the good times when he was a kid, playing with those plastic balloons you blow up with a little straw.

"Okay..." Inko wasn't sure, but she drank it. And she spilled a bit on his hands. But when she tasted it, she immediately drank it all like Mitsuki.

Her dull pains and aches disappeared and Inko felt more energetic than ever.

She then subconsciously licked his fingers for more, it tasted that good too.

"Uhhh, mom? Alex?" Izumi dropped her bag in shock as she saw something she shouldn't have.

"Ohh, Izumi. Come here and try, it's one of my new abilities." He was extra giddy as they could heal themselves now without the healer.

Sometimes he couldn't go to work due to being an amazing asset in hospitals. Healing quirks are extremely rare.

"I-Izumi! Y-yeah! It's just Alex's quirk." Inko stepped back immediately as another one formed on his hand.

'W-what am I doing!? Am I frustrated or something? I guess I should give mr. Magic wand some action...' Inko blushed heavily.

"W-wow... I understand now, where has this been all my life?" Izumi also licked his palms clean.

He then puffed his chest in pride. "See? It's amazing, isn't it?"

"Yeah! Wait, where's mom?" Inko just disappeared like the wind.

"I don't know, but she's busy. She has a lot to do." Alex didn't want to keep her here more than necessary.

"A manly afternoon to you all!" Kirishima popped in with Mina.

"Good afternoon, everybody. Some tea from India?" Momo brought another kind of tea.

"I guess you brats are ready, let's go." Rumi cracked her neck and knuckles.

'They'll be in another day of pain, but I guess Mirko does do a good job of giving them live experience...' Yagi sighed, but he can't train them himself.

He would rather use his time limit to do hero work. 'Good work, young Alex. You are truly going to be the pillar of a new generation of heroes.' Yagi nodded at him in respect.

"Okay, time for our warm up. Onegai muscle!" Alex started singing and Mirko rolled her eyes.

'But I guess people like that really do have quirks like that... And not the superpower kind.' Yagi scratched his head wryly.

__Bakugou Household__

Currently, Alex went to the Bakugou household for the pretense of learning how to cook more homey kinds of meals.

As Alex only knows how to fry eggs, put chicken breasts in the oven. And sear some steaks, which are good meals. But they lack that home-made feel to them.

Though he just had to admit that Mitsuki is in his strike-zone.

She looks like she's in his middle 20's, her body is in great shape. And even if she is loud like Katsuki, she's a great and interesting person.

"So, you need to give some color to the food before you deglaze them. Use stock or broth instead of water to give it more oomph. And some bit of yum-yum." Mitsuki busted out the msg.

"Ohhh, the king of flavor." Alex nodded as it saved him from depression due to eating bland chicken breasts every day.

"Exactly!" Mitsuki grinned at him as they cooked in the kitchen like a couple.

'Heh, I'm getting kind of giddy. Wait, this is just like how I felt when I saw my match teacher with huge knockers.' Alex did an introspection.

"Here's the stock, ahh!" Mitsuki suddenly slipped.

*The system has created a miraculous encounter due to your self-awareness. You're welcome.*

Alex got drenched in stock and he hissed at its hot temperature. Otherwise, he was fine. Especially because he transformed before getting splashed.

"Alex! I'm so sorry!" Mitsuki started panicking and he took off his shirt.

"Don't worry, Mitsuki. I didn't get burned, it was just like a hot bath." He transformed back to his base form and he showed her that his skin wasn't even red.

'Ooooh, shix pack.' Mitsuki froze as some drool escaped from her mouth.

"Itsuki, Mitsuki, you alright?" He was calling out to her and she sobered up.

"Uhh, yeah... Are you? I think some of my ex-husband's clothes are still here. You should go get a bath." Mitsuki gulped as she hid her blush.

'What the hell are you thinking Mitsuki!? Alex is like Katsuki's age!' Mitsuki smacked her cheeks.

"Yeah, thanks. This feels oily on my skin. Oily on my skin, side chest!" He couldn't resist as he gave a pose.

Mitsuki then groped his chest a bit before she caught herself lacking.

"Y-yeah... Go take a bath, please..." Mitsuki ran away and he assumed that she was going to get cleaning supplies.

"I guess I'll do just that." He shrugged and he went towards the bathroom.

"Mitsuki... You crazy bitch, are you this frustrated?" She was breathing heavily as she took something from her drawer.

"Just one time... It won't hurt anybody if I just imagine it right?" Mitsuki asked no one in particular.


Thanks for reading everyone, ciao.