
MHA : Fire Dominanace [Multiverse] {UNDER REWRITE}

Got rid of the multiverse arc currently under rewrite =============================== A guy with Daddy issues , Mommy issues , moral issues and Skill issues. Struggled to get a job after wasting life in college and then in internships that did nothing to improve his condition. He went to a walk outside frustrated with life and bam got sent to hell with no way of reincarnation! Just when he willingly was about to end his existence the absolute grnats him a chance! Follow along to see how this messed up human grows along while deluding himself with things that aren't really his =============================== The chat Gpt aah intro is over now main topics of this story . Mc will be a Hero and Villain in different time frames of the story. Small endgame harem and probabaly romance will be a backstage too. Mc's personality is a bit messed up and his behavior would be questionable at times. any further questions will be answered personally. the synopsis is already 1280 words long =============================== Tags OP MC , Twisted psychology, Anti Hero, Edgy , Multiple relationship, Multiverse, AU, Genderbend {not MC} , Haki, Immortal Mc, Elemental powers MHA , BNHA , Naruto ,One peice =============================== SPECIAL THANKS TO Life_sa_Beach_ for allowing me to use his character itsuki from his fanfic "Minato may have been your father but he Ain't your Daddy"

Vidhan_Bhardwaj · Anime und Comics
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16 Chs

Accessories & Assault

[[Pov: Takahashi]]

Well the experiments went well and my hypothesis were proven right at least partially.

Its a damn shame that i can't make [Pyro Sovereignty] forcefully evolve.

Anyways, the experiments really did open up new things about my powers and cleared some doubts.

Some hopes were crushed like my blood having healing properties for others and ability to force quirks on people with non fire related quirks.

My blood has really turned out to be the MVP for fighting against Non Fire quirks as its unique property of always holding a connection to me has given birth to some really dangerous weapon ideas to form.

For now the plans have changed a bit and i need to get some modified bullets and actual gear to enhance the range of [Pyro Sovereignty] beyond physical contact and Visible presence.

Not to mention the most devious aspect of my blood , temporary control over the quirk factors of others.

I can't intake the quirk no matter how much i focus but i can restrict the basic physiological functions which aid in quirk activation.

Although, it comes with the draw back of having to focus my energy completely on [Pyro Sovereignty] itself and depowering other auxilary quirks this drawback can be taken care of as long as i keep getting stronger.

Now i just need a way to remotely get things into the sytem of all people within the vicinity of any hostile encounter with the lowest down time possible.

There are two options , one is the type of bullet Overhaul made to transport organic matter into people in a noticeable way but unlike him i don't have to calibrate it to a very large extent ,I just need my organic material to dissolve in the blood stream as soon as possible.

The other is to make a nebulizer that disperses my blood with enough power and range to make people inhale enough of it within a minute of confrontation.

Nebulizer is the best choice but it requires money and access to scientist who will be willing to make some serious quality stuff without making a fuss and disclosing information.

Because the plans i have for my suit are absolutely diabolical , i mean come on who wouldn't want to have a Doom Guy sword with an iron man level armour ?

Its basic fucking male instincts.

The doom sword is something i will be getting before the suit because its easy enough to make considering my unique power set.

My suit plan has to be completely changed since the quirk [Metallurgy] of Elín Eldursson might cause more truoble than i first estimated.

She has the ability to transform any metal into something of different properties even hypothetical one's.

While its range and net output is very conservative any metal on me might pose enough trouble to foil my plans and alert the targets before desirable time.

That's why my current plan is to get some ammonium nitrate a common fertilizer which i can buy tons of without having to get some papers as long as i have a farm.

Solid Ammonium Nitrate is used to make Nitrous Oxide a very commonly used sleep inducing gas, it requires for Ammonium nitrate toreach very high tempratures which makes it break down into Nitrous Oxide gas and Water vapor.

Its an awfully convenient process which can be easily achieved by my Quirk set very quickly.

The only thing i actually need to make with real care ate the gas canisters to hold the gas and make it release when i want it to.

Thankfully owning a ridiculously expensive 3d printer has some advantages.

At least as long as i avoid mother's attention.

She may ignore my suspicious impulsive spendings and other things but too much movement will cause unnecessary questions to arise.

Well now i just have to prepare for the confrontation, the toughest part is to figure out how to optimize my stealth using as little metal as possible.

Meh , I'm sure I'll figure something out.

======>< [Scene break] ><======< strong>

[[Pov: Takahashi]]

After observing the estate for a few minutes and seeing no big movements i decided to begin my assault.

I soared through the sky equipped with a suit that took stealth and efficiency as its core concept, propelled by the force of my quirk,my eyes and quirk scanning the sprawling Eldursson estate below.

With practiced precision, I activated an improvised single use radar system in my hand , mapping out the area in my mind as I flew.

Spotting my target, Elín, among the estate's occupants was easy.

Her distinct metallic arm made her easily identifiable even from a distance.

I veered towards the isolated building where she was located, my movements swift and silent avoiding all the security measures i detected via the heat conduction in the wires.

Pulling out a vial of sleeping gas from my pocket, I expertly threw it through an open window of the building as soon as the falling sound of the canister reached my ears the gas expansions sound followed suit.

The gas dispersed quietly, ensuring that my target, Elín, would be incapacitated without a sound.

However contrary to my belief Elín escaped the gas without enhaling enough of it , perhaps her experience helped in avoiding quick immobilization.

As I observed Elín, I realized i had over estimated her range and my plan C seemed to be a partial success.

Her demeanor emotionless, clad in a nightgown. Her quirk Metallurgy swiftly activated , repurposing metal from her prosthetic for an offensive maneuver.

Yet the slight disharmony in the movements ever present due to the strong effects of the gas.

Assessing the situation I decided to minimize risk .

I hid from her field of view, knowing I needed to adjust my approach.

Making sure that my feet make as less sound as possible i sneaked behind her in the porch.

Utilising the stored energy i focus on the make shift knife made from a paste of obsidian , my blood and other hardening substances.


With a burst of speed i lunged at her the blade already glowing with red veins as my latent blood activated and stored energy in itself.

Just when the knife was almost near her ungaurded neck suddenly spikes shot out into my abdomen.


The spikes quickly dissolve into violently exploding metal and and tendrils that rip apart my abdomen within two seconds.

I feel my consciousness wavering for a second but my hand didn't stop.


I could see the shock in her eyes as my abdomen repaired the missing organs and flesh while the knife remained lodged in her neck.

*squelch squelch *

Taking opportunity of the adrenaline overdose in my body and the shock of my opponent i lodge the knife multiple times into her neck as her eyes go from shock to unfocused.


Blood dripped from her neck like a fountain as i held her body with the support of the knife, my helmet and abdomen covered in blood from her body.

I stood there for a few seconds before regaining composure and igniting her corpse on fire i immediately make a run for the main house.

As the adrenaline wears of mid run the searing echo of the pain from a while ago cause me to stop.

My brain feeling phantom pain from the massive amount of stimulation my receptors sent paralyzing my movements and causing me to fall on my hands panting while gritting my teeth.

*pant pant*

After almost a minute the pain subsided all the while my head was filled with possible countermeasure for preventing a backlash loke this in the future.

This reaction was something i never dealt with before but something like this could really cause unnecessary troubles.

Not that it would actually harm me in anyway but its better to remain paranoid and risk free.

' I still have time to get changed and attack the next targets all in one swoop'

Luckily for me the next targets were in the same room last i checked.

So i ran to the nearest butler i could find in the main building incapacitating him with a single attack i take their clothes and shove him in an empty room nearby.

Now clothed again I used the most compact radar imager i could find.

Confirming the isolated life forms from the probable butlers and servants i homed in on the next person that i can't easily control.

Ólafur the failed Eldursson with probabaly the highest fire power.

The guy was sound asleep giving me the perfect oportunity to complete my plans without being noticed.

After 15 minutes of navigating the house i reached his room on the way i had to make a lot of servants "disappear" for now.

Entering the room silently i am greeted with a room filled with a lot of files laying around , surprising number of posters and some porn magzines lying around.

I take out the syringe filled with anesthetic drug and quietly approach Ólafur.

Without a noise the non metallic needle is inserted in his neck causing him to stir a little but all resistance drops within the next 20 seconds.

I turned him over to take a look at his face which was unavailable online.


My voice came out almost unconsciously due to the stunning beauty in front of me.


This guy was probably the most beautiful Elderssun , he almost caused me to double take.

Poor guy was probably forced to make a baby , well not that i could use this beauty for anyhting since well , i am not gay.


Shaking my head i headed down to the final destination of today's assault.

It didn't take long for me to find them , although the time of entrance could've been better , not that i cared.

Both of them were in the process of having sex , the old mine tried to do something but a single flex of my hand and both of their quirks refused to listen to their orders.

Before the ugly old man could shout i put a hand on his head as i deleted his existence but this time not destroying his body.

Interestingly enough Helga just laid there without moving an inch , looking at me with an animalistic gaze but without an ounce of hostility in it.

I approached her quietly just observing the inhmane reactions coming out of a human like body.

I put a hand on her face which she tried licking but i just held her cheek and spread my influence delving deep into her mind.

The experience was something perplexing the memories were only present of a day and the rest were missing the core instincts were bare and the only directive her psyche seemed to follow.

I tool back my hand as the glowing veins from her body disappeared, confusion evident on my face.

Her face was also the same mirroring my actions.

I tried again and the same results were obtained.

After 15 minutes of walking around the ro under the confused gaze of a human puppy an idea struck my head.

I took out the syringe and filled it mith my blood.

Helping Helga sit up on the sofa which she refuses and insted took my lap as the position she preferred.

I injected her with it and also force fed her a bunch of my blood.

With my both hands i held the hands while she was sitting on my lap , spreading my influence i dug deeper and deeper feeling something making a connection.

Suddenly i open my eyes not in the real world but in a world what i could only describe as the inner psyche of Helga Eldursson.

I could tell this due to the weird sense of ownership i felt with the surroundings.

It was just a small orphange surrounded by forest filled with monstrosities and desolation.

The air of gloom and hopelessness everpresent.

No moon, sun or stars in the sky , the world of Helga Eldursson seemed like a world straight out of the worsts of human nightmares a tale of absolute dystopia

It was eerily fascinating and intriguing, how a person could be so broken that their own self is buried so deep within themselves trapped in what could only be described as Nightmare world designed to torture.

How could someone hate themselves to this extant to the point of building a prison around themselves.

Guess i just have to find the only person that could help me out with these curiosities.

Helga Eldursson

======><[Chapter End]><======< strong>

#2070 words

Next chapter is the end of Volume-1 the Elderssun+Prolouge

The next Volume will be about the propagation of his ideas and plans.