
Chapter 2: U.A. High Entrance Exam

The U.A. High School Hero Course!!

It's a course designed to give students everything they need to go pro!

It's without a doubt the toughest and most popular hero course in the country, and only 1 in 300 applicants is accepted!!

There's ALL MIGHT, who magnanimously declined the people's choice award!!

Then, the man who's stopped more crimes than anyone else in the recorded history: ENDEAVOR!!

And the guy who won the best Jeanist award eight years Running: BEST JEANIST!


Every single screen in the subway was displaying the Advertisement for the U.A. High as today the entrance exam for the Hero Course.

And it's dream school of every young aspiring hero, except for Izayoi.

As per Canaria's advise Izayoi submitted his application to enroll in hero course.

At least he will won't get into trouble if he gains a hero license. Like the last time, or the one before that, or the one before that…

You Get the Idea.

After taking one hour and forty minutes ride on the subway, Izayoi was now at his destination.

U.A. High General Entrance Exam: Practical

Teenagers for all over the japan came here to try their luck, some were ozzing with confidence while some were trembling with nervousness and fear.

Since the acceptance ration is 1:300, most of the students will return empty hand.

So it was understandable.


Present Mic, a professional hero was a examiner for the exam.

He was too loud, much to Izayoi's annoyance. If not for the headphones Izayoi was wearing and Canaria's warning to not cause trouble he would have liked to have a bout with him to shut him up.

Present Mic -10 points

The exam contents were "Mock Cityscape Maneuvers" each areas are filled with some kind of Faux Villains and points are assigned according to their difficulty levels.

The goal is to score as many points as you can in 10 minutes.

Plain and Simple.

That's how he liked things to be.






'I was expecting some sort of challenge'

Izayoi expectations for U.A. High was going down the drain.

The Faux villains were robots are weak and very weak at that, most of them were demolished by the high speed rock Izayoi threw at them.


He threw a stone towards a 1 pointer who was about to attack a student lying on the ground not able to move.

After racking more points than his peers Izayoi lost his motivation in destroying metal cans.

He soon jumped above a building to observe other participants.

After few minutes a zero pointer entered the scene.

Everyone began to run in opposite direction to avoid him.

Izayoi atop the building was contemplating between whether to demolish this new tin can in one go by throwing a boulder or slowly by dismantling each parts.

When a green broccoli haired boy demolished the zero pointer in one smash.

'There goes my fun in drain'

[Exam Over]

With that 10 minutes Mock Cityscape Maneuvers Text came to close.


A/N: I won't say I am good at what I do, writing is all about improving and I will try my best to do so.

I would appreciate if you would point any grammatical or syntactical errors .

The chapters won't be long as I hate the over the top description that how every single leaf of the looks, feels then onto branches then the tree as whole.

Now I would appreciate if you leave review after reading 10 chapters or so it would be of great.

And don't be silent readers try engaging or reviewing each chapter about what could've been better just don't be harsh with your words.

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