
Übermensch(1 / 2)

"A villain fleeing from a hero's pursuit ended up breaking into a preschool and taking a whole classroom of kids as hostages."

If such a thing had happened in his previous life, the heroes and villains part aside, Thaumiel honestly felt such a headline could probably make it into the front page of most newschannel of the country.

Yet when placed in this world where villains and superheroes are but a thing people see on a daily basis, this outrageous matter strangely didn't cause too much of a splash.

Most people had simply become too desensitized toward incidents involving villains.

it reached such a point that if while making your way from home to work and encountering a movie like scene of a colossal sized villain fighting a team of heroes you'd subconsciously worry if the surrounding properties would decrease in value, or whenever you should call your boss and tell him you might not arrive on time because you encountered heroes fighting villains blocking your way to work.

No longer would people get thrown into panic and disarray nor would they feel much affliction toward the possibility of the hero being defeated.

Instead most would even treat the sight as a complete spectacle and think it's a pity they didn't bring popcorn.

Worrying about the hero's safety? Condemning the villains? Making sure to get away from that place as fast as you could?

Such ideas would rarely cross people's minds.

Which is arguable whenever such development was good or bad for human nature in general.

Yet it was reality.

For the people directly involved however such experiences were traumatizing to say the least.

Or so it seemed for Thaumiel as he observed the kids alongside him as his middle aged teacher huddled in the corner of the classroom shaking in panic and some crying asking for their parents.

He didn't even need to have high proficiency in the socialization talent to capture the thick smell of fear and panic permeating all those around him.

The kids in general were desperate.

the majority of them shaking in their boots while for a small part their brains had yet to 'fully' absorb the gravity of the situation.

As for Sisifus, or at least what Thaumiel thinks the 'villain' was called according to his interactions with the 'hero', he was currently pacing nervously from one side to the other while biting his fingernails.

From the erratic look on his face it didn't take a genius to think he obviously didn't think this through.

 At least Thaumiel thought Sisifus was pretty much fucked.

Or what would he do? Demand a helicopter to escape or something?

In the world of heroes and quirks it's way too simply to keep track or pursue the villain once he tries to escape.

Trying to blitz his way out of here also wasn't really possible. 

With how long this guy had been indecisive the hero had long called in for support, and Thaumiel couldn't really picture a guy whose quirk is turning his hands into a couple weapons surviving after getting ganged up by a dozen pro-heroes.

So he was trapped, like a mouse in a cage. Even more ironically he was the one to put himself in this situation.

Something he most definitely knew with how irritated he looked.

Which only makes the situation all the more bad for Thaumiel and the other kids.

Trapped with a psycho without any way out as his hostages…

The chances of Sisifus losing all hope and going crazy starting to shoot all kids seemed to only increase with every second that passed.

The pressure that grew stronger and stronger made Thaumiel temporarily put aside all complicated thoughts inside his head and fully focus on the situation at hand.

Forget Makima's problem, THIS was the life or death situation moment.

'Waiting is not exactly a good option… At least unless All Might is around to blast his way inside and smash Sisifus before the latter can even realize, I doubt the other heroes can perfectly handle the problem without causing any casualties…

A hero such as Midnight who had debuted a few years ago would be good, her special quirk that spread sleeping gas would be an ideal way of solving the situation.

Yet the chances of her coming over were slim since not too long ago she was going to Italy to participate in some interviews about her 'peculiar' hero getup.

'In my previous life the official recommendations when being used as a hostage were to remain calm and cooperate with your captors to the best of your capacities such as to maximize your survival chances… Yet in this situation such behavior might not necessarily lead to the highest survival chances.'

The only thing Thaumiel knew 100% was that whatever he was gonna decide on he had to do it fast, every second of delay decreased his survival chances for a little bit.

"Argh shut up! Can't you get these kids to shut up?! I need to think and it's hard to focus when a bunch of annoying little brats are crying and whimpering. So get them to keep quiet!"

Sisifus suddenly exclaimed as his anger seemed to reach another new level as he aimed the muzzle of his gunhand at the teachers direction making the latter begin to tremble uncontrollably in place.

"I-I… they are scared and nervous I can't possibly-"

"I don't care, I don't care! Excuses, get them to shut up somehow or I will!" 

Faced with such an unreasonable 'request', his teacher had a helpless expression all over his face. Much less calming down the kids, she was clearly having a hard time recomposing herself.

Noticing her frozen stiff and Sisifu's hands beginning to tremble more and more with anger out of the corner of his eyes Thaumiel decided to take a perhaps not so much smart decision of attracting some attention to himself in hopes of somehow escalating the situation.

"Teacher, didn't you say you would teach us some origami folding before? Why not do it now?"

He softly proposed in a voice neither too loud nor too low.

Hearing the suggestion, Sakura briefly paused as her eyes turned to Sisifu as if silently asking for the latters opinion toward the 'proposal'.

"Tch! Whatever gets these brats to keep quiet, just don't move from that corner!"

He said moving away the gun's muzzle and glancing toward the podium where Sakura had her notebook placed down.

Walking over he grabbed it and threw it toward her, expression she should use those for the origami's paper.

"A-alright everyone, quiet down for a bit and focus on me. I-I know everyone is nervous and scared but you all need to be strong… For now please try to calm down and pass along these papers. I'm gonna teach you some simple paper folding…"

Like that she ripped off some pages from her handbook and distributed them so everyone would have one.

What followed next was she somehow trying to explain in a very slow and soft voice everything while the kids tried to distract themselves with the paper folding.

For some brief moments the situation seemed to have de-escalated a bit and the mood seemed a little less heavier which made Thaumiel sigh in relief.

In addition Sísifo seemed to have received some sort of contact from the police or heroes or whoever it was from his phone making him care a bit less about him and the other kids.

'Okay this should buy some time out of more immediate danger… Yet damn I just can't think of a way to turn the situation around. It's simply impossible to reverse things with this guy having a gun literally stuck on his hands pointed not too far from us all the time… Quirks, quirks… fuck!'

Nervous and feeling panic rapidly rising, Thaumiel couldn't straighten out his thoughts to come up with a possible doable solution for the situation and neither could he take his sweet time to meditate and clear his head.

Now it was his turn to start feeling annoyed with all the sound of paperfolding around him flooding his hearing.

'Ahhh dang how do I turn this shitty situation around? What are those useless fucking heroes doing? Where the fuck is the police? Fuck if only I could keep a clear head like Makima in a situation like this I could totally deal with this situation. And fuck what's up with this kid on my right can't you fold the paper a tad bit quieter!'

Thaumiel, feeling an explosive headache, threw a hateful glance toward the Orange haired dumb looking kid to his right awkwardly trying to fold the paper in his hands with a confused expression on his face.

Opening his mouth to complain, Thaumiel stopped himself biting the inside of his lips and closing his eyes.

'Damn what am I even doing… really getting annoyed with a kid made hostage for 'folding paper too loudly?' I'm totally failing this second life ain't I?'


He whispered after some brief seconds of consideration.

"H-hu? What? Are you talking to me?"

Asked a bit spoked the orange haired kid as he was apparently too 'engrossed' in making the origami in hand.

"You got it all wrong, you skipped a couple folds, that's why it's not working…"

"Ah? Was that why? No wonder it's not working out…"

"You gotta undo the last 3 folds and first do a mid section fold at each corner…"

"Ohhh so that's it, wow you sure are smart. What 's your name? Mine 's Denki, Denki Kaminari."

"I'm Thaumiel… Thaumiel Saintclair"

"Oh I remember, you are the guy that gets everything super fast in class. Hey, can you show me how to do the folding?"

"... Yeah sure why not, you just need to-"

And with a few simple explanations Thaumiel demonstrated the whole process step by step under Kaminari's amazed eyes and gradually the crumpled paper in his hands turned into a pretty stand looking swan origami.

"And that's how you-Eh?"

"What's wrong Thau?"

Kaminari asked as Thaumiel suddenly seemed to come to a full stop, freezing in place as if someone had pressed a time-stop button.

Thaumiel though could't pay attention to Kaminari though as something too shocking to take his eyes off was taking place in front of him.

[!Talent: Origami(15) LV1]


Name: [Thaumiel Saintclair]


First Quirk:Talent Redistribution 

Second Quirk:(Unawakened)

TTP : 999+14=>1013

[Talents ]

Talent: Fishing(1) LV 1

Talent:Origami(15) LV1

Talent: Meditation(1000) LV49


[The total of TTP has surpassed 1000.]

['Talent Redistribution' is undergoing singularity.]

[Quirk: Talent Redistribution=> Quirk: All Talents.]


Name: [Thaumiel Saintclair]


First Quirk: All Talents

Second Quirk: (Unawakened)

TTP : 1013

[Talents ]

Talent: Fishing(1) LV 1

Talent:Origami(15) LV1

Talent: Meditation(1000) LV50





'It levelled up...'

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Sr_Extremiscreators' thoughts
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