
MHA: A Change in Course (Stopped)

When given power, people often show their true colors. One such person was now stuck in an unfamiliar body in a different world. Exposed to the world of heroes and villains he determined that something had to change. Using his new body, he would deal with every single problem and uproot the entire social order, whether the law agreed with him or not. Although not everything is what it seems. See as he struggles with being a woman flooded with new memories and fights over his nature as a person. The cause? Who knows? That's up for him to discover. Note: This is an MHA fic with an Azure Lane character. Credit to @,PinaxPinakes, the cover art is not mine.

Jake_Hansel · Anime und Comics
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10 Chs


Premature end ahead. Spoilers for all of the story coming up. I don't know if I can keep writing this anymore.

Ok, so I'm giving up on this story. I'm just demotivated now.

Firstly is because I think I get the idea that people don't actually care about the mc anyways. So, I'll just dump everything on what I had planned here.

If you still wish to see the story properly end then skip this chapter and just tell it to me.


Prinze Eugen defeats the 1st Lieutenant called "Enforcer" who is actually just the same pervert who tried to heckle her back when she first came to MHA. She struggles to figure out what to do with him since he is actually the one responsible for distributing trigger in Jitonn.

Eugen tells Prinz to just kill him since Enforcer deserves to die after making everyone in the city affected by trigger so miserable. Prinz hesitates but ultimately kills him humanely by putting a bullet through his skull.

After the job, Prinz realizes that she needs to take down the syndicate fast. If trigger was just the first one, then who knows if there would be more?

She contacts Giran and tells him to send over everything they know about the 10 Lieutenants. Giran tells her to meet up back at the undercity at night since he prefers to talk one on one on major things.

After a day of crime fighting, Prinz goes back to the undercity in the middle of the night. Giran meets up with her in a bar on the 9th floor/ While they talk the bartender offers a glass of milk.

Prinz is obviously confused about milk being such an important detail along with the pants, but since no one cares enough to give a damn about it I'll just tell you about it later.

Giran tells her to not bite off more than she can chew but Eugen responds by showing them the shark rigging and responding by telling them she has a lot of bites to do.

Giran finally relents and just gives her information on the rest of the Lieutenants.

Prinz head out and hunts down the rest of them since she now knows their quirks and who they look like and what responsibility they have within the syndicate.

She finds one of them extorting a small business so she decides to outright crush him under her riggings and a fight commences. The 2nd Lieutenant is called Arma, his quirk makes him able to time blocks to return the force he receives and gives it back.

Prinz figures that if he needs to time it right then using Broadside will make it impossible for him to dodge. Prinz underestimates how powerful her shots are when the dude gets swiss cheesed in moments.

The shots call the attention of people around her and she makes a getaway. The news breaks out that there is a vigilante going around murdering a Lieutenant from an infamous syndicate. The boss now realizes that there is someone targeting them and sends out a small detachment to lure in and fight the vigilante.

Prinz, exhausted after the fight travels to Cafe Doiru to relax and maybe talk to Masayoshi. They small talk and Prinz starts to enjoy talking to her. Masayoshi accidentally reveals that she lived in Jitonn a while back but didn't notice she said it.

Prinz rests back at the home, and the next day she goes out to find more. She sees the news talking about a chain of robberies early in the morning in Jitonn so she tries to find who was doing it.

She arrives at an untouched store and waits for a while. Not long after, a lieutenant, Glimmer, shows up in front and tries to break into the store. Prinz attacks her and subdues her but not before receiving an attack to her side that sends her to the wall.

The 3rd and 4th Lieutenants show up to fight. When Prinz checks her phone for their profiles she is surprised to see Giran doesn't have any info on them.

They duel for a while and Prinz has to resort to using deadly force. Prinz still had morals at this point so she couldn't just outright kill them without knowing what bad they did but Eugen tries to convince her that anyone in the syndicate is obviously bad.

Prinz retorts by saying that Eugen is just assuming, but when she nearly gets killed by a blast of light Eugen takes full control and rips Glaze and Glimmer apart using the shark rigging.

She gets away after hearing police cars, Prinz assumes it was civilians hearing the shots from their fight and tries to leap from rooftop to rooftop. Prinz and Eugen have a falling out on how they should tackle villains in MHA.

Prinz argues that she was technically a criminal in the past but for good reason, there could be villains having the same background as him, and killing them outright would stick to her conscience.

Eugen argues back and tells her that the world changes and so should Prinz. They were almost killed because Prinz was holding back. Eugen tells Prinz that they could do so much more if she stopped caring about the other person she fought because changing the world with mercy and compassion will never work when you want to rid the world of evil.

They are interrupted when Eugen stops speaking and Prinz suddenly feels her mind numb. She looks to the side and sees Eraserhead activating his quirk.

He attacks the surprised Prinz but she activates her unbreakable shield, to the surprise of both of them. When Eraserhead blinks and stops his quirk, Eugen suddenly returns and immediately takes over control and attacks without mercy.

Prinz wrestles control and tells Eugen to not kill a hero because he's a hero. Eugen isn't listening and continues to try and fight Eraserhead.

After a while, in battle, Eraserhead gets hit by Eugen's attack and it crushes his arm as Prinz takes full control again. With rage overwhelming her she scolds Eugen, a lot.

They go back to the Udon house and stay there as Prinz and Eugen didn't talk to each other. Dabi from nearby notices her mood and tries to ask about it.

Prinz tells him that she killed the Lieutenants while breaking the arm of a hero. Dabi is proud that she did so but Prinz says that she didn't want to severely injure a hero. Dabi says that heroes are just another plague that affected society, If injuring them can keep them away then Prinz shouldn't feel bad about it.

Prinz accepts his logic and eats Udon with him. She back to her home to talk to Eugen. After a while of talking they finally reconcile with Prinz killing villains if they deserved it and limiting heroes to be only severely injured.

When they do though, pain from their heads resurfaces again. That's when Prinz realizes that Eraserhead's quirk was to erase quirks. She's starting to get uneasy about knowing her quirk so she contacts Giran about it.

Giran tells her that she could find a doctor in the undercity. With nothing else to do but recover the wounds, she received from the recent fights she decides to call up Dabi and ask him if he'd like to accompany her since she got nothing to do.

Dabi and Prinz reach the doctor and after a few extensive tests and questions, the doctor comes back to announce a life-changing revelation. Dabi leaves for Prinz's privacy and leaves the room.

The doctor reveals Prinz's actual quirk, [Hysteria]. A quirk that gradually exaggerates the emotions of anyone around her including herself. Prinz realizes that Eugen was just an alter ego she created the moment memories of Prinz Eugen came to her during the first day in MHA.

Prinz recalls that the dude that sent her to MHA said that she had a lot of bottled-up resentment and generally just nasty emotions that Prinz kept from the world because she likes to keep calm.

When she asked herself who she was in the beginning, Hysteria interacted with Prinz's bottled-up negativity. Anyone at that point would be overwhelmed by pure hatred since it should have disproportionately exaggerated any emotion you tried to hide. Though, when the memories of Prinz Eugen came to the MC, he didn't know that he created an alter ego by giving all those traits to Prinz Eugen.

So, because of her quirk that the god gave him, her emotions were packed into Eugen. This led to Eugen constantly being the instigator for Prinz's more dubious actions like killing and not holding back.

The moment Eraserhead erased her quirk, Eugen disappeared because, in reality, Prinz was just talking to herself the entire time and they were just the same person.

She breaks down knowing that the person she fought with about morality was just herself. She's the one who killed people ruthlessly while enjoying it. She was the one who wanted to outright kill anyone who crossed paths against her goal to make a change.

It wasn't Eugen, because it was all done by her and her alone.

To her surprise, Eugen still talks to her but now that Prinz knows that Eugen is just herself she doesn't know what to do and becomes depressed. Dabi rushes in after hearing a wail and cry from Prinz.

With Dabi not knowing what to do he resorts to crouching on Prinz's level and bringing her into his arms and just embracing her. She was confused at first but then accept the hug and returns it back.

She heads home after saying goodbye to Dabi, Eugen is still there and asks her if she was going to be alright. Prinz hesitatingly answers, knowing well she's just talking to herself.

She awakens in a cold sweat, receiving a nightmare of the people she killed. She has no mood for trying to fight the Lieutenants and tries to text Giran that she's giving up.

Eugene stops her from sending the text and reminds her what their true goal is. After a pep talk from Eugen, they both decide to just relax for the day. So they head to Masayoshi in Cafe Doiru.

They walk in and see her behind the counter humming a tune. Prinz asks her what she hummed and she tells her that it was a lullaby from her parents. She accidentally reveals that her parents lived in Jitonn, Prinz recalls her being hesitant to talk about Jitonn back when they first met so she decides to not push the matter any further.

Prinz reveals to her that she has a split personality and doesn't know what to do. Masayoshi was surprised to learn that Prinz had another personality and asks her jokingly if she could talk to her.

Eugen comes out and starts to flirt with her, Masayoshi playfully deflects her advances which left Eugen to be stunned. Masayoshi tells Prinz that she should gradually accept who she is so that her personality can go into one.

Prinz tells her that she is unsure how it would go but Masayoshi explains that the little things they argue about will make the split even more so she should just accept little things.

When Prinz goes back to her home, she contemplates what they should do. She smiles and tells Eugen that she won't wear the pants anymore. Prinz through this action is accepting that she has truly become a she in this regard. Not being embarrassed about it anymore since that's just how Eugen likes to dress.

They sleep and the nightmares go away. The moment they woke up, they have more motivation to hunt down the rest of the lieutenants, Prinz and Eugen still have the same goals in mind changing the world for the better. They slowly start to understand that there are times when ruthlessness will do better than empathy and vice versa.

The 5th Lieutenant, Bubbledrop, is found to be the one that manufacturers trigger in their lab. Prinz finds the hideout and destroys the lab while the 5th Lieutenant injects herself with a trigger and rampages.

The fight becomes a full-out war of attrition since the shells she shot out were inconsequential because it passes right through the 5th Lieutenant. Prinz struggles to fight Bubbledrop when her quirk makes her rigging sticky and unresponsive.

Using her wits, she lures Bubbledrop to a factory where they fight it out. When Bubbledrop closes in, Prinz detonates a gas pipe and blows away the entire factory, using unbreakable shield to protect herself while Bubbledrop dies in the inferno.

The boss finally takes the threat of Prinz seriously and commissions most of his remaining Lieutenants to find out where she lived and kill her then. The 6th, 7th, 8th, and 9th Lieutenants get sent out to find Prinz.

After the battle, heroes arrive to try and find out what happened. Prinz narrowly escapes through the sewers and calls Dabi if he lived nearby. Dabi doesn't want to tell but Prinz tells him it's an emergency and she needs his help.

Using the sewers to travel to Dabi's home, he is disgusted to know that she went through the sewers and urges her to take a goddamn bath. Prinz tells him that she doesn't have a change of clothes but Dabi lends her the hoodie he wore and some shorts.

After a short bath, Dabi asks her what happened and Prinz responds that she blew up an entire factory. Some more interactions happen before Prinz returns to her own home.

When she opens the door she heard a click on the other side and an explosion suddenly engulfs the entire area. She wasn't able to bring out the Unbreakable shield so she is covered in horrible wounds.

The Lieutenants walk out to find her while she tries to hide, feeling her body being so badly burnt and damaged she tries to fight anyway after spotting one of the Lieutenants alone.

She battles with the 6th and kills him right then and there but not before the others show up to fight Prinz. With her injuries still extensive and her consciousness beginning to leave she suddenly feels her body turn hot.

The 7th has a quirk that can manipulate the vector of an object he has thrown within line of sight and a limit to distance. The 8th can dissipate kinetic energy all over his body while the 9th can exchange calorie intake for pure speed.

She tries to keep up with the other three but a single blow from an acceleration quirk broke her ribs and she falls to the ground and gets launched into the nearby building after receiving another attack.

Her body begins to heat up rapidly as the sudden increase in temperature made her falter and let go of her unbreakable shield. A thin metal spike gets thrown at her and it hits her directly on the head.

Nothing happened as the spike crumpled as it hit Eugen. Her body feels different as she sees what happened. She blocks another attack from a spike and the acceleration Lieutenant strikes her exposed side.

The lieutenant strikes her head but he felt the bones on his feet fracture as he felt like he had hit pure steel. Prinz responds to the attack by unleashing a broadside at the other members.

Prinz's quirk evolves, making her skin as tough as the armor of the ship, her guns now 50% proportional to the actual guns, and her sharks stronger and larger.

Prinz unleashes a broadside at the 8th but the pure kinetic energy he tries to dissipate turns him into a bloody mist after receiving too much energy at once.

The 9th tried to run but her broken legs made her an easy pick for Prinz who kills her with a single shot from her cannons mounted on the sharks.

The last one tried to run but her new speed reaches him, with no time to react his body gets launched into the air and falls to the ground after receiving a ram from one of her sharks.

Her injuries catch up with her and she phones Masayoshi or Dabi to help her. Sending her last known location to them. She falls silent and drops down unconscious.

Weeks later she awakens with Dabi and Masayoshi at her side in the undercity. After a short moment of them talking to each other. Giran comes to their room and relays the information that Prinz needs to recover.

Her steel skin made it impossible for them to do surgery so they could only get someone with a healing quirk to try and heal her. They didn't have anyone impressive so she only got healed the minimum amount.

Giran tells her that weeks have passed and the Jitonn because too hot for them. Villains were trying to vie for power at the loss of the Black Sun and heroes were sent down there. Giran advises that she couldn't continue to fight the syndicate.

Enraged and maddened, Prinz gets up and walks to the door and tries to get out after telling Giran she can still fight.

Masayoshi stops her and tells her to sit down. Prinz sees Masayoshi with a serious face and follows her to a table and sits along with Dabi.

Influenced by Prinz's quirk, everyone slowly gets a stronger desire to share their sob stories to everyone.

Masayoshi reveals that her parents were killed by the syndicate and that she went on a vendetta against them. She got caught by a hero after she killed a member but she gets released.

Masayoshi then realized that being driven by anger won't lead her to happiness because if she did finally kill off the syndicate, the action wouldn't bring back her dead parents. So she opened up a cafe to give out free drinks to passersby. She reasoned that there's no need to put more negativity in the world so she wants to settle down far from Jitonn.

The conversation dies down and Dabi speaks out as well, revealing to them his history with his family and how he almost killed his own younger brother. He resents his dad, Endeavor, because of how he treated him and his desire for revenge.

A small argument goes over after Dabi states that Masayoshi should've just killed them but Masayoshi declines and asks Dabi why he shouldn't just let go. The situation turned tense but Prinz decides to talk and makes them chill out and make them accept each other, a few more conversations start and Dabi and Masayoshi reconcile over their differences in approach.

After they all leave, Prinz asks Dabi if she could stay at his place since her own home was completely destroyed. Before they went to sleep, with Dabi on the couch, Prinz asks him if he could help her kill the 10th and the Boss himself. He agrees so long as she didn't mind charred corpses, Prinz nods.

The day starts with them finally going after the main building. The boss is alarmed at their arrival as Dabi effortlessly burns everyone to a crisp. Prinz heads for the boss but is stopped by the 10th.

The 10th has a quirk to swap places with anyone he can look at. Prinz strikes with a shark but he swaps with Dabi. Prinz stops her attack as she turns around to fight.

Dabi unleashes a fire but gets swapped just as he attacks, missing completely. Prinz yells out to burn everything around. Dabi hesitates when that means Prinz was going to get caught in it.

Prinz reassures him with a wink as Dabi unleashes everything he has around him. The 10th dies as Prinz walks out unscathed because of her shield. Dabi tells Prinz that he doesn't know if his flames were strong enough to go through Prinz's shield, to which Prinz replies by slapping his back and telling him its fine.

They both make their way up to the boos and see him in his office looking down at the ground. He spouts a monologue on how he built up his empire. How he could've succeeded in taking over Musutafu itself if it weren't for meddling kids.

Dabi tells Prinz that he needs more time to cool down. Prinz attacks and the boss fights. Surprisingly it was easier than they thought when all it took was a single punch from the shark's head for him to get sent to the ground.

In his dying breath, the boss tells them ominously about how a certain cafe has been doing recently. Learning what he just said, Prinz in a rage mercilessly bites off his head with her shark and makes her way down to Cafe Doiru. Dabi falls behind as he follows because of Prinz's rigging is faster.

Prinz arrives and felt her knees give in as she sees Masayoshi strung up on top of the cafe with her face flayed and a massive gaping hole in her stomach.

An 11th Lieutenant shows up and laughs at Prinz going through an episode as he tries to beat Prinz. The attacks don't do much but overwhelm Prinz with more negativity. Another attack is sent by the swordsman, 11th Lieutenant, but Prinz catches it with a finger.

She glares with a sunken expression and tears him apart limb by limb with the shark. She doesn't stop and uses the sword the 11th used to dice his body into bits while smiling on the left side of her face and crying on the other.

Finally, she plunges the blade deep into the 11th and twists it as he dies. Her half expressions now melding into one as she swears to the world that the world will pay. She immediately blames Giran for not telling her about the 11th, "Prinz" would argue that he didn't know but at this point, "Prinz" was no more.

Dabi arrives to see a dead expression on Prinz Eugen while walking away from the scene. Dabi stops her from walking any further and is shocked to see Masayoshi's dead body and understands what happened.

Prinz Eugen tells him to let go since she wanted to kill every criminal responsible for her death. Dabi looks at her and back at the scene, he turns to the scene and lets down the body of Masayoshi and cremates it.

Prinz Eugen still in a fit of rage tries to attack him but is stopped when Dabi suddenly kissed her. She stops for a moment before Dabi tells her that Masayoshi doesn't deserve her body to be left in such a state.

Dabi tells her to do what she must and crouches down to collect the remnants of ash created by the blaze.

Prinz Eugen turns him around and kisses him on the cheek before saying thank you. Dabi rubs his cheek and looks at Prinz Eugen leaving the area.

Prinz Eugen enters the elevator, she asks the man inside to send her to the floor where Giran is, the man presses the elevator button before being eaten alive by one of the sharks.

She enters the same gambling den to see everyone staring at her again, she lets out her rigging and fires into the crowd killing them all as she approaches the door. The bodyguard tries to fight but is eaten halfway from the torso by the shark on Prinz Eugen's side.

Giran is there smoking all alone while he judges Prinz Eugen's actions. Calling it just an unfortunate circumstance. She ignores everything he said and kills him with a single shot to the head, she sics her sharks to eat the remnants of Giran as she smiles and laughs.

She does the same for every floor in the building with each one being destroyed and a pile of half-eaten bodies lying on the ground.

She once entered the undercity a morally ambiguous hero, she leaves it a final time to be a vengeful and unhinged vigilante.

End of Vol 1

I'll write the summaries of Vol 2 and 3 that I planned but I'll say what they contain next time.

I guess the story is still bad though.