
Chapter 49

“I’ve had lifetimes to learn how to blend in.” Edmund pushed the shirt from her shoulders, baring her body more properly. Rosy nipples taunted him with their proximity, and he bowed his head to suck one into his mouth.

Darby arched backward at the contact. “At least I know why you never ate that much. I always thought you were just careful about your health.”

He didn’t want to talk about his diet. He wanted to savor the taut bud and how it felt against the roof of his mouth. It was even harder to concentrate, too, when all he wanted was to sink his fangs into the soft flesh, and listening to Darby go on about food didn’t help.

Releasing his hold on her breast, Edmund straightened and slid his hands beneath her bottom. “You don’t want to talk about me being a vampire,” he said, tucking his fingers beneath the elastic and pulling her panties down from her hips.

Her eyes darkened. “It’s what you are. You don’t want me to pretend you’re not, do you?”