
Mercenary's Oddjob

[ WSA 2024 Entry (Villain, Slice of life & System in 1 story). ] What do you do after defeating the Demon lord? What do you do with the rest of your life? You are practically the strongest in the world and the system just make it easier to get whatever you want. So... What do you do after finishing your journey? There is no more glory to chase. It's already done... And yet... the world still progressing... for the better... or for the worst... "Hmm... I guess it's time to get some rare herb to make some spice. And maybe kill the target along the way." * [ Deep in Abyss ] by [ Miyu Tomita ] & [ Mariya Ise ]start playing* (Volume 2 Opening Song ) ---------------------------------------------------- Author note : This story wil take hiatus for some time. ~ 29 July 2024

UBI_Master · Fantasie
Zu wenig Bewertungen
101 Chs

028. Alice The Perverted Waitress

A fiery red dress that was almost completely transparent, except for the chest and crotch. Alice put on the dress and spun on the spot to see the fluttering of the sexy outfit. 

She did not feel embarrassed because she was in her room. There was no one to see her and no one to judge her. 

"This outfit is really good for married couples. Once my debt is paid off, I'll buy a dress like this for Shouji. Kyaa! He'll love it!" Alice was excited herself. 

"I'll leave this cursed place and meet Shouji, we'll get married and have many children. The king will grant him a large land, but if he wants to stay in my hometown..."

"Kyaaa!!! I can spend my life with the man I love."

"Even though that perverted elf has my body, but my heart is only for Shouji alone. After I leave this cursed place--"

The sound of water dripping was heard. Alice looked down and found a few drops of water on the floor. When she looked up at the roof, she didn't see any holes.

Because it was not water leaking from the roof but water leaking from her heart. 

"Eh?" Alice held her cheeks which were wet from the flowing tears. 

Alice chuckled softly with a smile. "Why am I crying? A knight wouldn't cry because Shouji said..."

She imagined Shouji's face smiling at her. The tears flowed even harder and her chest felt tight.

"Eh? Why am I crying?" Alice sat on the edge of the bed and tried to wipe away her flowing tears.

"Ehehe... Why am I crying? It must be because of allergies, this place is very dirty, so, my eyes are watering. That's why."

Her mouth was evasive but her heart and eyes did not lie. She continued to wipe away the tears that never stopped flowing. 

"But it's not a problem, after I leave here, there will be no more allergies, after I leave here, I can meet Shouji, after I leave here..."

Alice envisioned herself with Shouji sitting on the terrace watching their children play.  Alice's tears flowed even harder and her chest felt like it was being clutched tightly. 

Alice put both palms on her face, she was sobbing and couldn't stop her crying. "Who am I trying to lie to?"


In Zhen's room, the elf who was shirtless was healing the wounds on his body with [Healing magic].

There was a knock on the door, but no other sound. 

"Come in," Zhen called out to the guest.

The door opened, Alice in a sexy dress walked straight in.

There were no sounds, no complaints, no yelling. All Zhen saw was a smiling girl with slightly swollen eyelids and a rather hollow gaze. 

The elf frowned slightly and sighed heavily. "Well, I guess that's fine too. Let's get started."

Alice just obeyed and nodded slowly while still smiling. She tried to take off her clothes slowly.

"Wait a minute, what are you doing?" Asked Zhen stopping Alice. 

"What do you mean, sir?"

"When did I tell you to fuck me?"

Alice was silent, she could only gape with an innocent look. 

"Uh... What do you mean, sir?"

"I don't want to sleep with you, I just want you to massage me."

Alice's eyes, which had been rather hollow, immediately lit up. "W... Wa... Wait a minute, massage? But earlier, in Ma'am Nala's room..."

"Of course we're just joking." Zhen immediately lay back on the bed. "I'm very tired today and don't have the energy to comment. Just go ahead and massage my back."

"Y... Ye... Yes, sir." Alice walked over to Zhen.

"Wait a minute, before that, why are you wearing such seductive clothes?"

Alice was startled and immediately turned her flushed face away. "It's because Ma'am Nala was-"

"Change your clothes."


"Wear the clothes you find most comfortable."

"B... Bu... But sir..."

"After all, the customer's need come first, right?"

Alice smiled slightly, but this time it was a smile that was purely from her heart. "Very well, Mister elf."

After a while, Alice returned in her usual clothes. A tunic and long pants. 

When Alice approached the bed, she only found Zhen sleeping on his stomach and not moving.

"Mister elf, are you sleeping?" 

There was no reaction from the elf. Alice could only sigh but she still smiled cheerfully. "But since it's a task, I'll do it anyway. Good knights does not back down from their responsibilities."

Alice sat on the edge of the bed and started massaging Zhen's back.

"Woah, your back is so hard. But you didn't listen to me right now, did you? Hehe."

Alice continued her massage, not speaking a word. Just silence in the silent night. After a few minutes of silence, Alice finally ventured to start a conversation.

"Mister elf, when I walked into this room, I was prepared to lose everything. My freedom, my dignity as a knight and..."

Alice paused for a moment then shook her head rather quickly. "Sorry, I was just talking to myself, hehe..."

Alice continued to massage the entire surface of Zhen's back for over 30 minutes. 

"I think that's enough," Alice said while wiping the sweat from her forehead.

Alice stood up from the bed. "I still have hope as a knight, and as a woman, thank you Mister Zhen."

Alice left Zhen who she thought was asleep. But in reality, the elf didn't sleep at all and listened to everything Alice said. 


A new morning dawned and it seemed like Zhen had enjoyed his sleep too much because when he headed to the bar, a bustling atmosphere greeted him.

Zhen noticed something strange, many people were gathered in front of the counter and laughing. 

They were apparently watching Alice being punished. 

Alice was wearing a waitress uniform, sitting with her knees folded facing forward. On her thighs was a large rock and around her neck hung a placard that written (I am a perverted waitress).

Alice was sobbing while the bandits around just laughed.

Zhen sat on one of the chairs near Alice as if not paying attention to the poor waitress. 

Alice looked at Zhen with a pleading look. "Mister Zhen, help me."

Zhen looked at Alice and smiled. "Hi knight girl, I didn't see you down there. How was Nala's punishment?"

Alice sobbed. "Mister Zhen, I did nothing wrong."

Zhen patted Alice's head a few times. "A good knight must take responsibility for her actions, right?"

"Mister Zhen!"

Alice's cries grew louder but the elf ignored her. 

Nala came from the kitchen carrying a plate of pumpkin pie and immediately gave it to Zhen.

"Gee, thanks Nala, you're very considerate."

Nala glanced at the crying Alice then sighed heavily. "Are you really leaving today?"

Zhen who was just about to eat the pumpkin pie immediately fell silent and looked at Nala who lowered her face slightly. 

A single tear fell and Zhen stood up. He wiped away the tears on Nala's cheeks.


"A lavender that become wet will loses its appeal," Zhen said, making Nala smile instantly.

"Ma'am Nala, Mister Zhen, I'm sorry," Alice said with tears in her eyes.

"Ara... It's only been two hours, Alice. Think of it as a knight's endurance training."

Alice continued to cry and the bandits who watchied continued to laugh. 

"I will miss you so much, Mister Zhen." Nala poured beer into a wooden mug.

Zhen took the mug. "I told you I'm not done with your body examination. I'll be back."

The bar door suddenly opened to reveal a panicked Zaltar. 

"Mister Zhen, this is serious, Eleindal's royal armys are approaching."

When Alice cry without realizing it...

Boi... it's broke me to my core.


UBI_Mastercreators' thoughts