
Mercenary's Oddjob

[ WSA 2024 Entry (Villain, Slice of life & System in 1 story). ] What do you do after defeating the Demon lord? What do you do with the rest of your life? You are practically the strongest in the world and the system just make it easier to get whatever you want. So... What do you do after finishing your journey? There is no more glory to chase. It's already done... And yet... the world still progressing... for the better... or for the worst... "Hmm... I guess it's time to get some rare herb to make some spice. And maybe kill the target along the way." * [ Deep in Abyss ] by [ Miyu Tomita ] & [ Mariya Ise ]start playing* (Volume 2 Opening Song ) ---------------------------------------------------- Author note : This story wil take hiatus for some time. ~ 29 July 2024

UBI_Master · Fantasie
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101 Chs

017. Abyss Transmutation Magic vs Abyss Integration Magic

Nala stabbed Skar repeatedly but her speed could not touch the man who keep dodged over and over.

"It's my turn now!" Skar shouted and immediately stabbed Nala using his right hand. 


Nala managed to block the attack with her magic chain shield, Skar's hand was scraped off.

The white-haired man only chuckled despite having lost his right hand. 

"So what if you can parry it?!" 

Skar's right hand instantly regenerated and he once again performed the same attack, and the result was the same, he lost her right hand. But as soon as his right hand was eroded by the heat and high speed, it regenerated quickly.

Skar's right hand suddenly appeared in the one-centimeter gap between the chain shield and his wrist. The sudden appearance caused Nala's shield to be pushed back. 

Skar smiled widely because he knew that even if he couldn't hurt her, he could still corner her. Skar continued the same attack and now he also used his left hand. 

The sounds of hissing, blood splashing, and metal clashing were continuous.

Nala struggled to maintain her upright position as her shield continued to be beaten back, the pounding force her to walk backwards to maintain her balance.


Nala's shield was successfully pushed to the side, exposing the unprotected Nala. 

A loud hiss suddenly sounded. Nala's drill charged straight towards Skar's face, but the man managed to dodge.


Skar suddenly lost both of his arms, as if a giant ball had just passed by and swallowed his limbs. He jumped away and finally understood what happened.

The magic chains that covering Nala's legs were now gone. From below the knees, there were no more magic chains, nothing covering her legs. 

Both of Nala's legs from below the knee and the right arm below the elbow were no longer protected by the magic chains, revealing the burn skin that formed the loops of the chains mark.

Instead, behind Nala, there were three magic chains that formed a large drill and spun rapidly. 

"Araa... Araa... You don't want to go forward? Then I'll go!"

Nala lunged forward with her shield facing front, protecting her body. The 3 drills beside the shield attacked relentlessly. Her attack speed was low, but not the speed of her magic chains. 

Skar's body was perforated and bleeding, but it regenerated shortly after. Every time he tried to attack, his hands disappeared. 

Nala's drill spun too fast and emitted far higher temperature for Skar's hard body to withstand. He was forced to step back and dodge more and more.

Suddenly, Nala couldn't take another step forward and Skar took advantage of the brief opening. 

The green man punched Nala in the stomach, sending her flying far away to the front of the bar. 

Skar knelt down on one leg with his irregular breathing pace. "Is it starting to take effect? Na-la?"

Nala lay on the ground, she forced her body to stand up while her legs trembled. Blood flowed from underneath the magic chain armor, as well as hot steam that blurred the woman's vision. 

"Though... Just a little bit more..." Nala immediately knelt down, her face reddened by the above-normal temperature.

Skar walked up to Nala, "Looks like your stamina ran out first."

While the green-body man limped along, a dozen men shouted and charged towards Skar.

"Don't think it's over!" shouted one of the bandits who joined the charge. 

Skar took a deep breath, waited for the right time and distance and cut down all the men in one strike using his right hand that resembled a large green dagger. 

He tried to regulate his heavy breathing. "I knew you guys were stupid, but I didn't realize you were idiots too."

The green man limped towards Nala who couldn't even stand upright.

Skar strangled Nala's neck, which was still covered in magic chains. A hissing sound could be heard but Skar's hand did not erode. 

"Looks like this is your limit." Skar prepared to make the finishing blow but he immediately noticed something strange. 

"What is this thing?" asked Skar as he looked at the black orb attached to his hand. 

The black orb suddenly revealed its eyes and stared at Skar. 


A violent explosion forced Skar to jump away, his left hand was missing from the blast and blood was flowing freely from his shoulder. 

"What are you doing?" Asked Skar expecting an answer from Nala but the woman just shook her head, implying that she hadn't done anything.

"Yo, that young lady over there," the voice came from the town entrance. 

A silver-haired elf who had just stepped into Skar's anti-magic zone. 

"Woah, anti-magic field, I never knew there are people who can use this kind of abyss magic in the human continent. I feel like my mana is reduced by half." Zhen was a little enthusiastic at the purple light coming out of the ground. 

"Who are you?" asked Skar as he straightened his back.

"I'm not talking to you, green fool." Zhen walked casually towards Nala. "I'm talking to that young lady over there."

Nala raised her face and looked at Zhen who waved and smiled kindly.

"Do you want to make a contract?" said Zhen walking over without paying any attention to Skar, "I happen to need a comfortable bed and a bath as well as food and drink. If you're willing to give me that..."

Zhen stopped walking and was now standing directly in front of Skar. 

"...I will gladly kill this man." Zhen looked Skar right in the eyes and made Skar freak out. 

Skar jumped as far away as he could, his breathing ragged as if his instincts told him that the elf in front of him was a very dangerous threat.

Nala just nodded slowly and that was all Zhen needed.

Zhen looked at the pale Skar, "Looks like that transmutation magic gave you good animal instincts, unfortunately you'll be like that forever and you probably won't live that long."

"Huh? You don't need to lecture me, I already knew that." Skar said in reply to the silver-haired elf's words.

"It's good that you're aware of the risks, it would be awkward if I had to tell you the risks after you've reached this stage."

"What do you want?"

"Didn't you hear it yourself? That young lady over there hired me to kill you."

Skar started to chuckle and then laughed out loud. 

"What can an elf like you do at this point? Your magic is useless and I know that elves are bad at abyss magic." Skar regenerated his hand that was cut off earlier. 

"Unfortunately, you are in a situation that -"

Skar was speechless, he couldn't move at all, couldn't even lift a finger. 

Zhen just shook his head as he sighed, "If you are not using the anti-magic barrier, I wouldn't had to kill you this way."

Several golden plaques suddenly appeared from the ground and floated around Skar. The golden plaques suddenly released golden chains that pierced Skar's body. 

Shoulders, knees, chest, abdomen, neck, palms, feet. The golden chains shackled Skar.

"Shit, shit, shit, shit." Skar struggled to get free.

"You want to sever your limbs and jump out and regrow them, don't you?" Zhen asked, causing Skar to fall silent with a panicked look on his face.

"Look under your feet," Zhen said, making Skar widen his eyes at the magic circle he was standing on.

"You will never be able to escape, because this is not hexagram-level abyss magic but pentagram-level abyss magic."