
Mercenary's Oddjob

[ WSA 2024 Entry (Villain, Slice of life & System in 1 story). ] What do you do after defeating the Demon lord? What do you do with the rest of your life? You are practically the strongest in the world and the system just make it easier to get whatever you want. So... What do you do after finishing your journey? There is no more glory to chase. It's already done... And yet... the world still progressing... for the better... or for the worst... "Hmm... I guess it's time to get some rare herb to make some spice. And maybe kill the target along the way." * [ Deep in Abyss ] by [ Miyu Tomita ] & [ Mariya Ise ]start playing* (Volume 2 Opening Song ) ---------------------------------------------------- Author note : This story wil take hiatus for some time. ~ 29 July 2024

UBI_Master · Fantasie
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101 Chs

006. Zaltar The Bearhill

Deep in the forest, Zhen was digging the ground using a shovel he took out from his [ Inventory ]. 

"Hunting animals is exciting, but occasionally setting traps and waiting can be quite fun." 

Zhen monologued to himself as he gathered some twigs and leaves to hide a hole with 4 meters deep and a diameter of 2 meters. 

As the silver-haired elf was busy setting up his trap, a pair of human footsteps could be heard approaching from behind. Steps that were neither fast to ambush, nor slow to sneak. They were confident and fearless footsteps. 

Without turning around, Zhen was only busy preparing his trap.

"So, what do you want? I assume you know who I am?" 

The footsteps stopped. A large man nearly 2 meters tall dressed like a commoner. His face was too young to be called a swordmaster, but the scars on his face and the sword at his waist seemed to say otherwise. 

From the look of the scabbard, it was probably a single-edged curved sword. It was too big to be called a katana, probably a scimitar type. From the aura alone, Zhen knew that the sword probably came from a famous blacksmith and was forged using high-end magic. 

"My name is Reginald. Zhen the silver death, I challenge you to a duel." Reginald was still standing behind Zhen who was still refuse to turn around. 

"If you're still challenging me after knowing who I am, I don't think you value your life, young man." Zhen gave such a casual response that make Reginald a bit annoyed. 

"Are you saying I'm not worthy?"

"I'm busy anyway and don't feel like killing someone right now, just wait another week," Zhen said as he covered his trap hole with green leaves. 

"Is it that tiring? Killing a hero from another world?"

Zhen was silent for a few seconds when he heard something that only the king of each kingdom and one or two of their confidants knew. He stood up and looked at Reginald very seriously because he was very aware that Reginald was not one of them.

"Who sent you? The kingdom of Eleindal?" 

Zhen's question made Reginald smile.

The young man pulled out his sword from its scabbard and set up a stance.

"Looks like I managed to get your attention. I will defeat you here and become the strongest." Reginald grinned widely and charged straight at Zhen. 


Zaltar looked around in search of something to hunt. Although he could only jump with one leg, his mobility was almost no different from people with two legs, as if he had gotten very used to his current situation. 

"Woah, is that you? Zaltar the Bearhill?"

The question coming from the side, forced Zaltar to turn in the direction of the voice to find a one-eyed bandit with two scimitars at his waist.


Zaltar squinted his eyes slightly, "Do I know you?"

The bandit immediately laughed, "Well, well, it seems I have been forgotten. I am very sad, especially when that person..." the bandit pointed at his right eye which was covered with a scar that extended from his right eyebrow to his cheek. "...the one who took out one of my eyes."

Zaltar's eyes instantly contracted fully when he realized the bandit was running towards him with two scimitars aimed at his neck. 


The clash of swords against each other made the bandit laugh even harder. Zaltar seemed to be struggling to hold his sword and keep his balance after the exchange of blows. 

"Look at you! You only have one arm and one leg! I don't know who mutilated you, but I have to thanks him!"

As the bandit continued his onslaught, Zaltar struggled to parry the two swords while jumping back every time he dodge or after successfully parrying an attack. 

"Woi! Woi! What's going on? Why is the great Zaltar only able to defend?! You disappoint me! Hahahahaha!!!"

The bandit continued to attack without pause and Zaltar tried his best to defend, but his tactic was short-lived as he stepped on a bunch of wet leaves that made him slip. 

The bandit did not waste the opportunity and attacked with all his might. Zaltar parried one of the swords that targeted his neck but couldn't block the attack that pierced his right shoulder. 

Zaltar lay down and the bandit sat on his stomach. Just as the bandit was about to launch his final attack, his body suddenly slammed down as if something had hit him. 

It was a giant grizzly bear. standing with almost 4 meters tall. It was not a good sign because now, the bear was staring at Zaltar with its mouth full of saliva dripping down.

The bear wanted to claw Zaltar, the lying man very quickly rolled to the side away and immediately stood up and jumped to keep his distance. 

"Tsk, I don't have time to fight the bears all at once. I have to wait for a good opportunity to run away and make Zaltar a sacrifice. Tsk, I wanted to kill him with my own hands," said the bandit in a very alert position and did not take his focus off the bear or Zaltar. 

The bear growled and showed rows of teeth and a mouth full of saliva. It looked very hungry, but the bear knew that the two people in front of it were not just ordinary citizens who could be easily pounced upon.

The bear stared at Zaltar who was holding a sword and in a position ready to slash at any moment. So did the bandit who was a little further away from him. 

Neither made a move, just observing each other very warily. The bear took a step towards Zaltar and the bandit suddenly ran, the bear realized this and immediately chased after bandit.

"Why are you chasing me, you stupid bear!" shouted the bandit as he ran away from the bear with its mouth wide open. 

Meanwhile, Zaltar could only stay where he was and be grateful that he didn't fall prey. 

However, there was one thing that really bothered him. He had earned the nickname the Bearhill because he often went into bear dens and killed a bear with his bare hands, but now he doubted he could even survive a bear attack even if he had a weapon.

"Even someone like me wouldn't be able to kill that bear even if I wanted to."

[ Nothing is impossible. ]

Zaltar immediately turned around quickly as he seemed to hear Zhen replying to his words. But there was no one around.

"It must be just my feelings," Zaltar said, sheathing his sword and deciding to look for other animal to hunt. 

Even though he realized it was just a momentary illusion, Zhen's words now echoed in his head every time he jumped. 

[ I can beat you with just one hand with a small dagger. ]

"That's because you're strong!"

[ Why are you worried you can't attack if you don't have to? ]

"SHUT UP!!!" Zaltar shouted and slashed around, making the surrounding birds fly away. 

"Tsk!!! Yes! I KNOW! SHUT UP!"

Zaltar was frustrated with the contents of his own head and decided to go in the direction of the bear. Zaltar exhaled heavily because he knew he would probably do something stupid that would probably kill himself.