
The Party

I wake up by the feeling of someone's poking my cheeks.

"Wendi, wake up." I heard Pauline's voice waking me up.

"5 more minutes," I said while blocking my face with a pillow. When did she become so loud? I remember how we met with her innocent and gentle voice.

"What are you? A kid? Get up. We're all done taking bath." Pauline's nonstop nagging. I really thought of my mom when she does something like this.

"Arghh yeah, the party." I just remember the party.

I get up on the sofa and get my bag to go shower.

After I dress up. I'm just waiting for them to finish painting their face.

"Come here Wendi, let's put make-up on you," Daine suggest. What's up with these two. Earlier it's Eden then now It's Daine.

"Ugh no." I refuse. Why do they keep pushing this? I really don't remember that at every party that we will go to. They will just keep asking and asking me to do this thing. Even they know that I don't do that.

"If you don't remember. Our girl Wendi right here. Doesn't really into makeup. Just powder and lip tint then she's done." Pauline said. Yeah, I'm not into that thing. I didn't even know they so many brushes when they only have one face.

"Yeah I know but since you didn't bring the two with you. You must find a boy now. This is the right time." She excitedly claimed. Like she really wants to get rid of the two boys.

"Please tell she didn't say what she just said." I groan. I'm mad at them but I don't think I can do things that far.

"Don't mind her! We're all done. Let's go?" Paulene said.

After that fake drama, we immediately walk to Eden's house. Yeah, we're going to Eden's house. If I forgot to tell you It's her sister's welcome party. She got home from the states.

We're almost there and we're already hearing the sound from Eden's house and seeing the flashy lights from their house. She must be already there.

After we got into their house, we instantly headed upstairs. We can already see her when she turns her eyes towards us. She immediately runs to us and hugs us.

"We miss you caroline. Welcome back." We all said.

"I miss you too girls. Can't catch u up tonight. Let's do the talking tomorrow and let's have fun tonight."

"Yesss," we scream. They can't hear us tho that's why we're not that embarrassed.

After that scene, we immediately go down to get some drinks and start what we're here for.

We just grab our drinks and go to the yard where the party is wild. Everyone seems so drunk and keep dancing and since we're here to have fun. We dance and drink, dance, and drink until we're tired and rest for a bit.

We go to the sala that's so quiet since nobody is here. Well not nobody but there are some who are not into drinking or just like us that who'll just want to rest for a bit before going again.

I'll snap from my thoughts when I heard Eden call someone.

"Rescheeel." She sounds a little tipsy. But I know she can still drink. We promise that tonight we should drink until we passed out.

"Oh! Hi Eden, thank you for inviting us." Reschel said. She's one of our classmates that always out of nowhere because of her boyfriend. She spends her free time in her boyfriend's room. That's why I'm not that close to her.

"No problem," Eden replied.

"Us? Where are your friends then?" I ask. Because she's alone here.

"Wendi, don't you remember what happens to them?" Daine said while pinching me.

"Oh, I'm sorry. I forgot, where is your boyfriend I mean?" I immediately said. Damn this mouth how can I forget how her friends unfriend her just because of her boyfriend. I'm not their position nor I don't know the whole story but I think that's too immature. but Nevermind that's their problem, not mine.

"It's okay, He goes out to get his friend. I think they will be back at any time now." She said. I smiled at her and shut my mouth before I speak nonsense again.

"Can we stay here then?" Eris asking Reschel.

"Oh please, I'm really feeling out of place. If you didn't ask. I'll be asking you to stay with me." She said.

"Why did your boyfriend left you here alone?" Daine said. I know she's not fine by the thought of leaving Reschel alone here. Because she may encounter some drunk assholes here.

"Don't mind her Reschel. She's just worried about you."

"I'm fine. No need to worry." She said to assure Daine and Daine just nod her head.

After that conversation, we continue drinking. A minute passed Christoph Reschel's boyfriend arrived with his 2 friends. We move to give space to let them sit.

Pauline and Eden's exchange sit with Eris and Daine. Because Pauline feels uncomfortable sitting with other boys and Eden has a boyfriend. So, Eris and Daine are the single ones and me. But I don't think I can sit with other boys too and Pauline won't let me. She's afraid that my boys might go here and see me sitting with other boys. I just laugh at her and let her push me to other sits.

Eris immediately give drinks to the newcomers and didn't even let them rest for a bit.

I just continue to finish my drink and let them talk.