
Awakening with questions

With a jerk, he woke.

Orchid eyes watering from the sunlight streaming through the window. Blinking away the tears he quickly took in the white room around him.

'Am I in a hospital?' The thought 'How did I end up here? Why am I here?' Wiggling his toes, he slowly checked to see if he could feel any pain. Feeling none he sagged back into the bed, only to tense as a stray breeze creased his face, his maskless face.

'Where is it?! Where did it go?!' Hands shaking as he went to exit the bed only to stop and rapidly pull the blanket over his head when the door to the room opened.

"Oh your awake, what a relief! We half thought you would sleep forever." Said the nurse, his voice sounding pleasantly surprised. "How are you feeling? Do you remember anything? Can you tell me your name? What you hiding for?"

"Where is my mask? I need my mask."

"Your mask? I don't know what you're talking about, I can ask for you, if you'd like? But first I'd like to have you name."

"It's Shun, where are we?"

The nurse looked at Shun in confusion. "We are in Miran, the village of Rain."