

Eddie was a star in a country. In an accident he loses his memory and as a part of occupational therapy he start working in a hospital. There he meets the Second lead of this story who is an introvert with many secrets. It was love at first sight for Eddie. Will he accept Mark knowing his secrets?

Ame_Jae · Fantasie
Zu wenig Bewertungen
30 Chs


Eddie looked at the screen surprisingly and attended the call. " Alex!!! What a surprise." said Eddie excitedly.

" Eddie I have a favour to ask you." Answered Alex.

" What's it Man? Just tell me and it is done." Eddie said.

"Mark fainted during work and the staff took him to the Casualty. I'm at a meeting and couldn't come there. Can you be his guardian and look after him?" Alex asked him, though he knew his answer.

Eddie was playing with pen, he dropped his pen down and stood up from his seat.." WHAT?? What happened to him? Is he serious? I will go to him. Bye Alex and Thanks.." He hung up the call and asked the staff to cancel all his afternoon appointments. He ran towards the Emergency .


Mark opened his eyes slowly and looked around. He saw Claire sitting next to him and asked " Claire.. you still here?"


" Oh! Thank God. Finally you are awake. Does your tummy still hurts?" Asked Claire.

"No.. I'm fine. But why Am I still in casualty?" Mark asked furiously.

" About that.... You have Acute Appendicitis and require a surgery at the earliest. Nothing to worry. Mr. Alex will come here any moment. Actually I'm waiting for him.

" Hww...How do you know Alex? Did he come here?" Mark asked worriedly.

" I don't know him. Your phone was ringing continuously while you were unconscious. So I attended the call and told him you are sick. Dr. Stephan told me that Alex will come."

" Who are you Mark? Dr. Stephan told to admit you in the VVIP ward. Are you a third generation cheabol who ran away from home and living by yourself??" She asked him.

Mark felt scared at once then he started to laugh. " Ha ha ha ha ha.....Claire you are good at imagining. Our CEO is a friend of Alex and this Alex is rich. May be he used his relationship with the CEO to admit me in the VVIP Ward." Said Mark. Claire stared at Mark doubt fully...

" Now what?? You doubt me? Girl.... You wait here until Alex comes and ask him directly." He continued trying to defend himself.

" Hmm.. you know Mark, you talk too much when you are hiding something. Leave it.. It doesn't matter now. Please take some rest. The surgery depends on your blood reports. I'm tensed about it now. You look pale..." She covered him with the blanket.

" Yeah Okey...but can you give me my phone?" asked Mark.

" Yeah..Sure.. call me if you need anything or press the bell." Said Claire handing him the Phone. " Let me gossip." She winked at Mark and went to the Nurse's Counter.

"Okey..." Said Mark. As soon as she left the room he called Alex.

" Alex...why did you arrange a VVIP room. I could have managed it by myself. You know I'm a staff here." Mark shouted at Alex

" Relax Boy, you are merely a staff for them but you have another identity. Don't forget about that. Dr. Stephan is a gentleman. He will not blow your cover. I already spoke with him and the CEO is a big fan of TOM. " Alex tried to convince him.

"Claire doubt me. And it's all happened because of your call." Mark blamed him.

" What?? Oh...I'm sorry Mark. But relax, take rest. I will visit you soon." Answered Alex.

" You can't visit me here. You know that. If you come they will recognize you." shouted Mark.

"Yes.. that's it. And Thanks to someone. I can't visit my one and only friend in hospital because of that." Alex said angrily. " Don't worry I already taken care of it." Alex said and cut the call.

Mark exhaled and put his phone down. Then he lay down and tried to get some rest.


Claire was talking with the staffnurses at the counter and saw a man wearing Apron running towards them. " Excuse me... Where is Mark admitted?" he asked.


" Mark is in the last bed Dr. Edwin. Come I will take you to him." said Helen and showed him the way.

"Thank You Very Much." Said Eddie and followed the Nurse.

" Who is he? I haven't seen him before?" Claire asked Rose.

" Haven't you heard of Dr.Edwin Thomas?? So Bad!!! Rumors travel so slowly in your ward." Said Rose.

" Okey.. I agree that. Now tell me who is he?" Claire asked curiously.

"Dr. Edwin is the most handsome Doctor in the Dental Department. And it is a Public secret that he practically own this hospital now." She briefed her.

" He own this hospital? but how??? he looks like a Foreigner. As far as I know,Our hospital is ran by our Alumni right..??" She couldn't believe what she heard.

" Yes. He is a Foreigner. He's from country A and graduated from XX University. The sly fox

at the H R Department put banners to advertise him. Edwin asked them to remove it but they didn't. After sometime, the Head of H R D came in person and begged his forgiveness and removed all the banners. The very next day someone bought 55% of our hospital share under his name. He is the only individual in our country who owns that much share of our Hospital." Rose said everything she knew about him.

" Oh..I see but why I didn't hear about it? Asked Claire.

" Well, Claire, this kind of news usually reside in the ground floor and the first floor.." clarified Rose.

" You are right.." said and wondered How He knew Mark....


Mark was sleeping when Eddie entered the Room. He stood there and watched Mark. He ran his fingers through his face and called his name. Mark opened eyes and surprised to see Eddie.


" Eddie..How come you are here?" Asked Mark.

" Alex called me. What happened to you? Are you in pain? Where is your Doctor? Let me talk to him first." Eddie replied and pressed the bell.

" I'm fine Eddie. It is just my Appendix. They said I can have the surgery soon." said Mark

" How can I help you Sir.?" Rose asked him as she entered the room.

" I want to meet his Doctor. Where can I see him?" asked Eddie.

" Are you his Guardian?" Asked Rose.

" Yes. I'm .Now tell me where is his Doctor?" Eddie almost lost his temper.

" Come with me Sir. I will take you to Dr. Stephan's cabin." Rose said and left the room.

Eddie followed her and stood in front of his Cabin.

" Dr. Stephan..Dr. Edwin is here to see you." said rose. He looked at Eddie and asked him to sit down.

" Thank you Dr.Stephan. May I know what happened to Mark?" asked Eddie while sitting.

" He has Acute Appendicitis. It is better to get the surgery at the earliest but ..."""

" But what?? Don't you have staff? just tell me I will arrange the World's Best Doctor to Operate him." Said Eddie.

" Relax Edwin. We have already arranged the best team for Mark's Surgery. The problem is with his blood count. He is anemic. His Hb( Haemoglobin Count in the blood) is low and we couldn't conduct the surgery until his Hb rises. We will give him sedatives and painkillers now and you help him with his diet. Give him iron rich diet as of now. Everything will be alright. 8Hb is enough to do the surgery and it is an easy target." Dr. Stephan explained him.

" His anemia is due to stress and less sleep. Well, why Mark is tensed? Do you know anything?" Asked Dr. Stephen.

" No.. I don't know much. He don't share his personal matters with anybody. I want him to be admitted in the VVIP ward and assure, he gets the best treatment Dr.Stephan. You can check my Identity with Administration office." Said Eddie.

Stephan smiled at him and said, " Though you didn't come for the last board meeting, your secretary has said it well and clear. And Mr. Alex has already arranged a bed in VVIP ward for Mark. I thought he would come, I was expecting him actually."

" Mr. Alex arranged it How?" Asked Eddie.

" Alex is the friend of our CEO. And that's how he arranged it. I only know this much." Said Stephan trying to protect Mark's identity.

" Thank you Dr. Stephan and don't tell Mark, the things you know about me also to Alex " Requested Eddie.

" Oh.. I guarantee you that. Rest Assured." Said Stephen with a smile. He thanked him and went to Mark's Room.

Mark was chatting with his colleagues when Eddie came. He saw Eddie standing at the door. " Eddie come here".. Mark welcomed him with a big smile.

" Eddie???" Claire looked at Mark suspiciously.

" Eddie, this is Claire and this gentleman is Dr. Eric. They are my colleagues." " And this is Dr. Edwin Thomas...my...my...My friend." said Mark.

Eddie smiled at them and greeted them. "Nice to meet you Dr. Eric.. and Ms.Claire I have heard a lot about you from Mark. Thank you for saving his Ass from Mrs. Elsa always." They all laughed, even Mark find it funny.

" He told you about me? But he never told us about you." Claire anxiously said.

" That's because Mark is shy type. Never mind him." He replied and sat next to Mark in his bed and grabbed Mark's hand. Mark looked at Eddie surprisingly and he started to blush. Eddie understood what's going on with him but he sat there like nothing happened and he tightly held Mark's hand.

Claire and Eric looked at each other. " I think you stand no chance in front of him Dr.Eric. Mark is taken." She whispered in Eric's ear. They left the room when the staff shift him to the VVIP ward.