
Meet my Sleep Demon

Jim wakes up in a world unfamiliar to him. He lost all his memories and the only person by his side is a demon. Togheter they try to get his memories back and him back to the world he came from. New chapters 3-4 times a week 9pm (GMT+2)

SeNovels · Fantasie
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10 Chs

The Elders Test.

"I dont know what youre talking about. For all i know im just a regular 17 year old."Jim said with a shaking voice. He was affraid of what Hiroto was going to do to him. He still wasnt convinced of the test. 

Hiroto decided to believe him for now since he was in no imediant danger. He also was very interested in Jim. He wondered how a human had such a potential and he was even more interested how he got here.

Hiroto had the power to give and take life energy, because of that he was able to sense someones race. He knew that Jim was a human but if he didnt see him in person he would have never believed that Jim was a human. He could also sense peoples aproximate strengh.

Normaly Hiroto wouldnt have made a human do the sword test since it was a test to determine the strengh of the powers one would have. Humans cant learn any power and they dont have powers in their bloodline. 

Hiroto decided to continue with the test. He wondered if there where more anomalies with Jim.

He continued to explain the next test. 

"Now let's see how stong you are phisically." While he was talking he took two wooden swords from the next servant. He gave one of them to Jim. Hiroto got into a fighting stance wich scared Jim. He had no idea how to fight. They both bowed again and after a few seconds Hiroto attacked.

When Jim saw the attack coming his instincts kicked in he doged the attack without efford wich left everyone including Jim speachless. Hiroto however wasnt so easily impressed and started to attack continuously. Every stike was blocked so he upped the speed again. It soon got to fast for Jim and after some time he got hit in his side by the sword. He was sent flying through the paper wall and landed on a beautifull looking flower bush.

Ophelia rushed out to help Jim. When she arrived he was standing again but was still hilding his side where the sword had hit him. She looked at him in disbelieve. It started to click for her aswell that Jim wasnt normal. If a normal human would have taken the hit they would have passed out from it or worst.

Since Jim wasnt Hurt badly they went back inside the dojo.

When the others saw him there mouths where left wide open. No one expected him to be fine.

The only person that wasnt suprised was Hiroto. He had felt Jims power while fighting him. Jim wasnt anything special in this world but his power defently was superior to the strengh of a human.

Just in case Hiroto advised one of his servants to escort Jim and Ophelia to the infirmary.

While they where gone he wanted to ask his granddaughter about Jim.

He asked her a few questions about his appearance in this world but all she could say was that she wasnt there. He asked her if she had any clues to why he was here or what his hidden powers where. She told him that she had no idea who he was and that he wasnt suspicious up to this point exept for the fact that he somehow managged to enter the demon world. She told Hiroto That she had given Jim some of her power wich she thought was irrelevant to tell him beforehand because it had already left his body. 

The last question however confused Moricia greatly. "Morticia you are one of the stronger people with my power since you are my discendant. You should be able to sense his aura aswell especially since you used ur power on him already. What do you think Jim is?" Hiroto said. He expected that Morticia like him had interpreted Jims aura as one of a human however he didnt really think that Jim was a human. He thought that Jims body somehow found a way to emulate the aura of a Human. 

Morticia told Hiroto that she didnt know how to interpret the aura of Jim since it was the first time that she had met a human. 

At the infirmary some of the servants did a quick health checkup on Jim but his wounds had allready healed so they sent him back again.

When he got back to the dojo Hiroto had already prepared the next test dor him.

This wasnt one of those that he had brought originally since he thought that he could be sure that Jim was a human. He once again showed how the test worked. He grabbed a clear crystall ball. "You will now see that this spere will turn purple wich means i am a person of the 15th demon race." As exoected the spere turned purple and emmitted the same light as his eyes and horns did.

Jim was confused at the words and asked what the difference i colour exactly meant. He had seen that all 15 demon families had different colors and powers but he had thought that all the demons where the same apart from that however Hirotos words sounded like there where 15 different species.

Hiroto explained that there actually where 15 different demon kinds. 

"Im gonna explain the demon kind to you" He said and proceeded with his story.

"In the beginning there where 15 demons with differen powers and tasks. 

There was the first demon. He watched over the humans in their sleep. He brought them to the sleep world and back. He was called a sleep demon.

There was the second demon. He was in power of the dreams. He protected the good dreams of the nightmares. He was called The ruler of Dreams. His family is reffered to as dream rulers.

There was the third demon. At first she was the only demon without a task but later she became the lawkeeper. Her power let her controll the other demons. Her power made her one of the most powerful demons in existance. She was called a demon ruler. She was the only demon wich had a limit of members of her family because the others thought that she might become to powerfull.

She was called The demon of punishement.

The fourtht demon was the demon that had the power to rule over light. 

Since demons are weaker in the dark he was the strongest demon ever. He later became the demon king and he only has two descendants one son and one daughter. They are the royal family.

Their kind is called bringers of light.

The demon number five had the power to rule over the earth. She was tasked with building the city togheter with the sixth, seventh and eight demons wich had the powers of fire, water and wind. Those demons are called the Elemental demons and they have a strong bond between the four families.

The nintht demon had the power of electicity she brought power to the city. They are called Lightning demons.

The tenth demon had no power but he was a great inventor and helped the construcion of the city and he and his family have invented many different things like energy storages transportation devices and other things. His family is just reffered to as demons or basic demons.

The eleventh demon was a Healing demon he has the power of healing. The eleventh family has a  very high social standing because of their power. they have the best connections to the other families and keep themselves out of trouble. They are called healers or healing demons.

Demon twelve had the power to tell if someone lies and therefore is tasked to be the judge in disputes. The twelved is one of the smaller families. they are called truth demons.

The thirteenth family has the power of recreation or cloning of items. They mostly sell things on the marketplace. The thirteenth family is one of the weakest families because they arent fighters. They also cant use their powers often and can only recreate things to a cerntaint complexity. They are called Cloning demons

the fourteenth demon is a mistery. No one knows their power and they live in a different part of the demon world. If you can trust the rumours they had a dissagreement with the king and because of that left the city.

Theres also me the 15th demon with the power of energy manipulation. We are great fighters but our power is also a little bit of a secret so i cant tell you the full extent im sorry. We are called Power demons." 

Jim asked Ophelia quietly how 15 demons could create fifteen different bloodlines but Ophelia didnt know the answer either.

"Now are you ready to take the final test?" Hiroto said with the sphere still in his hand.




3-4 times a week

9pm (GMT+2)