
Mask Holder

A Mask can hold Great Power. Wear it for too long, and you lose oneself. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - No Name, No Objective, and No Escape. There is a boy who travels between [Veils], sometimes appearing in already occupied Spaces. When he appears, the [Shadow] is immediately taken care of with his Blade, and the [Masks] are left with nothing to do. When faced with greater threats, the boy will begin to use 2 Weapons. One of which is a Sword as Black as Space, and a Gun as White as the Moon. When both weapons are in play, every enemy is dealt with swiftly, and flawlessly. There is a downside to his appearance, however. When he defeats the [Shadow], the [Shard] is taken by him without a single word. Nobody knows who he is, or if he is Human. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Bright Light floods his vision as he opens his eyes. Not knowing where he is, he wanders the Plains, aimlessly roaming, and looking for Signs of Life. As he wandered, he found a Little Girl who was "Training" with a Wooden Stick. Not being able to bear her terrible swordsmanship, he walks up to her, and draws his blade. The Girl, frightened and confused, began to fight him. As the days went by, her Swordsmanship grew steadily. As "He" taught her his Sword Technique, he continued to eliminate [Shadows]. This is the Story of a Mysterious Boy who has finally escaped the Ropes that tied him down, and into a New World that he had yet to explore.

_LucXy · Fantasie
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16 Chs

Masks Chapter 3.3 : Taught and Learnt

. . .

"Hold it back!"

. . .

"We can't keep it still long enough!"

. . .

"It's doing that attack again! Everybody get to cover!"

. . .

"Damn it! I got hit... Now wha-"

. . .

"I guess... this is the end for me..."

. . .

"...Huh? Who... Who are you?"

. . .

. . .

. . .

'...Another Memory.'

Trying to get up, he stops.

Looking down, he saw Lenn, Rio and Mika laying on his chest, sleeping.

'...I guess they were worried. What time is it?'


Turning his head, he spots Narine sitting in a chair at the table.

"Ah, Narine. What time is it?"


"So, is it still possible to make it to the Hunting Group?"

"...Of the next day."

"...Huh? By next day, you mean..."

"It's been 24 Hours. Care for an explanation?"

'...I don't even know myself.'

"It seems that I am heavily limited outside the [Veils]. If I do anything too extreme, then I seem to lose consciousness."

"...It's strange enough that you can use a [Mask], let alone other Abilities, but now your telling me you're 'Heavily Limited'? What's next on your list of 'Unnatural Things you can do'?"

"I used an ability that can only be used once every few months, but it's never taken so much of a toll on my body. How was the Hunt?"

"Unsuccessful. 2 of the 6 injured, and the Wolves almost managed to maul one of them to death. We took some damage, but no casualties."

"Injured? By Wolves?"

"They said it was an Ambush. These Wolves are more intelligent than we expected. Luckily, the Hunt Leader managed to get everyone back to safety. Apparently he also managed to wound a few of them, albeit with shallow wounds."

'Now that I think about it, they surrounded me last time as well.'

"So, we just need to negotiate with the Wolves somehow?"

"...You have a way, don't you?"

"I didn't even know how to speak your Language when we first met. In a way, yes. I have a way."

"Good. That's some good information. I'll leave it to you, but this won't be officially recognized, since we don't know what others can do with that info."

"That makes it easier for me. I'll get going the- Oh... right."

Slowly, he got up carefully, as to not wake them.

"Hmm~... Max? Max!"

Lenn awoke.

"Had a good slee- oof!"

"Max! I thought you were dead! Y-You suddenly fell and..."

"I'm fine. Doing what I did just took a bit more out of me than I thought.I'm okay now."

"Are you really? Yesterday you seemed to be in pain when it happened..."

'In pain? I... I don't even remember what that feels like. How could I have been in pain?'

"Anyways, due to the injuries of the Hunters, we're postponing the Hunt to tomorrow, so if you're gonna do 'It', then you should hurry. We only have have half a day left." Narine said.

"Right. Lenn, can I ask you to watch Rio and Mika for a while?"

"Yes! I'll protect them with all I have! I won't let anybody hurt them again!"

"I'm counting on you."

"Oh and... what you said yesterday... um..."

"Yesterday? If I recall..."

"Am I..."

"...Well, I did say 'My Children', did I not?"

Lenn seemed happy with that answer.

'Although, it was kind of in the Heat of the Moment... Let's not tell her that.'

"Well, I'll be off. I'll be back in a bit."

[Patience : Place to Place]

In an instant, the Room was gone, and Max was now in the middle of the Forest.

'...That was reckless. I still don't know what Abilities will cost me. Luckily, this one seems to be fine.'

Looking up, he saw the Red Color of the Apples.

'I'm at the Apple Tree, which is where I was surrounded before.'

[Hybrid - Observant World, Convey Interpretation]

A Line went from the Top to the Bottom of the Mask. Along with it, a Zigzag Line formed from Ear to Ear.

'...They're already here?'

Once again, he was surrounded.

"Uh, is it okay of we talk? I didn't come here cause trouble."

An uneasy silence filled the air.

A moment went by.

Then another.

And another.

Finally, a rustle was heard up ahead.

A Large Grey Wolf appeared from the Bushes, looming over Max with his size.

"A Human without Fear my Forest? The Nerve. If he doesn't leave, I'll just rip him to shreds."

"That'll be a problem, in more ways than one."

"What!? You... How can you..."

"Let's just say I'm different from most people. Anyways, I have come to negotiate with you."

"Negotiate? I don't know what planet you fell from, but negotiation is impossible."

"Well, the only thing we want is to gather some Meat from hunting other Animals. If you keep attacking us, then we'll have no choice but to find a more... unsatisfying way of doing things."

"Hahaha! And what if I don't cooperate? What are you gonna do? You're body is frail, and you can't hope to outrun me or my pack!"

"...Then I guess I'll calm you down first."

"Ha!? Calm me down!? Who wi-

[Hate : Shadow Snare]

[Hate : Intimidate]

[Hate : Overwhelm]

The Wolves became unable to move.

They were struck with not only fear, but another overwhelming force that kept them at bay.

"Now... let's talk."

. . .

. . .

. . .

"All of these books... in an hour?"

Narine was at the Library along with Mami.

"An Hour!? It was more like 10 Minutes! When I watched him, he was reading normally! But as soon as I turn my back, I look at him again, and he's already on a different book!"

"This speed of reading..."

"I even made him answer a few questions, and even I made a mistake! Where did you find this kid?"

"Hah! I didn't find anyone! Instead, he found us by chance! And he's not a Kid! He's 20-"

Someone suddenly bursts through the door.

"Chief! You need to see this! It's the Newcomer! He..."

Rushing outside, she sees Max at the Gate.

"Max? It hasn't even been half an..."

She immediately froze.

"...What the hell am I looking at?"

Behind Max was the entire Pack of Wolves, cowering behind him.

The other uninjured Hunters held their weapons in their hands, ready to strike.

"Ah! Chief Narine! I solved the Wolf Problem! They'll even help us hunt!"

The Pack Leader just lowered his head.

"When can this nightmare end?"

. . .