
Blast Attack!

"Very good, we have reached the end of our Conversation. Regarding the follow-up matters of General Ross, you can directly hand it over to Zemo, and he will do it all, Lady Countess."

Anna's pupils shrank just because of Raphael last word.

The Henrietta family had to give up their former titles because of Hydra's calculations. Obviously, the honorific title of "Countess" for female nobles could not fall on her head.

Of course Anna hoped that she could regain Henrietta's title, even if the title had long since lived up to its name and lost its rightful position, she still wanted to get it back.

This is her regret and her obsession.

It makes no sense for her to say that she is a duke, because she cannot be recognized by others.

Unfortunately, when she proposed to restore the title of Duke Henrietta at the government meeting, most people protested.

No one wants Sokovia to return to the former principality, even though Anna has repeatedly said that she will never change the presidential system.

And what Raphael means that he intends to help Anna.

"How can he help?" Anna couldn't think of it. She didn't think that the other party could make most of Sokovia's senators change their minds. If he really had such great power, he wouldn't have to see himself.

"You are doubting whether I can help you restore your title, right?"

Anna tacitly agreed, she couldn't help but have doubts.

"You can't think of a solution because you're trying to convince those people in a normal way, but I won't do it this way. I'll directly make an offer to them that they can't refuse."

Raphael said , "It only takes a week and you will get your title, and you don't need to ask anything before that."

Somehow, after hearing Raphael's whimsical words, Anna actually began to believe him!

"Thank you, Vongola Primo."

Anna thanked respectfully.

Whether the respect of the female president is sincere, Raphael can easily feel it.

Her heart is more angry, unwilling and humiliated. It is normal to have such emotions. After all, Raphael's words are full of threats.

Gratitude also exists, but it is not enough to offset other emotions, even too small.

What makes Rafael relieved is that she does not have extreme emotions such as resentment, which means that the possibility of the two sides becoming enemies is very low. At least until the situation in Sokovia is completely stabilized, Anna does not dare to confront it.

Although it is certainly not possible to cooperate sincerely, at least it will not be stabbed in the back.

As long as Anna Henrietta is not a fool, she will be able to see the reality clearly. Sokovia cannot do anything without the protection of The Vongola, and she cannot do anything without the support of Raphael.

Sokovia and Vongola have long been related to each other.

Both parties knew that although Hydra temporarily evacuated Sokovia, their coveting here would never dissipate, and there would be no shortage of small moves secretly.

And these secret actions, the Sokovia government has no ability to deal with, but when they fall into the hands of the Vongola family who have extraordinary power, the solution is very simple and rude.

Many unimaginable unknown and dark things can usually be solved once they encounter a force beyond human understanding.

Only the more powerful extraordinary or the corresponding worldly power can give the supernatural a headache.

Obviously, Sokovia does not possess such secular power.

There are only two things that the Sokovia government can give to the Vongola family , one is the unrestricted privilege, and the other is to help cover up Pengele's existence as much as possible.

If HYDRA was made aware of the realities of the Vongola family, then whether it was the Red Skull faction headed by Pierce, Baron Strucker and Whitehall, or the old faction headed by the Malik family, Mrs. Viper, etc.

It is impossible for them to allow a new supernatural force to rise, and they will definitely use the strongest force to deal with Raphael.

There are not many supernatural forces in this world right now.

Needless to say, Kama Taj and Kunlun are two detached people. They don't care about disputes in the world at all. As long as they don't blow up the earth, they won't come forward.

Others like the League of Assassins, the Court of Owls, the Hand ,the Ten Rings , the Inhumans, the Vampires... There are also scattered superpowers who know how many there are.

In short, these hard stubble, even Hydra can't easily knock down.

Fortunately, none of these forces want to conquer the world, and there is not much conflict of interest with Hydra. At present, they can barely maintain a balance, and occasionally even cooperate.

But they will never sit idly by and watch a new supernatural force grow, and it is only a matter of time before the Vongola family meets them.

Raphael just postponed this time as much as possible, he needs to slowly accumulate strength.

The outcome of the talks is tentatively acceptable to both parties. Even if the female president is unwilling, she can only endure it. Who makes her the weaker party?

The weak will always submit to the strong. Whether it is slavery or peace depends on the meaning of the strong. The weak has no right to choose.

This is the cruelest truth. If you don't want to be weak, then try to be stronger!

Maybe now Anna is thinking that one day the government will become stronger and will be able to conquer the Vongola family, but unfortunately that day will never come.

At the end of the meeting, the female president turned around and left. When she was about to walk out of the door, Raphael's voice rang again.

"We will deal directly with Ross, but this account will be charged to the government."

The implication is that sending money to pull the relationship matters, the relationship is mine, and you have to pay for the money.

"...No problem, do I need to sign an agreement?"

Anna calmed down and asked with a calm face.

"Our cooperation doesn't require that kind of stuff. When I need you to repay, I will get it myself, and you will definitely give it."

"Then, please walk slowly, Countess Henrietta..."

Suddenly, an uneasy feeling struck Raphael's heart, and he immediately turned to stare at Anna's back as she pushed the door open.

"No, it's not her..."

Raphael frowned, Johnny and the others did not send a signal, which meant that they did not find any trace of the enemy.

So what does this feel like?

Under doubt, Raphael quietly came to the door and looked out.

I saw Anna and Zemo walking side by side, and the two returned to the car, ready to start the car and leave.

Raphael's eyes were fixed on the car, and he felt more and more uneasy.

When Zemo opened the driver's door and sat on it, Raphael's sense of uncertainty reached its peak.

"Zemo, get out of the car, there is danger in the car!"

No time to think about it, Raphael immediately shouted loudly.

Zemo and Anna heard Raphael's voice at the same time, but Anna didn't react at all, while Zemo subconsciously obeyed Raphael's words.

He pushed Anna out of the car and quickly fell down in the opposite direction.


At this moment, the car suddenly exploded, and the strong shock wave pushed Zemo and Anna out a few meters with astonishing power.

Anna fell directly on the ground like if she is dead, and even Zemo lost the ability to move.

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