
marvel: we are legion

" The MC wakes up after falling with a meteorite and realizes that he is a klintar" This is one of my first writings, if you want to contribute something to the fanfic you can write it to me in the comments. I don't know English, I'm using the google translate. En mi perfin esta la escritura original en español, alli escribo primero y despues lo paso por el traductor No soy dueño de ningun personaje que aparezca, todo le partenece a sus respectivos dueños(marvel) Thank you for reading

xanxus131 · Filme
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16 Chs


I woke up at 4:30 a.m. and I was thinking about what name I would use to introduce myself, the name of my puppet was LEonor GIannotti ONa but I was not human, I was thinking until I remembered a comic in which carnage spreads and begins to control many people and heroes, that comic me I really liked it since it was like a LEGION of symbiotes, so from now on my symbiote name will be LEGION and it seems very convenient since it uses the initials of my puppet's name,

With my name ready, I begin to prepare the suitcase that I will take on the trip, although it is only for show since I absorbed the important things long ago.

I leave the building and go to the street to take a car that will take me to the place, already in the car the driver tries to start a conversation.

"Where am I taking you young man" says the driver

"Take me to the street... which is close to the recruitment center" I tell him

"You were recruited to serve in this war, what a pity" the man tells me, sounding sad and pitying.

"I joined the army on my own, I have big plans" I say excited

"It's better that you get rid of those ideas of honor and glory that the advertisements put in your head" he tells me and I hear him say in a low voice- "maybe that way you can last longer than my son".

And so we continue talking until we reach my destination and I get off, when I'm done paying him and I start to walk away I hear him say behind my back.

"take care boy and think about what I told you"

I turned around and told him with a smile "don't worry about me, I'm sure I will benefit a lot from this situation" and entered the recruitment center.

inside I realize that I am the first to arrive and they say that I have to wait until 7:00 a.m. for the other recruits to arrive and to be able to take the truck that will take us.

I look for a place and I sit waiting for the time to leave, the other recruits are arriving 1 by 1 and with 30 minutes to go I see Steve enter the door and nervously he begins to look for a place to sit, so I get up excited and I go to talk to him.

"Hello friend, what are you doing standing at the door?" I say, sounding friendly.

"ah hello, I was looking for where I can sit, but it seems that those guys don't want me sitting next to them" he says and I turn around and see that the boys look at Steve with mockery and talk among themselves laughing at him.

"Don't worry about them, come sit with me" I tell him and go to where I was sitting

"ok" he tells me and starts to follow me, when we sit down we start talking until I ask him why he joined the army.

"And tell me why you decided to join the army" I say and I look at him from head to toe from above since I'm 20 centimeters taller than him -"I don't think it's the place for someone like you" I say a little embarrassed by my words.

"My parents died helping in the war, I see soldiers go to war every day, my best friend also joined and I don't want to do less than those men" he tells me and I see in his eyes a conviction that seems like a fire burning immensely .

"Wow, I don't know if you're brave or dumb, but I'm glad to have someone like you watching my back," I tell him.

"By the way, my name is LEonor GIannotti ONa, but they know me as LEGION" I say with a smile

"and what's yours?" I ask him

"Steven Grant Rogers but you can call me steve" he answers me

"I hope we're good friends" I tell him smiling and give him a handshake

"Me too" he answers smiling and shakes my hand, we continue talking until someone came through the door and called the recruits it was time for us to leave

They took us to the street where the military truck that would take us was waiting for us. When I got into the truck I turned around and holding out my hand to help him get on I told him - "when we get on that truck this adventure will begin and there will be no turning back, are you ready?"

"Of course, I was never more ready" he takes my hand and answers me with a smile, and the truck started to drive towards the training field.


hello friends, here is chapter 6, thanks to those who commented on the previous chapters they gave me good ideas for later chapters, also thanks to Vgrass for the power stone that he gave to my story although I don't know what it's for.

If you are wondering the name I just chose it randomly so that it would match well

I also wanted to complain a bit since just when I almost finished this chapter and was about to publish it, all my progress was deleted and I almost left the chapter for tomorrow

Well that's it

Thanks for reading and supporting my story.