
Wellcome to home

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[I am writing this story to relieve my boredom, I will use a translation application because my English is not enough to write, so I would appreciate if you ignore translation mistakes.😊]


Before I decide to go to sleep out of boredom, I take another look at the endless stars. One day in the future I want to travel the whole universe and embark on hundreds of adventures.

After a while

A big blue ball!!! To be precise, this is my new home, Earth. Although I know Viltrumans are aggressive, arrogant and cruel, I am not just a Viltrum. I also used to be human. I still believe in the worldview I had in my old life. I believe that every being is valuable. Arrogance only blinds me.

Even if I want to be arrogant, I can't be arrogant. Because I realise that there is a being far more powerful than me. A being who gave me all my powers. A real God. So it's hard for me to have a God complex.

While I'm thinking to myself, the space capsule is already travelling towards the earth. I'm looking at a world that's getting bigger and bigger. I don't know what year it is, but I hope it's not too early.

America, Kansas , 1980

Dave Miller pov

Today is the shittiest day of my life. My wife and I went to the hospital in town for a pregnancy test. There we were confronted with a reality that shattered all our dreams. My wife couldn't get pregnant because of a problem with her uterus. I know she wants a child. She's a wonderful person in every way. I will always love her very much. But it hurts my heart not knowing how to cheer her up right now. She's been crying in her bedroom for the last hour.

"Maria, please, talk to me. My love, don't wear yourself out."

Maria could hear the trembling in her husband's voice. She wanted to have a complete family with her husband. But the fact that she couldn't bear children was enough to ruin all her dreams. Slowly she opened the door. She saw her husband looking at her with sadness. Her calm heart was filled with sadness again. Tears began to flow.

"I'm sorry Dave, I can't give you a child. I.."

Maria's words were interrupted by Dave. He took his sad wife's hands.

"Maria, don't talk like that. You're everything to me. Please don't cry. God is testing us, dear. Remember, the doctor said there's a small chance of getting pregnant.

"Dave, I just..."


Maria was interrupted by an explosion.

"Oh, my God, what's going on? Maria, stay behind me. It came from the backyard."

Dave took slow steps to the window in the back garden. He saw a strange object outside. After observing it for a few minutes, he decided to go outside.

"Dave, be careful. Don't get too close. We don't know what's going on."

Maria warned Dave she was following him from behind.


As the two approached slowly, the capsule door began to open.

Arthur pov

[I'm finally on Earth. Goddamn, I wonder how many months I've been drifting in space.]

As I'm thinking slowly, I see a giant holding a baseball bat!!!! No, false alarm. It's not a giant. Just an adult. Behind him was a petite woman with brown hair. She looked at me with puzzled eyes. The moment our eyes met, I felt an incomprehensible love for her. I didn't have a family in my previous life. I grew up in an orphanage, so I don't know what family love is. But when I look at the couple standing in front of me, I can't help but feel my heart warm.

"Dave, am I seeing it wrong or is there a baby in that thing?"

"There's definitely a baby, darling."

Dave shook his head with a dazed expression. Maria began to approach slowly with the capuchin.

"HEY Maria, what are you doing? Get back, we don't know what happened.

"There's a baby in there, Dave."

Maria objected.

"Babies don't fall from the sky, Maria."

Dave said it angrily. Then he calmed down.

"I think we should call the authorities. Maybe this baby is a Soviet secret weapon or something."

"You're not gonna call anybody, Dave Miller. This baby is a gift from God. You understand me.

(You have no idea how right you are).

Maria came to Arthur without waiting any longer. She embraced him gently.

"Okay, little man, don't be scared. We won't hurt you."

Maria looked down at the baby in her arms. She had bright blue eyes like Dave. Her hair was light brown like his. The baby looked at her with a smile.

Maria, her maternal instincts kicking in, took -999 real damage. She could have sworn that her son was the sweetest creature in the entire universe. Without realising it, Maria had already come to think of Arthur as her son.

Dave was hesitating. He wasn't sure what to do. This baby was definitely no ordinary baby. The logical thing to do was to call the police immediately. But he was sure that if he did that, his wife would never forgive him. Although he still had his doubts about Arthur, he wanted to observe him a little more.

Looking at his wife's happy face, Dave thought.

[Perhaps this child is truly a gift from God.]

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