
Chapter 4:Breakfast In Bed

[Location: Central Park Tower - 88th Floor - Saliths Penthouse]

The next day soon rolled around but by the time Salith woke up it was around 5 o'clock in the afternoon.

She lay facing down on her stomach, blinking slowly as she looked around in confusion, but not long after all the memories of last night came back causing her to rub her head in embarrassment and pain.

Embarrassment from the mind-breaking sex and the way she acted, and pain from the mind-blowing sex. She winced as she felt aches throughout her body.

Quinn was a demon in bed, she thought she had the advantage taking into account her superhuman ability and stamina...but he...he was something else.

Not that she disliked that mind you it's the best sex she's ever had." Ugh!!! He could have been a little gentler though, I can barely feel my lower half, I don't think I'll be able to walk normally for a few days."

He wasn't kidding when he said he wouldn't stop until he was satisfied, he completely fucked her as he pleased.

But would she do it all over again if given the choice...ha! She would do it right now if her body wasn't in so much pain. Slowly Salith got up, the sheets hiding her worn body slowly slid down exposing her mesmerizing curves, toned stomach and perky tits.

Her whole body was covered in hickeys, there wasn't an area left untouched by Quinn last night." You really did a number on me huh Qui..."

Oh, she looked around....he wasn't in bed, where did he...his clothes were gone too.


She froze for a moment before sighing, she couldn't say she didn't feel disappointed, she was looking forward to waking up next to him and having some breakfast.

And maybe after talking about what they wanted to do moving forward, but it seems he only saw this as a one-night thing.

Salith sighed heavily"Ha...at least I got to let loose a bit, though it's quite vexing that he left without even saying goodbye...even after I gave myself to..."

However before she could complete that sentence, her enhanced senses picked up something.


"Sosages...eggs...bacon..and..." Her eyes looked at the door that just opened and saw Quinn walk in with a smile, he had a plate of breakfast in one hand and orange juice in the other.

He was completely exposed beside the Calvin Klein boxers he wore. He had marked her entire body, but he wasn't without his scars either with the red lines on his back were anything to go by.

For some reason, she felt smug seeing those marks. Quinn who had just entered eyed Salith taking in her everything on display.

'God this woman is sexy, I feel sorry for the fool who divorced her, how could he let go of such a woman, well bad luck for him, I guess.'

"Morning Salith, I hope you're hungry because I made you some breakfast. I hope you don't mind that I used the ingredients in your fridge."

"I don't mind, and you didn't need to do that, you're a guest in my home I should have been the one to..." She wanted to say that it should have been her cooking for him but he shook his head.

"After last night...I don't think it's a good idea for you to be walking for a few hours. You are hurting aren't you." Quinn said with a knowing smile setting the food down on the side table.

"And whose fault is that...." She said with a blaming tone but Quinn just chuckled, closing in on her neck and giving it a light peck.

Salith sighed in satisfaction" I didn't hear you complaining about it last night....my queen." He then laughed seeing the bright red blush on her cheeks.

"Please forget that, It was the alcohol, don't expect me to call you that next time." She said as she felt him place another kiss on her breast.

"Fair enough, now let's get some food in your stomach yeah, afterwards you can rest up before we go again..."

"Yes, your right...wait did you say again???" Alarm bells immediately went off in Saliths head.

"Of course, didn't I tell you before I wouldn't stop until I was satisfied....and I am far from satisfied my Queen."

"You must be jesting right, we did it for hours last night and I can barely feel my lower half." She looked at him, hoping he would tell her it was a joke, but all he did was raise a brow.

He was serious...wasn't he, he's a fucking sex god if he could still get hard after how many times he ejaculated inside and outside of her.

Hell, she could still feel his cum inside her, which she would need to wash out in an hour or so.

"Quinn I don't think my bo-dy could...no not there~" Before she could deny him he started attacking her most sensitive areas, the places he found aroused her whenever he touched them, he discovered them throughout their little sex marathon.

"I'll give you a day, but after that...hehe~you better get ready to have me inside you again...and again...and again." He said, inwardly smiling as he smelt her hormones increasing.

Salith shuddered, what had she gotten herself into, with how things were last night, how long would it take to satisfy him?

Was she even going to be able to keep her sanity by the end of it, despite her apprehension, she also felt excited.

This was a new experience, but one she was willing and looking forward to following through with.

After that, she started eating the breakfast that Quinn had made which was delicious, meanwhile, he lay on the bed next to her, running his hand through her long crimson locks.

'To think it's already been 17 years since I came to this world, I'm 20 years old now yet I've experienced so much...its truly been one helluva ride.'

'But I can't stop now, despite the want to maybe settle down...I can't, not yet at least, not until I kill every single one of those fuckers.' His mind wandered, as his hold on Salith softened.

'It won't be too long now, please wait a little longer...mum.'

"Medusalith Amaquelin..." As Salith was eating her breakfast she suddenly stopped, before saying something Quinn didn't quite understand at first.

"Medusalith Amaquelin...that's my full name. You can keep calling me Salith or Medusalith, whatever you feel more comfortable with."

"Medusalith Amaquelin...that's a pretty unique name, your parents must have loved Greek mythology," Quinn commented but then a smile tugged at his mouth.

"But I think I prefer my Qu..." She immediately gave him a mean side eye, and Quinn stopped clearly getting the memo.

"All right, all right from now on you're my Salith," Quinn said as his hands trailed her stomach.

She hummed before looking at him with a quirked brow."Who says I was yours."

"Well of course you did, multiple times might I add, if you want I can repeat exactly when..." Medusalith pinched his waist while glaring at him but he only laughed and she soon joined him, before they just layed in bed and talked.

This was a sweet moment in Quinn's day-to-day life, but It wasn't always like this. To understand that we would have to go back.

17 years to be more precise...


[Flashback - 17 years: Earth-TRN565]