
Marvel: The Spider in Endless Sea of Possibilities

We all know the story of Spider-Man, and most of all we know the famous quote from our childhood that we are still reminded of today, "With great power comes great responsibility," And with these words Spider-Man swears to always protect the innocent from evil, and in every universe or even in every alternate world, Spider-Man is a hero who saves everyone by sacrificing his own happiness for the sake of others... A difficult life, full of sacrifice and pain, never achieving anything he can truly call his own. With a distorted sense of values in which he finds self-worth only by helping people without any compensation, feeling that the very act of "helping people" is he reward... The story of Peter Parker who lost Uncle Ben during one of his many battles, or even because of his double life he cannot make his relationship with MJ or even other women in his long hero's life. But what if this time things would be a little different than usual? A different Spider-Man takes on the mantle, this one a Spider-Man who will not take shit from anyone will not have the cursed luck of any Peter Parker or any other being with the same powers. A boy died, without knowing the cause. That should have been the end, but unfortunately, or maybe fortunately for him, it was only the beginning of something really very big. Having no memory of his past life or any information about why he had been reborn, he had no intention of making a life sacrificing himself to others. This was his story! And he will not allow anyone to decide his path in this universe. Reborn of the world in the Marvel universe, one of the most dangerous worlds in fiction. As the only Spider-Man in that universe, but also with abilities never before seen in any single world that make him unique and much more special than any other spider-shooter. But living in a world with man-eating monsters, people who have the ability to manipulate reality, dimensional beings who try to eat his insides or even kill him... To avoid all this, he will become the strongest Spider-Man in every single alternate universe. "Web of life and fate?" Amused laughter. "Even at the cost of recreating every single reality with my own hands, I will not allow myself to live a miserable life! And I will write with my blood my own history...."

Demon_King22 · Anime und Comics
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18 Chs

Chapter - 10

A/N: Original Novel: My Friend and a Yandere Eldritch?

I'm very keen on this, as an idea I've had for a while. So take a look and comment to give me your support!

Also to comment on simple mistakes to make the story flow more smoothly and smoothly.





Chapter -10: Yuri and Silver-Sable Part -1


Jason Hill - Pov

As if on solute, I found myself inside my laboratory, surrounded by the hum of machines and the soft rustle of the mechanical tentacles I had designed to assist me in my projects.

I was deeply absorbed in my work when a holographic projection materialized before me. It was X.A.N.A, advanced artificial intelligence, warning me of a fairly crucial matter I had been waiting for a while.

"Master, I have important information," X.A.N.A's voice resounded in the room. "As you requested, I have been monitoring the movements of Yuri and Silver Sable. They are about to meet to confront the thief known as Black Fox."

My eyes lit up with anticipation. This was the perfect opportunity to step in and gain their trust. I had been planning this for some time, knowing that aligning with them could be beneficial to my future endeavors.

"Thank you, X.A.N.A. This is just what I've been waiting for," I replied, my mind full of possibilities. "Please keep me updated on their exact location and any other relevant details."

With the information in hand, I began to formulate a plan to approach Yuri and Silver Sable. I knew I had to be cautious because gaining their trust would not be an easy task.

- In the end, the best for me and being straightforward with them, knowing their strong personalities and also being very independent.

"Working on multiple projects is really uncomfortable" I could only comment with a sigh as I watched the different holograms in front of me showing me countermeasures to certain opponents I would face in the future.


"What is X.A.N.A.?" I asked confused, not understanding what he wanted since we had faked our discussion.

[I just wanted to remind him of the portal to the negative zone that is about to be finished being built].


"...Really Reed you undoubtedly have a high intelligence, but you make up for it with a low wisdom that even good old Rico (The Penguins of Madagascar) seems smarter than you," I said with a big sigh as I brought my hair back with my hands out of annoyance that was clearly showing on my face.


[Third person].

In their hidden lair, Yuri and Silver Sable were studying a strategy to catch the elusive thief who had repeatedly eluded them.

"Yuri-" Silver Sable interrupted himself mid-sentence and looked over her shoulder, for she felt a sense of danger and her hands could only go to the gun.

Yuri looked there, too; a little tense about her surroundings, to see who that someone might be who had managed to find this place....

*Bang* *Bang* *Bang*

Silver Sable, shot without hesitation into a position that gave her a feeling of danger, as if some predator was watching her ready to devour her.

The tension in the room increased as both Yuri and Silver Sable turned to face the unexpected intruder....

Who was none other than Spider-Man, perched nonchalantly on a nearby ledge, wearing the iconic black and red costume that distinguished him from all the superheroes running around New York at this time.

"You!" Yuri's voice was steeped in surprise and annoyance. Her previous encounter with Spider-Man had been a bit difficult to handle, and his unexpected appearance only added to Yuri's frustration.

"Me," Spider-Man replied, his voice full of amusement. He seemed not to care about the guns pointed in his direction. "Relax, ladies, I'm just here to help."

Silver Sable narrowed her eyes, not entirely convinced of Spider-Man's intentions, which was why she kept holding the gun to his head.

"The last time we crossed paths, you knocked me unconscious, and to make matters worse, you had me waking up in front of my workplace. With a woman who was the victim of an assault and also the man in question." She could not help but say that Yuri was obviously still very angry about that first encounter that will forever be unforgettable at least for her.

"Hey, sometimes saving the city can get messy," retorted Spider-Man in an obvious joking tone. "But I promise I'm on your side this time. The thief you're looking for? I've been keeping an eye on him for quite a while, too, and I can help you catch him since it seems to me that you haven't made much progress on this."

Yuri exchanged a skeptical glance with Silver Sable, but recognized Spider-Man's reputation in crime fighting. Reluctantly, she lowered her weapon, giving him a chance. "All right, but you'd better not interfere or you'll make things worse, otherwise crime in this city will be the least of your problems."

Spider-Man raised his hands in mock surrender. "Scout's honor," he replied, although his identity was hidden beneath his mask.

Silver Sable, still wary, could not help but ask, "How did you find us here?"

"A magician never reveals his secrets," Spider-Man replied with a hint of mystery. "But I have my own methods.... Silver-haired sexy woman?"

"Silvija Sablinova, but I'd rather you call me Silver-Sable while I'm at work," Silver-Sable said in a tone that was clearly leaving little to the imagination.

Spider-Man smiled under his mask, taking note of her request. "Understood, Silver-Sable. As for how I found you, let's just say I have my ways of sniffing out trouble and tracking down those in need."

Yuri, still a bit cautious, asked, "So, are you also on the trail of this thief?

Spider-Man nodded, "That's right. He's wrecking some havoc in the city, and I thought it would be a good idea to keep an eye on him. He's tricky, that's for sure, but I think if we work together we can catch him."

"Anyway," Silver-Sable said, drawing their attention. "The thief, I know who he is, but I can't find him alone."

"Do you know his identity? Right?" Spider-Man asked, although he seemed not very interested as if he already knew everything and that annoyed Silver Sable a lot.

"He is infamous with his alias, Black Fox. And he recently stole some jewelry from Symkaria." She said simply, and Spider-Man looked at her nodding unceremoniously.

"Did I hear wrong or is the thief called Black Fox?" He asked the two beautiful women in front of him as

both turned to look at him, Yuri with a raised eyebrow and Silver-Sable... well, without much expression. Her eyebrows were in that sympathetic frown though. "Yes, Black Fox."

The Black Fox is a daring jewel thief who has had a long criminal career in the United States and Europe.

His crimes have repeatedly brought him into conflict with the hero Spider-Man in the comic books. But since Peter recognized that he had a soft spot for older men because of his memories of Uncle Ben, that was why he repeatedly let the Black Fox go.

But eventually he was able to solve this problem, and he captured and imprisoned Black Fox.

He also trained both Walter and Felicia Hardy, the Black Cat.

Spider-Man smiled under his mask. As he said in a confident voice, "Well, then I know exactly how to act so that I can capture him without too much trouble."

Silver Sable couldn't help but feel a bit irritated by Spider-Man's nonchalant attitude. "Well, I hope your confidence matches your skills."

Behind his mask, Spider-Man smiled. He communicated with his AI, and said, "X.A.N.A., gather all possible targets based on Black Fox's habits and personality, and narrow it down for me."

[Of course, Master. I am searching for potential targets now, taking into account his modus operandi and escape patterns.]

[His next target seems to be...]


A/N: New chapter, hope you enjoy it!

A small arc to be able to introduce our favorite kitten in the near future. And then move on a little bit to the Fantastic four and give some real wisdom.

Also, for a future in what universe do you want Mc to travel to? 616 to be able to show how venomous a spider can be to every hero and villain? Or some other interesting universe.

.....Ed give Paul a good punch in the face and maybe even have sex with the black cat from that universe.

Tell me what you think of the story with lots of comments to let me know what you think and what you would like to see or even some improvements I could make.

I will use some sources from some good Spider-Man comics, some of you may have already figured it out from some things, but please don't make spoilers for those who have not read the comics. Let the mystery remain.


Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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