
Optimus Prime

Downey finally ran out of the parking lot and the little Transformer caught up with him. Downey grabbed it and turned it back into a cell phone.

As if Downey was in two completely different worlds, outside everything went on as usual. Pedestrians lived a peaceful, everyday life, not knowing anything about the danger that lurked. The underground parking lot was blocked off and a fierce fight broke out inside. Many people were killed or injured. Many people have also become disabled or crippled as a result and can only expect to spend their entire lives in a wheelchair or in a hospital bed for the rest of their lives.

Downey won't have such boring thoughts, like self-censorship and blame.

He has nothing left to live for, so he cared about other people?

Downey knew how dangerous this world is and how desperate the future awaits.

It won't be long before countless monsters, aliens, demons and ghosts take the stage in this great controversy, many legendary characters will also be awakening one after another in these troubled times. Numerous mighty men who could run through an age appeared one after another and one many of them will die like ants, with corpses everywhere.

This is an unprecedented era for this world. Countless mighty people and mighty civilizations will come together, blooming like flowers in a wild field, this is the true meaning of prosperity. But this is also the darkest and most turbulent era, and there will be countless souls mourning in the cosmic starry sky for a long time.

Those are born, if they fight, indisputably one must be prepared to die!

Downey has the clearest understanding of the future. It is a sea of blood, darkness, turmoil and unprecedented chaos. He has a great vision that goes beyond this era and he knows exactly what has to be done for the future.

Downey was riding his motorcycle, speeding all the time through the city streets and soon some people were chasing him, or they were riding a motorcycle, or driving a car, trying to chase him hard.

But they still have some scruples, not daring to fire at will so as not to cause civilian casualties.

Someone ran ahead of him wearing glasses, standing in the middle of the street, some distance away from him, apparently wanting to stop Downey in advance.

"Mr. Downey, our boss really wants to ask you for a chat!" the man shouted, waving his hands.

"Who is your boss?"

"King of Crime (aka Wilson Fisk)," said the man.

[A/N: Kingpin in the comment]


Downey shot and wounded the man. He had no interest in following the Kingpin. The future was very limited and the superior combat power was not very good. When the situation changes drastically in the near future, this power will instantly turn to ash.

The Kingpin, after all, is the Emperor of the Underworld, nothing more.

The Kingpin from a distance watched this scene, threw his cup angrily, roared angrily and declared that sooner or later he would kill this arrogant fellow alone.

Downey continued accelerating at an alarming rate, causing many shouts from pedestrians and cursing from these people.

Downey turned into some small alleys. He had already memorized the terrain of this area when he was at the Empire State Building earlier. The most important thing is to keep in mind the locations of the various alleys and small vendors. This can be used by him at any time. The concealment made it easy for him to escape.

The terrain here might restrict some people, and more importantly, it's a short way to save time.


A wound appeared in Downey's stomach, making him look in shock!

Blood dripping as he traces the outline of a dagger, barely able to see a finger of the dagger blade digging into his body.

He had an invisible person! Proficient in murder!

A mutant has finally sprung into action against him!

Downey's face was pale and the motorcycle quickly deformed. In Transformer form, he held Downey in one hand and with a created knife in his other hand. Similar to the dagger in Downey's belly.

A hit, properly hidden in the shadows, this is a mutant with the power of invisibility and a cautious personality, an extremely difficult being to deal with.

The Tinder in your mind is constantly bouncing around, the light is bright and dark at alternate times which is quite erratic (this is not due to the wound). His control is trying to heal the wound, but as the dagger hit an artery and an internal organ, the damage is too severe to repair quickly (he's already removed the dagger from his belly). Realizing that his regeneration alone won't close quickly, Downey uses a portion of his Tinder to repair the damage inflicted on his body, which helps speed up the recovery a bit.

But as he used a lot of power during the previous fight and couldn't fully recover, he can't use much Tinder power to repair his body, leaving him a bit debilitated.

Downey took a good look at the wound, his face instantly ugly. He never thought of returning unharmed from a battle, it was too unreal. A few injuries were certain, but he didn't expect his first injury to be this serious.

Tinder's source is magical stuff, but its source's energy is limited, along with your brain wound, ends up distracting your concentration to manipulate Tinder. Good thing your Control is amazing on its own, needing no source.

This sudden injury shocked the people chasing him, only they were as excited as hungry wolves smelling blood.

A mutant being wounded by an ambush, this is the most straightforward explanation! No matter how strong this monster is, it is also a mortal! If you're a mortal, you can get hurt, and if you get hurt too much, you'll end up dying!

Some people got excited and no longer cared about accidentally injuring civilians, they shamelessly pulled out their guns and shot him, wanting to grab their heads and 'fuck' with the body of this high level mutant.

That seemed like a sign. These violent people drew their guns to shoot Downey, competing with each other for fear that Downey would be killed by someone else.

As for who is that invisible mutant? It didn't matter, but it sure must be sent by some force and their goal is to kill Downey.

Downey swore. He thought early on that someone could hire a mutant to deal with him, but he didn't expect it to be one that turns invisible and was almost killed by a single blow from this mutant. If the dagger had stabbed him in the head right now… Downey would be meeting his parents right now. During this crisis, Downey couldn't help but shiver and be shocked, even breaking into a cold sweat.

There were a few bullets coming from behind, but luckily they were all blocked. Downey just needed to get somewhere safe so he could heal in peace, maybe the hospital or some abandoned building.

The pursuers are getting more and more excited, their breathing is heavy and their eyes are turning scarlet, they think they can defeat this monster.

Suddenly, machine guns suddenly sounded and a large number of pursuers were killed, while screaming and falling to the ground one after another, some of their vehicles burst their fuel tanks and exploded!

A group of people in black blocked the way in the middle of the alley, their leader wearing dark glasses and a cold expression, as they led people to frantically shoot the people chasing Downey, causing numerous casualties in an instant.

As Downey was approaching, the man with the sunglasses stepped out of the way and threw a cell phone over him.

Downey was suspicious, but he still picked up the phone as he passed. It looked like someone wanted to save him while keeping him in danger. Maybe someone would use this phone to contact you later.

Tinder's energy quickly dipped into the phone and from the feedback there were no structures like a bomb or anything like that, Downey breathed a sigh of relief. Although he was confused about who saved him, it doesn't matter anymore, this is something for the future.

After a bit of resistance, the group of people quickly retreated (those who arrived to save Downey). They were well trained and never procrastinated. In other words, your task is just to send that cell phone.

The pursuers regrouped and continued to pursue him, vowing not to stop here without killing Downey.

"Come on, you are some cowardly species, I'll let you even fight me one-handed, dare you?" A skinny guy yelled at Downey arrogantly over a loudspeaker.

Where did the speaker come from? Is there something supernatural?

"Today's generation of young mutants only knows how to run away, not daring to resist and only knowing how to run cowardly, which is disappointing! I thought I had found a worthy opponent for an epic battle, but that's all."

A holy light rises from the thin man's body, which is very dazzling.

Any unsuspecting person would frown. Wondering if this person is thin and unthreatening. Is it any known strong person?

The faces of those who knew the truth were flushed, especially those who ran with him in the parking lot, almost hiding their faces and moving away from this person, afraid of being seen by someone.

It's very embarrassing, very embarrassing, why does this person belong on their side? It's so embarrassing to be around this person.

As if he was irritated by the provocative words, Downey skidded and the motorcycle turned 180 degrees to meet them.

Downey finally stopped running!

Everyone was very happy, the crowd rushed forward, trying to fight for this mutant's body.

The thin man's heart was clumsy, he was very shy (cowardly) and his intuition told him that something big was going to happen, all his hair was standing on end and he shivered subconsciously, his face showed a fawning look.

He has a strong sixth sense since childhood. This is the reason why he managed to live in this industry until now. He relies a lot on his sixth sense.

"Are we stupid mutants finally stopping running? Come fight me, I will only use one hand!"

The thin man screamed with a strong aura surrounding him. He kept taunting, making speeches and motivating everyone to attack, but his body moved backwards, as he kept yelling taunts: "Let me use one hand and I'll kill you with a maximum of three blows! Are you afraid? Shake with fear, tell me how scared you are!"

Many people also secretly follow the skinny's back.

Someone finally discovered something was wrong and asked in surprise, "Everyone ran forward, why are you backing away?"

The thin man pretended to be calm: "I'm worried he still has a helper. I have to help everyone from behind and protect our rear. The credit will be all yours. I volunteer to do the most difficult and dangerous thing. Don't forget about me when you develop. Do not forget each other."

A holy light rises from the thin body.

Many people were moved and praised the thin man for his kindness, but in their hearts they cursed the "stupid x" and rushed to lay siege to Downey.

Downey laughed, he fled all the way, finally attracted the group of people. He could have used a simpler method, but he didn't want to.

With a deafening roar resounding in the sky, a relatively broken truck crashed through the hospital wall and ran away, causing countless people's eyes to widen!

Isn't this car broken? Didn't it turn into scrap and wasn't supposed to be able to move again?!

"You are all going to die here, don't even think about running away!" Downey said angrily, being chased and beaten along the way, he is still an individual who gets angry.

Although the truck appears to be broken down, it was basically able to move. He quickly deformed and became the best-known seven-foot-tall Transformer.

'If that's all...' Downey grimaced at the sight, then commandeered his motorcycle and it was caught by Optimus Prime!

The motorcycle was split into a large and a small part under Downey's fine control, the two parts were then spliced into Optimus Prime one at a time!

[A/N: Imagine the scene where Optimus Prime merges with a retired Decepticon and gains wings, it would be more or less that, only without wings. I tried to find the video or image, but I couldn't (if I'm not mistaken it's in the 3 or 4 movie of the saga).]

The creaking sound is endless, it was like a demon whispering in the crowd's ears, leaving many people cold as if they had fallen into an ice cave.

His information is still not enough! This mutant's ability is far more complex and changeable than they thought, it's even more terrifying than initial estimates! He's a monster!




[º] Image in this chapter