
Chapter 1: Live Streaming System, Odin, and Ancient One's shock

Disclaimer: The scenes/streams may have added content which was not shown in movies. Remember: This is a fanfic, and we have taken some liberties to settle the content.

Chapter length: 900 words on average.

Upload schedule: 2ch/d


The Nine Realms, Asgard.


Tens of thousands of people gathered in the magnificent hall, and endless cheers resounded through this land of gods.

Looking at Thor, who was proudly holding up the hammer of the God of Thunder in his hand and receiving the cheers of the people, the King of the Gods, Odin, sat high on his throne with a hint of relief in his eyes.

His eldest son, Thor, would be crowned the new King of Asgard today.

Odin stood up and knocked the end of his Gungnir to the ground.


The hall quieted down.

"Thor Odinson, my heir."

Hearing the word 'heir' from Odin's mouth, Loki, who was standing to one side, immediately lowered his eyes.

He didn't want others to see his expression.

At that moment, he saw a flash of light!

Loki's body suddenly disappeared from the hall as if he was never there.


Odin's only eye widened, with a look of disbelief on his face.

As a Skyfather level being, he could tell in an instant that Loki wasn't using some kind of stealth or teleportation magic. Instead, he just disappeared for no reason.

'Who is it?'

'Who has the ability to kidnap my son before my eyes, the King of the Nine Realms?'

The great hall was also in an uproar, with expressions of disbelief filling the faces of the crowd.

"Loki people? Why is he gone?"

"Odin, what happened just now?"


Also, Thor, the God of Thunder, looked left and right with a stunned expression of disbelief on his face.

Although this brother of his was fond of mischief, he wouldn't play such tricks on such a solemn occasion.

Just then, a huge rectangular holographic projection screen suddenly appeared in the air in the middle of the great hall.


In Kamar Taj.

In this isolated place, a group of disciples was practicing their magic in the square.

"Skillful use of the Sling Ring is important in spells ..."

A black master was making his rounds among the disciples when his brow suddenly furrowed a bit.

Everyone else had already constructed the beginnings of a portal by relying on the Sling Rings, except for an apprentice named Stephen Strange, who wasn't able to build anything.

At that moment, an imposing bald woman stepped out of the building.

"I would like to speak to Strange alone."

Looking at the current Sorcerer Supreme, the Ancient One, Stephen Strange spread out his hands helplessly.

"It's all because of my hands ..."

The Ancient One looked at him with a languid gaze and spoke in a flat tone.

"This has nothing to do with your hand."

Her words had just fallen. Suddenly, there was a flash of brilliant light, and Stephen Strange's body suddenly disappeared.


Master Ancient One's pupils suddenly contracted, and the relaxed expression on her face instantly disappeared.

Master Mordo was also beside himself with shock, thinking that Master Ancient One had teleported Strange away.

"Master, this is ..."

Master Ancient One slightly frowned and stretched out her hand to stop Mordo from continuing.

Strange disappeared in front of her by some unknown means, which was already an extremely alarming occurrence...

But what surprised Master Ancient One the most was that she had looked into Strange's future before with the Eye of Agamotto, but in no way did it include the scene at hand!

'What is this all about?'

'Could it be that the force that teleported Strange away ... had actually surpassed the Time Stone?'

At this time, a huge screen appeared in front of the Ancient One and the others.


A private plane was soaring in the air, heading for Afghanistan.

Inside the cabin, two men were lying on the sofa, both drunk.

Looking at the unconscious Colonel James Rhodes, Tony Stark shook his head as if trying to stay awake.

Upon arrival in Afghanistan, he was going to hold a demonstration of his new weapons.

If everything went well, Stark Industries would be able to sign another big deal this time.

But then... There was a flash of light, and Tony's figure disappeared from the cabin.


In an unknown space, four men looked at each other. They were all at a loss.

In an instant, they were 'transported' into this unknown space.

Tony looked at the three men beside him and his brows furrowed.

One of the three was a middle-aged man dressed in a monk's robe and a young man of about 18 wearing a pair of dark-framed glasses.

But the oddest thing was the young man with black hair's look.

The man was dressed in an 'ancient costume' with a green cloak. The weirdest thing was, on the top of his helmet, there were two long curved horns!

Retracting his gaze, Tony shrugged his shoulders, unconcerned, and said:

"Well, whoever you are, to kidnap me from a plane, your skills have certainly won my respect."

"Come on, how much ransom do you want?"

Speaking of which, Tony asked again with some curiosity:

"How on earth did you get me here from the plane?"

"Is it ... some new kind of technology?"

When it came to technology, the drunkenness in Tony's eyes disappeared and was replaced by a sense of enthusiasm.

"If you can, please do sell me this technology. At any price you want!"

"Tony Stark, you really are as cocky and arrogant as the rumors have it."

Stephen Strange, dressed in a monk's robe, sneered, with disdain on his face.

"Even if you are the richest man in the world, your wealth is no match for magic."

Tony, a public figure who was often featured on TV and in magazines, was no stranger to Strange.

After seeing Master Ancient One's magic, he wouldn't be surprised by anything right now.

In Strange's view, they must have fallen under someone's spell too, to get them into this bizarre place!


Loki took two steps back and looked at Strange with a wary look in his eyes.

What kind of magic was it? How could it transport him from under the nose of Odin, the King of the Gods ... to this unknown realm?

"What are you talking about?"

Tony's face sank. He looked at Strange as if he was crazy.

He was a scientist and engineer. How could he believe in magic?


At Tony's words, the glasses-wearing Peter-Parker's jaw dropped open, his face full of confusion.

At this moment, his mind was reeling.

Today at the high school, Peter was severely beaten by a bully.

He thought he was unlucky enough.

Who knew, when he just got home, he was inexplicably transported to this place!

While stunned, Peter Parker was a little puzzled.

'Tony Stark... who's that?'

'The richest man in the world?'

'Stop joking!'

Peter had never heard of this person's name before!

Just then, an emotionless voice rang out in the space.

[Interactive Live Quiz System launched!]

[Bound to Marvel Multiverse!]

[Stephen Strange has joined the live stream]

[Loki Odinson has joined the live stream]

[Tony Stark has joined the live stream]

[Peter Parker has joined the live stream]

[This system randomly broadcasts videos of past and future major events in the Marvel Multiverse.]

[When the live stream is over, the system will ask questions to the people in the room, and those who answer correctly will receive stream points and random rewards.]

[Stream points can be used to order a video broadcast of the past and future related to you.]

[After the Quiz, you are free to leave.]

[The first live Quiz will start in 1 minute!]

[The streaming content is ... "Avengers 3: Infinity War"!]

[Good luck with your quiz!]

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