
Chapter 13: Points


The number floats innocently, as if it didn't just come out of nowhere just like the visions.


It's currently midnight. Hugo taking ample time to get accustomed to everything.

There shouldn't be anyone here at this time, at least not normally. It must be the Professor or the Beast thought Hugo as he laid back down on the bed. Thinking they must simply be here to check on his condition.

Closing his eyes, he focused on the text in front of him.

[Telepathic - Five of Ten]

[Distractive - One of Ten]

[Cold - Two of Ten]

A slight frustration wells up in him. The comparison with his immunities and Thrash's is stupendous. With the latter having tens and hundreds and the former is but a drop.

Impatient to cross this gap no matter how little, he changes them taking inspiration from Thrash himself.

[Invasive Immunity]

All sorts of malevolent interference whether they be mental, physical or magical which be intercepted. These can be blocked or allowed to continue if the user chooses.

Even though it can deny all sources of invasion, once Hugo has more points, it would be better to specialize in each of them.

[Mental Imperfection Immunity]

[Physical Fragility Immunity]

Two concepts bordering the power of Hugo. Since the power is originally targeted towards protection and nullification their effects are severely limited. Even thought Ten of Ten levels at Omega, these can only provide enhancements to Human probable limits. Almost wasting their potential entirely but something Hugo needs right now.

'A year left until Dr. Banner becomes the Hulk.' Thought Hugo, as he is someone who can be immune to the mental and emotional weaknesses of the green rage monster. Any and all avenues of power he will gather, eliminating their imperfections with his ability.


The door to the infirmary opens. Footsteps continue to get closer, the owner trying to be quiet but the silence doesn't give them much success.

A breath releases uncomfortably close to Hugo. Someone standing and leaning over his lying figure on the bed. Either the person doesn't have the concept of personal space or they have weird fetishes.

All of a sudden he feels a sting on the side of his neck. The feeling of something trying to burrow inside gives him goosebumps, the recent invasive immunity doing all it's best to stop it.

Immediately opening his eyes, a face without any emotion shows itself to him. 'Brooke!' Thought Hugo, seeing the slightly familiar face. Never having met her formally but since her situation is like his and she is one of the few faces he's seen first, it stuck. One of her hands turned into a brown carapace up to her elbow. It ends straight to his neck, right where he feels the still gnawing feeling of something trying to get in.

He pushes her away with all his newly enhanced strength. If she was a normal human, she should have gone straight to the wall, just a few meters behind. Except her foot simply slides on the ground for a few feet before stopping. The other hand clearly having blocked his shove on time to defend herself. She tilts her head creepily, looking at her hand turned into a stinger that was just inside Hugo.

"What the hell were you doing??!?" Yelled Hugo, outraged at what ever the girl was trying to do to him, holding his neck worried that something went in. Seeing as his immunity to invasive forces activated and worked, she seemed to try to put something inside him.

Brooke replies nothing to his anger. Starting to walk towards him again.

"Huh?" Called Rogue, waking up to the scream of Hugo. "What's going on?" Rubbing her still sleepy eyes, not feeling the usual alertness she would have inside the safety of the mansion.

She sees a girl she doesn't recognize walking towards Hugo and him looking mad at the girl, holding his neck.


Brooke Tailor. A random name it formed after assimilating a human form. One of the Brood that crossed into Hugo's universe, special even among it's kind. It possesses the ability to parasite other beings without needing to start as an embryo. Taking their form, memories, knowledge and innate abilities that the target possess. She gained the ability of a Queen Brood to parasite others with an embryo after betraying the one she followed.

Brought to the mansion by the X-Men as one of the mutants around the lockdown area. The mind readers couldn't find anything wrong with her since her psyche posses as a normal mutant girl with the ability to transform body parts.

A few days spent inside the mansion already netted her eighteen mutants with an embryo inside of them. Hugo was supposed to be the nineteenth to be infected. She thought what could be an easier prey than one who is injured and couldn't defend themselves. Little did she know the easy prey has the exact set of abilities to counter her.


Changing her plans, she dashes to an unaware Rogue, still trying to piece together the situation.

Raising her stinger like hand, she attempts to insert it to the neck of the girl. If Rogue still had the Immunity of Hugo, she wouldn't have had anything to worry about. But half a day has already passed, long enough for the ability to wear off.

"Watch out!" Warned Hugo, seeing the actions of Brooke, unknown if he wanted to warn one or the other.

Instinctively Rogue puts her hands in up and in front of her, outstretching arms, trying to keep away the girl running to her. The other hand of Brooke moving to sweep them aside. However, the moment she touches Rouge's arms, a depleting feeling overwhelms her. Ignorant of the other girl's ability due to the lack of time she spent in the mansion, she makes a fatal mistake.

Although Rogue already retrieved her usual gloves from her room, her sleeves fell back from the sudden movement she made. Allowing for the second accident of that day to occur. The full power of her ability unleashing itself on the defenseless Brood.