
Marvel: I Create Dungeons

Max come to world of marvel suddenly and first thing he saw was piece of metal from Chitauri behemoth Hulk destroyed flying towards him. Piece of metal pierced his chest and killed him spot. [Ding! Detected Suitable Host.] [Ding! Binding Complete.] [Ding! The Dungeon Creator System Activated.] [Ding! Host Is Novice Package Opened.] [Ding! Host Gained Dungeon Space [The Tower].]

Monhoo_Tuuguu · Filme
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2 Chs

Chapter 1: The First Dungeon Begins

'W-What happened? Why is it so hard to breathe?'

Max looked down to his chest and saw huge piece of metal is stuck inside his chest. Blood is continuously flowing from his injury.

'Yeah, I remember now. Few moments ago I was eating my breakfast but suddenly I transmigrated to this world. The World Of Marvel but this world seems different after all first hero I saw after transmigration was Wolverine killing Chitauri soldiers. Then I heard loud noise from behind me when I turn around what greeted me was this piece of steel in my chest.'

Max tired to move his arms but it felt like his arm is pressed by something heavy but also nothing is pressing on it. Heavy but light he can feel it but also can't it's really a magical and strange feeling. 'Is this how does death feels like? I feels like my weight increased hundreds of times but also lost all my weight.'

[Ding! Detected Suitable Host.]

[Ding! Do You Wanna Bind With System?]

[Ding! If You Don't Accept The Offer Your Heart Will Stop Beating After 0.2 Second Later.]

'If I accept this I will survive right? I-I can live right?'

'I accept the offer.'

[Ding! Binding With Host Complete.]

[Ding! The Dungeon Creator System Activated Successfully. Congratulations Host For Becoming Level 1 Dungeon Maker.]

[Ding! Start Host Is Novice Package…]

[Ding! Host Gained Item: Fang Of Hydra.]

[Ding! Host Gained Skill: Remodel.]

[Ding! Host Gained Dungeon Space: The Tower]

[Ding! Host Gained Monster Spawn: Hellhound.]

[Ding! Host Gained Boss Spawn: Cerberus The Three Headed Hellhound.]

[Ding! Host Gained Elite Monster Spawn: Hell Guard.]

[Ding! Host Gained Trap Item: Lantern Of Dreams.]

[Ding! Host Gained Stage Skin: Underground.]

[Name: Fang Of Hydra

Item Type: Weapon

Info: This is dagger made by the fang of Hydra. This dagger contains poison of Hydra that can threaten even gods.]

[Name: Remodel

Skill Type: Active

Info: In limited area host can remodel everything from terrain to even living creatures.]

[Dungeon: The Tower

Info: It's stone tower that has hundred floor. Every floor divided by two area main arena and maze. To reach main arena you must go trough maze. Every floor limited by 1000 normal monster, 100 elite monster and 1 Boss Monster. Every floor can be used as a stage.]

[Monster Spawn: Hellhound

Info: Normal Type Monster Spawn. Can spawn three hundred monsters every one hour. Possible to place in one stage. Hellhound is artificial creature that forged by stone in underworld by using hellfire. It doesn't have a soul it's only purpose is kill anyone who come in without permission.]

[Elite Monster Spawn: Hell Guard

Info: Normal Type Monster Spawn. Can spawn hundred monsters every one hour. Possible to placed in one stage. Hell Guard undead who fused with hellfire and turned into demons who guards hell. They are warriors who doesn't fear death.]

[Boss Monster Spawn: Cerberus The Three Headed Hellhound

Info: Boss Type Monster Spawn. Can spawn one every three hours. Possible to placed in one stage. Cerberus is three headed hellhound that forged by Hades himself. Cerberus isn't a name for one creature but whole species. Because forged by Hades himself it gained its own soul and become truly living creature. The one you have is flame type.]

[Trap Item: Lantern Of Dreams

Info: Lantern that made to soul of people trapped in their dream. Trap item that can reappear continuously. Possible to only placed in one floor.]

[Stage Skin: Underground

Info: Using this you can turn stage into underground. In underground players will gain debuff of [Blindness], [Unstable Mind], [Fear].]

Suddenly Max felt like his body gained its weight back. He can felt his body again his vision become clearer also piece of metal that was inside of his chest disappeared into nothingness. He felt alive again.

Max looked at his arm for a few moments then his chest. It seems like everything just now was dream but he know it wasn't. Because city ruins around him, dead bodies, alien weapons and their corpses too. They are all real so what just happened must be real too. Max slowly walk towards corpse of Chitauri soldier and touched it.


Max whispered in his mouth. Then miraculous scene happened corpse of Chitauri shined with strange black light then melted into unknown liquid. Liquid float towards Max and covered him completely. Soon liquid start changing its shape into some kind of full body black suit.

Don't look down on this suit too much it's defense capability isn't something to look down upon. At least normal bullets hardly can leave a scratch.

After finish dressing himself Max turn around and looked at blue energy pillar that reaches sky and opens portal that leads to other end of galaxy.


Max also saw familiar figure passing by it with giant missile. Max guessed its nuke that Iron man was delivering towards Chirtauri mothership.


Purple laser passed his head and hits ground. Max turn around and saw it was few Chitauri soldiers who shoot towards him. Max saw them and didn't said much. Touched car scraps left from explode car.


Car scraps turn into liquid form instantly and blocked lasers that was heading towards Max. After blocking laser Liquid Metal turn into thousands of needles then shoot towards Chitauri soldiers like bullets. Citauri soldiers filled with holes instantly.

Looking at lifeless corpses he felt nothing like they were no more than corpse of some stray animals. Maybe it was really no different from some stray animal corpses. After all even what makes humans special from just some wild animals? After all in the end isn't this same life as humans?

Suddenly he felt bright light shines from above it was from giant portal on sky it was start closing. It seems plot is going to end. And it also might be time to he start the business.

"Anyone is hungry? I know one place with pretty good fast food from only few street from here. Does anybody want one?" Tony who was just saved the world and almost killed himself was looking at his friends and start talking like nothing happened.

Everyone smiled at Tony is never changing personality. And just as they was going to help him get up.

[Ding, World 996 is free-pass expired. Starting the trial.]

Soon they saw purple shines above Stark Tower.

"Can someone tell me why Stark Tower targeted by something otherworldly again?" Tony asked this while looked little dazed. Few moments ago Loki targeted his Tower now another one targeting his Tower again.

Purple light soon covers entire Stark Tower after that black unknown liquid rise from ground and covered Stark Tower again. Then Black liquid start taking a shape of some kind of tower.

[Greetings! Creatures Of This Planet. I'm Master Of This Dungeon. And Chief Of This Trial.]

Everyone in New York suddenly heard mechanical voice in their head.

[The Tower Front Of You Is Your First Trial. Currently Only First Floor Of The Tower Is Unlocked. But Do Not Fear Soon Next Floors Will Unlocked Soon Too. Every Time New Floor Unlocked Your Species Will Get One Step Closer To Annihilation.]

Mechanical voice contains no emotion but even so everyone can feel deep malice in voice.

[But Let's Do Some Introduction For You Guys Shall We?]

Soon giant screen appears on The Tower.

[This Is Our First Floor And Testers Of This Floor Are: Natasha Romanoff, Loki Laufeyson, Erik Selvig.]