
Marvel: Gwen was stunned

Li Xiu transmigrates to Marvel X The Boys world. Just as he was cursing his luck....'Ding'.............'Life Simulation system' activated.. [Day 1: Relying on your strong physique, you helped Gwen, and she now has a good impression of you! 】 [The fifth day: The super villain Frozone has killed four people in your school, you are lucky to escape the disaster. 】 [Day 21: The body has reached the limit of normal people, unable to improve further, you are feeling down. Gwen comforts you. You got closer, took her home and repaid her. 】 [Day 25: Gwen was bitten by a spider and mutates to become Spider-Woman. You follow her lead and mutate too! 】 [Month 7: You injected Compound V and gain the abilities of the Homelander!】 [Year 9: Thanos snaps his fingers, you are dead. [The simulation is over, strength is transferred to reality! 】 Get powerful physique! Get mutant abilities! Get the ability of the Homelander! Become stronger with each simulation.. [Translating from faloo][PROCEED WITH CAUTION] [ Author--- Watermelon Hair] [ Not original] [original---Marvel: Simulates Spider ability, stunned Gwen]

GamingwithGreat · Anime und Comics
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The twenty-first month was the day Loki invaded Earth.

The twenty-fourth month was when the Spider Queen crushed New York City.

In the face of these two events, the devil is ready to run away in advance to avoid being affected.

As soon as I went to Pennsylvania, he encountered Homelander.

In the face of the Homelander, he still feels insignificant.

As expected of a deteriorated Superman.

I don't know how far I have to grow to be able to eliminate this feeling of helplessness.

Li Xiu touched his chin.

He remembered that the Superman in the movie version had a thousand-ton level in the early stage. After a series of growth, especially after the revival of the mother box, it soared directly to the ten-thousand-ton level.

It is not known how many tons the Homelander's strength is, but Li Xiu estimates that it is at least a thousand tons.

Otherwise, it will not give him the feeling of being an ant in front of him.

Because of the Homelander, the devil finally gave up Pennsylvania as his base and went to Boston.

Subsequently, he reined in Kingpin.

Seeing this, a playful smile appeared on Li Xiu's face.

In the previous simulation, Kingpin wanted to accept him as his subordinate.

As a result, now, the situation has just turned over, and Kingpin has become his subordinate.

In addition, as the devil continues to subdue the villain, there is actually an extra title of Demon King.

Seeing this, Li Xiu clicked his tongue.

This devil really has something.

The most dazzling superhero is him, the totem of justice.

The boss of all the villains is also him, the villain Demon King.


[Twenty months: The FBI successfully investigates that someone is constantly buying death row from prisons.

As soon as the news came out, it immediately caused quite a stir.

People linked the disappearance of homeless people and young people from other places with the purchase of death row prisoners, and suddenly felt that there was a huge amount of conspiracy behind it.

The connection of the three things has completely fermented the fishing boat, causing huge amounts of sensation. People demanded a thorough investigation of the matter.

The FBI formed a task force and conducted further investigations on the purchase of death row inmates, trying to find the criminals, but no suspects were found.

You are using black money, and the identity is kept secret, and the FBI has no more clues.

But you understand that no matter how cautious you are, you will always leave traces of the cobweb horse, and you have a great sense of urgency and speed up the research progress!

However, the prison channel is cut off, and you can only ask your subordinates to bring more materials from all over the country. ]

The purchase of death row inmates finally came to light.

But fortunately, the devil is cautious in doing things, and he uses black money, so he has not been found for the time being.

This is only a temporary concealment. As long as people start to schedule a large number of resources for investigation, it will be exposed sooner or later.

Because as long as people act, they will definitely leave traces, not to mention inn long-term actions, it is easier to leave flaws.

Li Xiu frowned slightly, the devil must speed up his pace, otherwise he might not be able to get the Iceman Ability when it is exposed.

[Twenty-first month: Loki led the space fleet to invade New York City, causing huge amounts of damage and attracting the attention of the world.

The investigation into missing persons was temporarily suppressed. ]

The appearance of the Loki incident, the devil took a sigh of relief.

Li Xiu also had to say that the devil was lucky.

[Twenty-second month: During this time, you found that your cultivation efficiency was decreasing, and you understood that you were approaching the ceiling again.

In seven months, your ultimate strength has only increased by 14 tons, and your total strength has increased to 138 tons.

In addition, after painstaking research, the success rate of the Iceman experiment has been increased from 70% to 85%!

On top of that, you finally get over the fact that Iceman are now not limited to only living in cryogenic temperatures, also now they don't need a special full set of gear to live in reality.

The dawn of victory is just around the corner and you are so excited! ]

see here.

Li Xiu narrowed his eyes slightly.

The last time he started to encounter the ceiling was when he was more than 40 tons.

Because of the spider flu, his potential was greatly improved, and his ultimate strength was raised to nearly 140 tons before he began to meet the ceiling.

It can be seen that the effect of spider flu is still very significant.

I just don't know how much more can he improve.

Even 138 tons is more than double his actual 60 tons in the start.

Even if the simulation stops here, his strength is doubled.

In addition, Iceman has finally overcome the low temperature conditions, and the only need is to increase the success rate to 100%.

It is now 85%, and the task is about to be completed.

Seeing this, Li Xiu finally got excited.

The Iceman experiment will be complete in no time.

[Twenty-third month: The disappearance incident was put on the table again, and the FBI, CIA, police and other authorities joined forces to investigate the matter.

Soon, they discovered that in recent months, people across the country had also been missing frequently, and they began to investigate.

It didn't take long for them to catch a human trafficking villain, and they learned from his mouth that this was the Demon King's request.

Demon King is hunting more people from all over the country using a group of his men.

Homeless people, out-of-town young people, prisoners, hunting populations all over the country, all connected.

And that initiator seems to be the legendary Demon King.

When this news came out, it shocked the whole country!

The name of the Demon King, like a bell ringing everywhere, is deafening!

It has become a nightmare for countless people!

The authorities listed this incident as a top-level dangerous event, and dispatched a large number of human and material resources to investigate the matter and investigate the villains who are hunting population in various places.

In addition, by constantly exploring and investigating the prison incident, they found some cobweb traces and began to dig further clues. ]