

When Jason pulled up on his motorcycle at the dock, Franklin had been waiting there for a while.

He hopped out of the truck and asked, "Boss, are you alright

Jason spread his arms and twirled around, replying, "What do you think

Franklin breathed a sigh of relief before berating himself, "I'm sorry boss, it's my fault for forgetting to remove the GPS

Being a professional car thief, removing the GPS is a top priority when recovering a defaulted car. But due to the nerves of their first murder, he had forgotten to take it out of the truc

Jason gave him a reassuring pat on the shoulder and said, "It's not your fault. We're both responsible. Just learn from this and make sure it doesn't happen again. By the way, how's the motorcycle holding up

Franklin had been driving the truck as if it were a sports car, so if the motorcycle had broken down, their efforts would have been for nothin

"I checked it just now, and it's good to go," Franklin replie

Jason nodded in approval. As long as the bike was alright, everything else would work ou

[Ding! [Speeding Robbery] The task is completed, the reward is 1000 villain points, the current progress: 4915/400

[Ding! Congratulations to the host for reaching level 5, gaining 10 attribute points, current progress: 915/500

The two men sat in the pickup truck and waited patiently. Suddenly, a black Audi appeared in the distance and pulled up about 20 meters away from them, flashing its high beams three times followed by a short flash. This was the agreed-upon signal between Jason and the buye

Confirming the signal, Jason signaled for Franklin to exit the truck with him. Four people emerged from the Audi, one of them being the driver who had worked with old Morgan befor

The driver opened the trunk and placed two black bags on the hood of the car. Jason approached and opened one of the bags to find stacks of old hundred-dollar bills adding up to $1.3 millio

"Looks good," Jason confirme

Satisfied with the money, Jason motioned for Franklin to open the warehouse for the buyers to inspect the goods. Two professionals from the Audi quickly moved to inspect the merchandise. Morgan's team was well-known for their inspection expertise, and after a short while, they signaled that the goods were satisfactor

With the deal complete, Jason and Franklin hopped on their motorcycles and rode home, each carrying a bag filled with mone

The next day at noon, Jason was sitting on Franklin's bed with two handbags in front of him, one large and one smal

He divided the $1.3 million into two parts, keeping the largest portion of $1 million for himself to purchase new skills, and distributing the remaining $300,000 to Frankli

He accessed the system to recharge his points, and the cash in the large bag disappeared instantl

[Ding! Points recharged successfully. Remaining points: 10

Next, Jason clicked on the system's menu to purchase new skill

[Ding! Purchase successful. You have spent 100 points on [Firearm Mastery] Level 6. Remaining points:

[Level: 5 (915/5000

[Power 3

[Agility 4

[Endurance 3

[Intelligence 4

[Remaining attribute points: 1

[Reputation: 19

[Party: Franklin Clinton (required reputation for next recruitment: 300


[Abilities: Fighting Proficiency (Level 4), Driving Proficiency (Level 3), Firearm Proficiency (Level 6), Cold Weapon Proficiency (Level 2

[Visit the system mall by clicking her

Jason didn't know where to allocate the remaining 10 attribute points, so he decided to hold onto them and use them when nee

Carrying the bag, he knocked on Franklin's door. After entering, he chucked the bag on the bed, "Here's your cut for last night's action - a cool $300,000. Go nuts, my man

Franklin rubbed his tired eyes and unzipped the bag, only to be met with a stale smell and an overwhelming amount of old banknotes. He was shook, and his droopy arm trembled. He had never seen so much cash in his lif

"Boss, you're too generous." Franklin finally managed to sa

"Nah, just take it as a token of my appreciation. If you feel bad, then just do better next time." Jason waved off the thanks. He had never been stingy with his loyal subordinate

Leaving the room, Jason's stomach grumbled. He headed to the living room and plopped down on the sofa, chowing down on a bucket of fried chicken and sipping on some coke while flipping through channel

To his surprise, every news channel was talking about him and the events of last night. "What is this, the Jason Walter show?" he muttered under his breat

He landed on a news station where the host was blabbering on about his "performance art" and how it proved he was mentally ill. "Bichi! Who says I'm mentally ill?!" Jason cursed and changed the channe

The next host started comparing him to Jack the Ripper, citing the similarities in their initials and modus operandi. Jason rolled his eyes and hit the remote agai

"Can any kind of d**k be a host these days?" he grumbled. After flipping through several stations, all he could hear were people calling him a psychopath, a madman, and even "God Incarnate

Jason couldn't help but laugh. "If they only knew," he thought to himself. "They have no idea what it's like to be in my shoes. Maybe they should try it sometime

He turned off the TV and smiled to himself. At least his popularity was skyrocketing. Maybe he should start his own talk show. "The Jason Walter Hour," he chuckled. "I'd watch that."


AUTER NOTE: Yo, the big man upstairs just hooked me up with an intern who's actually got a brain and knows their stuff! If things go smoothly, my workload is gonna get light

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