
Chapter 4: The death of a star...

As Valeria readied her watch, transforming it into a weapon, she froze in shock.

Grim, impaled and in pain, lifted his head, his breathing strained. He silently communicated to her: Don't shoot.

"My head is really hurting... It was you, wasn't it? The one who sent that cry for help,"

Grim rasped, his voice barely above a whisper. "I don't know what you are, or what you've been through. But I know pain when I see it. You must have been so lonely. I get that... and I think I can help you. But you need to stop. You need to disappear."

The beast, which seconds ago seemed intent on killing, fell silent, its growls subsiding as it gazed at Grim.

In a strangely gentle gesture, its claw stroked Grim's cheek, leaving a deep gash along his lips. Grim didn't flinch, meeting the creature's gaze with a look of pity.

Feeling his strength waning, Grim lifted his hand, moving on pure instinct. "Sen-sa-La..." he whispered.

In response, a spear-like object burst through the monster's chest, protruding from its back.

The creature choked, its body beginning to disintegrate into beautiful red lights that floated upwards before vanishing into thin air.

As the monster collapsed, its disintegrating claw released Grim, who fell to the ground.

Valeria, cautious yet compelled to help, rushed to his side, cradling his head in her lap. The insanity in the creature's eyes had vanished, replaced by a look of gratitude.

"Th-ank you..." it uttered in a fading, monstrous tone, before disappearing completely.

With the immediate danger gone, a new crisis emerged. The claw that had impaled Grim was also disintegrating, and once it vanished, there would be nothing to stem the bleeding.

Valeria cursed under her breath, her mind racing for a solution. She quickly dialled for an ambulance and sent a distress signal to her uncle Ben. But she feared they might be too late.

Grim lay in her lap, his face pale, the life seemingly draining from his eyes. Yet, there was a sense of peace about him, as if he had finally found some purpose in his last act.

"Hang in there, Grim," Valeria urged, her voice laced with worry. She pressed her hand against his wound, trying to slow the bleeding as best she could.

The night air was filled with the distant sound of sirens and the aftermath of chaos, but in that small, isolated moment, Valeria and Grim were alone.



Twinkled against the night sky. In his fading moments, he found a newfound appreciation for their beauty.

"You're really smart, Megan... Can you tell me about the stars? I only know they're called stars and that there are different types," he asked Valeria, his voice growing weaker.

Valeria, feeling an unexpected surge of emotion, looked down at Grim. She knew loss all too well, yet each time it struck, it left a fresh wound.

Compelled by Grim's request, she began explaining the stars in a scientifically detailed manner – their formation, life cycle, and the various types of stars.

Stars, Grim, are like the universe's own storybook. Each one is a burning sphere of gases, primarily hydrogen and helium, undergoing nuclear fusion."

Grim listened, his breathing laboured but steady, as Valeria continued.

"They're born in nebulae, vast clouds of dust and gas. Over millions of years, gravity pulls this dust and gas together to form stars."

As Grim's eyes remained fixed on the night sky, Valeria explained further.

"There are different types of stars, like our sun, a yellow dwarf. Then there are red giants, massive stars that have used up most of their hydrogen fuel. And the blue stars, they're the hottest and live fast but die young."


( Elsewhere...)

Meanwhile, miles away, Ben Grimm, also known as The Thing, was assisting firefighters.

His wrist device, similar to Valeria's, started beeping urgently. Recognizing the distress signal, he exclaimed "Valeria!" and dashed towards her coordinates.


Back with Valeria and Grim," When they die, stars can explode in a supernova, It's in their death that they create the heavier elements, the building blocks of planets, even life itself."

She was explaining blue stars when she felt something warm and wet beneath her. The claw impaling Grim had fully disintegrated, leaving a growing pool of blood.

As Grim's eyes lost their focus, he reached up, placing his hand over Valeria's on his chest. "Megan... that's not your name, right? The watch said something different... what was it?"


"It's Valeria. Valeria Richards," she responded, her voice trembling slightly.

Grim's gaze lingered on Valerie, her face illuminated by the moonlight. "Valeria... it's a beautiful name," he whispered. "I'm glad I met you. This... it's not a bad way to go."

"And about that building...it wasn't how I wanted to go. Can you keep talking about the stars?"

Valeria's heart clenched at his words, her scientific lecture turning bittersweet. She continued to speak of constellations and the legends behind them, trying to provide some comfort in his final moments.

Grim, his vision blurring, gazed at Valeria's golden hair bathed in moonlight, thinking how beautiful she looked. His last conscious thought was a wishful fantasy of what might have been.

As Valeria reached the final moments of a star's life in her explanation, her watch beeped continuously.

She paused, looking down at Grim. His chest had stopped moving; his eyes were still. Grim Mortimer had slipped away under the starlit sky.

Tears welled up in Valeria's eyes, a mix of frustration and sadness.


Valeria cradled Grim's lifeless body, her tears falling onto his face.

For the first time since their encounter, she saw a slight smile gracing his lips. It was a peaceful, content expression, one she hadn't seen on him before.

Gently, she brushed her hand over his face, wiping away her tears, her heart heavy with a sense of loss.

In a soft, melancholic voice, she spoke to him about the final moments of a star. "Even in their end, stars leave something beautiful behind," she said. "They can collapse into a neutron star, or become a black hole..."

As she finished her narrative, the ground trembled slightly.

Suddenly, The Thing appeared at the end of the street, his expression one of relief at finding Valeria.

However, his relief quickly turned to solemn understanding as he noticed the lifeless body in her arms and the grief in her eyes.

He approached them, his rocky hand resting gently on Valeria's shoulder. She looked up at her uncle with a sad smile. "Thank you for coming, Uncle Ben. Can you help me with him?"

"Of course, kiddo," The Thing replied, his voice tinged with a bitter sigh as he gently took Grim from her arms.

He noted Grim's youth, not much older than Valeria, and felt a deep sympathy for the young man whose life had ended too soon.

Together, Valeria and her uncle made their way out of the area, just as the ambulance and emergency services arrived on the scene.

The wail of sirens filled the air, a stark contrast to the quiet moment they had just shared.

As they walked, Valeria glanced back one last time, the image of Grim under the stars etched into her memory.

The chapter of Grim Mortimer's life had come to a close, but the impact of his final moments would linger with her, for a very long time.

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