
Price of being a saviour

Finally the moment of truth arrived and the laser decent on red shiled with intention of obliteration. Again shock wave much stronger than before shook the surrounding.

Many people fell on the ground. Some half broken buildings crashed down completely.

But red shiled held the shock. Everyones hopes were getting higher that maybe they can really survive this. but it was short lived. As laser continued to collid with it, Creaks started to apeared on the many places. It looked like a cracked glass which would shatter at any movement.

Seeing the crackes everyones eye turned greem again. All eyes simultaneously turn into same direction.

They saw that Ethan had fallen on his right knee, his left hand was pressing on the ground for support while his right arm was still stretching in the sky. But it was shaking now, shaking without rest While ethan himself was looking down.

Seeing that someone shouted "shiled gonna break...shiled gonna break."

Thor looked at ethan and said into the transmitter "he wouldn't be able to hold anymore." and started to swing his hammer. ready to face the lesar himself, moment the barrier breaks.

When everyone were looking at the cracked shiled and ethan alternately. They suddenly heard ethan's painful roar as he pulled his head up to looked in the sky again. His eyes and ear began to bleed. Previous dropes of blood now became thick stream and started flow down from the end off his half broken mask.

But ethan still persist and the Red light became more fierce arround the ethan. Marks on his arms started to glow even brighter. A golden dust started to swirl around him and with that creakes on shiled started to disappear.

As the barrier shined in golden red light again a loud explosion happened in the sky and laser stopped while Barrier still stood strong even after explosion.

The spaceship exploded, everyone shouted

"shild didn't break....shild didn't break...we are saved....sob..sob...we are saved..we are saved." they were cring, jumping in joy. hugging each other. For some time people forgot the destruction arround them in miracle of their survival.

But then they looked up and show red shild slowly started to fade it's centre. Every one looked in ethan's direction again. some were greatfull, some looked with petty and some with respect and admiration.

In between all that gazes. Ethan's right arm which was facing the sky fall down as red glow left him. His eyes anf hair went back to normal again and red mark on his arm disappeared.

Ethan started to fall on his face front with blurry eyes. But someone caught him.

Black widow then laid him on the ground. His head on black widows lap, But They were shouting for doctors when they saw that his bleeding wasn't stopping. he's still continued to bleed from everywhere, his mouth, his ears and eyes.

Suddenly ethan jerked away from natashas lap. He was half conscious when all the pain came rushing to him.

Using natrul energy is different than using aura. it is too strong for ethan's body to handle. But the worst thing was that natural energy repels all the aura from ethan's body making it completely devoid of it.

So when he used natural energy it had messed up ethan's body But it also left him without any aura. like completely empty, and every living being needs little amount of aura. it is essential To sustain life.

And when user's aura goes down to certain point it creates backlash to the user as a warning. Which ethan had felt time to time. But what was happening now was much worse. he is suffering symptoms of null aura, while wreck condition at that.

When the pain hit him ethan knew he have to stay awake because loosing consciousness would mean a certain death.

He clinched his chest as his heart was squeezing itself to suck every drop of blood. Despratly trying to keep ethan alive. Ethan tried his best to not scream but suddenly his body became a red hot, veins started to pop all over his hand causing another wave of pain.

When veins appeared on his face. Ethan finally reached his limit and let out a deadly scream of pain.

Everyone arround the area flinched at such a screech. It was avidant from the screams that ethan was trying everything to stop himself from screaming but it was just unbearable.

People didn't know what to do. They all guessed the reason of that pain. After all nothing is free in this world. They knew that the red barrier he had made was the reason of his torture. They knew this all well but they can do nothing other than praying.

The Deadly silence spread in the whole city. Resonating with painfull screams of their saviour.


Hello guys 👋, author here....

Sorry for late update, too make up for it i had published 2 chapters this time. well as story is becoming intense... i think it's good to release more chapters togather.

I will discribe ethans ability in more details the future updates but if still anyone have questions. they can ask me in thr chapter comments. I'll be glad to answer them....👍

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